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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Extreme Makeovers (AOW Addendum: Live Updates for Sweden Elections 2018)

Silverfiddle Rant!
NBC News reports on elections in Sweden scheduled for September 9th...
SÖLVESBORG, Sweden — Around 4,000 far-right supporters gathered on the grounds of a ruined castle last weekend to plot the downfall of the socialist ideas that have come to define their progressive country.

Their views — anti-immigration, anti-establishment and often anti-Muslim — are not new amid the populist tsunami that's crashed into much of the West.

But this is Sweden, where socialists have dominated every election for the past 101 years, making the Nordic nation something of a lodestar for leftists around the world.

Some polls predict that the supporters' favored party, the Sweden Democrats, with roots in neo-Nazism and white nationalism, will win as much as 25 percent of the vote in an election scheduled for Sept. 9.
Go read the whole article and understand why so many people are rejecting the Establishmentarian Globalists and their propagandists in the Infotainment Media Complex.

Why do we never hear press reports of "far-left" supporters of Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders "plotting the downfall of free speech and western free-market capitalism?"

Why no articles leading in with editorial glosses about "the American Democrat Party, with roots in progressive dictator worship, eugenics, KKK and Communist sympathizers?"  

Congratulations, Progressives.  You've so abused the language, screamed "RACIST!" so many times, refused reasoned debate on immigration...  Your credibility is shot and your name-calling no longer herds us back into the progressive paddock.

Refusing extreme makeovers on our nation and our culture is not racist. Preferring our culture over others is not bigotry. Wanting to preserve and protect what we have is common sense. Nationalism is not a dirty word.

Related:  Poll of Polls: Sweden Election.

ADDENDUM FROM AOW (hat tip to Mustang)

Sweden elections 2018 — live updates


  1. From Reuters:

    Sweden's far-right eyes election gains as gang violence rises

    A surge in gang violence has stirred anti-immigration sentiment before an election in Sweden, putting a far-right party on course for big gains in one of Europe’s most liberal countries.

    Dozens of people have been killed in the past two years in attacks in the capital Stockholm and other big cities by gangs that are mostly from run-down suburbs dominated by immigrants.

    In the latest bloodshed, three men were shot dead and three were wounded outside an internet cafe in the city of Malmo on June 18. A fourth man was shot dead days later and another man survived because he was wearing a bullet-proof vest.

    With public calls growing for tougher policies on crime and immigration, support has risen for the Sweden Democrats, a party with neo-Nazi roots that wants to freeze immigration and to hold a referendum on Sweden’s membership of the European Union.


    About 400,000 people have sought asylum in the wealthy Scandinavian country of 10 million since 2012, and it took in 163,000 asylum seekers in 2015 alone. Some voters fear schools, hospitals and welfare services cannot cope, and Sweden’s reputation for tolerance and social equality is threatened....

    More at the above link.

    Muslim immigrants? Yep.

  2. Considering that this is coming from the NBC's peacock news-the Sweden "Democrats, with roots in neo-Nazism and white nationalism" I take with great suspicion. Oh I am sure another Hitler will rise again according the Progs who they themselves work daily to subvert the Constitution.


    There is only ONE sensible solution to ALL forms of Islamic Aggression. and that is a UTILITARIAN solution –– a FINAL Solution:




    Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

    However illegal, impolitic, inadvisable, unconstitutional, un-American, immoral or impracticable others claim it to be we should maintain a position of absolute intolerance for a Muslim Presence in OUR world.

    When the Handwriting on the Wall sends a clear, uncompromising message, and STILL we fail to heed its stern warning, we DESERVE to be ECLIPSED.



  5. I'll just observe that 4,000 protesters is hardly a groundswell movement in a population of ten-million. The west is being destroyed by the death of a thousand cuts.

    1. How many ruthlessly determined, diabolically clever, evil plotters did it take to launch The Russian Revolution?

      How many members were contained in the First and Second Contnental congresses that wound up launchng th American Revolution?

      How many individuals assasinated JFK?

      How may hijacked three airplanes and destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center, part of the Pentagon, and nearly managed to destroy the either the Capitol building or the White House before nose diving into a country field in Pennsylvania?

      How many people did it take to begin the Reformation and begin the Protestant Movement?

      How many people wrote the plays if Wlliam Shakespeare, the novels of Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, the symphinies of Haydn, Mozart, Bbeethoven and Brahms?

      How many invented moveable type, the reaper, the steam engine, the sewing machine, the cotton gin, the telegraph, the telephone, electric light, the automobile, the phonograph, the movie camera, the airplane, etc.?

      It doesn't take MANY to achieve great things –– and even revolutionary changes.

    2. A Worker Reads History
      --Bertolt Brecht

      Who built the seven gates of Thebes?
      The books are filled with names of kings.
      Was it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
      And Babylon, so many times destroyed.
      Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima's houses,
      That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it?
      In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished
      Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome
      Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom
      Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song.
      Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend
      The night the seas rushed in,
      The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

      Young Alexander conquered India.
      He alone?
      Caesar beat the Gauls.
      Was there not even a cook in his army?
      Phillip of Spain wept as his fleet
      was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
      Frederick the Greek triumphed in the Seven Years War.
      Who triumphed with him?

      Each page a victory
      At whose expense the victory ball?
      Every ten years a great man,
      Who paid the piper?

      So many particulars.
      So many questions.

    3. Nice poem Ducky. Did you get that off the shithouse wall at a ISO meeting?

  6. Things are at least looking up in Sweden:

    The Sweden Democrats are predicted to become the second largest group in parliament behind the centre-left Social Democrats.

    It would potentially give them the power to bring down any government that does not give them a say on immigration policy.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The Sweden Democrat rally sounds like a standard Trump rally.
      But they aren't going to change anything. A tightened definition of asylum has already been implemented and the immigrant flow has been greatly reduced.
      Sweden made a major mistake when they felt that there would employment found for large numbers of low skill workers and didn't anticipate the need for a larger police presence. That's changing and the only thing the Sweden Know Nothing party is going to do is bog down these changes in debate over extremism.

      It's just the neo-Nazis raising their heads out of the muck from time to time. They haven't figured out that cultures change and have evolved all through human history.

    3. I guess events will determine who is more prescient.

    4. SF - +1!

      Except with my luck, that would trigger a mass [no pun intended] exodus to Northern Virginia, further polluting the Commonwealth....

    5. Bubba couldn't handle the housing costs, the drivers or the first winter.

    6. Screw that. Southerners know the difference between a fishing bay and a medical waste dump.

    7. Speaking of Bah-ston, Massachusetts is experiencing out-migration. We're getting a minor infestation of Massholes here in Colorado.

      Though on a smaller scale, Mass is experiencing what is wrecking California: Natives move out, low-income immigrants move in.

      Everything Mass brags about will be gone in a generation. Schools, hospitals, communities and social services strain under those conditions. California now leads the nation in poverty.


    8. BTW, I'm not bragging or exulting in the progressive self-immolation. My own Colorado is becoming California, thanks to the invasion of progressive locusts. A good job is the only thing still keeping me here.

    9. The same thing happened in Virginia, and the same reason is why I'm still here. Not that my native Oregon would be any better.....

    10. The Libertarian introduction of casino gambling is having more negative effects than immigration.

    11. I wasn’t aware that the liberty to gamble one’s own money was strictly a Libertarian position, but I’ll take it.

      Beyond that, you’d have to specify what location you’re referring to. If Virginia......you couldn’t be more mistaken.

    12. I'm referring to the casinos being built in Massachusetts. One about two miles from my home.

      A Wynn monument to boredom and bad taste.

    13. Come to Virginia, where criminal acts by Central American immigrants will make your pedestrian distaste for casinos seem quaint.

      If “boredom and bad taste” are your overwhelming concerns, you don’t seem terribly acquainted with what ails our society.

    14. I live in Everett Mass. next door to Chelsea an MS13 region.
      And I don't even go out armed.

    15. I’ll match your Everett with Manassas. Which is why I go out armed.

  7. Hoping and praying the West isn't about a day late........
    No "Nationalism" is not the dirty word so many in the Left are saying it is....even the word "Patriotism" disgusts them.
    I'm becoming convinced leftwingers look for ways to absolve some self-inflicted guilt ...if they call America racist and homophobic and everything else, they feel they're absolved ... THey're sick; sad to hear this happens all over the world.
    Good luck, Sweden! WAKE UP!~!

  8. There must be a term to describe a group of people who want to conserve their culture, conserve their language, conserve their political system....

    1. There is, Ed. The word you're looking for is SANE.

      Blind Chauvinism may be bad –– Jingoism even worse –– but true PATRIOTISM and healthy SELF-ESTEEM are necessary if one hopes to ensure the survival of one's Country, one's Culture, ne's Language, and one's Identity as an INDIVIDUAL in the swirling maelstrom of Internationalist Politics.

  9. LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God.

    But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

    I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.

    I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.

    Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.

    Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people.

    Psalm 3 - KJV

  10. DUCKY, this is the only way I can reach you (Sorry, AOW!)...just know your comments that go into my moderation automatically aren't being read even by me anymore....snarky comments on a blog you're not able to comment on aren't helping anybody, so don't waste your precious time. Thanks so much!

    1. Z,
      No need to apologize to me. It is indeed bizarre that Duck is trying to comment at your blog. Sheesh. OCD -- or something.

    2. I can assure you, AOW, that I very rarely attempt to post there. A handful of attempts.

      I did feel compelled to leave one in moderation concerning the hypocrisy of pearl clutching over the Kavanaugh hearings when Republicans completely destroyed the integrity of the nomination process over Merrick Garland.
      I'm sorry she can't deal with the dissonance.

    3. Duck,
      I'm sorry she can't deal with the dissonance.

      It's not about dissonance.

      Running a blog as open as Always On Watch means having to deal with the hijacking of threads as well as troll control. You know as well as I do that you have a penchant to hijacking threads.

    4. The thread in question concerned the demonstrations at the Kavanaugh hearings.
      Hardly a hijack.

    5. Ducky, just stop, that's all. You're blocked by the blog automatically but I only wanted to tell you to not waste your precious time or mine as they end up in moderation and I don't want to be bothered.
      AOW, thanks..he can't 'hijack' because he's always been blocked; I'd begged for civility and to stop insulting my commenters when I was on Blogger but it didn't happen (not just by Ducky but other libs....got tired of them commenting as if they were doing a blog post, using my space for it) so I had to switch to Word Press...


    Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
    Said his wifey dear
    Now that they've done so much harm
    Congress won't want to go back to the farm
    Mister Reuben started winking
    ___ and slowly rubbed his chin
    He pulled his chair up close to mother
    And he asked her with a grin


    How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
    After they've seen DC?
    How ya gonna keep 'em from the Beltway
    Jazzin around and circlin' the town
    How ya gonna keep 'em away from harm,
    ___ that's a mystery
    They'll never want to see a rake or plow
    And who has romance with a cow?
    How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
    After they've seen DC?

    Reuben, I hope you're mistaken,
    Said his wifey dear
    Once a farmer, always a jay
    And farmers always stick to the hay
    Mother Reuben, I'm not fakin
    Tho you may think it strange
    But wine and women play the mischief
    When making loose with others' change.


    How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
    After they've seen DC'
    How ya gonna keep 'em from the Beltway
    Jazzin around, circlin' the town
    How ya gonna keep 'em away from harm,
    ___ that's a mystery
    Imagine Reuben when he meets his Pa
    He'll pinch his cheek and holler "OOH-LA-LA!
    How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
    After they've seen DC?

  12. FLASHBACK TO 2010. 2010!

    Pat Condell video Goodbye Sweden.


    1. Apparently, increasing numbers of Swedes are thinking in the same way moderate to right leaning Americans are thinking; they too detest the notion that government knows best. BTW, 60% of Swedes convicted of rape since 2015 have been foreign born and 40% of those had been in Sweden for less than a year. Sounds to me like an over-abundance of Moslem immigrants. The vote in Sweden on Sunday should be interesting and instructive.


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