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Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Goal Of The Demon-Rats

One of my Facebook finds (thanks, Ed):

And this:

Feinstein Blows #MeToo Dog Whistle on Kavanaugh: Democrats employ dirty tactics in their last-ditch attempts to derail Trump's nominee.

Remember the above when you go to the polls on November 6.


  1. It would be great if the GOPers would make a cogent argument against Socialism and what it leads to as opposed to just supporting Trump and the anti-impeachment argument.

    1. From whom in the GOP do you see support for President Trump and condemnation of the determination the DISloyal opposition has to try to IMPEACH him if given the majority again this November?

      While I agree that we should marshall cogent arguments condemning Marxism (i.e. Socialism –– they are branches of the SAME poisonous tree), I see virtually NOTHING in the GOPRINO Establishment to justify any assertion that the Republican Party actively SUPPORTS Donald J. Trump. Sadly, it's quite the opposite.

  2. I like what Katherine Timpf said about it"
    "Socialism is not having toilet paper. Capitalism is picking up my phone and a case of toilet paper shows up on my porch."

    1. Hi, Ed!

      That' s not bad, but I like Margaret Thatcher's way of putting it better:


  3. Republicans can't make a cogent argument against socialism while bailing out farmers affected by tariffs.

  4. Thought... Presidents Harding, Hoover and FDR all signed bills aimed at providing subsidies for farmers, choosing to offer government support for their failing business models rather than let free market principals dictate prices.

    You are 100% correct that it's hard to criticize socialism today, while supporting our choosing winners and price supports that continue today.

    Before we even get to the fact that some of the loudest voices decring auto and bank bailouts during the "great recession" now have little to say about current admin policy.

  5. So which 'socialism' programs are you willing to give up? Social Security, the VA?, The USPS? Medicare? The highways of America? The bailouts for farmers? Rural electric programs? Child and protective services? City water? Health inspections of food? city, state and national parks? OSHA? Unemployment department? NTSB?
    I can't wait to hear how you're willing to give up all these 'socialistic' programs, most of which we've had here for well over a hundred years, some much longer. Also, I've not yet heard or read where any of the Democratic Socialists running have advocated for the take over of private factories or businesses other than health insurance (a major racket which, as we've all seen, traps people into higher and higher costs while providing less and less.)
    I know the 'terrorize the public' thing has worked for the right for many years. It's not working anymore as people have see through the lies and phony blather of the right for too long. It's not working anymore. Neither are the childish name-calling the right seems to love so much. "DemonRats", "Libturds" - very mature of ya'll. Keep it up while your side is rightfully run out of power once again then wonder what happened........

    1. Any attempt to "redefine" the identity of a controversial subject just queers the discussion, because both "sides" are in fact talking about, or objecting to, very DIFFERENT things.

      Also, there is no such animal as "Democratic Socialism." Socialism by its very nature implies the unlimited, ever-increasing accrual of CENTRALIZED –– therefore dictatorial –– POWER.

      The United States has been lapsing into a quasi-dictatorial oligarchy comprised of a self-anointed, self-perpetuating "in group" of "elitists," who because they had the advantage of great wealth, and the social and business connections gained through attending a small group of "in" schools, formed a narrow, self-congratulatory coterie of allies in the struggle to gain and hold political power.

      They may PRETEND to be interested in "The Common Good," but in reality their only true interest is in maintaning THEIR advantages and the perquisites that go with a near-permanent grip on political and ecionomic ascendancy.

      Anyone who believes these powerful oligarchs are truly interested in promoting humanitarian causes has been been duped into accepting the empty promises made in the use of artfully-crafted, highly-seductive, falsely-altruistic RHETORIC as more "real" than the sweet and wholesome fruits of genuine ACCOMPLISHMENT.

      Put in simpler terms most leftists firmly believe that POTEMKIN VILLAGES are great places in which to live and raise a family –– or that the CUBAN system of Healthcare Delivery is far superior to ours.

    2. So which 'socialism' programs are you willing to give up?

      ALL OF THEM.

      No, really. ALL OF THEM. Even police departments.

    3. What in your mind would be the difference –– if any –– between a Libertarian and an Anarchist?

    4. BlueBull - the VA is a contractual obligation of the State in return for a period of uniformed service. Not Socialism.

    5. What in your mind would be the difference –– if any –– between a Libertarian and an Anarchist?

      Much overlap, but libertarians tend to be individuslists and anarchists tend towards collectivism.

    6. Here's a fun one.... should tge right to counsel be abolished? Should the government be enslaving lawyers / public defenders to represent the poor in criminal cases?

      I say no.

    7. I was sitting at the bar at my local American Legion and overheard several extolling the virtues of Barack Obama. I remember thinking, “What kind of an idiot, who’s put their life on the line while serving in the military, could/would support a devoted communist POS like Barack Obama?” Hell, I never understood how John Glenn could become a democrat —and that was before the DNC adopted its Marxist platform. And then it occurred to me: Ah ... conscripts, or people who thought that getting a commission in the reserve was a better deal than being drafted, maybe a veteran who never heard a shot fired in anger, or a minority who could have been any of these. Looking back, exercising one’s right to vote for Barack Hussein Obama should have resulted in their loss of the right to vote ... they are obviously far too stupid for something so important.

    8. Even Thomas Paine advocated a sort of universal basic income model for the poor, so the socialist vein of thought even goes back before the American Revolution.

      The beast will not so easily slain. We even have a constitution amendment that enslaves lawyers to serve the poor.

    9. BlueBull,
      Neither are the childish name-calling the right seems to love so much. "DemonRats", "Libturds" - very mature of ya'll.

      I've thought quite a bit about your comment.

      Here's the deal.

      After years of mocking insults poured upon "our" heads and poured over "us," the worm has turned. The worm has discovered that being nice and turning the other cheek has resulted only in more trampling of us by the Left.

  6. This endless flow of vicious, small-minded CRAP is ALL we can expect from the Powers the Be from now on. Get used to it, because it AIN'T gonna get any better –– not when "we," who are ostensibly on the same "side," can't even begin to show interest in, respect for, or polite and kind regard for each other.

    If "we" can't summon the COURAGE –– the WIT –– and the HUMILITY –– to cast aside our differenes and show SOLIDARITY in fighting THE most fiendish and insidious Enemy any Civilization has ever faced, "we" will soon –– as they say –– be TOAST.

  7. So I served ten years in uniform around the world and somehow, because we differ politically I'm your 'enemy'? Wow... That says something very sad about you, my friend. I certainly don't think of you or anyone on the right as my 'enemy', even Trump who I think is a disaster for our country. You can continue to think what you like, though. I will continue to respect you very much, like you and think of you as just politically misguided, but NEVER my 'enemy'.
    PS -- the 'powers that be' are, and have been controlled by the GOP for several years now....

    1. Jimmy Carter and John Kerry were in the military also. Big whoop. Who do you think you are? Amber Guyger?

    2. Typically, leftists make the grievous error of PERSONALIZING discussion about government policies as though any disagreement with them were in fact a PERSONAL ATTACK on the leftist in question.

      Leftists ALSO have a lamentabe teeny to want to POLITICIZE everythng from the size of our toilets, the type of light bulbs we must use through the way local school boards may or may not supervise the currculum in THEIR districts, through the DIETS we choose to feed ourselves, the VALUES we choose to intill in OUR children, to REDEFINING terms like "RAPE" from PHYSICAL ASSAULT to mean simply showing a female any attention –– however complimentary –– she deems "uninvited."

      This apparent inablity –– or, perhaps, unwillingness –– to differentiate between matters of PRINCIPAL and PERSONALITY has led to much misery and consternation.

  8. Pathetic doesn't even enter the room on this one.

  9. A good read on the folly of Socialism can be found at the International Liberty blog:


    1. Maybe a better question is whether Obama bailed out the banks to save capitalism or he saved the banks from capitalism.
      If it's the latter than you need to stop complaining about government intervention lest capital turn our nation into something resembling the socialist aftermath you creatively imagine.

    2. Yes, of course McDuck. Government intervention in the economy can't help but be salubrious... now let's all "Fight for $15" (minumum wage)!

      Our leaders will save us from capitalism... all we need do is follow.

    3. Bush the Dumber and Professor O'Bungle saved the banks and the international corporations from the consequences of their own greed and cupidity.

  10. That picture is worth a thousand words. Sad, how are youth and gullible adults are eating up the lies.

  11. Replies
    1. FJ,
      Actually, I have heard of that. I can't recall where, though.

      See Snopes.

    2. A little something I contributed to Northern Virginiastan back in 2005, before I began to blog in earnest.

  12. Lindsey Graham asks the $24,000 question: "If Ford had no intention of coming forward, why’d she take a polygraph in early August?"


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