Silverfiddle Rant! |
Anti-constitution Democrats have a burning determination to punish their enemies with Soviet-Style Kangaroo Courts:
"Prove you're not guilty!"
How many rabid leftwing haters would put their own fate in the hands of an unhinged mob? Do any of those man-hating females have a beloved man in her life? Can they imagine this vengeful hysteria and frenzied rage destroying the good name and career of a son, brother or father?
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Our justice system--as imperfect as it is--is based upon the bedrock constitutional principle of innocent until proven guilty, and indeed, that is the standard at every level of reasoned human interaction. People who reject this standard are unhinged loonies who belong in a totalitarian regime, or in a rabble of libertines turning on one another like in the violent post-French revolution reign of terror.
You want to accuse someone? Block them from advancement? Present dispositive information that can be proven or disproven, and do so in an open, adversarial forum where evidence and testimony can be tested by examination and logic.
Liar's Veto
Anything below that standard is a Liar's Veto. If the
BAMN* Democrats succeed in derailing this nomination based on an allegation unsupported by witnesses or evidence, they will have set a horrible precedent where any liar can defeat a hated political enemy.
Democrats, blood boiling, rage in their eyes, want revenge.
Revenge for Anita Hill, but more importantly, revenge for Republicans' refusal to consider Judge Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. Revenge at any cost.
Democrats have a right to be angry, but consider: Republicans, unlike the vindictive, rage-filled Democrats, did not smear Judge Garland. They plainly stated it would be a matter for the voters, leaving the good judge unsullied, and presumably ascending to the Supreme Court had Hillary not blown her sure thing. Contrast that to the shameless smears and non-stop barrage of mudballs Democrats have unleashed on Judge Kavanaugh. Shame on them.
Soviet-style Democrats want a Liars Veto.
* - By Any Means Necessary