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On one hand the Jerusalem statement is recognition that there hasn't been a peace process for decades.
ReplyDeleteOn the other the move accomplishes nothing but raising tensions.
Trump has no common sense. A win for Iran.
The Arab world is unifying against Iran's terror regime. This was the perfect time. The Arabs don't give two s***s about the "Palestinians" and never have. They've always been propaganda tools.
DeleteIsrael is now too important to the region. This was the perfect time to tell the babies with bombs to grow the hell up, knock off the infantile tantrums and get to work being adults and building an economically viable nation.
Trump has reversed the ratchet. Every time they drag their feet and reject peace, he will take something else away from them.
If what is going on in Saudi Arabia is the real deal, I am cautiously optimistic we may be entering a new era.
What's a Palestinian? Arabs don't even have a letter P in their alphabet.
DeleteRecognizing Jerusalem and laying the groundwork to destroy public sector employee unions. Trump sucks at being a Nazi fascist.
DeleteI wonder what else the NSA will tell Trump to do via faked orders from Putin ;)
DeleteThe Arabs don't need reasons to become infuriated. They simply react with fury to everything that doesn't fit into their world view. So any reasons Trump had for doing anything are irrelevant. The Arabs would be furious, regardless.
DeleteFJ, Yes, they are like angry ADHD toddlers with dangerous weaponry
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DeleteDucky; 'retreat retreat retreat!'....Obama tactics.
DeleteSo funny to see those who voted FOR this a few years ago so upset.
Just what did Obama do to retreat?
DeleteHe came through on the big issues, arms sales and settlements.
He said nothing when Israel slaughtered Gazans.
Just because he had enough sense not to announce the move to Jerusalem at a time when the mideast was exploding hardly signals retreat.
Obama killed Osama and then declared the "end of the Afghan War" and unilaterally withdrew 23,000 of the 30,0000 troops stationed there. Al Qaeda had been "defeated"... e-r-r-r-r... ooooooops!
DeleteHooray, we WON!
DeleteObama's "Wishful thinking" foreign policy... something only fools like ducky could love.
DeleteThat's some victory, ain't it?
What gets to me about that video is the swaggering and arrogance. **spit**
"Obama killed Osama"
DeleteGad, I missed that.
"RETREAT" was meant for you, Ducky. Tensions will be high no matter what happens...Congress had voted to acknowledge Jerusalem some years back...time to act and maybe even expect the Palestinians to shut the heck up and start letting peace begin. But no...they even attacked Israel today; of course, the media mostly concentrated on Israel's retaliation, as it always does.
Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment @ Bagram simply needed a fighter pilot jacket and a carrier landing.
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DeleteThe recent attempt by the creator of "Pizzagate", idiot Mike Cernovitch's attempt to smear left commentator Sam Seder was edifying.
ReplyDeleteAt first Seder was fired by MSNBC but rehired when the accusations proved false.
It's a gratifying indication the the fringe right is monitoring Seder. He must be scoring points.
Who the sam hell is "Sam Seder?"
DeleteHe's a commentator on MSNBC and producer of the Majority Report podcast.
DeleteGive him a listen. He's much more knowledgable than your go to, Michael Savage.
DeleteTake a look at the Sam Seder entry at Wikipedia. Marginally interesting.
You should note the filmography section.
MSNBC? Oh, so that's why nobody's heard of him.
DeleteYou get your propaganda parrot cracker for the day for repeating talking points about Michael Savage. You don't care how ignorant you look, I'll give you that.
AOW, I don't find him interesting in the least. Another Air America loser who hung out with extreme left nutballs like Randy Rhoads.
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DeleteWhen Gloria Allred got involved I knew it would end badly.
DeleteMe too. Pun intended.
DeleteWell! I see that we're all in agreement about Gloria Allred.
DeleteAgreement! It was worth the visit! :)
DeleteDucky... I 100% agree. Are there no other lawyers for women in the US? Seriously, is Allred the only game in town? You'd think someone would get a clue that even a lawyer who is right, is a loser if he or she is unlikeable.
DeleteI'm a lefty and I'm asking questions if she is repping a client on the national stage.
So Bunker... Yes! We're all in agreement.
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DeleteWell, I think you're all part the the Republican war on women (especially Ducky and Dave Miller)!
DeleteBwaaa, ha, ha, ha, ha
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DeleteAllred's pretty powerful; the news that her daughter lawyer Lisa Bloom had been working for Weinstein silencing women with cash was squashed the day feminist Lisa woke up when she smelled the roses and "quit" :)....the story disappeared like most anti-left stories do.
DeleteSorry Z, the left as well aware of the Allred connection.
DeleteHow is it an "anti-left" story?
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DeleteI Love Trump's Straight Talk. PC Must be Defeated.
DeleteI love his straight talk, too. So refreshing in comparison with all the mealy-mouthed politicians populating the D.C. Sewer.
To that let us sing a rousing HALLELUJAH CHORUS followed by a SEVENFOLD AMEN.
I couldn't stop watching him in Pensacola. No other president talks like this. Thank God he does. Even called out Gloria Aldred.
DeleteThat good, huh?
I found the entire speech on TrumpTubeTV and will listen.
Yes, Ed. President Trump is the best thing that's happened to us since VJ Day.
DeleteHa! The in-laws were over, so I could only have listen (and be simultaneously only half-rude). I told my wife later that the dude is growing on me 'big league'. She said, "I know he is."
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DeleteI had to forego some of my usual decorating. Minxy! She takes her toys and puts them in hidey-holes, the locations of which change DURING THE NIGHT! And, of course, I had to protect some of my sentimental breakables -- by keeping them in storage.
So, no tree inside this year. But my cousin-in-law came over and put up a pre-lighted artificial tree on our front porch. It's a narrow tree and looks like a pillar of lights once the sun sets. Mr. AOW and I can see this outside tree from our living room window.
Oh, well.
Having a kitten this Christmas is worth the inconvenience. A kitten is thrilled with everything new -- especially when glistening and sparkling are involved.
FT remarked:
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to dealing with Muslims in the Middle East GENOCIDAL ANNIHLATION would be the only sane policy....Could anyone think of a more effective way to RESOLVE the MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT once and for all?
I wonder if anyone else here will tackle the question which FT posed?
I hope everyone –– inckuding you –– realizes I was being facetious? I DO believe the UTILITARIAN APPROACH outlined WOULD resolve the Mideast Conflict ine and for all, but so would the COMPLETE DISSOLUTION of the JEWISH STATE and the voluntary EVACUATION of ALL its Jewish inhabitants, wouldn't it?
DeleteAll sane people KNOW that NEITHER of those things will EVER happen.
I do say the importance of the Jewish State is HIGHLY exaggerated. It is important to the JEWS, of course, but why shou;d the REST of the world get all hot and bothered about it one way or the other?
The Israeli-Arab Conflict in truth is NONE of OUR business –– the clamor and vociferation of AIPAC notwithstanding.
MOST-if-not-ALL the trouble in the world has come from one group
of people trying to mind the business of another.
DeleteI hope everyone –– inckuding you –– realizes I was being facetious?
But what should our Middle East policy be?
Several years ago, when I was pushing for a better stand-firm-against-Islam philosophy, the friend with whom I was conversing said (and I remember what he said at one point, word for word):
"Are we going to have to nuke millions of Muslims? For God's sake!"
To survive as a civilization, is that where we're headed? Perhaps. We are such a small world today.
Now, we can certainly design our foreign policy along the lines of what you said: The Israeli-Arab Conflict in truth is NONE of OUR business
Then again, ignoring the Israeli-Arab Conflict could have serious consequences here on our home soil and on the American interest.
Reminder... The Road to World War II How Appeasement Failed to Stop Hitler -- although I abhor drawing parallels with the rise of Hitler.
You are absolutely right with this statement, FT:
MOST-if-not-ALL the trouble in the world has come from one group of people trying to mind the business of another.
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DeleteThe relationship between us and the Jewish State from what i've been able to observe over sixty-odd years is with Israel is largely ONE WAY ––i.e. WE GIVE, THEY TAKE.
Israel remains the only non-Islamic nation in the Middle East, and that fact often intersects with our own national interest in the Middle East.
Furthermore, certainly Israel, like any sovereign nation, SHOULD act in that country's own interest.
I do find it disgusting that Cuba has been recognized by the United States for decades before the United States recognized the state of Israel. See 1959,
United States recognizes new Cuban government. Excerpt therefrom:
Just six days after the fall of the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship in Cuba, U.S. officials recognize the new provisional government of the island nation. Despite fears that Fidel Castro, whose rebel army helped to overthrow Batista, might have communist leanings, the U.S. government believed that it could work with the new regime and protect American interests in Cuba.
The fall of the pro-American government of Batista was cause for grave concern among U.S. officials. The new government, temporarily headed by provisional president Manuel Urrutia, initially seemed chilly toward U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador Earl E. T. Smith. Smith, in particular, was wary of the politics of the new regime. He and other Americans in Cuba were suspicious of the motives and goals of the charismatic rebel leader Fidel Castro.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles overrode Smith’s concerns. The secretary counseled President Dwight D. Eisenhower to recognize the Urrutia government, since it seemed to be “free from Communist taint” and interested in “friendly relations with the United States.”