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Monday, March 14, 2016

The Trump-Rally Disturbances

Just who is Thomas Dimassimo, the man who rushed the stage at the stage at the Kansas City Trump rally on Saturday, thereby causing Donald Trump to cancel the rally? Please watch this video providing some details not being covered by the media:

Caveat: there are reports of at least one hoax video about Thomas Dimassimo. Over at Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Pastorius linked to these observations about the above video:
Report That Man Who Rushed Trump Was ISIS Sympathizer Appears To Be Untrue

...[Nevertheless, Dimassimo's] connection to Black Lives Matter and leftists are very clear from his archived timeline, as well as his desecrating the flag videos. Moreover, Dimassimo seemed to have more on his mind than just ‘disturbing the peace’, the charge he earned, along with ‘inciting a panic’.

His tweets indicate he planned an attack on Trump.
Meanwhile, Progressive public advocacy group MoveOn.Org has put Donald Trump and those attending his rallies on notice (Click directly on the image to enlarge it):

Charles Dudley Warner was right when he wrote "Politics makes strange bedfellows."  Those all along the political spectrum, including all the other candidates for the 2016 November Election, are decrying Trump's stump speeches as hate rhetoric.  Even Constitutionalist Ted Cruz (See Judge Jeanine Pirro and First Amendment Rights).

This Washington Post lead editorial specifically criticizes Trump's responses at last Thursday's GOP debate:
THE REPUBLICAN presidential race, the headlines tell us, suddenly turned civil and substantive this week. When the candidates faced off in their last debate before Tuesday’s crucial primaries in Florida and Ohio, they did not trade petty insults or discuss body parts. Instead, Donald Trump merely stated that “there is tremendous hate” among “large portions” of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. “We better solve the problem before it’s too late,” Mr. Trump said.

A debate is not civil when it includes this kind of ignorant stereotyping. It is not substantive when such rank prejudice earns inadequate protest from the others onstage....
Even the mildest of statements criticizing Islam are deemed hate speech — never mind that Trump didn't say that all Muslims are filled with hate.

Something else not being covered by the media: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters.

Additional reading...MLK Jr: Come to Chicago to Learn How to Hate.


  1. As I pointed out at my blog yesterday, the ISIS references were doctored in.
    There is/was an earlier version of that video of Dimassimo that had no ISIS connection.
    Trump is profiting from the attacks and he knows how to maximize profits.
    His PAC is calling for donations based on these attacks.
    Of course he claims to be self-funded. But his Super-PAC is a different story.

    1. Ed,
      To my knowledge, the video I posted in this blog post is not the one which was designated as a hoax. Am I wrong about that?

    2. No, but the video your video refers to implying that Dimassimo was ISIS is a fraud.
      Dimassimo did publish a video that desecrated a flag, but had not ISIS connection.
      I believe that pro-Trump forces did the doctoring to generate support.

    3. Ed,
      I believe that pro-Trump forces did the doctoring to generate support.

      I have no idea. Could have been anyone.

      Besides, if we're going to condemn Trump for what some of his supporters do, should we not then condemn Cruz for some of what his supporters have done?

    4. Ed,
      The footage showing the strength and violent intentions of Dimassimo's rushing of the stage does not appeared doctored.

      Suppose he had managed to get up there on the stage? What would he have done next? Pushed Trump off the stage so that Trump would have suffered severe injury -- or worse.

      I fail to understand why lesser chargers were filed against him and his release was so rapid.

    5. I don't like Trump's Mussolini like bragadaccio.
      "I coulda handled him".

    6. I'm with Ed. There have been mouth-breathing imbecile leftists since Robespierre's Reign of Terror. Nothing new under the sun.

      Bush handled dissent and protests by saying "isn't free speech wonderful." By the time the left's war protest bankroll ended (with Saddam Hussein's UN Oil for Food scam disrupted) there was little if any noise left to be made on that front.

      Donald Trump is different. Not just because HE IS A LEFTIST, but also because his entire campaign has been one of rancor and aggravation. Trump's racism and bigotry sells (to a third) leaving two-thirds, the rest of the electorate left right and center incensed. And with Trump offering to pay legal expenses to his Klansmen base if they rough up protesters, can anyone predict a rapprochement of rationality to come from a Trump gathering? No Lucy, it ain't gonna happen.

      Trump has the right to say whatever absolutely asinine thing he wants to say, and those sub-imbecilic enough to suck it up are free to support him until they choke on it.

      Can we talk about how 85% of Americans are going to vote now?

    7. Beamish,
      Rarely does anyone state that Trump is a Leftist.

      Please explain how he qualifies as a Leftist.

    8. Forgive my question, but you're kidding, right?

      Single payer socialized medicine? Proposed wealth and asset / federal property tax? 30+ years of financing Democrats against Republicans?

      Allow me to turn your question. Name something that isn't leftist about Donald Trump.

    9. Beamish,
      To answer your question:

      1. border control (including ending sanctuary cities?)

      2. opposition to TPP, particularly giving China so many advantages

      3. Second Amendment rights

      I looked HERE. I didn't see single payer. Did I miss it?

    10. Beamish,
      Let me remind you of something. I was not a political animal until 9/11. Why? Because my mother was such a political animal that it ruined her health! Heart attacks staring at age 46, and the doctor made her turn off the radio and television, and quit subscribing to the newspaper. She got better and lived until age 71.

      I grew up hearing about the slimy world of politics -- and ran the other way. For the past 15 years, I've been playing catch-up.

    11. I don't know any Trump supporters who have never burned a cross in a black family's yard, and I refuse to entertain the infinitesimal possibility that some haven't yet.

      I also refuse to believe a lifelong Democrat and Clinton financier flip-flopped on immigration, abortion, guns, taxes, health care, etc. - and decided to run for President at Bill Clinton's urging.

      Donald Trump is - at best - a crude parody of left-wing canards about Republicans. Look here comes another rich racist misogynist with actual KKK ties....

    12. @ Beamish: "Can we talk about how 85% of Americans are going to vote now?"

      45%: Hillary

    13. PJB- Trump polls 7 to 10% less than Hillary, and over time, that gap has gotten wider.

      By November, if Trump manages to get the nomination, the general election will be 85% Hillary, 15% Trump.

  2. Trump got what he wanted. Going to a University in the heart of Chicago on a Friday night. What possibly could go wrong. Bringing thousands into the city knowing there was not room for all of them? Yea, I am for free speech, but he loses me on this one.

    1. Bunkerville,
      That's a no-go zone? Here in America? At a university venue? This is America today?

    2. Maybe the better question would have been, why would someone want to drive into Chicago on a Friday night? I know what you are saying, and had been anyone else probably I would take this ride with you. People could have ended up dead over a political stunt IMHO. Not for political discourse.

    3. Bunker has made a point I had not considered.. Still and all, AOW's point that we have No-Go zones is a very sad development.

    4. My point at my post was that Trump may well have scheduled where he did to get the result he did.
      More sympathy support.
      And MoveOn was happy to cooperate to encourage more Trump support.
      Dems want to face Trump in the general.

    5. I don't know who Dems want to face, but I don't see Rubio or Cruz altering the electoral college map and gaining a victory. I had that map up at Western Hero, and no one could explain how Cruz or Rubio could win.

    6. Ed: General Election. General Election

      I keep asking how Ted Cruz wins a General Election.

      I've been asking for weeks, here, at Z's and at my blog but no Cruz supporters will step forward and lay out which Obama states Cruz will flip to get to 270.

    7. Oops.
      Still, with Hillary not running, it's ours.

    8. Hillary Clinton's only guaranteed general election victory is if the Retardicans nominate Donald Trump.

      Cruz beats her. Kasich beats her. Even Rubio beats her. Hell, your mom and my dirty socks beats her.

      But Trump does not, and can't. It's not even close enough to be interesting.

    9. ...and Sanders beats everybody... Yet he is losing to Hillary...

  3. Black Lives Matter:


    So Trump is at fault, Bunkerville? Should all of the students at the university also avoid their campus on Friday nights? The campus provided a venue.

    Black Lives Matter is an anarchy movement. DiMassio (in the words of Trump) needs to "Go home to Mommy". And Mommy dearest needs to defund his budding career as a full-time provocateur and flag fetish ways.

    1. Let me know what Trump's responsibility is? He told his fans to knock the crap out of them, and so on and so on. Then he sets up what he knows will be an iffy location. Had Trump not been ginning up the crowd for a week I would agree with you. People are on edge. He needs to chill the violent suggestions.

    2. Bunkerville,
      My style of rhetoric is not that of Donald Trump's.

      People are on edge.

      Yes, they are. And they are enthused about someone who is the antithesis of metrosexual.

    3. I understand that, and for now it is the best there is apparently. It reminds me a lot of the Obama fantasy in many ways in which the voters bought a dream. Trump may be for real, who knows. His lack of substance is worrisome.

    4. Bunkerville,
      It's impossible to know if any politician is for real.

      AOW's Second Law of History: "Never trust any politician."

    5. Upvote for AOW!

      especially the Second Law of History...

    6. I missed the first. Musta skipped class that day.

    7. AOW's First Law of History:

      "It's all about the money or the power; money and power are often the same thing."

  4. Bunkerville,
    Had Trump not been ginning up the crowd

    Most of the candidates are doing that -- in one way or another.

    What an election cycle!

    1. I haven't heard them tell the crowd to hurt others physically. I think maybe we are not going to agree on this one!! :)

    2. I'm not. I'm tired of the "equivalency" so many are willing to excuse Trump with. Even Bill Bennett is doing it, to the ire of many of his listeners.

    3. Ed,
      Well, I'm of the mind that each person has has own views on this.

      Politics this cycle is especially contentious -- in large part because there is no incumbent.

    4. Ed,
      You might enjoy this:


  5. This is typical Agent Provocateur stuff from the Soros Brownshirts.

    Invade an event of your political enemies, get in their faces and provoke violence, and then wave the bloody shirt.

    Another thing the Leftwing Progs and Soros Socialism Machine is doing is taking advantage of misperceptions due to a non-homogenized candidate who acts and speaks like a real person.

    Even Brooklyn Bernie, who belongs on a soabox back in the 1930's speaks in safe, bland politispeak.

    Will Bernie Sanders repudiate those who caused violence at Trump rallies, shouted down their enemies, and shut down the rally? Will he repudiate his fanboy who tried to attack Trump? Will Bernie call off his Soros-paid stooges?

    btw, look at the anti-Trumpers. Besides the #BLM, you've got the White Privilege whities, breaking up the tedium of attending an expensive college on their parents dime...

    1. SF,
      And the neocons are anti-Trump, too.

      Neocons like to portray themselves as Reaganites. I don't believe they are. I used to believe they were. Not anymore.

    2. I've heard so many definitions of neo-cons that I find it hard to agree or disagree.

    3. They're just the latest flavor to cash in on politics...

    4. I remember when only leftists used "neo-con" as an epithet.

      Just saying.

    5. I remember back when people thought neocons were conservatives.

    6. Back when words actually meant something, Donald Trump's 11th hour pseudo-conversion on politics from left-wing Clinton financier to whatever he'll be for the crowd today would have marked him as a "neo-con."

      I like the George Will conspiracy theory. If Donald Trump were in actuality a Clinton stooge running to make the Republican Party so unpalatable that people won't pin their nostrils so much when they vote for Hillary... What would Trump be doing differently?

      The most concise, accurate, scientific answer to that is "not a damned thing."

    7. "...Clinton stooge running to make the Republican Party so unpalatable..."

      I still don't discount that theory.

      The GOP wouldn't so easy to burn down if the Establishmentarians hadn't turned it into a fire hazard.

      Maybe Cruz's daddy can go in and expel the demons...

    8. I blame the GOP "Establishment" for a) being for sale, and b) letting Donald Trump buy a podium on their stage.

      I have to laugh at Catholic fears that Ted Cruz might :gasp: pray for them.

    9. I haven't heard anything about "Catholic fears." Didn't his papa Pastor say they were going to rob the heathens and bring it all to the Priests? That's gotta swing millions of voters to his side...

    10. SF,
      Much I what I heard Cruz's father say made me very uncomfortable -- especially that part about transfer of wealth.

      And I am used to the differences in expressions of Christianity.

    11. I presume it's Catholic fear behind the sneering at evangelicals. Believe it or not, there's more to Christianity than slinging water on infants.

  6. The spurious and hysterical charges of racism, fascism, etc are propaganda smokescreen, as are Trumps supposed calls for violence. His calls to "get 'em out of here" or to punch them or whatever are direct responses to agitators in the crowd ripping signs out of people's hands and swinging at them.

    Clear, unvarnished statements like this from El Donaldo are what really has the uni-party political establishment wetting their pants:

    "We’ve been played for suckers by foreign countries, by our incompetent leaders, by politicians who serve the elite, and who do the bidding of the insiders. We’re letting our worst enemies gain footholds across the Middle East. I don’t need their money; I can’t be bought. And the very crudeness of my language, the threats, even the bullying, tells you I have the stones to take these people on. And if the “experts” think I don't know what I’m talking about—how have the “experts” done in Iraq, in Libya, in protecting the jobs and incomes of regular Americans?"


    1. SF,
      Yes, we've had a uni-party system for decades. This is a conclusion to which I've come in the past 3 weeks or so. Upended my world because I now realize that I was deluded for so long.

      Trump has certainly changed the political landscape. At least for now. But forces all along the political spectrum are lined up against him. He's speaking the unspeakable!

    2. Trump is a dangerous heretic. He better watch his back.

    3. Ironic, isn't it, that the anti-Trump protesters are fighting for the status quo...

    4. Trump hasn't changed squat and it's unlikely he ever will.

      What is there in this guy's history that indicates he is anything more than a grifter?

      But here's the way it might go down.

      Trump and Hillary battle it out with one side doing nothing but whining about e-mail servers and Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi while the other side runs ads exposing every one of Trump's grifts.

      Just further divides us and gets the plank wedged a little further up the middle class's butt.

      Wake up or don't. Keep on with some doctored video claiming this idiot Dimassimo is an ISIS agent.

      We are a sorry people.

    5. Trump's a businessman who has actually planned large projects and delivered them according to a schedule and budget. That would be something new for government...

      Hillary has the electoral edge right now, do doubt. I don't know of anyone on the GOP side who could beat her.

      I still don't know about Trump. I fundamentally distrust the Infotainment-Media Complex. Hispanics are voting for Trump. He won Dearborn. I dunno... Is his crossover appeal really that great? It is certainly an order of magnitude greater than any other GOP candidate.

      Are his negatives really that high? I dunno. I do know I don't trust the Infotainment-Media Complex.

      Anybody who can kick the entire Demican-Republicrat uni-part DC Establishment in the nuts while causing the pop culture poobahs to collapse in hysterical paroxysms can't be all bad.

    6. "We’ve been played for suckers by foreign countries, by our incompetent leaders, by politicians who serve the elite, and who do the bidding of the insiders. We’re letting our worst enemies gain footholds across the Middle East. I don’t need their money; I can’t be bought. And the very crudeness of my language, the threats, even the bullying, tells you I have the stones to take these people on. And if the “experts” think I don't know what I’m talking about—how have the “experts” done in Iraq, in Libya, in protecting the jobs and incomes of regular Americans?"

      Trump never said that. It's way too cogent and lyrical to have come from his brain. Go back and read the Politico piece to see that it's Jeff Greenfield riffing on what Trump's message sounds like to both the right and left.

    7. Clearwater,

      Indeed. Trumps beliefs, Greenfield's words. Doesn't change anything. Greenfield captures El Donaldo beautifully. Maybe the campaign can hire him as a speechwriter...

    8. Calling Trump a racist and a Fascist isn't spurious. It is what actual unvarnished, blunt, honest talk looks like.

    9. Maybe the tea partiers can get their tax paperwork together and go after him...

    10. When Donald Trump get his gal Hillary Clinton elected, perhaps they will.

    11. Nobody in the GOP can beat her.

      At least this way there is fire, incendiary explosions and the tortured howls and outraged screams of the uni-party DC Establishment and the Government-Infotainment-Media Complex.

      Who ever thought politics could be this much fun?

    12. Cruz, Kasich, and Rubio - as well as your mom and my dorty socks - all poll victoriously ahead of Hillary Clinton.

      Donald Trump never has, and never will. That's why he's running - so his candidate Hillary Clinton will win.

    13. What states would Cruz flip to his column in order to get to 270?

    14. I suspect Cruz vs. Hillary would be a substantive and persuasive debate on ideology that would appeal to the center-right sensibilities of most of America.

      Hillary's bigger-than-Reagan landslide over Trump will be borne of fat jokes and misogyny.

  7. Meanwhile, Pastor Ted gets introduced by a man calling for the execution of gays.

    That should open up the electoral college map. If not, how about Daddy Cruz announcing Ted has been anointed by the Lord to "bring the spoils of war to the priests."

    Maybe Glenn Beck... Oh, nevermind...

    The GOP is a carnival freakshow. Face it. This nation deserves Hellary Rotten Clinton.

    Have the Ted Cruz snake handlers and tent revivalists considered that maybe God is punishing us for blasphemy and using His name in vain?

    1. SF,
      i saw all that about Ted Cruz. How miuch of that information has gotten out to undecided voters?

    2. It will get out during the general if Psycho is the nominee.

      Count on clips of his father who thinks Ted is going to be anointed to facilitate the transfer of wealth from the wicked to the believers showing up everywhere.

      Whether Ted is a dominionist psycho like his dad or just a psycho will be moot.

    3. Democrats will have a heyday with all that if Pastor Ted wins the primary.

      We haven't seen religious exploitation this hilarious since the 80's. Will Jim and Tammy Faye, Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart be hitting the campaign trail for Ted as well?

      Ted and that whole crowd are dangerous people who have cynically hijacked Christianity for their own narrow purposes, or perhaps they've drunk too much strychnine.

      If they really do believe all that, it makes them even more dangerous.

    4. Democrats will have a heyday with anyone. Particularly Trump. Worry about the base.

    5. Democrats will have a heyday with all that if Pastor Ted wins the primary.

      Yep. Anyone not previously being familiar with Dominionism would get a crash course, if Cruz were to get the nod.

    6. The base is not big enough to elect Pastor Ted president.

    7. The base?

      Someone, please define "the base."

    8. Trump supporters are base.
      Couldn't resist.

    9. AOW: The constitutional conservative base. They are a dedicated core, but not big enough to elect someone all on their own.

    10. SF,
      The Constitutional conservatives are indeed no longer numerous enough to elect a POTUS. Hell, I doubt that very many people have even read and studied the Constitution.

  8. "Just who is Thomas Dimassimo"

    He is, obviously, just a left-wing, spoiled nut job, garden variety Bernie supporter; totally disconnected from reality!

  9. Indeed. I don't know why people had to throw all the ISIS stuff in there...

    The fact that he is a deranged leftwing Democrat is damning enough.

    1. I wonder if this moron is but a harbinger of things to come should Bernie's "free"[sic] public college fantasy actually come to fruition?

    2. Somebody doctored a video he had made to make him look ISIS.
      I suspect the Trump campaign.

  10. Trump supporters are only on edge because his detractors are being bullies. Here is my rule of thumb: protest outside a venue. Once under the roof, you are a guest of the speaker. Don't behave as an ass. Guest etiquette applies. I have noted Trump rallies to be boisterous and fun, the crowd roaring approval. It is about like attending a great high school football game.
    After CNN cut off Trump to return to regular programming a couple nights ago I switched to Cruz. What a snoozer! It looked like a Stepford wives convention. Pleasant people holding "Trust Ted" signs with frozen smiles. Trump has made politics fun again. The Lefties are ruining it for those of us who want it to be fun, full of passion.


    1. No kidding!

      How about DemenTed, and then DeparTed


    2. This weekend turned off a lot of people that don't follow the politics as we do. Trump is getting less than 40 percent of the GOP votes. Its fine for us to say sock it to them, and it is great sport, but he will never win the General with it going down this way. IMO.

    3. Bunker,

      See my comment below. Cruz, with all his religious nuttery, cannot expand beyond the Romney 2012 map.

      Rubio could have had a chance, but he's tostado...

  11. Bill Still? Isn't he the guy who claims UPS smuggles in illegal aliens in their cargo planes?
    Talk about being down to seeds and stems.

    Well, it may be all over but the shouting (and there will be more than shouting) tomorrow.
    The only thing certain is that the right will be looking to blame the left and refusing to take responsibility for these martinets.

    I'm still wondering who Paul Singer will back if L'il Marco loses Florida and Singer releases his puppet is out.

    1. The GOP has no one but itself to blame. The leftwing screamers are to blame for the disruption at the Trump events, but that is a separate issue.

      The GOP is stuck. Cruz is a constitutional conservative, but he's cloaked himself in religious nuttery. He'd get plenty of GOP votes, probably hold on to what Romney won in 2012, but there is no way expands the map with all that televangelist nonsense.

      Trump blows up the party (which is a good thing), but the purists would stomp off and pout instead of voting for him, even as he attracted millions of new voters. Could he get past the negatives? Who knows...

      So, the only other alternative for the the Establishment is to put somebody new in at the convention, which would unify all the GOP voters... in outraged repudiation and hatred for the RNC.

      Maybe they can run the ghost of Reagan...

    2. Silver... I was listening to a GOP official yesterday and as to the question of denying Trump the nomination he put it this way...

      Let's say trump comes in with more than delegates than anyone else, but not a majority, say 45%. He said if the convention puts him forward, it pisses off the other 55% of the members. So they leave. But if they deny him, 45% leave.

      What a mess. I for one believe the country needs a rational counterbalance to the nuttery that the left can, and sometimes does, become.

      Is it possible that the party could turn to someone like Ryan, or is he seen as not Trump enough, or too establishment to get that nod?

    3. Dave,

      If Trump has any hope of winning the nomination, he needs to to get his 50% before the convention.

      If not, it's monkey knife fight. I don't know who the GOP grandees could trot out that would satisfy everyone...

      Being the unimaginative plonkers they are, my money is on a Cruz-Rubio unity ticket.

    4. An all Cuban ticket? I think Kasich and pick your Cubano amigo...

    5. Will Quigg, Grand Dragon for the California KKK, just came out "hard FOR Hillary". Seems he's doesn't want any "jews" in the White House. You must be stoked, ducky!

    6. "Based on his past statements, it doesn’t appear highly credible that he has changed his effusive allegiance to Donald Trump,” Brian Levin, a former New York police officer who is director of the Centre for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino, told the Telegraph. “The timing seems suspect. I think this is a function of not wanting to undermine the Trump campaign.”
      Sounds about right.

    7. Wait..those drive-by trolls are really FT?????


    8. I think that font is called freethinkSerif

  12. Duck,
    I know who Ben Still is.

    Once again, what I found of value in the video was the way the guy rushed the stage. He meant to do harm to Trumo.

  13. A nice reminder that violence over the past few decades has come from the left, not the right...

    Don't Blame Trump for Violence

    In the ’90s, the same kind of radicals besieged meetings of the World Trade Organization — with blood on the streets of Seattle in 1999. New York City got a taste of it at the 2004 Republican convention; most of Boston was shut down to prevent the same at that year’s Democratic convention.

    America saw it in the lawlessness and riots of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The folks in Ferguson, Mo., blamed outside agitators for turning their legitimate protests into riots that devastated the city.


    As one Reddit poster, a self-described legal immigrant of color who saw the Chicago madness firsthand, put it: “I saw a quiet, but excited crowd of Donald Trump supporters get thrown out of Chicago.

    “Worst of all, I saw the First Amendment trampled, spit on, and discarded like trash.”

  14. Here's a surprisingly even-handed article about Trump support and his campaign HQ in Florida from the NY Times:


    It's anecdotal, but there are anecdotes like this from all over the country, which makes me wonder if the Trump Tide isn't an impending tidal wave the Elites and their handmaidens in the Infotainment-Media are trying to hide from us even as they try to destroy it with dynamite.


  15. Seriously? The Goopers are saying the lefties are rude thugs? The Goopers -- isn't that the political party where one of theirs a member of Congress yelled "YOU LIE!" at the President at the SOTU --I think it was Joe Walsh. That's the party of reasonable, well-behaved people? Holy crap. How do the Goops get away with that sh*t? And then blame lefties for being rude.

    1. Joe Walsh is one of the guitarists for the Eagles.

      Smashing in storefronts is a little harsher than yelling a rude thing. Get a grip, dude.

  16. @The Surfer Dude

    Why don't you get a real job and find out about REAL life; @$$#0!E?

  17. Good grief!

    Video: Michelle Fields Hoax

    More information HERE including the following:

    Michelle Fields actually said that, other than the death of her father, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to her.

    I barely know what's going on because I don't frequent the Breitbart site.

    1. I rarely visit that newsite. They should rename themselves BINO: Breitbart in Name Only.

      Several things going on here. First, there's no money in news, hence all the sensationalism, popups, and demi-porn clickbait.

      Secondly, Dem, Repub, Con, Lib... they all go to the same cocktail parties and they're all part of the chummy insider's club, which is a suckerfish layer underneath and feeding off of the various strata of power elites.

      Despite all their brave "Constitutional Conservative" "Tea Party" etc talk, the punditocracy and most of the politicians on the right are at bottom still playing Go-along-to-get-along. The Establishment allows them to talk about the founding fathers, etc, but get too wild, and you're outside the mainstream, which means outside the money stream, the access stream, the power stream.

      Bush Derangement Syndrome was nothing compared to this. Obama Birtherism a mere case of the sniffles.

      The entire political establishment is suffering ED: El Trumpo Derangement.

      It's all so hand in glove:

      Soros-funded college kids infiltrate a Trump event, provoke fights and then wave the blood shirt, becoming the victims of Trump's fascism.

      Lester Libtard Holt reports on Donald Trump's fascist rallies and all they violence they cause.

      Repeat ad finitum, ad nauseum...

      An ironic side-note: All those radical college kids are fighting to maintain the status-quo.

      You are a teacher, AOW. I don't need to tell you how many times young anarchists have played the patsy to larger, shadowy movements. I see it, you see it, why can't everybody else see it?

  18. Found in a comment at Z's site:

    “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun” – Barack Obama

    “I want you to argue with them and get in their face!” – Barack Obama

    “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry!
    I’m angry!” – Barack Obama

    “Hit Back Twice As Hard” – Barack Obama

    “We talk to these folks… so I know who’s a** to kick“ – Barack Obama

    “Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat” – Barack Obama

    “Punish your enemies.” – Barack Obama

    “I’m itching for a fight.” – Barack Obama


    1. It's all right when a socialist minority does it

  19. From Seven top Republicans lay out how the GOP should respond to Trump as front-runne by Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary, 2001 to 2003 (emphases mine):

    If Donald Trump becomes the GOP nominee, the United States will no longer have a two-party system. We will have three blocs.

    One: a liberal bloc that’s home to Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Two: a conservative bloc led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and others. And three: a populist bloc that has no fixed ideology but is led by the singular personality of Trump.

    Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

    But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters. Many low- and middle-income workers who know this economy isn’t working for them are Trump voters-in-waiting.

    Trump changes everything. He changes the math. He changes the ideology. He changes what’s considered acceptable behavior. The big question is: Can he change who wins the White House?

    1. Sam,
      I didn't write it. Ari Fleischer did. So call him the blathering idiot.

      And insult me one more time, and you're gone. Got it?

    2. AOW, Nice find!

      Fleisher sums up the DC establishment thinking perfectly.

      The real power elites (Soros, Davos Men, the Clintons) want the status quo because the profit from it and can keep everyone under control.

      The DC strata that exists below the Global Elites, of which Fleisher is a part, are alarmed because they will have to redo their Power Point slides. But even before that, they have to decide which team to be on, who to befriend...

      It's a fluid situation, and the High School kids who all want to be with the cool kids, see the old pecking order threatened. Wouldn't want to show up for school the next day wearing the wrong style of clothes that are now "so yesterday" and only worn by the non-cool kids.

      I am enjoying the hell out of this. Satan's pitchfork pricking their asses and they are feeling the heat. Go, Trump!

  20. It's obvious he doesn't like this country. Let's find him a new one, shall we.


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