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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Suicidal Folly

A few months ago, Brussels ran an advertisement which mocked the Idea that terror attacks could occur in the city:

The West, having embraced multiculturalism to a suicidal degree, refuses to recognize the reality of the threat from Islam.

The Islamic threat is a hydra and in our midst.

Related reading:
A new Hitler is in Europe. It is not Donald Trump. It is not the “right-wing.” The new Hitler is very much like the old Hitler: he hates Jews. He has contempt for the historical patrimony of Western civilization. He means to rule by an iron fist and subordinate every other power to his will. He respects only strength, and despises weakness. The new Hitler is not just one man, but millions — millions who believe in an ideology that teaches warfare against and subjugation of free people under its heel.
Read the rest HERE.

Understand this:

Until a major Western leader is slaughtered — or a close member of that leader's family is slaughtered — by these marauding savages, nothing in policy will change.

Worse, I'm not sure that even the death of a major Western leader or the death of a member of that leader's family will cause a change of that Western leader's worldview that we must now embrace this "new normal" (a phrase that I heard over and over again during the aftermath news coverage of what happened in Brussels).

In other words, the West's leaders have surrendered. The surrender just hasn't yet been formalized.


  1. Something has happened to the instinct for survival in apparently most of what is known as Western Civilization. Before you had to use a horse and hide those inside to take on an adversary. Now, we can't get our enemy here fast enough.


      __________ CRUCIFIXION __________

      He was a man who came to show the way.
      It never was for Him an easy task.
      Sadly, politicians of His day
      Cruelly sought His death. They’d never ask
      Revealing questions in pursuit of Truth.
      Undermining good they sought to hold
      Crookedly to Power. Their uncouth
      Initiatives to godliness were cold.
      Freedom from corruption causes fear
      In those who by coercion seek to rule.
      Xiphoid, ego kills what should endear,
      Instead of letting Self die to renewal.
      On tiptoe oft we creep, and hold our breath,
      Not challenging the ones who cause His death.

      ~ FreeThinke - the Sandpiper

  2. What Bunker said, and I'll piggyback...

    Western civilization has brought us to the point of luxury and security where the average person no longer understands elemental life and death.

    Going into the high country wilderness with nothing but a rifle and a backpack for a week can bring it home to you.

    I spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan, and you see there how elemental life is. They're not worried about getting the latest Samsung TV or iPhone; they are concerned with their survival (a concern we failed to recognize and leverage, which is a main reason why we failed).

    In poor neighborhoods all over the west people understand safety and security quite well, because there is nobody looking out for them or protecting them. It is a different attitude, and thanks to advances here in the west, we've lost that awareness that society is a thin veneer.

    "It's all Good!" ...until it's not.

    1. The West has run amok. And that's an understatement on my part.

    2. Silver, but isn't that luxury the American Life we want and fight to protect? If we believe in a destiny of always moving up the economic scale, and we do, what should we expect?

      Many of us have decried this decadence for years from many angles, only to be shouted down by people "protecting the American way of life."

    3. Dave,

      Here's the point I make: We have a wonderful life here, and people succumb to the fantasy the the whole world is like this (many who visit Mexico never leave the protected resort compounds, or if they do, in carefully-controlled day excursions).

      Westerners also succumb to the dangerous delusion that people are people and we're all the same. They cannot comprehend the societal factors that drive human beings to be much different than ourselves.

      We're a fairly nihilistic culture, blasphemous, and most people cannot fathom the deeply-held beliefs of others.

      We have a beautiful thing here in the west. Where else in the world does a person have such latitude? Seriously, think about it. Extreme left to Extreme Right, Atheist to dedicated worshiper, straight-lace to dope-smoking sexual libertine... We have it all, it exists side-by-side, and we generally get along and solve our problems and differences peacefully.

      Love it? Appreciate it? Then realize, it is an Anomaly.

      The world doesn't work like this. Human beings are not wired for this wide range of diversity and tolerance, but by some miracle--and the intellectual and moral firepower of many western thinkers and religious people down through the ages--We have achieved it!

      Anything good must be cultivated, and any time a group of people have something good or valuable, there are bad people who want to take it away, rip it up, or usurp it for their own dark purposes,

      We have forgotten what a precious gift our culture and society is, and how rare it is in the world and across the entire sweep of history. It is a precious thing, and we have forgotten that we must protect it.

    4. Silver... have we forgotten, or have we collectively decided instead, we just don't want it?

      Are the "Extreme left to Extreme Right, Atheist to dedicated worshiper, straight-lace to dope-smoking sexual libertine" saying they no longer want to live peacefully with their neighbors, preferring instead, a separate space, inhabited by only like minded members of the same tribe?

    5. Dave,

      I don't know if you're asking a clarifying question, or if you are speaking out of some muddled, misplaced longing for a hive that never was. You have now split off to a new topic.

      It is naive to believe the dope-smoking nudist atheist will lie down with the straight-laced fundamentalist. Never has happened, never will. People are different and we have various tribes here in the west. I've commented on it myself.

      There is nothing wrong with this, so long as we don't start going after each other to burn each other out. That is what separates us from many other cultures around the world.

      Thank you for completely ignoring what I said distracting the conversation by picking at a trivial thread that has no bearing on what I was saying.

    6. Silver... I'm struggling to see what provoked your response. I largely agree with what you wrote, which was where my "distracting" came from.

      I only wonder if, as I asked, we have forgotten, as you posited, this gift, or we've decided we don't want it.

      There was no animus in my response to you, as it was simply a response to your well written comment.

    7. Dave,

      As I said in the earlier comment, I believe you can chalk it up to simple ignorance and naivete.

      Ignorance of how good we have it, and of what a great achievement our diverse, tolerant society is. Too many people take it for granted that it will always be this way, and just continue getting better and better.

    8. While you pretend this diverse, tolerant society was born this way it's worth giving a tip of the cap to the left in the 50's and 60's whoo helped set some change in motion.

    9. Another day, another of Firebug Ducky's poorly-constructed strawmen goes up in ashes...

      I thought using the terms "Diversity" and "Tolerant" in a glowing and gratuitous manner was sufficient progressive virtue signaling...

      This is what pisses me off about you ideologues on the left. I am talking about preserving a liberal society that I love, and that I extol the liberal virtues of, and you dogmatists just can't stand it.

      Gotta have that Rush Limbaugh dummy to beat up, don't you?

      I am wasting my time trying to have a conversation with people like you. Have fun, they'll eat you last, but you'll have to watch them rape your liberalism first.

    10. Well, Silverfiddle, it's just that I am not used to a conservative having anything goo to say about a liberal culture.

      The defensiveness becomes habit, unfortunately.

    11. Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho
      ___ and a couple of Tra la la's
      that's how we laugh the day away
      ___ in the merry old land of Oz
      Bzzz bzzz bzzz! Chirp chirp chirp!
      ___ and a couple of la-di-da's
      That's how the crickets crick all day
      ___ in the merry old land of Oz

      We get up at twelve
      ___ and start to work at one
      Take an hour for lunch,
      ___ and then a two we're done
      Jolly good fun!

      Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho
      ___ and a couple of Tra la la's
      that's how we laugh the day away
      ___ in the merry old land of
      ______ merry old land of
      _________ Merry Old Land of Oz!

    12. Yes, Ducky. Without the New Deal progressives of the South and their firehoses, the Civil Riots movement might not have the legs it does today.

  3. The islamic terrorists are winning.

    They have caused us to turn our own nations into prisons, where we're searched, investigated and surveilled at every turn.

    We had a great thing here in the west, built by our forefathers. They pushed back the frontiers of ignorance--as Walter E. Williams likes to put it--and created a safe and wonderful place in a fundamentally benighted and dangerous world.

    What did we do with that precious patrimony bequeathed to us? We trashed the place. It's a big Karkrashian party now. The pinnacle of our societal achievement is the celebration of legalized pot.

    And it was all good, so we let in violent and ignorant people and made no demands on them whatsoever to assimilate or even show an appreciation for our democratic liberalism.

    As Paul Harvey used to say during his verbal vignettes of life in other cultures and societies, "it's not one world."

    Islamic culture and western democratic liberalism are not compatible. Anywhere they reside side-by-side, they are bound to chafe one another, and we have many examples of the logical outcome.

    1. SF,
      They have caused us to turn our own nations into prisons, where we're searched, investigated and surveilled at every turn.

      Yes, and most of the students I teach (high schoolers and middle schoolers) have no clue as to what has been lost. They don't recall their world as having existed any other way.

    2. At this point we can't even be bothered to breed offspring to carry the torch. This is indeed a suicidal folly of a different sort. We are the first sub-specie denoted mainly by its color to no longer desire to continue its instinct to replicate.

  4. AOW,

    I took your video and added it to my short post:

    Official Time Stamp: March 22

    It is linked to the words "Europe has fallen".

    * Hillary stated recently that she still supports open borders.

    Sure, open borders. And citizens who look down at their missing legs right before they perish.

    1. If we had any real reporters left, one would ask Hillary if she has doors and windows on her house. Indeed, would it be puckish to point our Her Rotten Heinous probably reclines behind the safety of *gasp* walls?

  5. The Islamists are willing to be suicidal for THEIR religion.
    Liberals who have a religious belief in THEIR philosophy, seem to be willing to be suicidal for it.

  6. @FA,

    "If the U.S. had not set up the trade embargo, his little experiment probably would have had a much better chance of working"

    Yeah, as if the U.S.is the only advanced economy in the world, LOL. As I recall the former, failed Soviet Union propped-up this little farce until even [it] collapsed. "Power to the people." Oh really; it seems to me that these "people" have no "power", whatsoever! I suggest that your "Che Guevara tee-shirt" might come in handy should you run out of toilet tissue.

    1. AOW,

      Sorry to go off-topic but I just couldn't let that idiot's blathering comment stand.

    2. Jon,
      No worries! I took a few hours off from monitoring comments.

    3. People who go around shouting "More Power to the People" ALWAYS mean more power to the people who go around shouting "More Power to the People."

  7. from Wikipedia

    Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (Dutch, pronounced [sɪnt ˈjɑns ˈmoːləmˌbeːk] ( listen))[2] or Molenbeek-Saint-Jean (French, pronounced [molənbek sɛ̃ ʒɑ̃]) is one of 19 municipalities in the Brussels-Capital Region (Belgium). It is bordered by the City of Brussels, Anderlecht, Sint-Agatha-Berchem, Dilbeek, Jette and Koekelberg.

    In 2014, the municipality had a population of 94,854 inhabitants.[3] It is densely populated, at 16,357/km², twice the average of Brussels. The upper area is greener and less densely populated.

    Muslim community

    Over the past four decades, a substantial Muslim community of mainly Moroccan descent has established itself in Molenbeek, particularly on the eastern inner-city side of the municipality. They represent 39.3% of Molenbeek's population. In the Brussels-Capital Region, it is the municipality of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode that has the largest proportion of Muslims, 49.3%.[10]

    Related to the November 2015 Paris attacks, at least three of the terrorists, Brahim Abdeslam, his brother Salah Abdeslam, an alleged accomplice Mohamend Abrini and the alleged mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud are men who grew up and lived in Molenbeek. According to French President François Hollande, that was also where they organised the Paris attacks.

    There is no wonder that the Paris terrorists could so easily hide out there NOW, is there?

  8. Ditto what I said yesterday. I have nothing to add. Unless and until we dig deep, FIND then KILL the ROOT of the problem all the yammering and bellowing and whining in the world will accomplish NOTHING.

    1. FT,
      My view: silence is being complicit. I can't do that.

    2. AOW, indeed. Islam is just spilling over with "good men" who "do nothing."

    3. I'm sorry to have to say it, but both of you completely mis\understood my meaning. I am much in favor of an ACTIVIST approach to ridding the West of Islamic Filth, Degradation and Brute Savagery.

      In short we must fight fire WITH fire. If we fail in that it is WE who will perish in the ISLAMIC HOLOCAUST sure to rage throughout all formerly Christian lands.

    4. I was answering AOW's comment, which is why I prefaced it with 'AOW,'

  9. "most of the Moslems in Belgium were imported as low-wage workers"

    Yes, 'cheap labor' may come at a very HIGH PRICE! And this is NOT limited to the situation in Europe,alone.

  10. Don't worry - the people of Brussels are going to have a Peace and Love rally. That will fix everything.

    1. Light another candle, shed another tear, draw some solidarity artwork and throw another teddy bear on the fire...

    2. Don't forget the most meaningful tribute of all - "we're all ". /sarc

      The hashtag powered theater of post-jihad sympathy gestures.....

  11. Exactly, ducky. It's the old "Socializes losses, privatize gains" mantra. We need to get Kapital to pay a major premium for importing foreign workers or offshoring jobs.

  12. All over Facebook people are saying *Pray for Brussels*…
    Painting their avatars with Red/White/Blue, and Saying. "I stand with Brussel", and all that meaningless crap. It's time that we pulled out heads out of our ass's and elect Trump and get this thing over with.
    Pray for Brussels? Really??

    OK, pray that they wake the hell up, pull their heads out of their collective asses, and wise up.

  13. Yes, but we don't to go back very far to find ample evidence that Europeans have been battling each other often with extreme brutality long before this most recent in a long series of "Muslim Invasions" which the Yerps brought on themselves by deliberately INVITING dark, foreign, unassimilable hordes to join them.

    For every Effect there has been a Cause.

    1. I know you hate cinema verité, FT but if you can you should take a look at either Chris Marker's Le Joli Mai or Jean Rouch's Chronique d'un été .

      They were both made the year the Algerian war ended and were concerned with the potential happiness of the working class.
      In Marker's film there is an interview with a young Muslim about what would make him happy. It was still a period of strong employment and he just wanted to be successful and raise his family. He was already assimilated.
      The whole issue of Muslim laborers in France is injected with some sophistication.

      Two brilliant films. Warning: Marker was a brilliant film maker and unapologetic Marxist.

  14. Keep consoling yourself with Point Three. Until you finally understand in a hideous way that such "logic" can't hold.

    As for Point One, Salafism and Wahhabism existed long before the fall of Saddam Hussein.

  15. Point Three is very apt, AOW.

    Muslims have been very successful in the U.S. It would be a mistake to lose the good will we have with the vast majority of Muslims but that is exactly what Cruz and Trump are suggesting.

    As for Point One. The 1st Gulf War did a lot to politicize the salafists. Wahabists shouldn't be conflated with salafists.

  16. Sympathy and crocodile tears aside (aka "Gosh! Thank God, that wasn't me!), the individuals with disfiguring facial burns and missing limbs will surely shed their own bitter tears in the future for the manner in which their own governments have refused to provide for basic safety.


  17. Both the Salfists and Wahhabists are hardcore -- and incompatible with Western civilization.

    Oil empowered the Wahhabists.

    Point Three will not hold if things continue as they are going right now. We've already seen the beginnings of the demise of comforting Point Three., which is, in your terms, a kind of American exceptionalism. Since when do you believe in American exceptionalism?

  18. Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho
    ___ and a couple of Tra la la's
    that's how we laugh the day away
    ___ in the merry old land of Oz
    Bzzz bzzz bzzz! Chirp chirp chirp!
    ___ and a couple of la-di-da's
    That's how the crickets crick all day
    ___ in the merry old land of Oz

    We get up at twelve
    ___ and start to work at one
    Take an hour for lunch,
    ___ and then a two we're done
    Jolly good fun!

    Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho
    ___ and a couple of Tra la la's
    that's how we laugh the day away
    ___ in the merry old land of
    ______ merry old land of
    _________ Merry Old Land of Oz!

  19. IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed (dated March 23, 2016):

    PARIS (AP) -- The Islamic State group has trained at least 400 fighters to target Europe in deadly waves of attacks, deploying interlocking terror cells like the ones that struck Brussels and Paris with orders to choose the time, place and method for maximum chaos...

    Is it out of the realm of possibility that at least a few of these jihadists are here in the United States right now?

    We don't know what we don't know.

  20. Ah! The irony!

    Secret Cable: Belgium Thought It Was Slowing ISIS Tide:

    A government document obtained by NBC News shows that just four months before Tuesday's Brussels attacks, Belgian officials believed they were making progress in defusing the threat posed by ISIS terrorists in Belgium.


    According to the cable, Belgian officials "highlighted" their efforts to track, rehabilitate, and reintegrate into society some returning fighters on the local level, while prosecuting others. They cited improved efforts to reduce the number of new recruits, and more funding for social prevention programs in 10 "hot spot" cities throughout Belgium.

    A counterterrorism advisor to Belgium's ministry of the interior spoke of "raising awareness … and providing training to "high risk communities," and of how "reintegration and speedy prosecution helped promote resilience" with the 10 hot spot cities. The program's main focus, he said, was Antwerp.

    U.S. officials then asked the Belgians to share what the cable called "their unique and successful grassroots approach" with other countries seeking to counter the fast-growing threat posed by ISIS within their borders, according to the cable.

    Nine days after the meetings between U.S. and Belgian officials, ISIS fighters operating from a base in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels attacked the Bataclan concert hall and other targets in Paris, killing 130 and injuring hundreds more.

  21. From USA Today...

    ...The Quran's deadly role in inspiring Belgian slaughter: Western recruits for jihad are inspired by the literal interpretation of Muslim sacred texts. This is what we must fight

    I am concerned how little we in the West understand why peaceful Muslims who live among us are drawn into radical Islam.

    As a Muslim growing up in the United States, I was taught by my imams and the community around me that Islam is a religion of peace. My family modeled love for others and love for country, and not just by their words. My father served in the U.S. Navy throughout my childhood, starting as a seaman and retiring as a lieutenant commander. I believed wholeheartedly a slogan often repeated at my mosque after 9/11: “The terrorists who hijacked the planes also hijacked Islam.”

    Yet as I began to investigate the Quran and the traditions of Muhammad’s life for myself in college, I found to my genuine surprise that the pages of Islamic history are filled with violence. How could I reconcile this with what I had always been taught about Islam?


    ...When everyday Muslims investigate the Quran and hadith for themselves, bypassing centuries of tradition and their imams’ interpretations, they are confronted with the reality of violent jihad in the very foundations of their faith.

    The Quran itself reveals a trajectory of jihad reflected in the almost 23 years of Muhammad’s prophetic career. As I demonstrate carefully in my book, Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward, starting with peaceful teachings and proclamations of monotheism, Muhammad's message featured violence with increasing intensity, culminating in surah 9, chronologically the last major chapter of the Quran, and its most expansively violent teaching. Throughout history, Muslim theologians have understood and taught this progression, that the message of the Quran culminates in its ninth chapter.

  22. In Brussels police are still desperately hunting a dangerous terrorist after he fled a triple-suicide bombing in the city that left 34 dead, as officials search for news on U.S. citizens who went missing during the attack and medics tend to nine more Americans lying wounded in hospitals.

    Meanwhile in Buenos Aires President Barack Obama was dancing the night away with wife Michelle at a glitzy state dinner alongside Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his first lady Juliana Awada as part of a two-day state visit.

    Despite increasing calls from the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for the President to return home in the wake of the Brussels attack, Obama showed his determination to carry on his childishness regardless Wednesday night.

    1. Although President Macri and First Lady Juliana probably can't wait for those frauds to leave, it would be fine with me, if they would stay there or return to Cuba, for good!

  23. Off Topic, but can anyone explain why armed US Soldiers are patrolling on US soil?


    Does anyone care?

    1. Because a terrorist would never set off a suicide vest with soldiers around?

    2. Yes, Duck, it's all about putting on a show so as to provide a false sense of security.

  24. I know this is off topic- but -
    you must see before youtube takes this down

    Temple to be built in NYC

    There are links to the NY Times and others if you like to see more.
    This is not so much off topic.
    You see---If a nation does these things Yahua will turn His face from said nation and allow their enemies to walk in and take over without the sword (firing a shot).
    And the enemies know what the Bible says-better than most Christians and Jews do. Especially this part about being taken over!

    1. TS/WS,
      Not to mention how many people today worship Mammon.

  25. Piers Morgan, of all people, has referred to Obama s "tone deaf twinkle toes." Accurate!

    Obama tangos and otherwise parties while Brussels mourns.

  26. A must watch (video edited so that cuts from Brussels are interspersed with Obama living it up in the wake of Brussels):

    The Obama Tango | SUPERcuts! #308

    1. AOW,

      GREAT VIDEO! All of those who supported that POS should drop to their knees and beg forgiveness for their stupidity!

    2. Jon,
      Spread the word about and the link for that video. It's a gem!

    3. Jon,
      And Obama still has a 50% approval rating. WTH?

    4. "Spread the word about and the link for that video. It's a gem!"

      OH, Please believe me, I've sent it out to many, many!

      "And Obama still has a 50% approval rating. WTH?"

      Yeah, "approval" of what? >50% of our society are very, very, SICK!

  27. Could be the vermin won't go after EU leadership(what needs to happen), because the EU leadership are the ones enabling them. Question is - are the vermin that smart?


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