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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wry Humor — And Weekend Open Thread

Because we're so intellectually advanced...

*******OPEN THREAD*******

So, what's on your mind?

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  1. I've always questioned how much influence a sitting president especially in Obama's case really has over the stock market, the ecodomy, and unemployment. It seems to me much is determined by the unseen powers that manipulate and control the market to achieve their interests. And so I have to agree with Bernie Snaders. Like the international oligarchs and plutocrats.

    I'm Just saying.

    What is clear, at lest for me is that the Obama administration has been ineffective at keeping the oligarchs and plutocrats that control the market and have impact on the employment picture honest. As we were told Obama is a commie pinko community organizer! Well as time goes by, it seems that more and more he is fitting that picture. Like it or not, the facts are right before our eyes.

    1. And further, I suspect the real number is closer to 14%....only an Obama Butt licker is buying anything this administration is putting out there

    2. Miss Lavinia Perkins, professor of English emeritus, Hardnox University

      Your remarks are incoherent. I recommend your taking a night course in remedial English so that you might learn to express yourself with greater clarity. As it stands, it's all-but impossible to have any idea of what you're trying to tell us.


      Unfortunately, the tone of the Republican debates in general has been warped by the undue influence of the ENEMEDIA in the persons of agenda-driven "moderators."

      The moderators' focus has been more on sparking loud, sensationalistic "food fights" among the candidates than permitting them to speak freely –– and uninterruptedly –– on matters of substance –– i.e.:

      1. A limp, severely lagging economy -

      2. Misleading statistics on unemployment and jobs growth -

      3. What to do about the threat posed by ISIS and the extreme volatility of the Middle East -

      4. How we ought to deal with the belligerent posturing of North Korea -

      5. What might be the BEST way to make sure that ALL American citizens have access to high-quality Medical Care without rationing, and without surrendering their freedom to choose their own doctors and medical facilities -

      6. How best to minimize the deleterious effects of unchecked ILLEGAL Immigration -

      7. How to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States by fostering an economic climate attractive to the Captains of Industry that is also fair to American workers -

      8. How to deal the dehumanizing threat of ever-increaing Automation and Robotization

      9. How to deal with Right to Life issues v. Personal Autonomy -

      10. How to preserve Freedom of Religion while curbing Islamic Aggression

      11. How to shore up and rebuild our crumbling, foundering Infrastructure -

      12. How to restore CONTROL of EDUCATIONAL POLICIES to individual communities -

      Instead of focusing on things that MATTER, the moderators tend to do whatever they can to pick at scabs, pour salt into wounds, bring up petty nonsense designed to titillate the public, while embarrassing candidates, knocking them off balance, and sparking fruitless, childish quarreling. This turns what-should-be serious ADULT debate into a CIRCUS –– a BURLESQUE –– a TRAVESTY.

      Undue MANIPULATION and USURPATION of CONTROL by the ENEMEDIA was well exemplified by three things:

      1. The decision to FORBID CARLY FIORINA from PARTICIPATING

      2. The way moderators are obviously instructed to EXCLUDE a good man like Dr. Carson from full participation by steadfastly IGNORING him and REFUSING to ASK HIM QUESTIONS. [I loved it when he wryly observed after FINALLY being given a chance to participate, that he wasn't there just to help decorate to the stage. ;-]

      3. The INSTANT post-debate ANALYSIS by ENEMEDIA "Pundits" that focused almost SOLELY –– all across the media board today including the supposedly "objective" C-Span –– on how Governor Christie humiliated and pilloried Marco Rubio by mocking him on making "memorized set speeches" instead of answering questions honestly, etc.

      The collective purpose of the enemedia seems always to do its best to "DESTROY" any Republican who appears to be gaining favor with the public. WHY they would want to do that is a question that should concern every American with a functioning brain.

      In short while the Democrats promise ever greater amounts of FREE "BREAD," the enemedia further corrupts to political process by producing an endless round of "CIRCUSES" craftily designed to take focus away from the critical problems that threaten our very existence.

      STOP, LOOK, LISTEN then DO YOUR OWN THINKING, and PRAY for SANITY is the only advice I have to offer.

    4. FT,
      You've summed up why I didn't watch the debate last night.

      In fact, I didn't watch the previous GOP debate nor the past Dem debate.

      Not worth the flare-up of stress-induced colitis. I've had enough of those colitis bouts the past several months!

    5. I understand, AOW, but in taking the time and summoning up the patience to listen to ALL the debates both R and D, I think I've been able to get a much more accurate idea of what the participants are about than the hideously DISTORTED sound-bite (byte?) images the enemedia presents in ways designed to MISLEAD us, and enhance THEIR agenda.

      If we don't listen and judge for ourselves, instead of letting the enemedia lead us down the garden path, we may find (in the words of George Washington) " ... reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter."

    6. FT,
      I understand all that. But if I'm too sick to vote, all my self-torture (i.e., watching all the debates) will have been for naught.

      Furthermore, WE THE PEOPLE have little to no say in the primary process. As you mentioned above, the Enemedia have a great deal of control over the debates themselves -- particularly the pre-nomination debates.

      Frankly, I suspect that both parties will be conducting brokered conventions.

      Political theatre is ruling the day.

    7. And here's another thing....It's questionable that debates between candidates actually have much effect on what happens at the ballot box. So I've been told, anyway.

    8. Finally, I see on point in getting all het up for or against any candidate right now. Very likely, the candidate that we most wish to see on the ballot won't be on the ballot at all. Mark my words in that one,

      And call me "The Cynic."

    9. My problem with watching the debate, FT, is that I will NOT see anyone who advocates MY beliefs for solutions (the RADICAL Progressive Brandeis, Bryan attitude) on ANY of the debate stages.

    10. The debate goes ALL the way back to Jefferson and Hamilton. Jefferson's "war on Bigness" especially in government.

    11. Bigness, in either government or the commercial sector, has WON the argument and captured all players for the national stage.

  2. I know what AOL and others like FT but what am I?' is not an argument here , it is a fact. You people are Butt kissers of whoever is the front runner of the right.
    I have never seen a back bone from either of you.
    I at least call it like it is, and what it is, is a complete sham .
    The only honest one in the whole kit and caboodle is Bernie Sanders. Let's call it like it is for heavens sake and stop all the BS.

    1. I'm leaning toward Gary Johnson (again) unless the GOP nominates Trump, in which case I will vote for Hillary Clinton as many times as I can.

    2. "in which case I will vote for Hillary Clinton as many times as I can."

      Register as a Democrat and I'm sure the St Louis Dems can make that happen. Play your cards right and you could get a bottle of hooch and a deck of cigs out of it as well...

    3. Your pet rock has a better chance of getting elected president than Gary Johnson.

      +++ Suleiman bin Daoud +++

    4. Suleiman,

      Same goes for Ted Cruz. Unelectable.

    5. Yes, Ted Cruz is unelectable.

      I can't see that he'll be the nominee, either.

  3. Here's a little ditty Trump-Cruz voters dedicate to the Republican and Democrat Establishment Elites and their narrative sustaining media lackies...

  4. Two things concern me right now:

    1) The fierceness and white hot passion of those who proceed blindly and unswervingly on assumptions, prejudices, and canned talking points.

    2) The way the ENEMEDIA, which now includes FOX NEWS, blatantly manipulates and dominates the political process to achieve the aims of their sponsors instead of simply reporting what happens on the ground, and then letting the PEOPLE decide for themselves what these things may or may not signify.

    1. Can I give you my concern? People have little inclination to be charitable towards those with opposed opinions and will literally do anything to make sure that the power of the "Executive" in government will be used to ensure that their opinions prevail (the Executive no longer faithfully executes the entire body of legislation).

    2. "As they say in the United States: “to be different is to be indecent.” The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select. Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated. And it is clear, of course, that this “everybody” is not “everybody.” “Everybody” was normally the complex unity of the mass and the divergent, specialised minorities. Nowadays, “everybody” is the mass alone. Here we have the formidable fact of our times, described without any concealment of the brutality of its features." (Chapter 1: The Coming of the Masses)
      "The Fascist and Syndicalist species were characterized by the first appearance of a type of man who did not care to give reasons or even to be right, but who was simply resolved to impose his opinions. That was the novelty: the right not to be right, not to be reasonable: 'the reason of unreason.'" (Chapter 8: Why the Masses Intervene in Everything and Why They Always Intervene Violently)
      - Jose Ortega y Gasset

    3. "The way the ENEMEDIA, which now includes FOX NEWS, blatantly manipulates and dominates the political process to achieve the aims ..."
      It may actually be encouraging.

      Faux Snooze may be becoming aware of the rabid crowd it has created and sees a need to try to walk it back.
      Won't work but they clearly see that having created their monster they can't control it.

      The best they can come up with is a half wit boy child in Rubio. Why do they back Rubio? Simple, he's a stooge who will do exactly what he's told.

    4. Yeah, FOX could have just pulled an MSNBC and done a full belly-flop into the the wing nut fever swamp, but unlike MSNBC, their viewership can't all fit in one phone booth.

      Fox is just adjusting to where the viewership is. Moloch would go all communist all the time if that's where the ad revenue was. Can't blame him. Nobody's in the business to provide news. They're in it to make money.

      You sound crabby about having to choose between a communist and a crony crapitalist war-monger. Can't say I blame you...

    5. Faux Snooze may be becoming aware of the rabid crowd it has created and sees a need to try to walk it back.

      Don't get your hopes up, ducky...

      The MSM still hasn't even acknowledged or even started to come to grips with the rabid "Gimme, gimme, gimme" crowd's expectations from the coming Socialist Welfare State (ala Bernie).

    6. John Jacob Jinkelheiier Schmidt
      That's my name too.
      Whenever we go out
      The happy people shout
      "There goes John Jacob Jinkelheimer Schmidt

      DA da da DA da DA da!" ...

      Repeat ad infinitum

  5. Iowa means nothing, and neither does New Hampster.

    Why does the GOP vest so much importance in two blue states, the first one full of ag subsidy welfare queens and tent revivalists, and the second a tax refuge for escaped Bostonians?

    South Carolina is where it gets serious.

    1. Does that mean the Strom Thurmond wing of the party is still in control?

      Why would the opinions of South Carolinians carry more weight than Iowa or N.H?

    2. Good question, Ducky.

      Here's why: Because South Carolina is more representative of voters who could vote GOP. IOWA and NH would vote for the Ghost of Mussolini if the Democrats ran him.

      North Carolina is an even more important place, as is Colorado, since they are purple states.

    3. The Establishment for Romney really pulled out all the stops when Newt Gingrich won South Carolina, throwing out the GOP delegate allocation rules so Mittens could have all of Florida.

      I suppose they'll do the same for Jeb.

    4. I think it's too late for Jebby. The big money donors have already swung over and made big down payments on Rubio.

      Ted will run the table in the South, and then the big donors will really have their panties in a wad...

      Heh heh heh...

    5. Why is Jeb still in the race? Because he knows that it's going to be a brokered convention after all? Jeb-Rubio ticket?

    6. John Jacob Jinkelheiier Schmidt
      That's my name too.
      Whenever we go out
      The happy people shout
      "There goes John Jacob Jinkelheimer Schmidt

      DA da da DA da DA da!" ...

      Repeat ad infinitum

  6. If does' matter that the unemployment were low, even if they were still high, or gas prices were sky-high, the whiners would be howling that it's all Obama's fault. Presidents don't have a lot of power over markets and employment, it's true, but they get blamed all the same if they're not doing well.
    If Bush was still around it would be a lot worse.

    1. No, I suspect that even Dubya would have fixed the economy that Obama whined about for seven years by now.

    2. Obama is the greates president ever...

      Nevermind tens of millions of fellow Americans got so discouraged at his economy for the rich that they left the workforce entirely, thereby producing an artificially-low unemployment rate.

      But what do i care? Wall Street... Oops. Wait... Wall Street is tanking.

      But Obama made a big foreign policy success in Yemen. Remember when he said that?

      What??? Yemen is in flames now? Civil war??? You mean like when Hillary led Obama's international firebugs in burning down Libya? After they wrecked Egypt? And left Iraq so ISIS could take over half the country?

      It's all Bush's fault... bla bla bla... Nixon....

      Hillary and Bill are wonderful people, that's why they are so rich and their charity makes so much money for them..

      Hillary is a great progressive, which is why Wall Street has given her so much money.

      Dick Cheney is evil.

  7. Hillary has more foreign affairs experience than the whole lot of your Republican moron pretenders. She's the only one who's ready to step into the presidency from day 1

    1. ...or is living in denial of failure now the new "experience" one touts on their resume?

    2. Just showing up and going through the motions is all a D'Rat has to do to be considered a post-Modern Marvel.

      "Accomplishment" is an illusory concept. There never have been and never will be a group of politicians who "accomplish" anything other than the vast transfer of wealth from one class of citizens to another.

      Call it Teetertotterism or better yet FUTILISM.

  8. If there's one thing that you can say about Bernie Sanders that's on the money it's that on occasion, Bernie comes up with libertarian views when he talks about taking away the cronyism on Wall Street, so in essence he’s right, and occasionally he voted against war,”...

    1. Bernie's a Neo-Progressive, NOT a radical/Brandeis/Bryan one. His cure is to O.D. on the disease.

  9. If Cruz gets the nomination, the Democrats will plaster the airwaves with this information on how radical and out of the mainstream the lying, phoney, and dangerous Ted Cruz is.

    1. True. but let me pose a question here.

      As we all know, the Republican "Establishment" is horribly dead set against Cruz and we won't take into account at the moment that the Dems are in fact scared witless of him. He is said to be hated by all and is an ideological log bomb thrower.

      The question is (like him or not)why is this? Why is it that of all the phony pieces of crap that rode the Tea Party votes to re-election and who in turn promised their constituents to represent their interests are so up in arms?

      The answer is easy enough for anyone who doesn't have their heads where the sun doesn't shine. Cruz is the only one who has stood steadfast to his principles and the promises he made to those who voted for him. Think of that! He is being crucified by people who quite honestly have no morals or worse for standing by his and his constituent's ideals.

      At least with the moronic lemmings following Bernie, it can be a given the brain washed idiots truly believe in him and in fairness to Bernie, he has always openly admitted his Communist beliefs and core ideals.

    2. I'm not exactly sure what Ted Cruz has done in the Senate to make the enemies he has in his own party, but that list of enemies is impressive to me in that they are exactly who I'd piss off if I were a Senator.

      I'm still not pro-Cruz yet, but my desire to see most of the GOP leadership run through a tree mulcher can be negotiable.

    3. I read your thoughtful post with pleasure, Mr. Brandon. I believe you summed up the question of why Senator Cruz is hated and feared very well in the following:

      Cruz is the only one who has stood steadfast to his principles and the promises he made to those who voted for him. Think of that! He is being crucified by people who quite honestly have no morals or worse for standing by his and his constituent's ideals.

      Of course, "they" will do everything possible to destroy Senator Cruz. Maybe that's all the reason "we" need to give him our full support.

      Trump is a man of great accomplishment, but his rhetoric betrays a shallow intellect when it comes to dealing effectively with existential crises.

      Trump is a pragmatist whose main concern is M-O-N-E-Y. What he might want to BUY with his money is doubtless of questionable taste and little or no spiritual substance.

      There is no such thing as a perfect candidate. If one appears to be so, he, she or it is probably as phony as a thirteen dollar bill.


  10. Given the depth of the divisions, it’s hard to see either candidate re-uniting the two wings of the Progressive Movement. Inspired by Obama’s rhetoric, the radicals are now irrevocably committed to the transformation he heralded but did not deliver: socializing health care and higher education; breaking up the banks; punishing big business for sins real and imagined; taxing — really taxing — the top one percent. Harkening back to Brandeis and Bryant, the Sanders agenda represents the path not chosen by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, and by virtually every Democrat leader since.

    Perhaps FDR will rise from the grave and patch things up. Short of that, it looks like the Progressive Movement is headed for a crack up.

    1. FDR? That stands for Friggen Dirty Rat where I come from.

      THAT sodding b-sturd was the one who put us on the One Way Path to becoming a Socialist Welfare State - not that he didn't have a lot of help from the "progressives" who came before him and paved the way for the End of Free Market Capitalism.

      Creeping Socialist Tyranny has been the Serpent in the Western Garden of Eden.

      +++ Suleiman bin Daoud +++

  11. If Hillary is the candidate, I won't vote.

    I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

    Are you tired of candidates saying what you want to hear to get your vote, and then forgetting about you until the next time they want your vote? I am. We're heading toward another major collapse and the billionaires will have enough money to buy up everything the rest of us lose. We have a corporate congress ... and other corporate cronies running our country for the benefit of the top one percent.......... It's Outrageous.

  12. Correction! That Should read as:

    And I don't want any of those crazy Republican candidates anywhere near the White House EITHER (and all of them are many times worse than G.W. Bush).

  13. What I am so amazed at is that the democratic party…the party of Stupid, the party of damn near half the country, has for it’s two prospective leaders….a cruel, crooked, dishonest, self-righteous, doddering old woman with known brain damage issues on the verge of a damn stroke…and an admitted communist. And who is one step away from the loony bin. And these voters are okay with that.

  14. Perhaps or maybe wishful thinking but maybe Joe Biden will be the Denocratis

    presidential nominee. A huge improvement over HillRy and Bernie being the nominee.

  15. Hellarious Rotten Clintoon has really big foreign policy experience.

    She wrecked Libya and turned it into the gateway for the Million Man Muslim March into Europe, she allowed ISIS to take over half of Iraq.

    Hellary and the Obamunist armed the "good" Syrian terrorists, who then took all that training, money and weaponry, and went over to ISIS.

    Remember when Hellary gave the Reset Button to Putin? and then he turned it into a detonator?

    Give Hellary a few years as President, and there won't be a world left... But at least her and Bill will be fat on Wall Street money and global corporate cash.

    1. But at least her and Bill will be fat on Wall Street money and global corporate cash.

      It's true! Her and him will be fat on Wall Street. But Hellary promised to keep that secret between she and he. How did you find out?

    2. Freethinke, it's you!!!

      How many other sock puppets have you used on this thread?

    3. Duck,
      So what if FT does have sock puppets? He has been digitally locked out of his own blog!

    4. Last I read it was due to an obsolete operating system.

      Doesn't make a lot of sense.

      FT -
      1. What operating system are you using?

      2. What messages do you receive?

      3. Did anything unusual happen before the "lockout"?

    5. Duck,
      There is indeed something about an obsolete OS. I'm not sure how old FT's computer is, but I know that it is not a new machine.

  16. Screw the Purveryer of Free StuffFebruary 6, 2016 at 2:53:00 PM CST

    I just don't get it. The people who have free food, free healthcare, free rent now want a free education? What are they going to do with a free education? Work? These people don't want to work. They want you and I to work for them, If they worked then they would make too much money to get all the free stuff!

  17. Maybe the Democrat Party should let the ground hog pick their winner.

  18. Screw the Purveryer of Free Stuff...Like RN, and DuckyFebruary 6, 2016 at 5:03:00 PM CST

    The two leading democratic candidates want to be more "progressive" than the other

    Democrats Debate: What Is A Progressive And Who Wants To Be One?
    Progressive is just the Modern term for for Socialism
    So after 100 years of fascism the democrats want to graduate to full blown socialism.

    We are screwed,. these SOB's have ruined the entire nation.

    1. Screw The Purveryer of Spelling!February 6, 2016 at 6:19:00 PM CST

      You may be right.

  19. "Progressive" is just another word for a pick-pocket. They misdirect the script as they continue to steal from the tax-paying base.

    1. Progressive HAS a meaning. THAT meaning (smallness in business as a goal) has been lost.

    2. Much as the meaning of the term "socialist" has been lost. We need to educate the voters as to the actual "meaning" of these mal-used and mis-understood terms.

  20. Rubio crashed and burned at tonight's debate IMO. The moderators and particularly Christie went after him with a vengeance. Anyone agree?

    1. Bunkerville,
      I didn't watch the debate last night because I'm still recovering from the stomach virus which felled me on Friday evening. That said, from the excerpts I saw this morning, Rubio did crash and burn last night.

      Rubio is too scripted. Period.

    2. No, I don't agree, I think that Christy was way out of line and it's time for all these 2'% ers to get out of the way and go home. It's time to STOP shooting down each other and attack Hillary instead.
      Or we are going to kill each other off doing Hillary's work for her

    3. Rubio got rag dolled by Christy and it's time to admit that young Marco is nothing more than a few scripted memes and he isn't very bright.

      Again, he's popular with the Republican establishment because they know he will do exactly as he's told by the beltway establishment.
      So much for, "We the People".

    4. Nostradumbass said:
      "Marco is nothing more than a few scripted memes and he isn't very bright."

      LOL! Pot, meet kettle.

      Not that I disagree with you though. (blind squirrels, nuts and all that)

    5. Rubio has been "the pick" of the GOP establishment since at least October, but for POTUS only because the GOP establishment recognized by then that Jeb might not get the nomination.

      I'm wondering now if the GOP will have a brokered convention and run a Jeb-Marco ticket.

      BTW, at one time, well over a year ago, the GOP establishment was considering running a Walker-Rubio ticket.

      How do I know the above? Well, I DO live inside the Beltway.

    6. Didn't watch the debate, but read up on the aftermath.

      Way too much tearing down others instead of presenting your own positive message.

      I am finally coming around to the line of thinking that for many, it's not about winning, but making money, fame and the money and power the fame of being a candidate can bring you.

      Rubio (and maybe Trump--too early to tell) is the best-positioned guy on that stage to win a national election against a Democrat. That's not to say I like or support him, just a statement of current political thought.

      Cruz is smart, the there aren't enough snake-handlers to get him elected.

      Jebby Mush flailed and grabbed for the imminent domain thing as he drowned in front of our eyes, and Christy did show he was the alpha-male. Don't know why he's not doing better in the polls. I think he could win, but heaven help him, he actually acted gentlemanly toward the President of the United States, who was handing him money after a natural disaster slammed his state.

      I hate to be pessimistic, and I hope I am wrong, but we could be watching another flaming GOP dirigible going down in smoke and flames.

    7. "I am finally coming around to the line of thinking that for many, it's not about winning, but making money, fame and the money and power the fame of being a candidate can bring you."

      Say Hi! to Ben Carson. Without question i it for the money.

      I'd say Trump was in it for the publicity before he hit lightning in a bottle.

      Rubio really thinks he's the man. Cruz also especially for the power.

      Feel the Bern!

    8. Yes Feel the Bern. Let Government Run EVERYTHING instead of reducing the size of corporations and levelling the free market playing field.

    9. I find it difficult to believe that Dr. Carson entered the race for money or for accolades.

  21. American Nanny Murdered by Muslim Migrant Rapist in Austria

    A commenter to the above thread nailed the situation, which will be repeated over and over again because of the Enemedia:

    Toby1 • 15 hours ago

    Another beautiful brainwashed child SACRIFICED ON THE ALTER [sic] OF LIBERALISM

    1. VIENNA -- Austrian police told CBS News on Thursday that a 25-year old Colorado woman whose half-naked body was found in her Vienna apartment was not strangled, shot or stabbed, but they could not yet rule out homicide.

      The autopsy, which allowed investigators to rule out those three potential methods of attack, was nonetheless "inconclusive,"officials said.

      Not to say there wasn't foul play but it's usually best to wait a bit and not jump on Geller's early rant.

    2. ".....it's usually best to wait a bit and not jump on Geller's early rant."

      And what then, Nostradumbass? Will you go into your next bout as pathological muslim apologist?

    3. Warren,
      I knew in advance that Duck would have a meltdown if I posted a link from Pamela's site.

      Duck is nothing if not predictable.


    4. AOW: Student of Pavlov, are you?

      Like a cat and a laser pointer, isn't it?

  22. Actress Kirstie Alley says she hasn’t endorsed a presidential candidate just yet but does like certain qualities about GOP front-runner Donald Trump. " at least he's wakeing the country up.


    Timber Queen said

    The whole press corps still treats politics as theater or sport. No one ever explains policy on a post-debate show. Must all talk be of the horse race? It’s a democracy, not an off-track betting parlor. We must all think less like political consultants and more like citizens, and journalists should lead the way.”

    Even the socialists at Salon are sick of the Old Media and their shallow, biased reporting on behalf of the establishment. Average Americans in both parties know that those they elect are not serving their interests, nor are the media who have abandoned their “watchdog” role. This dissatisfaction is shared within an electorate split along the ideological fault line between capitalism and socialism, not between the now meaningless labels of “Republican” and “Democrat”.

    The Wilsonian era introduced socialist policies and goals into the American body politic that ran counter to the representative Republic policies and goals set out in the U.S. Constitution. For the last one hundred years these two competing ideologies have been waging an undercover war for the American psyche. The socialists masked their true identity with the euphemisms “progressive,” then “liberal,” and then back to “progressive” as each moniker fell from favor. Under this camouflage they took control the cultural drivers of education and entertainment to indoctrinate generation after generation away from traditional American values of independence and personal responsibility.

    I am grateful that Sanders openly carries the Socialist label. It will help clarify the true intentions of the Left to finally eliminate the last remaining vestiges of the Great American Experiment in self-governance. This election is about smashing the Uniparty establishment, and then deciding between capitalism and socialism (communism). These two ideologies can no longer exist side-by-side in this nation. It has to be one or the other.

    It's good to find proof every once in a while that I am not alone.

    1. FT,
      Excellent find!

      The whole press corps still treats politics as theater or sport. No one ever explains policy on a post-debate show.

      But this could also be a case of "Which came first -- the chicken or the egg?"

      Are the media doing what they know the people will pay attention to? Doing what they know will "sell"?

      It seems to me that America as a whole is no longer a nation of thinkers. As such, America has become a nation of sheeple.

  24. Why is FreeThinke singing the naked lady song and trying to gestalt it into the word Trump? Hmmm

    Regarding media: They have become the serfs of government, just another political organ.

    1. Is that what that is? I had no idea what he was trying to do.

      It's call the naked lady song?

      I learn something new every day on the innerwebz...

  25. Wall St is unimpressed with this "wonderful" news :Otherwise known as Bull- Crap.
    Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
    -Down another 275 points this morning.

  26. On that RACIST Superball half time show!

    This should never have been allowed. We have enough racial problems without creating more. The police officers need our support not tearing them down every minute ..Its gotten to be where nobody will even want to be a cop anymore because of crap like this. All she is doing is causing more hate and division. Obamas best friend !!

  27. NFL has lowered its standards by even asking that POS to entertain at that event. This has got to be one of the most prestigious entertainment shows of the year and they bring in this low life piece of s*** Beyonce Satan's slut, she’s a disgrace to the game of Football and to the United States of America.
    Lady Gaga REALLY showed some great class and did a wonderful National Anthem performance. Beyonce showed her ignorant, classless garbage. The halftime show was the worst I have ever seen, and I have ever seen most of them!!!
    Since she seems to hate whites and cops so much, why did she have police escorts to the stadium? And with your blonde straight hair? You want to emulate white women in your appearance then turn around and insult them? Do the NFL commissioners approve of what they do at half time?
    What was pathetic and disturbing was that the NFL will allow that..... to perform that shit in front of millions of people including all those children!! The lyrics alone were BAD enough to ban that crap not to mention the obscene actions, with the Black Power fists etc.!!!
    This never should have been allowed by the NFL. It was another bad mistake and not a good message to America's youth. It seems as if these halftime shows that they chose are always “Big Misstates”
    Perhaps they should be vilified for allowing a racist halftime show. HOW PATHETIC CAN THEY GET?
    At a Football half time show we do not need people inflaming racist talk. What we need is unity as a nation, this was not only a national program, but it was seen world wide. .
    What is sad is the NFL, with all the troubles they have had lately with their own players, should have been smart enough too know there are more black on black murders. Also not smart enough to know if the parents kept the kids out of the gangs and taught them right from wrong they might not get shot. Better yet teach them how not to be a racist like their parents. Are these the Idols we want our kids to follow?
    The problem with entertainers, like Beyoncé, is they have millions of American dollars, they feel entitled to do and say whatever they please. Do they really know what they are saying or doing? Probably not. Unfortunately people pay money to see their acts, and as long as people are willing to support these entertainers, the American people have to listen to their out of touch rhetoric. And they want us to boycott the Academy Awards?

    1. Beyoncé's half time show, homage the to the Black Panthers, was more of the push to Balkanize our nation along racial lines.

  28. A Proud Progressive HaterFebruary 8, 2016 at 5:08:00 PM CST

    Beyonce was the worst part of the Super Bowl. Figures the Ovomits would love it


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