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Monday, February 15, 2016

A Reminder From George Washington

Possibly apocryphal, but nevertheless worth considering:


  1. My hunch is that the Founders deep down knew this experiment had a life expectancy of a period of time. Warnings from many were given for future generations, but alas, few paid heed. Nations rise and fall. That is the sad fate of all that came before us.

  2. IIt doesn't matter WHO said what. ALL that matters is the QUALITY of the CONTENT.

  3. The founders understood human nature and were students of history and philosophy. They set up the best system they could, but whatever barriers or system man devises, other men can come along and figure a way to subvert and pervert them.

    Government long ago abandoned the role of dangerous servant and is not simply a fearful master, or more accurately a fearsome monster.

    1. Government has become a know-it-all University Professor who knows what's BEST, and who is going to make sure, using the CFR, that you can't legally do anything contrary to his learned and believed to be empirically infallible advice...

    2. I'm often troubled that Robert Micheles was on to something in Political Parties when he theorized that political parties necessarily trended to oligarchy.

      Can we find models that blunt the oligarchy?

    3. @ Ducky: Can we find models that blunt the oligarchy?

      Yes, but none of them are pretty...

    4. The Founders had INSIGHT, VISION, IMAGINATION, DARING, CONVICTION and COURAGE –– qualities notably lacking in most of our nation today.

      They did not depend much on "book learning, "and I'm not sure if they even knew about STATISTIC. Yes, they read, of course, but in truth they were a rare group of remarkable INDIVIDUALS with profound INSIGHT and great FAITH in themselves and the ides they strove to implement.

      Today, "all we like sheep have gone astray," because we prefer to play it safe and FOLLOW every Pied Piper who comes down the pike with a seductive line of patter that claims to absolve us of our responsibility to think and act for ourselves from time-tested precepts and passionate conviction.

  4. I do not babysit this blog, Neither do the other blog administrators.

    But when we administrators peek in and see comments outside the parameters of commenting here, deletions ensue.

  5. All nations fall after about 10 generations...look at ancient Rome...and a look at, Isaiah 3 and Revelation, shows that GOD has been aware of this tendency before HE even created all things. Thus, HE, will perform the final judgment upon the fall of man and the pride of satan. It's just that those of us going through it need to be; alert, aware, strong and well grounded. It will not be "pretty" when it comes down!


    1. " ... We blossom and flourish
      Like leaves on a tree
      Then withereth, and fadeth,
      But naught changeth Thee ...

      ~ lines from the hymn Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise

  6. GW gets my vote. Oh for the days when most people actually understood things because (imo) life was tough and if you didn't understand things, you died quickly. The single biggest thing missing in our current environment. libtards able to survive to old age, let alone breeding age, is one of the main problems.

  7. "dangerous servant and fearful master"....did GW know OBAMA? :-)

    1. Z,
      GW knew human nature -- that is, the human desire to have and wield power over others.


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