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Monday, April 8, 2019

Guilty White Liberals: A Clear and Present Danger

Silverfiddle Rant!

White liberals are cracked, and if they have their way, they will destroy the nation, wreck our democratic republican form of government, and splinter out society into a turd-world toilet of battling tribes.

From Matthew Yglesias at Vox, of all places...

"...on key measures of racial attitudes, white liberals’ opinion has moved to the left of where black and Latino opinions are. White liberals are now less likely than African Americans to say that black people should be able to get ahead without any special help."

"White liberals also have warmer feelings about immigrants than Hispanics do."

"And, critically, white liberals are much more enthusiastic about the idea that diversity makes the United States a better place to live than are blacks or Latinos. Non-liberal whites are least enthusiastic of all, which is not enormously surprising, but Latino views of this are closer to those of non-liberal whites than to white liberals." 

Question from ANES 2018 Pilot Survey:

On balance, do you think having an increasing number of people of many different races, ethnic groups, and nationalities in the US makes this country a better place to live, a worse place to live, or does it make no difference?

Answers by Demographic:

Non-Liberal White  Better: 42.3%,  Worse: 26.8%
Hispanic           Better: 45.9%,  Worse: 16.4%
Black              Better: 54.2,   Worse: 11.4
White Liberal      Better: 87.1%   Worse: infinitesimal

It is clear. White liberals are a kook fringe 15%, a Berned-Out statistical outlier, but still a very dangerous demographic that thanks to the Infotainment Media Complex, always manages to punch above its weight.  

Face it.  White liberals are guilty, pathetic and suffer feelings of inadequacy, so they seek approval for being woke, unlike those red state hillbillies.  White liberals, stewing in their own low self-esteem and bile, decide they want to redecorate the place because they've grown to hate this nation and at least half of the population, because Trump, or their own failure, or whatevs.

To quote the Great Winston Churchill, we must defend our nation and our culture, "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

Related Links:

Gallup:  U.S. Still Leans Conservative, but Liberals Keep Recent Gains
Gallup:  Party Affiliation


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No "final solutions" from me. We are a representative democracy. All I can do is talk to my fellow citizens and vote.

      Unfortunately, historically-ignorant people can only see the stupidity of constructing a tower of babel when its too late.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, I am familiar with the quotes. You've scolded me with them many times.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It's not my blog, and I certainly would not want to keep you from posting here.

      You sound perpetually disappointed I have not yet sparked the revolution, picked up a weapon, and started mowing down the progressive malefactors.

      I am doing what bloggers do: I am bringing information, hopefully something new or presented in a new light.

      Finally, in my defense, I have hacked at the root of evil in service to my country. Also, I am a good citizen, a good neighbor and am raising God-fearing young adults to be productive and responsible citizens.

      I'm sure in your perpetually-disappointed eyes I should be doing more, but that's all I have in my defense.

      Referenced Thoreau Quotes:

      "For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."

      “Thus men will lie on their backs, talking about the fall of man, and never make an effort to get up.”

    6. FreeThinke's been salty ever since Goebbels killed himself on May Day.

    7. Bravo Silver, and I sincerely mean that. We may disagree on several issues, but, your comment above defines for me what a libertarian, left or right leaning is all about.

      BTW, thank you for your service and your perspectives. It's folks like you on the right and left that will insure our democratic republic survives another century or more.

    8. "libertarian, left or right leaning"
      Captain, I think the oxymoron inhibiting device is broken!

    9. Warren, cognitive dissonance alert!

  2. SF,
    Has you seen Michael Gerson's latest column: White supremacy must be undone?

    Concluding paragraph:

    Conservatives and liberals will naturally disagree about how to close the wealth gap between African Americans and whites. (The average wealth of white households is about seven times greater than that of black households.) But such inequality is not a matter of bad feelings. It was consciously and purposely built into institutions over centuries. And it must be consciously and purposely undone.

    Gerson was one of GWB's speech writers. Now he is moving in the direction of reparations -- that is, a full-on Democrat. Sheesh.

    1. I wonder if Gerson will be voting for Kamala Harris.

    2. I note that Peter Wehner, best buds with Gerson, did not Tweet out this particular Gerson column. A first!

    3. One more reason to execrate George W Bush and his entire pack of sleazy squishes.

      The whole damn article was a stale rehash. I want people to get down to brass tacks. What policies would they enact, and how would they help?

      Handing out free money isn't the answer.

    4. Your right Silver. Insuring equal opportunity exists for ALL is. Hopefully w/o. bias. But we both know that cannot be saaured.

    5. I agree with Gerson. The "white supremacy" of the liberal multiculturalist MUST be undone!

      multiculturalism involves patronizing Eurocentrist distance and/or respect for local cultures without roots in one’s own particular culture. In other words, multiculturalism is a disavowed, inverted, self-referential form of racism, a ‘racism with a distance’—it ‘respects’ the Other’s identity, conceiving the Other as a self-enclosed ‘authentic’ community towards which he, the multiculturalist, maintains a distance rendered possible by his privileged universal position. Multiculturalism is a racism which empties its own position of all positive content (the multiculturalist is not a direct racist, he doesn’t oppose to the Other the particular values of his own culture), but nonetheless retains this position as; the privileged empty point of universality from which one is able to appreciate (and depreciate) properly other particular cultures—the multiculturalist respect for the Other’s specificity is the very form of asserting one’s own superiority. - Slavoj Zizek

  3. There are real solutions to our national/social problems. We could begin by refusing to elect progressives to high office. We could undertake a national review of our educational system (otherwise known as a brainwashing arm of the Democratic Party). As but three examples, civic education is a thing of the past, diversity training has been rolled in to the study of world geography, and under-educated students come away from high school believing that because of our checkered history, they are somehow entitled to advantages over those of mainstream society. If we want to close the income gap, then everyone of our kids should be getting a quality education; students should graduate from high school as citizens who are proud of their country, despite our warts, and confident that there is a place for everyone in our robust economy.

    But that’s too hard. It is much easier to convince young (unformed) minds that they have an obligation to pursue a radical progressive agenda. This leads us to conclude that if white progressive brains were made of dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough gray matter to blow their noses. Meaningful change is never achieved from outside mainstream society—it is only achieved from within conventional society. Even progressives should have been able to figure this out by now. The fact that they pursue failed “hope and change” policies does tend to suggest that their real goal is something other than making America a better place for everyone. Divide and conquer, perhaps? Why?

  4. Indeed. The pandering pols engaging in this nonsense see it as just campaign rhetoric, but millions of people are taking them seriously.

    They may be in a shame-pander corkscrew spiral they cannot pull out of...

  5. Are you surprised that a group that's been selected for whiteness *and liberalism* is more liberal than another group that's been selected only for ethnicity, not for politics?

    1. Excellent point, but the facts of the article remain. Also, Yglesias is a liberal, so this wasn't some phony baloney data slicing to score a narrow rightwing partisan point.

      I think it indicates just how far out there this demographic slice is.

    2. Maybe I'm part of the problem, but while I wouldn't necessarily agree with it* I don't think that "an increasing number of people of many different races, ethnic groups, and nationalities in the US makes this country a better place to live" is a far out opinion.

      *Some caveats: while I have no problem with either diversity or uniformity in themselves, they can each be symptoms of underlying issues which I do take issue with: I object to diversity without assimilation, or uniformity maintained through hostility, for examples. It's because of just this type of wishy-washy mealy-mouthed weasle-worded grey-area nuance that I could never meaningfully respond to these types of surveys -- I wouldn't expect to get more than three questions in before they interrupted me with "I'll just put you down as 'liberal'".

    3. Unfortunately, the guilty white left is promoting a dysfunctional "diversity without assimilation, or uniformity maintained through hostility" that you describe.

      We had a nice melting pot going, people intermarrying, forming "One" "out of many," but politicians can't make money and gain power off of that, can they?

      The left is now trolling everyone else with the issue. Didn't one of Britain's originators of Multi-culti come out and repent a few years back and describe how the left used it as a weapon against their unenlightened political opponents and Little Englanders?

    4. I don't think they (we?) are promoting that, I think lack of assimilation (in the places where it is lacking) is a result of laziness rather than conscious choice. I might be naive though -- maybe Paris was deliberately ghettoized? After all, you can make money (more, I would argue) in a happy, secure society too. On the other hand, pockets of the right do err towards hostility IMO.

      I don't know the story in the last paragraph, can you suggest some search terms?

  6. They are like Dr. Frankenstein, creating a monster they cannot control.

  7. Jez, I can't help you with a link. I thought the story significant and saved a link but the article it referances is now a totally different article. It seems to me that the key words were 'to replace their constituents with a less knowledgeable more maliable population. -- or words to that effect --

    Warren -from my iPhone-


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