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Monday, December 31, 2018

Angel Merkel Spills The Beans

From Zero Hedge (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):
Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.

No this wasn’t something Adolf Hitler said many decades ago, this is what German Chancellor Angela Merkel told attendants at an event by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin.....
Read the rest HERE at Zero Hedge.

WC, my co-host back in the days of Blog Talk Radio's The Gathering Storm, comments as follows to the above:
So the mask has fallen off. They are brazenly declaring their intent. It's as if the doors to the loony bins have been opened wide and the globalist elitists are running amok.
Weigh in....What will 2019 bring for the future of globalism, yet one more manifestation of utopianism?

Additional reading regarding certain borders for certain elites...John Kerry Fights to Keep Migrants Off His Private Beach.


  1. Merkle's mask fell off a very long time ago. Her actions have spoken much louder than her words. I'm not amazed by her statement; I am amazed that the German people have put up with her for so long.

    1. EXACTLY RIGHT, Sam! I have felt the same –– for a good many years.

  2. We did well to de-fang Germany after WWII. They have this nasty thing that keeps rising to the top of their psyche.

    1. Maybe, Bunker, but I don't think it's GERMANY per se. NAZI Geremany was hyper-aggressive. MeRKEL's Germany ON THE OTHER HAND wants to roll over and play dead for any and every for of undesirable humanity that ould invade and overwhelm the German nation –– and ALL of Europe. England too!

      THE UNSTATED GOAL OF THE EUROPEAN UNIIN, WHICH THE BRITS WISELY DECIDED TO ABANDON TWO YEARS AGO, has been to allow ISLAM and Dark-Skinned Hordes freeloadung from Africa to DESTROY the Fatherland, and establish EURASIA –– a truly horrible prospect.

    2. I guess it will depend in the end as to who will be pulling the ultimate strings in the scenario. Funny thing, Soros seems to support open borders, but then I wouldn't want to be into conspiracies.

    3. I don't believe there could be any dkubt that all the undesirable changes that have transpired have cme about because of ruthless and determinied LOTTING, Bunker. Internationalism, now caled globalism has been an openly ceclared goal since the days of Woordwo Wilson. Super-Rich elites, International bankers and Ownersof Vital Raw Materials have dreamed and schemed of establishing One Worl Government for about a hundred years.

      To accomplish their goal, they've been willing to work with COMMUNISTS, ISLAMISTS, ATHEISTS, and violent ANTI-SOCIAL FACTIONS lik ANTIFA nd BLM..

      It HAS to be a fact, because there is no other credibl explanation for the deplorable CRAZY situation in which we now find ourselves.

      I won't be around to ness it, but it should be very interesting to see how these disparate forces, basically hostile to each, will resolve their differences once they succeeded in completey destroying OUR world.

    4. The volk are not happy with the current situation.

  3. ______ WISDOM FROM ON HIGH ______

    Why do so many avoid their best goals

    By choosing, instead, to swallow live coals?

    What is more dismal than worthy endeavour?

    Why carping, of course, and complaining forever!

    Why consume precious time on others reviling,

    When you might, instead, make yourself more beguiling?

    Self-immolation is good for your soul,

    But captiousness ruins your chance to be whole.

    Swallow live coals, and cause yourself grief.
    Tis from your own store that you play the thief.

    The passing parade exhibits much folly.

    Don't add to it, Bub, instead try acting jolly.

    ~ FreeThinke

    May We All Enjoy:

    A HAPPY,
    N_E_W ...*... Y_E_A_R_!

  4. After seeing their leader state such,if the Volk don't immediately rise up and retake their sovereignty, they deserve servitude and the accompanying destitution.

    They will provide a fine example to use as illustration when Leftists here bleat their siren song of sheep.

  5. The hard Left is pushing for DiEM25. That's 25, as in the year 2025.

  6. I Would Love To Wish a Happy & Healthy New Year To All of my American Republican friends! 2019 is Going to be YUUUUUUGE!!

  7. Progressives view nationalism much like they view religion: A dangerous force that divides people into tribes and causes them to war with on another.

    A glaring progressive deficiency is their naïve denial of human nature. Human beings are social creatures who find comfort, safety and enjoyment by banding together with like-minded people.

    1. Possibly she's saying that we've reached a stage where problems that must be solved require more international cooperation.
      The Libertarian model is clearly not offering a resolution.

    2. Show us where the Libertarian model has been applied in Europe. We’ll wait.

    3. I have a feeling this will (as usual) be a long wait.

    4. I'm not one of your freaking reports, CI, I have my own schedule but I'm always willing to answer.

      I see the failing of the Libertarian model beginning with Herbert Spencer in Europe and then to America where it really thrived in the age of the robber barons.
      It is America where the fits and starts of libertarianism have been so damaging. After the robber baron era ended with a spectacular stock market crash there was a period of social democracy that has served us well but the libertarian ideal is here with such gifts as Austrian economics, supply side theory, gross wealth inequality(especially among nations. Europe has also exported such shining luminaries as Peter Thiel.

      So it's America which is the largest barrier to the cooperation Merkel is referring to.
      Libertarianism has no response to important issues like wealth inequality or climate change. In fact, it doesn't even recognize the issues.

      Whatever value libertarianism had in John Locke has been long since perverted here in America.

    5. As you proceed you need to heed
      This ancient adage droll:
      Conservatives see the doughnut
      While Leftists see only the hole!

      ~ Anne Ominous

    6. Ducky, you're confused. I wasn't referring to when you might respond, but to whether or not you would respond at all.....because make no mistake, you clearly don't always respond when pressed for specifics.

      Not terribly sure why you bothered here, as I asked you for an example of when the Libertarian model had been applied in Europe, and you gave us a theoretician, and attempted to shoehorn it to two issues that you think are important...neither of which were germane to the topic at hand, the sovereignty of a nation-state.

      It's telling that you take the admission "sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens..........and translate it as "cooperation".

  8. ________ On New Year’s Day ________

    Our hope would be to take the roadblocks down
    No more to have to hide behind the walls
    Negativity built with a frown,
    Even though she smiles in gleaming halls
    Welcoming all with fawning falsity,
    Yet yearning all the while for something solid.
    Excitement dies in stuffy halls at tea,
    As hypocrisy makes discourse witless, stolid.
    Rarely may we speak without a filter.
    ‘Tis safer not, lest someone take offense.
    So, fearing to be thought bizarre –– off kilter ––
    Daft –– depraved –– or simply too intense ––
    A fear of ostracism serves P-C,
    Yielding a moribund society.

    ~ FreeThinke



    23,327.46 +265.06 (1.15%)

    I choose to see that as a Good Omen.

    1. Worst year since 2008. Be careful out there.

    2. As you proceed you need to heed
      This ancient adage droll:
      Conservatives see the doughnut
      While Leftists see only the hole!

      ~ Anne Ominous

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Z,
    Thank you for sharing that information about what's really happening in Germany.

    How long will the political leaders and the media ignore that reality?

  12. I often wonder why Ducky continues to live in the United States; there is so little here to offer him. Perhaps a relocation to a Middle Eastern paradise would be preferred ... or the Russian steppes, the only place on earth where we can find true socio-economic equality.

    1. It must be horrible, I couldn't do it, seriously.
      I'm not a Trump fan but remain so grateful Clinton lost that I keep hoping and realizing things, in general, are better than they were with Obama. No apology tours, no spying on the Conservatives via the IRS, no getting cops killed through misuse of Fast and Furious, no ambassadors killed, no lies about it all.......
      REALLY bad things happening with Trump, no DOUBT about it, but if the really bad things about Obama and Holder and Comey were believed and we still had investigate journalists who want truth and liberalism, they'd be behind bars....I could go on, what's the point?
      Happy New Year, Sam.

  13. To whom are we "giving up" our sovereignty, ma'am? Yes, indeed, it's an unwelcome twist on similar message from one of her [pre-Adenauer] predecessors, except he was clear to whom the sovereignty went.


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