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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day — And Open Thread

So, what's on your mind?

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  1. What a Lively Week!

    Frist the GOOD NEWS:

    1. Hillary Clinton interrupted her Magical Mystery Tour of India by falling TWICE on her way down a stairway, and then broke her wrist in a marble bathtub in the palace in Jodphur. WOO HOO! It couldn't have happened to a more DESERVING virago –– despicable termagant that she is..

    2. Better yet Jeff Session FINALLY grew a pair and FIRED Andrew McCabe BEFORE he could collect his full retirement package. I can't wait for the dancung in the Streets to begin, cn you?

    On the DIMMER SIDE:

    3. Shamless whore Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stripper Stormy Daniels, continues her brazen, doubtless-well-paid quest to Embarrass, Discredit and Shame President Trump with grotesque allegations about an "affair" they probably never had.

    On the TRULY SAD SIDE:

    4. We have that brand new, unfinished seventy-nine-ton Pedestrian Bridge over an eight-lane Miami highway that collapsed crushing out several luckless lives as it smashed into their cars. Bumbling Incompetence, Inattentiveness to Duty, Carekessness, and Irresponsible Attitudes on the part of those in charge of the construction are the likely cause of this disaster.

    1. FT,
      broke her wrist in a marble bathtub in the palace in Jodphur

      Which begs the question as to why she's so unsteady on her feet.

    2. Whatever it is I hope it soon proves FATAL, don't you?


      I'm sure I'm not alone when I say, "I have had MORE-than-ENOUGH of this dreadful old harridan. It's high time she LEFT the STAGE –– once and for all."

    3. As for Jeff Sessions, he's actually doing a smashingly good job draining the swamp. There are reasons "why" there's no 2nd "special counsel" being appointed. The institutional "Office of Special Counsel" is full of highly politicized Democrats.

    4. It seemed clear something was physically unstable about Hillary during the campaign..remember her inability to get into the van, etc ..but the media didn't care so nothing was really said about her ability to BE president. The recent stumble she almost took (someone helped her by grabbing her arm) in India, and then the fall in the tub indicate something has been wrong.....because it goes along with pre-election woes. I think that's the most important problem; that she may have known something was wrong and still wanted to lead our country. The ego has no bounds. I hope she recovers and enjoys her grandchildren... Oh, and I also wonder at those in India who'd even want to buy her book, a book tour being the reason she was there! "What Happened" Everything BUT "I was a lousy candidate..." Poor woman!

    5. Z,
      For what it's worth, HRC seems to have been showing signs of "neurological distress" for some time. There have been several events so indicating.

      I could guess at the underlying problem, but my opinions are only guesses.

      I don't wish her ill, but neither do I wish her well. She's gotten on my last nerve too many times.

    6. With the massive death and destruction in America caused by the clintons, I hope she continues to experience poorer heath, then moves on into a slow lingering painful death.

    7. I'm, with you, Kid. When it comes to Hillaskank any pretense I've ever had to decency falls by the wayside.

      I WANT HER D-E-A-D!

    8. FT,
      I've reconciled myself to the fact that HRC will probably live to be a centenarian. In what condition, I can't say.

    9. FT: If she dies now, she's a martyr.
      Let her die in prison.


    ___ THE IRISH BALLAD ___

    About a maid I'll sing a song
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    About a maid I'll sing a song
    Who didn't have her family long
    Not only did she do them wrong
    She did ev'ryone of them in, them in
    She did ev'ryone of them in

    One morning in a fit of pique
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    One morning in a fit of pique
    She drowned her father in the creek
    The water tasted bad for a week
    And we had to make do with gin, with gin
    We had to make do with gin

    Her mother she could never stand
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    Her mother she could never stand
    And so a cyanide soup she planned
    The lady died with a spoon in her hand
    And her face in a hideous grin, a grin
    Her face in a hideous grin

    She set her sister's hair on fire
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    She set her sister's hair on fire
    And as the smoke and flame rose high'are
    Danced around the funeral pyre
    Playin' a violin, -olin
    Playin' a violin

    She weighted her brother down with stones
    She weighted her brother down with stones
    And sent him off to Davy Jones
    All they ever found were some bones
    And occasional pieces of skin, of skin
    Occasional pieces of skin

    One day when she had nothing to do
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    One day when she had nothing to do
    She cut her baby brother in two
    And served him up as an irish stew
    And invited the neighbors in, them in
    Invited the neighbors in

    And when at last the police came by
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    And when at last the police came by
    Her little pranks she did not deny
    To do so she would have had to lie
    And lying, she knew, was a sin, a sin
    Lying, she knew, was a sin

    My tragic tale, I won't prolong
    Sing rickety-tickety-tin
    My tragic tale I won't prolong
    And if you don't enjoy the song
    Blame yourselves if you think it's too long
    You should never have let me begin, begin
    You should never have let me begin.

    ~ Tom Lehrer

    1. Tom Lehrer is one of our greatest comic geniuses. He's also a polymath –– practically nothing he can't do well.

  3. ________ To Saint Patrick ________

    Teacher of the Christian faith of old,
    Once a boy in Britain, then a priest,
    Stuff of myth and legend you were sold
    As chattel into Ireland where you ceased
    In slavery your native pagan ways.
    Needing help you found, while tending sheep,
    The Master Shepherd, who then filled your days
    Plenteously with zeal that spoiled your sleep.
    A fierce determination to convert
    The Irish to the way of Christ, the King
    Resolved the old religion to subvert
    Instilling awe which steeple bells still ring.
    Christian rites set Gaelic hearts ablaze
    Kindled by a man of English ways.

    ~ FreeThinke -The Sandiper

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. A pleasant, mellow, laid back, meandering jazz rendition of How Are Things in Glocca Mora by Sonny Rollins! What a nice surprise!

      ... So I ask each weeping willow
      And each brook along the way,
      "How are things in Glocca Morra this fine day?"

      Something very wistful, nostalgic and almpst unbearably touching about that song. I've never heard anyone sing it to my satisfaction. Certainly no Ella Logan who gave its first performance when Finian's Rainbow opened on broadway.

  6. Just wanted to mention, since it's "Open Mic" here today (!) that it bothers me that McCabe is now blaming Trump for a 'war on the FBI' for firing him, when the FBI's own OPR advised Sessions that McCabe needed to be fired. These kinds of things are bad for our country...mostly because so many Americans only hear the first part....not the truth. Again.
    I suppose it's worth saying the man is wealthy, too, so a pension coming a little later isn't putting a dent...but OH, to hear the media :-)

    1. McCabe was abusing his position at the FBI for partial political reasons. He was a disgrace to both the FBI and the Civil Service. And hopefully, in a few months, the full extent of his subversion of the American Republic will be fully exposed.

    2. Z,
      McCabe is now blaming Trump for a 'war on the FBI' for firing him

      I expected nothing else -- with the media falling into lockstep, too.

      Call me jaded.

    3. Inspector,
      hopefully, in a few months, the full extent of his subversion of the American Republic will be fully exposed

      With you there!

    4. Whether he leaked hasn't been established.
      He is, however, about the last remaining opposition to unraveling the Iran nuclear deal (look for McMaster to be out soon to complete the sweep). Look for Bolton to replace McMaster (oh joy for the bulletheads).

      If world leaders weren't aware that Trump is a pompous gasbag, his recent interaction with Canada'a Trudeau on trade might have clinched it.

      So Kim is watching this ignoramus lie and break deals. With Bolton whispering in his ear Trump will try to play strong man and we'll be back to NK playing with nukes only this time the heat will also be ramped up in Iran.

      It's bad for the country all right. Could be a larger disaster than Bush's Iraq war.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. The Republic is already gone Ducky. We've fallen too low to recover....all that remains is the final act of theater to play out.....

    7. I await the IG report.
      Let McCabe cut a deal and take a lot of the swamp down.
      Paige and Strozk too.
      Petersburg Low is nice this time of year.

    8. Whether he leaked hasn't been established.

      I think the recommendation and firing pretty well "established" it, Mcduck. That ain't something done on unsubstantiated rumours, like the Hollywood #metoo'ers.

    9. The OPR advised Sessions fire McCabe...McCabe was basically fired BY his FBI...it's a joke to blame Trump. ....tho I don't often stand up for him. That our leftwing media's barely mentioned the OPR is typical and damaging to democracy and truth.

      the OPR wouldn't advise this if they didn't know pretty well that he leaked...he definitely lied, according to the FBI.

    10. The OPR reports directly to Sessions and it hasn't been demonstrated that they acted independently.

      The OPR would kiss Trump's ass if Sessions told them to and little Beauregard is always looking for Trump's approval. He wants to stay on as AG.

    11. @ Nostradumbass:
      Mcabe didn't deny leaking, he used weasel words "I didn't leak to the media". Maybe, and maybe he leaked to a "friend" or his attorney with the understanding that they would leak to the media. Sound familiar?

      Are you going to cry now?

    12. Agree with CI on this one. No way for America to recover at this point. It must fee the pain of bad decision making and then hope it isn't totally gone by then.

    13. So then, what should we do, Kid? Put on a favorite record, mix a nice big pitcher of ice cold Cyanide Cocktails, toast each other "Farewell," and make our Final Retreat from a world gone irreparably wrong, –– OR –– experience long, slow increasingly painful, agonized, poverty-stricken demise?

    14. CI,
      Name calling is really classy.....

      If you're referring to Warren's use of Nostradumbass, you should understand that it's not actually name calling. Warren and Duck go waaaay back, long before I started blogging in 2005, and Nostradumbass is the customary term of address.

    15. Z,
      The OPR advised Sessions fire McCabe...McCabe was basically fired BY his FBI...it's a joke to blame Trump....


      IMO, don't yet know just how dirty McCabe is. The OPR has information which we don't yet have. That said, the information which we do have -- McCabe's lies -- is enough to justify his firing.

      Meanwhile, we have learned that Comey has written a book. I haven't heard the date of publication.

    16. FT,
      I'm not ready to go that far! Yet. ;^)

    17. Me neither, BUT it sure sounds as though OTHERS are thinking n that direction, doesn't it

      fr the record: I HATE defeatist rhetoric. It has an insidious way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecy, if you let it run away unchallenged .

    18. Kid - No way for America to recover at this point.

      Yep. The state of the Republic will not be restored by the current political theater, coupled with the rapid devolution of our on-dmeand, self-centered, disposable society.

      We need a reset. It will be painful, but necessary.

    19. )Ben Wittes was the "good friend" and Member of the Deep State coalition against Trump whom Comey gave his "notes" to leak to the press after his firing. He was the originator of the "Insurance policy against Trump" spoken of by Peter Strozk and Lisa Page "in Andy McCabe's office". The FBI must be purged of these traitors, both the Clinton diehards and establ;ishment Never-Trummpers. This is the cabal that House IC Committee Chairman Nunes uncovered that is just as great a threat to American democracy as any Russian "collusion". I suggest you read all three pre-election articles written by Wittes if you want to see the Deep State in action... all in the same social circle with wives in highly politically oriented positions.

    20. I agree with CI that this democratic republic experiment is toast.

      I don't see any resets in this nation's future.

      This doesn't mean some horrible crash.

      First, we slowly become a hemmed-in and no longer globally-powerful Great Briton, but with tribal multi-culti on steroids.

      Next, as the federal government loses fiscal and monetary flexibility due to crushing debt, we become Argentina.

      The interesting twist will be, because we are no longer a nation, but rather a tower of babel continent with various noisy competing tribes squatting on it, we won't see the bombastic and fascistic appeals to patriotism like the Peronistas in Argentina use to unite a majority against whatever the enemy of the day is.

      Ironically, we could finally end up with true federalism where the city states make their own rules, and the people in the hinterlands and smaller cities live more traditional values and tell those who don't like it to get the hell out.

    21. Yo8 all seem to forget that Mr. TRUMP got him.self elected, BECAUSE rank an,d file Americans have been FED UP to the TEETH with what-fo-them has been an abhorrent status quo,

      VOX POPULI still has tremendous power IF it is sufficienty aroused by
      ANGER DISTRUST and DISGUST at the status quo.

      Mr. Trump is a VERY smart man who has been fully aware of the latent power inherent in the masses. His approach to harnessing that power is a sign of GENIUS.

      The Establshment –– and all those hukan pawns mired in convention and hamstrung by political correctness haven't got enough sense to come in out of the rain let alone lead 350,000,000.00 people on an upward trajectory toward the Light, Fresh Air and Joy of LIBERTY.

      "Men only becime heroes if they do not traffic with inevitables."

      ~ Unknown

    22. "...we won't see the bombastic and fascistic appeals to patriotism..."

      Interesting. In the present day, we see little else if you ask me.

    23. Jez, It's all emotional appeal.

      I'm talking about later, when we're reached the Argentina stage.

  7. Has no one anything to say about Stormy Daniels, or the Falling Bridge disaster in Miami?

    We KNOW the Mueller Investigation has –– and has had –– only ONE objective in mind since it's trumped up inception by Super Rat James Comey, and that is to "GET" Donald Trump at all costs by any means fair or foul.

    If we were living in Renaissance Italy, Lucrezia Borgia would long ago have delved into her famous Armoire du Poison, and Mueller would quickly have been rendered part of history.

    A tempting fantasy to be sure, BUT leaving legalities aside, the trouble with such methods of solving problems is their uncanny abiliity to turn on YOU in the twinkling of an eye.

    1. FT,
      Has no one anything to say about Stormy Daniels, or the Falling Bridge disaster in Miami?

      I find myself bored to tears with the Stormy Daniels story, which should be a private matter between the POTUS and the FLOTUS.

      As for the falling bridge, I've there were several pre construction warnings about using a particular technique to build a span that long. Also, the bridge received a government grant during the Obama years -- or so I read when the story first broke.

      I do admit that I'd like to see some other commenters here weigh in on the two topics you've suggested.

    2. There's not much to say on the Stormy Daniels thing yet. When she starts dishing all the dirt is when that dish starts to sizzle.

    3. The bridge thing: Disasters like that don't draw public attention like they used to. No sex involved, no nude photos, and so far, no one to demonize.

      Off topic but related, I am stunned and PO'd that the idiot virtue-signaling sheriff of Coward Country has not been fired.

  8. FT has posited two other topics of discussion:

    Has no one anything to say about Stormy Daniels, or the Falling Bridge disaster in Miami?

    1. I keep waiting for Duckanardo to chime in telling why that bridge would never have fallen if only Trump hadn't managed to get the Russians to help him win an illegitimate victory in the 2016 election. aren't you?

      In the leftist mindset EVERYTHING undesirable just HAS to be TRUMP's fault.


      I'm sure we'll get WEEKS of juicy conversational mileage from discussing Trump's culpabiity in "BRIDGEGATE."

      Maybe Trump ordered the Russians to sabotage the bridge project to divert attention from Trump's endless series of shameful fiascos?


    2. I'm not sure there's much to say about the FIU bridge tragedy, at least until the after-action report is released, so we'll have an idea what happened and who could be culpable.

      As for POTUS banging a porn star - not a quality I necessarily look for in a candidate; it comes as no surprise to me, but I frankly don't really care. It's just another act in the play.

    3. CI: That's my take. Is anyone really surprised by the Stormy Daniels story? Given Trump's history; I'm not.

  9. A couple of thoughts that crossed my mind while reading through the replies.

    [Pertaining to Stormy Daniels...]
    Some might have heard this story before. I cannot account for its veracity.

    Around the perimeter of the San Diego Wild Animal Park, opened in the early 70s, runs a railway that carries visitors. It is known as the Wgasa Bush Line.

    Memos, with parameters, were sent to park employees requesting input to the naming of this rail line. The name was to be somewhat African sounding, short but not actually to be a word or name as such in any particular language - bowing to political correctness most likely. One harried employee was reputed to have shot back a reply with an acronym which was popular at the time. WGASA, which stands for "Who Gives A $hit Anyway". My feeling is that they were lucky the acronym wasn't WGAFA.

    Here's a little poem for FT. It's how I account for decisions with consequence.

    "Definition of Calvinism"

    You can and you can't;
    You will and you won't.
    You'll be damn'd if you do;
    You'll be damn'd if you don't.

    ~~Lorenzo Dow~~
    Itinerant/eccentric evangelist

  10. Cambridge Analytica is the next big thing. Look for it to dominate the Infotainment Media Complex.

    1. SF,
      I don't understand the ramifications of Cambridge Analytica. A front-page WaPo article appeared yesterday, but I didn't quite understand the significance of Cambridge Analytica -- probably because I didn't have time to read the article thoroughly.

    2. It's just a service that campaigns can use to target their ads according to psychological profile gleaned from social media.
      I expect its effectiveness will diminish over the next few election cycles as the population becomes accustomed to it (I tend to discount messages once I learn to recognise that they are ads).

    3. What Jez said.

      Essentially, Cambridge Analytica did what other organizations have done, mined data, analyzed it and used it to drive voters.

      No big deal... *Cue nefarious music*

      ... Until you find out that incarnation of Hitler, Steve Bannon, was behind it, and they used this operation to make Donald Trump President.

      They are also trying to blame the Brexit vote on it.

      Over one year later, and the butthurt losers still can't accept they lost. The Western Left is unhinged, and it should worry us all.

    4. Obama pioneered (or at least, expanded on) the approach. http://bigthink.com/age-of-engagement/obama-2012-the-most-micro-targeted-campaign-in-history

    5. And an interesting web site, too, Jez.

    6. Farmer, Nice job. We can always count on you!

  11. Andy McCabe: If you plot to kill the king, don't miss.


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