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Monday, February 26, 2018

The City Of Lights?

Related: EU official says migrant ghettos will become ‘a nuclear bomb in the future’:
The European Commissioner wants to spend millions of the EU’s cohesion policy budget to boost social integration
Putting yet another burden on the taxpayers in a futile attempt to see that Moslems assimilate into European society!

Essential reading...Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom at A New Dark Age Is Dawning.


  1. Paris is surrounded by seething, teeming hordes who hate everything French, and now Merkel has decided to do the same for Germany.

    It's too late for them. There will be no assimilation. The cultures are too dissimilar.

    1. It sure looks that way, Silver, but I happen to KNOW an expatriate of longstandng –– now a French citizen –– with whom I went to college.

      He and I came from similar middle-to-upper-middle-class backgrounds, but after moving to Europe full time back in 1967 he became as RED as anyone we've ever known. He's now somwhere to the left of Mao tse Dung.

      The situation in Paris, where he has maintained a tiny fifth-floor walkup studio apartment for at least forty years, doesn't perturb him a bit.

      He thinks I'M nuts.

      I think HE'S nuts.

      Maybe we're BOTH correct?


    2. Probably. I don't think anyone is claiming the entire city is overrun. so, depending on where you hang out, you may not be bothered by any of it.

      Also, agendaists on all sides will provide you whatever advances their agenda. I'm in no way suggesting AOW has done this.

      France has a problem with unassimilable immigrants, and it is growing.

      Native Europe is in a demographic death-spiral. Those are facts.

      Plus, your friend displays a common human trait of whistling past the graveyard. Having thumbed his nose and moved to Paris, you don't expect him to admit he made a mistake, do you?

      Progs will continue laughing it all off right up until they are eaten by the beast they have nurtured.

    3. SF,
      Native Europe is in a demographic death-spiral. Those are facts.

      The hideous truth.

    4. So Caucasians of European ancestry are phasing themselves out, and Caucasians here in the USA are being deliberately ovewhelmed by massive non-white immigration thanks to Teddy Kennedy's Immigration Act of 1965, right?

      Teddy was egged on by powerful Jews with a formerly subtle Marxian agenda who dominate the PROFESSORIAT and own and operate the ENEMEDIA, of course, but we re NEVER supposed to mention THAT, are we?

      Anyway, as Lady Macbeth famously said, "What's done is done and cannot be undone," so we might as well turn out the lights and go to sleep, for all the good our chivvying and cavilling is apt to do us.

      Maybe it's all part of God's Plan?

      Who are we to question the nature of Reality just beccause we don't find it particularly appealing?

  2. How very interesting. So then, rather than placing responsibility for assimilation on the individual immigrating, saddle the host nation's tax paying citizens with that task. Typical of Euro-Think, in my opinion ... which is to say, not very wise.

    1. @ Kid ... our problem with Islamists here in America is simply that our children haven't gotten around to playing cowboys and moslems yet.

    2. Sam, It's the breeding out that bothers me. American judges are already ruling via sharia.
      Not in our lifetime but still.

    3. Sam, Like Geert Wilders, I believe the only real solution is to close the mosques and ship them out. I don't see that happening in this country.

  3. __ Leftists Will Never Permit This __

    The time to wrap and hold it has arrived.
    It looks as though expansion’s at an end.
    Maintaining what we have is now contrived
    Earnestly our assets to defend.
    Taking stock we should feel gratified.
    Our catalogue of battles lost and won
    Mostly leaves us feeling satisfied.
    At least we did our best, and had some fun.
    I think ‘tis better that than Grand Achievement ––
    Noble efforts –– Nobel Prizes gained ––
    Taken in perpetual bereavement ––
    A life by constant criticism stained.
    If living just to live our time employs,
    Now’s the time to savor all our joys

    ~ FreeThinke.

    The LEft will never permit you to do what the sonnet suggests, because the Left HATES you and everything YOU love.

    Leftists –– like Islamic homicidal Suicide Bombers –– would rather be killed as the West commits collective SUICIDE than let the West continue to exist and progress as it has in the past.

    No matter what you might want to believe, this is not an EXTREME point of view. It is simply a hideous matter of deadly serious FACT.

  4. Being a Goya fan, I love this Merkel cartoon from spectator


  5. Not news, but a reminder. We have actual statements from Euro multi-cultis that they wanted more, and more diverse, immigration to troll their political opponents on the right


    For more, Yahoogle "Trevor Phillips multicultural"

    1. I thought they wanted mass immigration to prevent the likes of Thatcher being elected.

      It's mostly conspiracy theory anyway.

    2. Duck, We musn't let anything get in the way of the fantasy eh? lol

    3. Nostradumbass said:

      "It's mostly conspiracy theory anyway."

      Ignorance, arrogance and stupidity doesn't make you a triple threat.

      It was done by the UKs Labor party for the same reasons the Left wants to do it here. So there is always an uneducated Socialist/Welfare under class voting in left wing idiots so they can feed at the trough!

    4. I don't think I've seen anyone as fixated on stupid as Ducky. Well, maybe Obama ...

    5. Your post isn't exact Warren.

      Are you referring to legal immigrants? In which case it would be useful to provide some evidence that they are uneducated and consistently vote Democratic.

      You may well be implying that illegal immigrants are voting and tipping elections for Dems despite no evidence that is the case. Case in point, tRump's election fraud investigation. Where did that go?

      Does the underclass vote regularly?

    6. Duck, are you intentionally obtuse or do you have some attention disorder. over 6 million fraud votes were found for clinton in New Hampshire, compared to 1,000 and change for Trump - enough that without the fraud Trump would have taken New Hampshire. California ? Forget about it 1 Probably 3 million illegal votes, they give em drivers licenses. The dems started examining fraud in Michigan and after find an overwhelming number of fraud clinton votes they called it off. There's more but why waste the ink.

    7. Here's a link for you

      Again, why did tRump's phony "election integrity" commission produce nothing?

      NOTHING. They quietly disbanded without so much as a report.

      However, since we're on the subject of election integrity, the Dem claims of Republican gerrymandering are productive.

    8. Duck, Warning - Rational Content Follows:

      Because the states refused to give them the data!

      Do you even read the news?
      Honestly, are you able to take care of yourself, operate machinery and everything? :-)

    9. But Moe ...
      @kid --- The dems started examining fraud in Michigan and after find an overwhelming number of fraud clinton votes they called it off.
      If those were uncovered why did the commission fail to even resolve their easily verified (as false) claim in New Hampshire?

      My bet is that it ends here because they know they've got nothing.
      Plus even red states resent having their integrity questioned by these jerks.

    10. I guess we have to try to forgive Canardo, Kid. After all he lives in an Alternative Universe where everything we undertand as right good and proper apears to HIM as inside out, upside down, and backwards.

      Where WE live might not be Heaven, but I much prefer it to HIS hideously distorted environment.

    11. From "Center For American Progress"

      "The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,..."
      ..."If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond."

      Why would that be?
      Could it be altruism? LOL!

      Take those "Dreamers" give them citizenship and bring in all their family through chain migration and make them citizens too! We'll have those taco benders voting Democrat/Progressive for the next hundred years! Even the ones that don't speak English know what dollars and free stuff means.

  6. I've got nothing to add.
    Except that I wonder what motivates a culture to suicide?

    1. ANSWER: Inappropriate,manufactured GUILT, Ed.

      At least half of us have been systematically brainwashed by skillful, scheming, hypocritical, viciously mendacious propagandists who work ceaselessly to foment discontent, undermine the status quo so they may rush in and seize power amidst the chaos they have engendered.

      They SAY they do what they do to promote a more HUMANE, EQUITABLE way of life, but they are DOING the exact OPPOSITE.

      They are NOT stupid, as we too often like to think. Instead, they are EVIL.

    2. To be fairer I also attribute a lot of this effeminacy in Euripean politics as a OVERREACTION to the horrors of WWII, which still remain in public consciousness.

      "WE" were the clear WINNERS in that conflict, but we fought no battles on OUR soil.

      I imagine that we too might be less sanguine, more hesitant, and more subdued about playing and maintaining the role of Top Dog if we had suffered death and destruction on as massive a scale as Europe and Great Britain did.

      Europe and Britain are SO eager never to repeat the mistakes of recent past aggression born of excessive ethnic pride they have in effect CASTRATED themselves by going from one extreme to another.

      Nevertheless, the indious effects of POISONOUS IDEOLOGIES lie at the root of all of it.

    3. I have heard that rational....I don't buy it. I figure they are thinking up some Globalist agenda...sorry, still wearing my tin foil hat.

    4. Do not discount the shame factor and inherent will to conform in most european countries.

      Debate is not as open there, and they don't have a robust range of radio and tv we have here.

      Also, voice an opinion two frog hairs to the right of progressive-defined "mainstream" and you are labeled a nazi.

      Look at Brexit, look at Germany's latest election and what is going on in other nations over there. People are simply shutting up and voting against the totalitarian progs, just like we did here.

      I expect Soros-funded globalists to up their game because they are losing the vote, although they still control the levers

    5. SF,
      [In Europe}, voice an opinion two frog hairs to the right of progressive-defined "mainstream" and you are labeled a nazi.

      Ain't that the truth?

    6. FT,
      I don't agree with you about OVERREACTION to the horrors of WWII.

      But I do agree with you about Inappropriate,manufactured GUILT. Apparently, Western civilization is something of which to be ashamed.

      Did my European ancestors "make some mistakes"?


      Was every other civilization on the planet perfect?


      I refuse to be held accountable for things I did not do. Period. Full stop.

    7. Overreaction to the depredations of WWII seemed tp me a plausible deduction that might help PARTIALLY explain the effete, decadent behavior of modern Europeans, AOW.

      After all, the attitudes that arose as a result of the Nuremberg Trials, –– the nearly simultaneus creation of the UN, – and the forced "imposition" of The Jewish State in hostile Arab territory have done much to shape and define MANY-if-not-ALL the terrible problems with which we have suffered in the wake of WWII.

      International Reliations today have hardly improved as a result of the titanic struggle and immense sacrifices forced on Civilization by the tragic events that occurred in WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, and all that followed.

      A very good case could be made that the Twentieth-Century turned out to be little but The Biggest Horror Show ever produced on Earth.

      That a tidal wave of blood was shed soon after the advent of Marxism, Fabianism and Progressivism (an Atheistic Trinity, if you will) seems no accident to me.

    8. FT,
      After all, the attitudes that arose as a result of the Nuremberg Trials, –– the nearly simultaneus creation of the UN, – and the forced "imposition" of The Jewish State in hostile Arab territory have done much to shape and define MANY-if-not-ALL the terrible problems with which we have suffered in the wake of WWII.

      I disagree with that statement.

      IMO, it wouldn't have mattered where Israel was location, Muslims would still attack Jews. It's a mandate in the Quran.

      Furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, there was a treaty signed by the "Palestinians" at the time.

      In any case, the modern nation of Israel is located where it is now -- for over 60 years. Even if it were wrong for Israel to be there, it's time for the "Palestinians" to move on past this feud.

  7. I see things like this often about Paris....and it's true, of course, but these are areas centralized to parts of already poor immigrant areas. This is not happening in the beautiful areas around Paris...that would NEVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Got to realize most of Paris is not a dumb...about as far from a dump as possible, frankly!


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