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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Musical Interlude

(For politics, please scroll down)

Enjoy these rousing fanfares and marches from centuries ago: Symphonies And Fanfares For The King's Supper - performed by the Collegium Musicum De Paris, Roland Douatte, conductor. J. J.  Some of the tunes no doubt will be familiar to you:

Index for the above pieces:

J.J. Mouret 1632-1738): Fanfares For Violins, Oboe, Bassoons, Trumpets And Percussion

F Couperin (1668-1733): La Steinkerque

J.B. Lully (1632-1687): March Of The King's Musketeers And March Of The Grey Musketeers; Fanfares For The King's Tournament Of 1686

M.R. De Lalande (1657-1726): Symphonies For The King's Supper

A. Philidor (c. 1652-1730): March For Four Timbales

J.B. Lully (1632-1687): March Of The Turenne Regiment


  1. Interesting departure from more standard fare.

    1. I'm fond of Baroque Period music -- beyond J.S. Bach, that is.

  2. Adippa de Tarbrusch said

    AHA! The majestic old theme that used to introduce Masterpiece Theater!

    I used to play the first two sections of that as a POSTULUDE for some of my church services. [It's very easy to transcribe by year for the keyboard, if you've had decent musical training.]

    No one ever recognized it –– or if they did, they certainly kept mum about it. I guess you could understand why the lack of reponse amazed, amused and dismayed me all at once, can't you?

    It was bit like the eminent solo violinist Joshua Bell playing Bach in one of the New York Subway Stations –– not one person recognized HIM either!

    What does that say to YOU about bizarre nature of human preception?

  3. Anne Sienne Régimais said

    Though the lives of several of these minor Baroque figures overlap those of the most prominent composers of the period –– Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), J.S. Bach )1695-1750), G. F. Handel (1685-1759), and Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), their music is relatively simple in structure. The harmony in each selection is unadventurous to the point of being largely static. Chromagticism and gthe used of altered chords is hardly in evidence, and these pieces rarely modulates to any save the dominant, and that none too frequently. The orchestration seems minimal to the point of being "sketchy" –– or even incomplete.

    An interesting–– if not particularly stimulating –– look at music we rarely hear performed day.

    1. their music is relatively simple in structure. The harmony in each selection is unadventurous to the point of being largely static

      True -- and which can be calming, IMO.

      With all the political yammering these days, we need a rest!

    2. Autherine Doozy said

      That's exactly why Pachelbel's so-called CANON became so popular in recent years.


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