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Monday, November 4, 2019

The Danger Of AOC

Worth a few moments of your time, and please watch the entire video before commenting:

Do you agree with Tucker Carlson that AOC's agenda and rhetoric are indeed the future of America?


  1. She doesnt play well outside elite academic and media circles
    Only 11 donors reside in her district

    1. I suppose.

      But she is helping Bernie now. I don't know that that outcome will be.

  2. I agree. She and her Maoist ilk are taking us down a very bad road.

    My hope is, as Beak says, she doesn't play well outside a narrow band of rabid, bigoted nuts.

    1. "Cancelling" people and the US version of struggle sessions are two data points.

      Back over to you!

    2. Don't see that "canceling" has any contemporary relevance to AOC.

      If you think what the Orange Man is going trough is something like a "struggle session",well he has it easy compared to the Cultural Revolution and there isn't anything like that intended.

    3. My comment has nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump.

      President Donald J. Trump lives in you deranged lefty loonies' heads rent free 24/7/365

    4. Poultry

      You are right AOC is more Moron than Maoist
      She is the special education Bolshevik


      "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

      I do not believe in Freedom of Expression for MARXISTS of ANY stripe.

      Embracing Marxism is SUICIDAL.

  3. There is nothing about AOC that falls outside a traditionally Democratic agenda. Her tactics are new, but the strategy goes back to the late 1800s and early 1900s when a thoroughly racist university president first embraced democratic socialism. Thinking Americans should have grown tired of this tripe by now.

    1. Mustang,
      Is there a dearth of thinking Americans?

    2. No, Mustang, but there is a plethora of deliberately MISEDUCATED ones.

    3. Franco,
      Miseducation results in an inability to think.

    4. request for post(s) on educational approach specifically to inculcate the ability to think.

    5. Jez,

      Children's books used to do it seamlessly and without the reader even knowing they were getting it. I remember reading a very old book I found in a junk shop, probably from the 1940's. I was about three boys who had worked hard and save up for a canoe. Now, what kind of canoe to get? Wooden? Fiberglass? Canvass?

      The boys sought advice from old timers and it was all good, but conflicting!

      It was one of those "no absolute right answer" situations. They had to decide what was best for them based on their circumstances and what they wanted to do with it.

    6. It's our job as parents to take advantage of learning opportunities.

      We hike and camp, and the kids notice the 12 inches or more of dry tinder on the forest floors. One spark, and no wonder we have hellishly fierce wildfires. These have gotten worse since we have decided to "manage" the forests. In California, fire departments can't even cut preventive fire breaks.

      Mother nature used to take care of it with periodic fires that burned off the fuel and took out old, weak trees, leaving sprouting new groves in the aftermath.

      There are all kinds of thinking and reasoning opportunities, and I'm sure you do the same with your kids.

  4. This is merely a distraction from issues of real substance. It's part of the GOP strategy to create fear where there need be none.

    Break is right. She appeals to a limited audience. America is not going to accept her ideological agenda and Bernie and AOC hooking up isn't going to radically change the course of American history.

    AOC's vision is not going to be America's future. At least not in the immediate future. But. on another note, if 25, 35, 45, 55... years from now (when we are dead and buried) America decides through the ballot box that is what she wants then it will be as it will be. As it should.

  5. I'm not yet really old, but I am no longer youthful (76). I cannot count the number of elections that have been touted as "the most important in history." I don't know how many times some young ignorant zealot has screamed in my face that "the fate of freedom hinges on the outcome of this one single vote."

    Guess what. None of them have really mattered all that much in the grand scheme of things. History has marched on. The idiots like AOC have been dumped on the slag heap of forgotten demagougery. The United States has remained.

    1. Yes, we've survived Newt Gingrich and George Bush and we'll survive Trump. Lot of needlessly lost progress, however.

    2. "Progress" in the "Progress versus Liberty" (The 1971 Essay) by Ted Kaczynski sense.

    3. You forgot the quotation marks around "Progress" that should be required when anyone on the left uses that word.

    4. Since you were born, political discourse has coarsened, the manufacturing base has withered, the spriritual life of the nation has been usurped by a rampant consumerism fueled by irresponsible proliferation of debt, the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us of came to dominance leading to thousands of lives were lost of compromised in various theatres, and the climate threatens to destabilize vast swathes of habitat.

      I'm not blaming that all on you, but it's flippant to assume that different political choices would all have led to the same outcomes.

    5. Jez,

      I wish I could get you to understand the insidious, ubiquitous, corrosive, all pervasive influence of Cultural Marxism's intrusion on Western Civilization.

      Virtually every aspect of our lives has been pimbued with the all-too-successful sophistry and guile perpetrated on naive societies by the Frankfurt Schol and its many minions.

      This has been SO successful that the vast majority of its victims have remained blissfully unaware of the way their worldview has been woefully warped and contaminated.

      Alas! The pen is, indeed, mightier than the sword.

  6. “The future of America”? Only if what Conservatives still remain roll over and play dead.

    AOC is a fad. She’s shiny and fun now, but even the political apparatus of the Left will soon tire of her.

    1. Conservatism died the same death as democratic socialism.

    2. Conservatism isn’t dead, but it has been knocked on its heels by the mob of sycophants and grifters. Not too dissimilar to the Obama years.

    3. Conservatism was a very sick man before Donald Trump burst upon the political landscape, dying at the hands of its supposed advocates and practitioners.

      The following Republican policies are not conservative:

      Endless wars
      Ever-expanding government
      Ballooning debt

      I could go on, but we're all in agreement, I bet.

    4. I believe we are.....though those points continue relatively unabated.

  7. American Politics today ar nothing but an unending FECES FESTIVAL thanks to the ceaseless machinations of Leftist Perverts, their henchpersons in the ENEMEDIA, the Poison Ivy League, and prissy, dry-veined RINO'S like Mitt Romney. George Will, Bil Kristol, and possibly Mitch MConnell, et al.

    AOC would not be a factor if she had not been obsessively focussed on by the ENEMEDIA, and given millions upon millions of dollars worth of free publicity night after nigh after nigh for MONTHS.

    Also, on the surface she's a cute, winsome Little Girl with a vociferous tongue in a pretty little head filled with malignant Marxian mendacity that passes for intelligence, because she utters it with uncommon glibness couched in an aura of sincerity, which –– God help us! –– I believe to her is right, good, pure, real, and true.

    In short AOC has not been "educated," she has been INDOCTRINATED by the evil geniuses who introduced the deadly poison of Cultural Marxism into the American bloodstream a century ago.

    The poor child is as much or mre of a VICTIM of these Satanic machinations as the rest of us.

    She is NOT "stupid," but she's operating with a mind SEDUCED then severely MAIMED by toxic Leftist cant and rhetoric.

  8. I used to think AOC was so stupid she was funnier than a barrel of monkeys. lately, a few months or more now, I realize she could easily be a genocidal maniac based on her ignorance. She'd kill billions of people just based on her buy in on the climate scam and smile smile smile.

    1. Kid,
      She'd kill billions of people just based on her buy in on the climate scam and smile smile smile.

      No kidding!

      Danger in waiting!

    2. She s no "stupid," Kid, she has been systematically MISEDUCATED by Cultural Marxist teachers and professors who've been busily seducing, warping and crippling the minds of millions since before the days o FDR. It started in the era of Woodrow Wilson.

      In other words AOC –– and most of the "millennials," I fear, have been BRAINWASHED by an educational system got rogue long long ago, because of increasingly strong Cultural Marxist infiltration.

      I doubt if anyone under the age of 68 or 70 has been able to escape this destructive frankly UBIQUITOUS influence.

    3. Kid,

      People with a high IQ often make poor choices and idiotic decisions, Kid . High intelligence and Common Sense at times seem mutually exclusive.

      I tend to believe that "Nurture" has a more profound influence on the development of character and ability to perform well than "Nature."

  9. Too bad somebody didn't ask her if there were a 'race' that dominates the discoveries of life-saving medicines, or funds a huge part of the defense of the civilized world, or gives the overwhelmingly greatest in charity. That 'race' (used very loosely here) that is criticized for using 25% of the world's energy also provides 25% of the world's medicine development and defense. And, of course, it's no race at all but a culture that exploded from the productive foundation of Judeo-Christian principles and laws that secure property and promote entrepreneurial liberty. It's ANY race. Yes, yours too. ANYONE can do this - dummy! So stop whining.

    1. Baysider,
      it's no race at all but a culture that exploded from the productive foundation of Judeo-Christian principles and laws that secure property and promote entrepreneurial liberty

      Well said!

      But just try to say that on almost any college campus these days.

  10. Omar is the dark horse in the battle for the soul of America. Her loathing of America supplants Cortez in my mind. The four horsewomen other known as the squad.

    1. Bunkerville,
      The Four Horses Asses of the Apocalypse!

      Her [Ilham Omar's] loathing of America supplants Cortez in my mind.

      Yes, indeed.

      And she has not endorsed Bernie.

  11. I can see by the obvious demographics of those who post here that AOC is a threat to their way of life. She is however the future and those young Americans who will inherent this country will help her rise to her full, mature potential. After all, somebody has to worry about the condition of this planet for your grandbrats.

    1. Goose,
      The threat is the crony capitalism for useless "planet saving" devices and programs.

      Get a clue, Goose.

    2. As an educator, I find it surprising that you don't believe in or want to curtail the effect of climate change. If for anything to err on the side of caution for future generations. Trump has repealed many restrictions and pulled out of climate agreements which will have a devastating effect. It already has. Consider the renewed dumping of toxins in waterways in Virginia and Kentucky: https://www.vox.com/2017/2/2/14488448/stream-protection-rule

    3. Funny, our current crop of legis-bators never chose to err on the side of caution when it came to immigration policy.

      Mud puddles in Virginia resulting from a heavy rain are no longer Regulated by the federal EPA.... the horror!

    4. Meanwhile, America's POPULATION continues to grow unabated due to ILLEGFAL IMMIGRATION. Population control is seen as the BEST means of fighting global warming. I truly believe that if the Global Warmist Cult wanted to do their part, they'd all OFF THEMSELVES.

      Goose, why don't YOU, by example, set the standard.

    5. Joe Conservative: Famine, droughts, including those the middle east are all a result of climate change and will result in mass immigration. Instead of addressing the problem, we build walls and deny visas for refugees. Nice priorities. Our descendants will hate us. But thanks for the invective.

    6. By "addressing the problem" Progressives would put millions of Americans out of work and reduce its' working men and women to servants and gardners for the Deep State governing bureaucratic "addressing" class.

      Great plan.

    7. "Famine, droughts, including those the middle east"

      Not in Israel!

    8. In an effort to ignore the problem, people like Joe Conservative go strait to bombast.

  12. Goose makes a common mistake of the indoctrinated ignorant: Confusing "climate change" with pollution.

    Goose needs to go read the article she linked. It was an Obama rule, not a law. We have a legislative process for a reason. We are not a dictatorship.

    1. I don't know him or have any way to communicate with him.

      Point being, if something is a good idea, we have a process for making laws.

    2. The more acceptance and support our country gives to leftists the closer we move towards DESPOTISM.

      Mark my words.

    3. Yes, those leftist "despots" will enslave its populous with good health care, clean water and air, better education and a solid infrastructure. How terrifying!

    4. They are despots and you actually believe their tripe, just as a good little "True Believer" always does. You don,t know us and you don't know history. you have intellectual "gruel throat". --i.e. In the day of mass confinement of the mentally ill, the "hospitals" attendants did not have time to feed their many patients/charges. They would stick a type of funnel and tube down their throats and pour in the gruel. Their bodies learned to allow the gruel down their throats without even swallowing and eventually they became unable to swallow and could not eat on their own and were unable to to receive their nourishment in any way but to have it poured down their throat.-- Just as you must receive your "knowledge" by having it poured down your throat by your Progressive attendants.
      We have examples of leftist enslaving their peons going back to the 1917 October Revolution. The Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Republic of Cuba, The Lao People's Democratic Republic, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
      Then we have the Welfare countries, In 1970, Sweden was the fourth-richest country in the world. By 1995. it had fallen to 14th. The UK has improved greatly since, under Thatcher, they have moved toward a more free market economy but their National Health Service is an unmitigated disaster as the largest employer in the UK and the third largest employer in the world, just behind the Chinese Red Army and the Indian National Railway System.
      Then we have East Germany, North Korea, and Nicaragua whose regimes have been the most brutal,impoverishing, bleak, and inhumane in history.
      Then we have the countries that are collapsing under Socialist policy. Venezuela, Greece and Spain whose economies are deteriorating rapidly with unemployment rising to 50% and more. And let's not forget Germany's NAZI Party in which NAZI is actually an acronym for National Socialist German Workers' Party and whoes policies were most definitely Socialist.
      The tactics are always the same, promise the people heaven on earth, and either slowly or rapidly, turn it into hell with more promises, graft and corruption, blame your opponents as hoarders and wasters --in our case, xenophobes, homophobes, racists, bitter clingers, alt-right, islamophobes, Facists (which were actually Socialists) and many others.
      Better education??? Tis to laugh!
      Clean water and air??? your "Progressive" enclaves are the filthiest places in the entire Nation.
      Solid infrastructure??? You must mean, the same way that Obama took the "Infrastructure" money (about $831 billion) and gave most of it to public worker unions.
      Yes, very terrifying when you look at the facts instead of propaganda.
      But we all know that there will be heaven an Earth and pie in the sky by and by. /sarc

    5. Goose,
      It is unwise to ridicule one of this blog's administrators.

    6. Mother Goose is a very disappointing voice of opposition.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Goose,
      Yes. He designed this web site. Custom template and all that.

      Silverfiddle and Sam Huntington are also administrators.

      So, there are four of us on this blog team.

      Evince perpetual stupidity, and any of us might hit the delete button.

    9. OK, still getting a feel for the tenor of this blog. So apparently I can be ridiculed, called names and asked to commit suicide but an "OMG' on my part in response to an off the rails rant is taboo. Got it.

    10. Are you going to cry now?
      Perhaps you can attempt to be more condescending.
      Our blog, our rules. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    11. I'm being condescending? Ok, got it.

  13. So you're saying, "I've got nothing!"
    You're just plain ignorant.

  14. Mother Goose needs to step up her game. Not intelligent, not witty, not even factual.

  15. Although Trump claims to be a climate change denier, his company applied for subsidies for his golf course in Ireland abased on this evidence.

    And his Summer White House is killing people. From today...

    "Tap Water at Trump National Golf Course Contaminated With Toxic 'Forever Chemicals'


    1. "abased on this evidence?"

      In the future, stick to the topic and refrain from ready-made cut and paste propaganda.

      Also, please prepare better. You're boring and bereft of substance that is germane to the topic.

    2. @ Goose:
      From your link, "The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection reports 517 water systems in the state have been contaminated by these chemicals."
      Now, name someone that Trump is killing or died from this water contamination.
      In other words, you're hyperventilating and bloviating at the same time. You fail to even prove that Trump knew about the problem, why would he? Do you send your tap water off to a lab for specialized testing?

  16. Good for you! Obviously I meant 'based.' And it is absolutely germane to the topic of climate change and the responses from each side. AOC and the Dems want a clean world for their kids, Trump wants subsidies.

    1. Cut-and-paste is boring. Use your own brain, your own reasoning and rhetoric, and you will come off more sincere and more effective in arguing your point.

    2. I provided the proof to the comment I made.

  17. Yea, we can see your "clean world" in Chicago, Gary, San Fransisco, New York City, Los Angles, Baltimore et al.

  18. May I never become such an ineffectual opponent of leftism that I fear AOC.


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