Posted by Silverfiddle
The Left is on a Savonarola Roll...
The left excels at propaganda and the rhetoric and symbolism that powers it. Those on the right should study and learn from the masters. At VH1's
Hip Hop Honors, Pharrell delivered a very effective message, and he did it in his characteristic nice way
Let's break it down and analyze it:
“They keep talking about a wall. But the enemy is this divisive mentality. It’s on this side of the wall… The white nationalists are walking towards your future. What you gonna do?”
First, he used the undefined
“they” allowing the listener to fill it in for herself. This gives the message the broadest appeal possible.
Next, he uses the word
“enemy.” Who in this country has ever called Mexico or Mexicans “the enemy?” This is a wickedly effective double-rapier strawman. Pharrell avers--with no evidence whatsoever--that “they” call Mexicans the enemy, but this is just the setup.
Next, he flips over the term “enemy” and applies it to those with a
“divisive mentality,” which by implication means anyone who believes in enforcing the nation’s borders and following UN-approved immigration controls.
The conclusion:
Anyone wanting immigration control or, ¡Dios mío!, a wall, is a
“white nationalist.”
See how he just called half the nation racist without sounding like he called them racist? Brilliant.
Here’s his next sentence. Note the echoes of Martin Niemöller...
“Don’t think just because they’re coming at the African-Americans, and they’re coming at the Jewish community and they’re coming at the Hispanics that it can’t be you.”
In these dark days of dangerous white nationalists “coming at” “the African-Americans,” “the Jewish Community” and “the Hispanics,” these entertainers exercise some very American, help-your-neighbor benevolence.
Learn something, conservatives and Republicans! Not just words. Action:
Williams is set to headline a concert for Charlottesville with Dave Matthews Band, Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande and The Roots...”
While tickets are free [...] Beneficiaries of the fund include victims of the events in Charlottesville on August 11 and 12, their families, first responders and organizations devoted to the promotion of healing, unity and justice locally and nationwide.
The sharp eyes in the audience will notice Ariana Grande’s name. Imagine if she, Pharrell and other leftwing entertainers--after Islamic terrorists murdered teenage girls and their parents at that concert in England, or slaughtered all those people in the Florida nightclub--had talked about Muslims being the “real enemy,” “walking towards your future,” and “coming at” the LGBTQ community, girls who like pop music, and those not sufficiently Muslim…
This is why the left owns the commanding heights, while conservatives are mired in the bogs, shouting themselves hoarse to no avail.
A Ray of Hope
Despite Barack Obama being elected twice by healthy margins (victories powered by
white people, btw--43% in 2008, 40% in 2012), elections over the past decade make it clear half the nation is disgusted with this crap and vote Republican (the only other game in town, such as it is) either out of strong conviction, or as a nose-holding reaction to the Democrat Party, which is the home of
brown supremacist La Raza,
Islamic supremacist CAIR,
black supremacist Black Lives Matter,
fascist antifa and the entire squirming scrum of hatred stirring, race-baiting
Maoist vandals.
SPLC estimates there are 5,000-8,000 kkk members, and 917 total hate groups (including 193 black separatist groups) in the US.
Q: Why does the Leftwing Infotainment Media Complex fixate on the 0.0001% of the population who are openly racist?
A: The societal vandals want clear lines of demarcation, and clearly-defined enemies. They hope to provoke angry
"whitelashes" to further fan the flames. Like all provocateurs, when they don't get the desired response, they will egg on their loonies to greater and greater acts of incitement.
They are noisy, but they are not the majority. The majority of good, hard-working people in this nation of all races, creeds and colors--who don’t hate anybody--have learned that the only way to win this game is to not play.