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Thursday, May 18, 2017


All the chattering and nattering about impeaching President Trump!  Some — Left, Right, and Center — are openly longing for his impeachment.

To a great extent, some news networks (MSNBC and CNN, for example) are speaking as if impeachment and removal from office are a foregone conclusion.

Related reading...

(1) Impeach Trump Now (web site)

(2) Pat Buchanan: It Isn’t Watergate Yet, But How Long Can This Sustain?

Three questions:

1. What, specifically, are President Trump's impeachable offenses?

2. What might be the consequences, short term and long term, of such an impeachment?

3. What might be the consequences, short term and long term, if Robert Mueller, appointed as special counsel for the United States Department of Justice to oversee the investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, finds no cause for impeachment?


  1. " What, specifically, are President Trump's impeachable offenses?"
    What, indeed?
    And would a Republican Senate convict?
    Bill Clinton survived.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We'll see.
      Mueller is friends with Comey and Comey, a very skilled politician certainly knows that you don't leak the most incriminating memo first.

      I think the Dems have a better chance of taking the midterms in style if Lord Dampnut stays in office so this will likely be drawn out longer than the birth certificate flap or Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi .

      Rethugs wrote the rules and payback's a bitch.

      Funny listening to former shills like David Brooks try to walk back the fact that the current abomination we call the Republican party is somthing he helped create as a member of the press.

    3. that's what this is a titfortat
      to bad the democRat Demons don't know this may backfire and the end of the Demon Dems forever.

  2. It's been said that as a former director of the FBI that Robert Mueller is a friend of another former head of the FBI, James Comey.

    So this might be setting up to be another political charade with the lies of Schumer, McCain, Graham leading the charge, orchestrated by the MSM and Chris Cuomo and Joe Scarborough. Here's an interesting video, a voice from the past and the future, Mueller being grilled in a similar situation. "Controversies in Government"

  3. I don't think any impeachable offenses have been proven, at least yet. Obstruction of justice is traditionally difficult to prove, although Impeachment is a political process and can be much more broadly interpreted.

    It's equally interesting that on one side you have the cacophony of impeachment....and the other, claims of a grand conspiracy. The truth lies in the middle.

    This Administration is thus far, a shit-show, but probably not criminal.

    - CI

    1. TWO THINGS:

      1. INVESTIGATION constipates and derails LEGISLATION. That, I believe, is the true purpose behind all these absurd accusations, inquiries, and pending prosecution. President Trump's many enemies want to THWART his AGENDA by any means fair or foul.

      2. In the toxic atmosphere that is Washington, DC today an ACCUSATION is tantamount to a CONVICTION.

      The Left has no repect for the Law, and no intention of following it, UNLESS it can be twisted to suit THEIR particular purposes.

      I'm reminded of an old joke from Group Therapy: A very nice, well-mannered woman joined the group because she was always being passed over for promotions, and never shown the respect she believed was her due. She was smart, well-educated, nice looking, and hard-working, but none of that helped.

      Finally the therapist said to her durng one session, "Look, Kate, you've spent your whole life patiently waiting on line to get your turn, but your turn never comes. Isn't that about it?"

      "Yes," she murmured meekly.

      "Well, I'm here to tell you," he went on, "THERE IS NO LINE!"

      Sure we hve a constitution, and hundreds of thousands of laws and millions of regulations, but they have NO MEANNG and little IMPACT, unless they are respected and obeyed.

      The troublemakers in society wouldn't even DREAM of standing in line to wait their turn. Instead, they just CHARGE IN and TAKE what they want, and to hel with anyone else's rights or needs..

    2. Sure we hve a constitution, and hundreds of thousands of laws and millions of regulations, but they have NO MEANNG and little IMPACT, unless they are respected and obeyed.

      That's the money shot.....which applies to Trump's conduct as well.

    3. FT,
      In the toxic atmosphere that is Washington, DC today an ACCUSATION is tantamount to a CONVICTION.

      Thanks to the Enemedia.

    4. As usual strict, legalistic views –– like religious fundamentalism –– ignore subtlety, obviate the possibility of nuanced thinking, and stand in the way of making worthy endeavor and solid accomplishment manifest.

      This TRAVESTY, –– this FARCE, –– this DEGENERATE SPECTACLE currently put on by the Sore Losers , their Devil-Inspired Sycophants, and the Moronic Masses bent solely on satisfying their Lust for Vengeance against "The Rich," and their insatiable Greed for Public Gold is once again –– as it was during "WATERGATE" –– being used to THWART a thoroughly worthwhile legislative agenda promoted by a man who means to do us GOOD.

      Satan is giggling his horned head off as we busily "strain out gnats and swallow camels" day after day after day, ad infinitum.

  4. This is all show for the snow flakes 2018 in between Elections. All is needed is the House or Senate. Both are not needed. Stop the wall, and the rest of Trumps agenda (tax breaks, keep AHCA, and make us pay "Tribute Tax" to their buddies the Insurance Companies. You know how Jesus felt about "Tribute Tax" (Regular Taxes are ok - BUT NOT "TRIBUTE TAX")Jesus stood in the doorway and would not let Peter in; He ask Peter, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?) We HAVE NO KINGS OR CAESARS HERE.
    The Constitution was done just for that reason.
    If they take down Trump, what purpose is there for Having Pence as President? The snow flakes think Hilory will be instituted Pres., Or maybe Bernie?

    1. TW/WS,
      This is all show for the snow flakes 2018 in between Elections. All is needed is the House or Senate.

      That has crossed my mind as the real goal in all of this.

    2. Let's see:

      1. Stop the wall -- Good idea. It's impractical to build and not worth the cost ( or do you believe e can make Mexico pay?).
      His misguided ham fisted roundups are already creating labor shortages from seasonal workers on Cape Cod to mushroom harvesters in Pennsylvania. But deep though isn't the right's strength.

      2. Tax breaks -- Hint: You don't get any. What you get are increased deficits and reduced benefits. Good thinking.

      3. Health insurance companies --- Sounds like you're touting single payer. Keep up the good work.

      I've yet to figure out why the right doesn't understand that this president is not in their best interest.

    3. you don't think the high school kids should pick regular mushrooooms for extra change in their pockets and learn how to pay their own way?
      insteed of give me-give me.
      I baled hay for 3 cents a bale for my summer money.
      If I asked my parents for money-they said mow the back acre for 5 dollars (with a push mower not a gas engine) then we'll think about some stuff you can do for the neighbors.
      Had to plow that same acre everyother year with a push plow no ass or horse and pick/harvest.
      When did you become so rich your children do not have to worry about their next meal?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Mushroom harvesting is a year round job, 12 hours a day.
      The pay is actually pretty good but it's not a job for school kids.

      Remember, the left is here to help you live the life of the mind

    6. so you can't think to good now - or, all your life?
      How is picking mushrooooms for money forced labor?
      And your way of thinking is forcing below the border people into forced labor?
      And you spoil your children, they don't have to do their part for the family?

    7. the left don't have a mind -just feelings.
      Ask one what do you think, and their reply is I feel.
      sense when is work not for school kids?
      You can't have a mind that reasons until they get a few callus on their hands.
      And some just have to get off the couch put down the game controller and work the other months.
      See the left can't see past the end of their noses.

    8. I grew up around old folks. One was 96. When someone told they were going to college. The old folks would say, don't go there to just become an educated idot.

  5. To those that willfully overlooked Trump's idiocy before the election I remind that its time to eat the incompetence. It's too late to complain about your shit pizza. Eat it.

    Flynn was under investigation before Trump nominated him. Either Trump knew, but didn't care, or didn't know which just adds to the mountain of evidence that Trump probably isn't as intelligent as your typical box of instant mashed potatoes.

    Mental retardation isn't a crime, but asking the director of the FBI to drop an ongoing criminal investigation and firing said FBI director when he refuses to drop said investigation and refuses to make an extra-Constitutional "loyalty oath" to the Potato-In-Cheif likely is.

    1. Shaddap whiner! They probably will impeach Trump with the GOP leading the way, but it was worth it. Gawd could you imagine hearing Shrillary shriek at us for four years?

  6. Maybe we will have to go fishing for something big (a sail fish) to get enough coins to pay the "Tribute Tax". I will not pay out of my pocket-just like Jesus did not pay out of his Treasurey either.
    2020 maybe I won't live that long to become a fisherman.

  7. To those that willfully overlooked Trump's idiocy before the election I remind that its time to eat the incompetence. It's too late to complain about your shit pizza. Eat it.

    Flynn was under investigation before Trump nominated him. Either Trump knew, but didn't care, or didn't know which just adds to the mountain of evidence that Trump probably isn't as intelligent as your typical box of instant mashed potatoes.

    Mental retardation isn't a crime, but asking the director of the FBI to drop an ongoing criminal investigation and firing said FBI director when he refuses to drop said investigation and refuses to make an extra-Constitutional "loyalty oath" to the Potato-In-Cheif likely is.

  8. Replies
    1. He is calling from a payphone in ward C of the bug house.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. There are many legal chemicals that can be very dangerous if handled improperly. Take a deep breath.

    2. You probably don't want to take an unprotected deep breath around this particular chemical.

    3. Mother Jones --hahahahhahahhahhahahhaha!
      Some people have to put down the bag and stop sniffing da paint.

    4. And the EPA says,"we will do what we want, we don't care who is President.
      northern Rivers anyone?

    5. I'll remind you all, liberaltwit is persona non grata at this blog. Blog policy calls for immediate deletion of its comments.

      We'd appreciate if you didn't feed the trolls.

    6. Thanks for reminding everyone, Warren. I've been intermittently present because of the end-of-the-school-term matters.

  10. We are far from impeachment.


    The few sane Democrats are trying to get the slobbering peanut gallery to stop hyperventilating:


    Apparently, the Democrat Establishment is afraid they've egged on the hooting loonies with a little too much crazy juice and they're trying to throttle it back now, but it's probably too late.

    Claire McCaskill, who previously ran as Republican-lite to keep from scaring the normals is now running to the left of Maxine Waters.

    Its gonna be fun times between now and the midterms. Dems gotta protect their credibility and not scream Wolf too many times, while hoping their 24/7 Rage Machine doesn't blow a vessel prematurely.

    Meanwhile, if Justice Kennedy retires, we get another conservative Justice, and laugh as the GOP senate boringly picks up more Republicans.

    1. SF,
      From that NYT article to which you linked:

      When House Democratic leaders hastily called a news conference Wednesday to demonstrate their outrage at President Trump’s latest dramatics, they took great pains to show they were not seeking to railroad him out of the White House.

      “No one ought to, in my view, rush to embrace the most extraordinary remedy that involves the removal of the president from office,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the sober-minded senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. He warned that Democrats should not let their actions “be perceived as an effort to nullify the election by other means.”

      At that very moment, Representative Al Green, Democrat of Texas, was in the well of the House thundering, “The president must be impeached!”

      As you said, they're trying now to walk it back. But the cat's already out of the bag.

      Just today, my American Government student -- neither a conservative nor a liberal because he's uninterested in all things political (much to his liberal, activist parents' chagrin) -- opined that he's somewhat alarmed at the idea that Democrats have been actively maneuvering to nullify the November 8 election by trying to remove from office a POTUS who was legitimately elected.

      As I said, this student is apolitical, but he is certain of what he's seeing -- and he doesn't like it. Too destabilizing (although he's not sophisticated enough to use that term).

    2. SF,
      Meanwhile, if Justice Kennedy retires, we get another conservative Justice

      Another of the Left's big fears. I'm sure that it is one of the Left's big fears because they are being very, very careful not to hint at that likelihood.

      I'm not so certain that the GOP senate boringly picks up more Republicans. The 2018 midterms will tell the tale.

    3. The House could be in jeopardy, but Dems taking back the Senate would be quite a feat.

      Did you notice some of the leftwing loons are already trying to mudball VP Pence, in preparation for their hoped-for impeachment of President Trump.

      Some of those slobbering haters are so full of hopium, they are probably fantasizing about at scenario that puts Hillary in.

  11. I see that John McCain has spoken. Ugh.

    Have most politicians decided to become citizens of the Land of Hyperbole? What are they seeking? More fame? Attention?


  12. From this source -- and something about which I'm not hearing much:

    During his May 3rd Senate testimony, James Comey testified that he had never been asked to stop an investigation for political reasons.

    “But, I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It has not happened in my experience.”

    –James Comey

  13. By Federal law, if the President (or anyone) is obstructing justice, it must be reported at once to the DOJ. That law certainly applies to the director of the FBI.

    Comey has a history of political maneuvering going at least as far back as 2004. Does anyone remember Comey's cock & bull story that he gave in congressional testimony concerning what John Ashcroft supposedly said to him on his death bed?

    Alberto Gonzales said, in words much politer than I'm going to use, that Comey is full of shit and a tool of Chuck Schumer

    1. Warren,
      I don't think that I ever knew about Comey's cock & bull story!

      I notice that the link you left also mentions Preet Bharara: “It felt to me that Jim’s loyalty was more to his friend Preet Bharara and to Chuck Schumer,” he [Gonzales] wrote.

      Gonzales also questioned whether Bharara’s role in ambushing the previous Republican presidential administration was the reason Obama later appointed Bharara to Comey’s old job as U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York.

      Comey’s 2007 testimony went off just as he, Bharara, and Schumer planned. It was shocking and dramatic.

      CNN has this recent information about Preet Bhara...

      Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump.

      Truth be told, I'm having a hard time following all these convultions. When we next chat my phone, Warren, you can explain all this to me.

  14. From Ace of Spades HQ:

    Once you've formally announced to the public that their decisions simply do not matter, and that a niche subculture of the country gets to exercise an extra-constitutional veto on any decision they don't approve of -- once you've made it plain that America is a government with a nation, not a nation with a government -- what exactly is it that binds the people to a government that cannot in any way be described as "their" government?

    The old bromide was that we have to respect the will of the people when we lose, if for no other reason that we count on others respecting the will of the people when they lose.

    But now that that social contract has been entirely disavowed by a large minority of the country -- now that they've made it plain that they will have no government except one they control at the expense of their enemies -- what possible reason could they suggest to citizens why they must respect the next president, or the one after that?


    Victor Davis Hanson is referring to what's going on as "slow motion coup." Hanson also says that the Trump-Russia collusion story is a lie -- a narrative ginned up by the media and the Democratic Party.

    1. They're all running like cockroaches when the lights come on.

      Victor Davis Hanson knows the collusion story is a lie. In that cas, hold the hearings, the Dems come out looking bad and it's a win for the right.
      But Hanson would rather distract the right with shiny objects. Should make you think. All the Rethugs want to do is stack the Supreme Court to favor corporatists and lower taxes on the wealthy and shift costs to the poor. They bail on Trump as soon as he's proven a liabilty or they achieve those two goals.
      Making America great? Suckers.

      From the party that brought us Sarah Palin, now we have Donald Trump. What possible reason can be suggested to citizens for respecting the next president?
      Simple, don't nominate morons.

    2. Barney Fudge from BeantownMay 19, 2017 at 12:19:00 PM CDT

      Duck flatulence has no echo

      Pitting the actions of your hated enemies against and theoretical and impossible perfect standard is a very old tactic. Funny how these encrusted, dogmatic leftists fancy themselves "progressives!"

    3. Nah, ducky's still hating on Hillary!



  16. The investigation is now a competition? Sheesh.

    From today's WaPo:

    Congressional probes related to alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election are likely to be complicated or stalled by the appointment of former FBI director Robert S. Mueller III as a special counsel investigating the same topic, despite pledges by some lawmakers Thursday to forge ahead.

    Mueller has resources and a mandate lawmakers know they cannot match and is the only one who can bring criminal charges — except against the president himself. Not responding to his subpoenas also comes with the real threat of criminal prosecution.

    Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said his group would probably “have a hard time finding a lane now,” and that when it comes to his panel’s probe, Mueller’s appointment “probably well shuts it down.”

    But other lawmakers leading committee probes contended that Mueller’s appointment would do nothing to affect the scope of their investigations....

  17. There are several avenues to this show.
    One maybe to stall so the statute of limitations runs out on the Clinton Global, and Hilrod's email Felonies.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. @Littlemann,

      ""Trump's EPA Just Greenlighted a Pesticide Known to Damage Kids' Brains"

      I understand your aversion to pesticides. After all, they are a clear and present threat to [your] survival!

    2. Hey Libtardmann,

      You can buy substances right now, over the counter, that can cause brain damage (now we know what happened to you). You can also buy substances that can sicken people and that can kill people.

    3. ... therefore we should green light pesticides that cause brain damage.
      I might accept that if there were proof there aren't alternatives.

  19. This arrived to me via email around noon today:

    Yesterday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein CONFIRMED that the Democrats are on a WITCH HUNT!

    Of course, Feinstein probably didn't even realize she confirmed the witch hunt...

    During an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "Situation Room," Feinstein admitted for the second time that she has not seen any evidence of any collusion between Trump and the Russians. If that wasn't bad enough, when Blitzer repeated the question, Feinstein specifically confirmed the witch hunt...

    Blitzer: “[S]o far, you have not seen any evidence of collusion, is that right?"

    Feinstein: “Well, evidence that would establish that there's collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. there are newspaper stories, but that's not necessarily evidence.

    So there it is...

    Feinstein admitted that there is NO EVIDENCE other than "all kinds of rumors around" and "newspaper stories."

    Did Feinstein actually drop those tidbits?

    1. This has been apparent for awhile. "No evidence, so we must keep digging."

      Even the story now, that intercepts of the Russians caught the US-based Russian operative bragging they could "use" General Flynn doesn't mean anything.

      It's apparent now, this started with Rice at the NSC, they ginned up a pretext to get all the spying apparatus on Trump's people, and now we have a full-blown crisis.

    2. SF,
      If Special Counsel Muller declares no case, the No Trumpers will cry, "Foul."

      If Speccial Counsel declares evidence, the Trumpers will not believe the charge.


      So, no matter what, approximately half the country will be furious.

  20. There is a trick that the intelligent community uses.
    I don't know how to spell it, it goes something like-
    barrera enema.
    This is where the memo's and some reports have multiple copies swirling about - with one word changed on just one, and maybe something in italics or something to disguise it from the others.
    The purpose is to find the leaker.
    And this has been used by Trump.
    Soon the purps will be brought to trial.

  21. Yes, I have seen the video's.
    Feinstein actually drop those tidbits!

  22. Darren McDinglebury said

    Do we REALLY need Dianne Fiendstein –– or anyone ELSE –– to CONFIRM what we ALREADY KNOW?

    I don't tihnk so!

  23. It’s no secret that the liberal media, particularly CNN, hates President Trump and his supporters. But sometimes their utter disgust. of these people show ther the most disgusting ways,

    For example, last Friday night’s edition of Anderson Coopers show on CNN he let his true feelings slip while interviewing a conservative commentator and Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord.

    While discussing President Trump Anderson Cooper interrupted Jeffery Lord’s commentary with a crude scatological reference:Saying:
    “If Trump took a dump on his desk, you would defend it, wouldn't you" Cooper said.

  24. All of this talk of (unwarranted) impeachment has one major goal: to sully the reputation of President Trump in the minds of the electorate. To strongly insinuate that Trump has done something evil, wrong or illegal. A secondary goal would be a soft coup d'etat by the increasingly totalitarian Democrats, should they be able to pull it off.

    1. True enough, Stogie, but I believe the REAL purpose behind this grotesque charade is to FRUSTRATE, BALK, STYMIE, and if possible STOP President Trump's agenda from being implemented.


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