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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Musical Interlude

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Something unusual and lesser-known for this musical interlude:

About the composers:

Bernardo Pasquini (1637–1710)

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)

Johann Rosenmüller (1619–1684)


  1. Excellent choice. So much great music out there that we don't take time to find. Thanks

  2. It's too bad we only got to hear the Sonata for Lute (Guitar) and Organ by Pasquini, whose very existence I had either forgotten or never known.

    I would love to have heard the Frescobaldi and Rosenmueller too.

    As Bunkerville said, there is so much wonderful music we never get to hear. The actual amount is frankly staggering.

    Even we musicians forget the there were literally hundreds of other excellent composers of Church, Court and Theater music in the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Most know about Bach, Handel, Scarlatti and Vivaldi. Others know about Buxtehude and Pachelbel (thanks to the recent popularization of the latter's so-called "canon," but how many have heard of Machaut, Orlando di Lasso, Palestrina, Peri, Caccini, Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Vittoria, Maurice Green, William Boyce, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Lully, Rameau, Couperin, Byrd, Bull, Gibbons, Purcell, Clarke, Sweelinck, and a host of others?

    I am so glad you brought this to our attention, AOW. I suppose many might way, "It sounds just like Bach," and they'd be right on a superficial level. Bach was not an "innovatoer" in the usual sense of the word. He simply made better use of forms, harmonic and contrapuntal devices others had used before him.

    Anyway, this was a delightful change of pace. Thanks for making it available.

    1. FT,
      I subscribe to several YouTube channels, and when this video popped into my inbox, I fell in love with the music I heard on this video.

      I freely admit that I have a bias in favor of polyphonic music. J.S. Bach was the master, but many of the lesser-known works by lesser-known other composers are exquisite, too -- in fact, at times, just as exquisite.

    2. I've listened to several of those you list as possibly "neglected" and I particularly enjoy Purcell and Machaut.

      Myself, I think music from the high Renaissance period is generally neglected.

  3. Sadly, my hearing has deteriorated to the point that I can't really appreciate music I don't already know.

    It seems that your brain fills in for the part you can't hear anymore.

    1. Warren,
      Hearing loss has the effect of isolating an individual: the more less, the greater isolation.

      But, hey, at least you can still hear my voice when we chat on the phone. **smile**

  4. Some form of auditory Confabulation, from the non-dominant right hemisphere I suppose. :(

  5. Oh, positively LOVELY....almost an exercise for the brain as one hears the so precisely different instruments meld into music...sounds like original instruments, too.
    Thanks...what a wonderful bunch of music.

    1. Z,
      Glad that you enjoyed this selection. It really is exercise for the brain. Long live polyphony and antiphony!


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