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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Spot-On Satire

Senator Rand Paul's Christmas 2022 satire:
Weep for our republic, which is being driven into the ground by the federal-government big spenders ("public servants"). Both parties are guilty of political malpractice!


  1. I am afraid that "both parties" are limited to one. Great find. :)

  2. Is there any doubt that the Progressive American Communist Democrats are pushing their woke nonsense to further erode and destroy the traditional cultural values that we Americans have known, and enjoyed for decades!
    Could it be because of their obvious Mental Disorders? Or could it be because of their strong desire, and conviction to lead this one time, and “Former” Great Nation to complete ? Or Both?

  3. This is rich! Especially egregious: $40B to tide over Ukraine. We're being played. And it's not just by Zelensky. Although it looks like his background in the theater helps. Must have stopped in costuming on his way.

  4. Lindsey Graham told Biden: "get your ass out of The White House & go to the border. if you gave a damn you would go, but you just don't give a damn"



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