Barr: “Well, this is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard.”Read and watch it all HERE.
Quite the spectacle staged by the Democrat Party! And these are our so-called leaders?
Barr: “Well, this is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard.”Read and watch it all HERE.
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Silverfiddle Rant! |
I’d kinda like for some of the racebaiters to explain why the 1830 US census identifies nearly 4000 free blacks who owned a total of almost 13,000 slaves.All of the above is what the Democrat Party wants you not to know!
“According to historian R. Halliburton Jr.: ‘There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.’”
Halliburton was, if I read the sources correctly, a black professor.
Another publication, by a black professor named Gates in THE ROOT, has an article discussing “Did Black People Own Slaves?”
Also, there’s RED OVER BLACK: Black Slavery Among the Cherokee Indians, by Halliburton.
Then there’s this paragraph from TOWNHALL’s “Six inconvenient truths about US and slavery:
SLAVERY EXISTED ONLY BRIEFLY, AND IN LIMITED LOCALES, IN THE HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC – INVOLVING ONLY A TINY PERCENTAGE OF THE ANCESTORS OF TODAY’S AMERICANS. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution put a formal end to the institution of slavery 89 years after the birth of the Republic; 142 years have passed since this welcome emancipation. Moreover, the importation of slaves came to an end in 1808 (as provided by the Constitution), a mere 32 years after independence, and slavery had been outlawed in most states decades before the Civil War. Even in the South, more than 80% of the white population never owned slaves. Given the fact that the majority of today’s non-black Americans descend from immigrants who arrived in this country after the War Between the States, only a tiny percentage of today’s white citizens – perhaps as few as 5% — bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor. Of course, a hundred years of Jim Crow laws, economic oppression and indefensible discrimination followed the theoretical emancipation of the slaves, but those harsh realities raise different issues from those connected to the long-ago history of bondage.
Finally, there’s the inconvenient truth that it was white people who did away with slavery in the US.
Whatever. I know that I’m gettin truly weary of hearin about it all. Seemed to me we were doin pretty well in this category before Barry & Mooch came along.
Black Lives Matter protesters at the NY CHAZ brag about their college educations and mock the police for being uneducated, working class, illiterate rubes. They also call a black cop “black Judas” or race traitor. pic.twitter.com/HD01cu2ZVc— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 1, 2020