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Thursday, June 7, 2018

California Public Schools: Gender Identity Curriculum

The following video (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance) was posted on YouTube on May 31, 2018. Note that the state doesn't include a provision for opting out of this curriculum.  Please watch the entire video before commenting:

So much for reading, writing, and arithmetic! So passée!

Related reading: From Oklahoma officials unfazed after landing on California's state-travel blacklist:
...[California Attorney General Xavier] Becerra, a Democrat, said the Oklahoma measure, known as SB 1140, violated California’s 2016 law banning state-funded travel to states with laws viewed as discriminatory against gay and transgender people.

“The law enacted in Oklahoma allows discrimination against LGBTQ children and aspiring LGBTQ parents who must navigate the adoption process,” said Mr. Becerra in a statement. “California taxpayers are taking a stand against bigotry and in support of those who would be harmed by this prejudiced policy.”

His announcement means California will no longer fund travel to nine states: Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas, in addition to Oklahoma, with exceptions for legal and criminal matters....
Read the rest HERE.


  1. ... And then of course we wonder why, statistically, at best, American children end up in the middle of the pack academically among all industrialized nations. There are even a few third-rate countries that can tout superior examples of core subject mastery over that of the United States. Even a moron can see the truth in the statement, “time is money” —and that we are wasting both time and money in public education settings. The proper education of our children has profound national security implications over the long term, and yet we waste valuable time and limited resources on such idiotic programs as sexual identity. Insert here any vile expletive you can think of ...

    1. Mustang,
      Even a moron can see the truth in the statement, “time is money” —and that we are wasting both time and money in public education settings.

      And something else: many, many students are getting "turned off" by all this agenda-driven material, particularly the gay-transgender agenda and the racism agenda. It appears in English class to the point that many students have ceased to love reading. Composition skills are affected as well.

      "Educators" are causing students to commit "readicide."

    2. What happens to students that refuse to say anything but "dyke" and "faggot?"

      Surely a Pepsi Challenge all the way to the Supreme Court will end this nonsense.

    3. It's worth pointing out that the states proscribed travel by the California law are NOT high achieving state.

      Sex education might not be the problem.

    4. California is a real high achiever. In poverty, the state is #1. They are also up there in structural debt.

    5. California has become a THREE-TIERED state.

      1) The SUPER RICH –– most of them leftists –– who can well AFFORD to pay the exorbitant taxes they impose on others,

      2) The WORKING POOR, who struggle to pay, and pay ,and pay, and PAY ever-escalating taxes and real estate prices, but can rarely get their heads above water long enough to breathe easily.

      3) The UNDERCLASS –– the ILLEGAL ALIENS, HOMELESS, GANG LORDS and other CRIMINALS, DRUG ADDICTS, PROSTITUES, and the ever burgeoning army of LOST SOULS on whom everyone else TRAMPLES and SPITS UPON at will.

      OH, and I forgot to mention the PARASITE CLASS –– meaning goverment officials, government workers, leftist college professors, school teachers, educational administrators, and other worthless, useless drones.

  2. Maybe that's when it's time to take up arms.
    Torches and pitchforks is so passe.

    1. What do you expect that to accomplish.

      All we need to know about sexuality comes from Bronze age tribal texts?
      And if the overwhelming majority believes otherwise it's time to breal out your guns?


    2. Yes Nostradumbass, sell some more of you sexual phrenology.

      This isn't about sex education or any kind of education, it's validation for the mentally impaired. A practicing clinical psychologist, a friend, once told me that there are many people that are so ate up with different and overlapping neuroses that there is no hope for them.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Warren @ Nostradumbass,
      This isn't about sex education or any kind of education, it's validation for the mentally impaired.


      Many of those who "transition" regret having done so. Perhaps because their DNA is still the same as their birth gender.

      I have a former student who has transitioned from male to female -- courtesy of our taxpayer dollars because s/he is a commissioned officer. Good Lord! S/he looks like a man in drag! Over 6 feet tall and biceps from here to there because s/he lifts weights.

    5. I tend to believe the STIGMA of being a male homosexual in a predominantly homophobic society has effectively CREATED this absurd notion that such a things as a TRANGENDERED person could possbly exist in nature.

      Gay men who cannot accept themselves feel COMPELLED to find SOME way –– however witless, dangerous, and grotesque –- to make themselves RESPECTABLE to mainstream society –– i.e. "I can't be a HOMOSEXUAL, but everyone will think I'm all right if I CAN only become a WOMAN."

      Some lesbians suffer wth the same delusion.

      Transsexualism has been called "THE ULTIMATE DISGUISE," but if a guy who looks like BLUTO or JOE PALOOKA or DONALD TRUMP tries it, he'll only worsen his situation by making a laughingstock of himself.

      I do believe, however, that the ROOT of ALL these disturbing aberrations may be found in the Augustinian brand of thinking that took over the nascent Chrristian movement c. 400 AD and gave us the demented doctrine defining SEX as necessary evil good only for the puroses of PROCREATION. To think of SEX as RECREATION became Mortal Sin. The fallout from this gigantic historical Wrong Turn has had tragic consequences.

    6. Psychological theories have explored the theory that self-loathing in some men who look like a bluto or joe palooka to intentionally turn themselves into a grotesquerie in order to invite the scorn they feel they deserve. It's sad.

      Transgendered suffer a higher rate of psychological problems, suicide and as murder victims. Many live on the margins of society, where their very existence provokes hatred and violence against them, often at the hands of the men they service, who themselves have self-hatred issues because they cannot accept their sexual attraction to other men.

      I agree that either extreme--Nihilistic sexual libertinism or guilt-ridden Puritanism--is not healthy.

      However, we must also consider why every culture, every religion of any size or endurance has put restrictions on sex. I think the answer is simple: Sex is the most powerful force within the realm of human agency. The power to create and the power to destroy is within our hands, and sex is often at the center of it all, even if often sublimated.

  3. "Gender Identity Curriculum"?

    Easy. There are two genders. Any questions kids?

    1. Actually there are THREE "genders" –– Masculine, Feminne and Neutral.

      German nouns for instance are either DER (masculine) DIE (feminine) or DAS (Neutral) [Mark Twain's essay The Awful German Language explains this very well with a delghtfully humorous twist. I highly recommend reading it.]

      "Gender" used properly is a term applied to GRAMMAR not SEX.

      There are only two SEXES, but in proper English usage there may be as many as THREE "genders."

      What s blessing it would be if we went back to teaching PROPER English, and insisted on its use in every classroom and every boardroom –– and ESPECIALLY on ever TV and RADIO program AND the ADS th,at go with them!

      Having allowed the minions of the Left and baseborn, lowbrow guttersnipe ignoramuses to BASTARDIZE the language as they have, has created a great deal of stupid misunderstanding and unnecessary conflict.

    2. Those of us concerned with child welfare should be reassured that in German, little girls are gender neutral: "Das Mädchen."

    3. Touché!

      A basic GERMAN LESSON - just for fun. We might as well learn little something while we stitch and bitch:

      the husband - der Ehemann

      the wife - die Frau

      the child - das Kind

      the girl - das Maedchen

      the boy - der Junge

      the town or city - die Stadt

      the village - das Dorf

      the town or the city - die Stadt

      the hospital - das Krankenhaus

      the town hall - das Rathaus

      the police station - die Polizeistation

      the courthouse - das Gerichtsgebäude

      the jail - das Gefängnis

      the hotel - das Hotel

      the inn - das Gasthaus

      the bordello - das Bordell

      the park - der Park

      the house - das Haus

      the church - die Kirche

      the school - die Schule

      the grocery store - das Levensmittelgeschaeft

      the tavern - die Taverne - OR - die Schencke

      the living room - das Wohnzimmer

      the fireplace - der Kamin

      the table - der Tisch

      the chair - der Stuhl

      the sofa - das Sofa

      the lamp - die Lampe

      the carpet - der Teppich

      the picture - das Bild

      the painting - das Gemaelde

      the mirror - der Spiegel

      the buffet - das Buffet

      the sideboard - das Sideboard

      the chest of drawers - die Kommode

      the dressing table - die Friesierkommode

      the armoire - der Shrank

      the magazine rack - das Zeitschriftenegal

      the bed - das Bett

      the kitchen - die Kueche

      the bathroom - das Bad

      the toilet - die Toilette

      Notice the ARBITRARINESS of the GENDER ASSIGNMENTS to each of these terms.

      To make matters worse if you want to learn these basic terms in French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, etc. they are almost completely INCONSISTENT.

      Do read Mark Twain on the subject, if you haven't already. It's informative while being wonderfully entertaining.

    4. The definite article in German:

      der = masculine

      die = feminine

      das = neuter

    5. Spanish, of course, has only two genders: masculine and feminine.

    6. That's the easy part. Please don't get started on declension or ... Ich muss mich unter dem tisch verstecken...

      Which was "der tisch" when it was just standing there in the kitchen before I decided to hide under it.

      Believe it or not, I got pretty good at conversational German when I was stationed there. We lived in a little farm town, I made lots of friends, and the Burgermeister really liked me, so at every town fest he bought a round of beers for me and my German buddies who lived there.

    7. Trinkst Du tief und lang, bitte.

      Der Tod der is die kühle Nacht. Träume schoen fuer Ewigkeit.

  4. The absolute best way to enjoy Mark Twain's essay, The Awful German Language, is listening to the Librivox recording of the essay read by a German man. It makes it even more hilarious.

    Librivox recording: Mark Twain's The Awful German Language

    1. THANKS, Silver! I've bookmarked that for future enjoyment. It's a great piece of work.

    2. It's availabe on YouTube at the following:


      And several other YouTube places as well.

  5. How many sexes are there?

    Interesting read.

    "Intersexuality itself is old news. Early biblical scholars believed Adam began life as a hermaphrodite ... '

    1. And on what basis did these early biblical scholars come to their conclusions? SF is right ... total rubbish.

    2. Canardo, is incapable of publishing anything BUT "total rubbish."

      His entire existence has been predicated in falsity.

      "The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away ... The way of the ungodly shall perish."

      ~ Psalm One (KJV)

    3. No, I find it blasphemous idiocy on stilts. The "rabbi" is meshuggah. Leave it to you to latch on to such un-scholarly neo-bullshit progressivism wrapped in a tissue pseudo-scholarly reform judaism blasphemy.

      Thousands of years of rabbinical study, midrashim, and Talmudic commentary and study... All wrong! Because some jerk-off jackass has found the truth. God help his soul; and God help you if you really ascribe any credence to any of this nutball's rantings.

      Here is a real scholar making short work of that idiot's nonsense:


    4. If you have a penis and a set of testicles, you ARE a MALE. PERIOD!

      If you have a vagina and a pair of breasts, you ARE a FEMALE. PERIOD!

      That's IT. End of Subject.

      HOWEVER, as almost everyone has observed, MALES come in all different shapes and sizes –– some weak, some strong and all the other variations that flesh is heir to.

      Hpwever, homosexuality is a very real –– and perfectly natural –– occurrence in the spectrum of masculinity, but homosexual MALES, however effeminate, are NOT to be confused or conflated with FEMALES.

      What became taboo, and the object of much cruel
      ty,ridicule, scorn and persection in the poat-Augustinian world was accepted as perfectly natural –- and even virtuous –– in many ancient societies.

      That said, there are effeminate men who ARE perfectly capable of fathering children with enthusiasm and raising families responsibly. On the ither hand there are beefy, hairy, blue-jawed, muscular brutes –– like BLUTO in Popeye cartoons –– who are inveterate sodomites, Some of these love to dress in women's clothes and wear makeup in their private lives. And not all homosexual men are hairdressers, decoraters, nurses, chefs, or waiters in posh restaurants,etc. etc.

      Similar variations occur in the female sex.

      Cases of true physiological hermaphroditism, which the New York Times article linked by Canardo would have you believe is a frequent biologual occurrence that deserves to be reocognized and accepted as "normal" is extremely rare. It probably belongs in a similar category with cleft palates, congenital blindness, Siamese Twins, or babies born with two heads, dwarfism, bearded ladies, and a whole range of other birth defects and freakish abnormalities like Down Syndrome that unfortunately DO occur in nature –– but mercifully not too often.

      The Elephant Man springs instantly to mind.

      There is no question that those tragically afflicted with grotesque abnormalities should be treated with utmost COMPASSION, it would be INDECENT to do otherwise, BUT the notion they should be regarded as NORMAL is absolutely absurd.

    5. FT,

      If you have a penis and a set of testicles, you ARE a MALE. PERIOD! If you have a vagina and a pair of breasts, you ARE a FEMALE. PERIOD! That's IT. End of Subject.

      Let's not forget the DNA, which cannot be altered (X and Y chromosomes), no matter what plastic surgery is done.

      Cases of true physiological hermaphroditism [...are] extremely rare.


      Back in the days of carnivals and state fairs with freak shows, each of those shows had a hermaphrodite on display. As a child and into my early adulthood, I was fascinated by these freak shows. I was both voyeur and sympathizer.

      I met one true hermaphrodite in my early 20s -- in a department store, of all places, where I saw a man who was short of stature. A few weeks later, his case was discussed in the Evening Star. This man has two sets of organs, so BlueCross had to pay for the surgery to complete his complete transformation from woman to man. Such cases are extremely rare, of course.

    6. SF,
      blasphemous idiocy on stilts

      No kidding!

      100 up votes for your comment.

    7. "physiological hermaphroditism ... is extremely rare. It probably belongs in a similar category with cleft palates, congenital blindness, Siamese Twins..."

      It's not physiological hermaphroditism, but abnormalities in the sex chromosomes are not that rare, eg. around 2 in 1000 have XXY chromosomes (Klinefelter syndrome), which is just one type of abnormality. I don't know how big your school was, but for most of us it wouldn't be surprising if there was some incidence of it while we were there.
      Conjoined twins on the other hand are closer to 1 in 100,000 births, and most of them die quickly, so it's a pretty memorable occurrence when you meet a surviving pair.


      If you have a penis and a set of testicles, you ARE a MALE. PERIOD!

      If you have a vagina and a pair of breasts, you ARE a FEMALE. PERIOD!

      That's IT. End of Subject.

      HOWEVER, as almost everyone has observed, MALES come in all different shapes and sizes –– some weak, some strong and all the other variations that flesh is heir to.

      Hpwever, homosexuality is a very real –– and perfectly natural –– occurrence in the spectrum of masculinity, but homosexual MALES, however effeminate, are NOT to be confused or conflated with FEMALES.

      What became taboo, and the object of much cruelty, ridicule, scorn and persection in the poat-Augustinian world was accepted as perfectly natural –- and even virtuous –– in many ancient societies.

      That said, there are effeminate men who ARE perfectly capable of fathering children with enthusiasm and raising families responsibly. On the ither hand there are beefy, hairy, blue-jawed, muscular brutes –– like BLUTO in Popeye cartoons –– who are inveterate sodomites, Some of these love to dress in women's clothes and wear makeup in their private lives. And not all homosexual men are effete devonair lounge kizards, hairdressers, decoraters, nurses, chefs, or waiters in posh restaurants, etc.

      Similar variations occur in the female sex.

      Cases of true physiological hermaphroditism, which the New York Times article linked by Canardo would have you believe is a frequent biologual occurrence that deserves to be reocognized and accepted as "normal" is extremely rare. It probably belongs in a similar category with cleft palates, congenital blindness, Siamese Twins, or babies born with two heads, dwarfism, bearded ladies, and a whole range of other birth defects and freakish abnormalities like Down Syndrome that unfortunately DO occur in nature –– but mercifully not too often

      [We used to describe males with Kleinfelter's Syndrome (not "discovered till the 1940's by one Harry Kleinfelter ) as ANDROGYNOUS. And yes there have always been one or two of those in every crowd, but so what?

      It may be unfortunate, but –– like other natural aberrations I mentioned –– it is a naturally-occurring phenomenon. What it might have to do with TRANSSEXUALISM , which I maintain is an ARTIFICIAL condition induced by psychological trauma –– I.e. the morbid inability to accept reality, and consequent retreat into a bizarre, surgically-constructed fantasy world –- I can't imagine.

      ____ The Elephant Man Springs Instantly to Mind. ____

      There is no question that those tragically afflicted with grotesque abnormalities should be treated with utmost COMPASSION, it would be INDECENT to do otherwise, BUT the notion they should be regarded as NORMAL is absolutely absurd.

  6. All this time the kids didn't know that had choices...

    1. You don't HAVE choices when none are given you.

      The eductional process was hijacked by Cultural Marxists long ago. "Education" at all levels has been heavily dominated by leftist cant and rhetoric for the past sixty -- probaby eighty years –– years.

      The Leftist Agenda is simpy to render the populace ignorant, impotent and defenseless by systematically destroying any capacity they might have to develop innate creativity and critical thinking skills, thus rendering the majority vulnerable to TOTALITARIANISM.

      There is nothing "humane" about leftist ideologies. We may all have the tendency, but leftists in particular are born despots.

      Just look at the noxious, bitter, evil smelling FRUIT they have born if you don't want to believe me.

      If you can't see that, you TOO have been effectively castrated and made complicit in the movement to ENSLAVE us.

  7. The purpose and process of an "education" is to deny choices. It is immoral and totalitarian in its' very nature. That it is offering these "choices" now represents the degree to which it is failing its' original purpose, to create independent and self-sufficient individuals (in favour of dependent narcissistic ones).

    1. You have confused "EDUCATION" wth "INDOCTRINATION."

      Shame on you! };-)>

      I would agree, of course, that so-called "EDUCATION" today IS nothing but Leftist-Totalitarian INDOCTRINATION.

      MARXISM has replaced MEDIAEVAL THEOCRACY as the Dominant Force Tha Would Subjugate and Enslave us all. Both in truth are merely two sides of the SAME coin.

      At the same time I feel compelled to add that UNBRIDLED HEDONISM isn't a batter alternative.

      SALVATION lies only in sedulously cultivated SELF-CONTROL coupled wih a determination always ti act wih BENEVOLENCE and COMPASSION wherever and wherever possible.

      The GOLDEN RULE, as always, TRUMPS ALL.

    2. Isaiah Berlin letter to George Kennan 13 February 1951

      If pushed to the extreme, this doctrine would, of course, do away with all education, since when we send children to school or influence them in other ways without obtaining their approval for what we are doing, are we not "tampering" with them, "moulding" them like pieces of clay with no purpose of their own? Our answer has to be that certainly all "moulding" is evil, and that if human beings at birth had the power of choice and the means of understanding the world, it would be criminal; since they have not, we temporarily enslave them, for fear that, otherwise, they will suffer worse misfortunes from nature and from men, and this "temporary enslavement" is a necessary evil until such time as they are able to choose for themselves--the "enslavement" having as its purpose not an inculcation of obedience but its contrary, the development of power of free judgement and choice; still, evil it remains, even if necessary.

      Communists and Fascists maintain that this kind of "education" is needed not only for children but for entire nations for long periods, the slow withering away of the State corresponding to immaturity in the lives of individuals. The analogy is specious because peoples, nations are not individuals and still less children; moreover in promising maturity their practice belies their professions; that is to say, they are lying, and for the most part know that they are. From a necessary evil in the case of the education of helpless children, this kind of practice becomes an evil on a much larger scale, and quite gratuitous, based either on utilitarianism, which misrepresents our moral values, or again on metaphors which misdescribe both what we call good and bad, and the nature of the world, the facts themselves. For we, i.e. those who join with us, are more concerned with making people free than making them happy; we would rather that they chose badly than not at all; because we believe that unless they choose they cannot be either happy or unhappy in any sense in which these conditions are worth having; the very notion of "worth having" presupposes the choice of ends, a system of free preferences; and an undermining of them is what strikes us with such cold terror, worse than the most unjust sufferings, which nevertheless leave the possibility of knowing them for what they are--of free judgement, which makes it possible to condemn them--still open.


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