Corrections from Always On Watch in red. Somehow I miscommunicated where Mr. AOW is on the timeline of life.
Mr AOW is on the verge of passing away after a brief struggle with kidney disease caused by long-term diabetes and high blood pressure. He is now under hospice care.
Mr. AOW is a US Army veteran, Vietnam Era. He and Mrs AOW began dating 49 years ago this month. They married on June 17, 1972. A lifetime with each other and living in the same house all those years!
He has been in poor health for years, and I just want to say that AOW is an incredibly strong and Godly woman who has taken care of her husband in their house while also teaching children. AOW is a stellar example of living one's wedding vows "in good times and bad, in sickness and in health." Let's keep her and the soul of her soon to depart husband in our prayers.
Here is Mr. AOW's "ABOUT ME" from his blog:
I am a veteran of the Vietnam War Era and a political conservative even though I'm from Southern California.I have been married over 40 years to the best blogger on the web: Always On Watch (aka AOW and Mrs. AOW).Severely disabled by a brain hemorrhage in 2009, I still love life!I have the use of only one hand, so my seek-and-find typing is very slow. However, I do read and appreciate comments to my blog.I believe that laughter is the best medicine. Send me jokes! I'm an equal opportunity insulter. Heh.
Rest in Peace when your time comes, Mr. AOW.