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Monday, May 21, 2012

"You will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom"

(Two posts today and another late yesterday.  Please scroll down)

What prompted the exchange from which the title of this post comes? The teacher's "fact of the day" that Romney was a bully in high school.

More from the exchange between a teacher and a student in a social studies classroom in North Carolina on Monday, May 14, 2012:
...The back and forth continued and the most strident of the two students reminded his teacher that President Bush was constantly treated to negative statements about him while he was in office: “Whenever Bush was president, everybody talked sh-t about him.”

To which the teacher responded: “Because he was sh-tty.”

The social studies educator went on for a full minute with more ranting, saying that people were arrested for saying derogatory things about President Bush. The student correctly reminded the teacher that opinions are protected, but you cannot be arrested unless you threaten the president.
More HERE, including an audio of the entire exchange.


  1. This doesn't surprise me, coming from the solidly-democrat teachers brigade.

    Statements such as you headline should be delivered in a German accent (with all apologies to contemporary Germans).

  2. One has to wonder how often this type idealogical drivel is perpatrated on our young people every day? Scary!

  3. I remember teachers like this when I was in high school. Less mature than the students they are 'teaching', and they fully believe their classroom is their own tiny dictatorship.

    What a typical leftist hypocrite. Somehow this moonbat screeching at a captive room full of teens isn't bullying, but Romney is the bully.

  4. Teachers should remain neutral on all things "politics" as hard as that may seem. There is no place for a "ranting" communist in the class room.

  5. Good for that kid, we need more like him. The teacher was a raving lunatic (or should I say a typical Obama supporter???)

    Right Truth

  6. I tried to listen when I saw that yesterday and honestly couldn't understand WHAT the heck the woman was saying. Let's start there when we're talking about 'teachers'...my God, what a sloppy awful diction.

    She should be utterly ashamed...and she's been suspended, but probably only long enough to satisfy those of us who care. Once the story's dead, she'll be revived into her classroom, TRUST ME.

    THIS is the great open minded liberal? :-)
    At our school, we teach to THINK. BOTH sides of every story. I'm so proud of it.

  7. Being a former social studies teacher, I fully realize that teachers must be given some latitude in the classroom. This teacher clearly crossed the line. I would never expect any teacher to remain entirely objective as such a thing just doesn't exist. It quite obvious that this lady didn't want to hear any dissentings opinions and this was the problem.

  8. Good grief! She seems to think that O is a king, not President. It's nice to know that students feel free to speak up.
    edge of the sandbox

  9. I think it's time that teachers stick with the curriculum and keep their stupid and liberal opinions outside the classroom.

  10. Good on that student, it's time more and more people started sticking it to these liberal fascists.

  11. I'm curious to know if Ms. Dixon-Neely, (the teacher,) is simply militantly ignorant or spreading falsehoods in the name of ideology.

  12. I heard the exchange on Rush this morning on the way to work. The teacher was incredibly ignorant, but I admired the students who stood up to her.

  13. Not only is the teacher a waste of taxpayer money, she is a waste of good oxygen. And the left tells us they care about our planet’s air supply! I don’t think an honest person can defend America’s public education system. This is but the tip of a very large, very dangerous iceberg. Who provides most of the instructional materials teachers use on Islam? Saudi Arabia. In other words, it is propaganda … not unlike that displayed by this horribly ignorant teacher.

  14. Latitude for a teacher is one thing. Allowing a teacher to penalize students for having different views is another.

    Furthermore, are conservative teachers given latitude to promote THEIR views in the classroom? Can you imagine if a teacher said in the classroom, "Obama is sh_itty" if a liberal student were voicing support for Obama. All the force of the administration would come down on that teacher's head -- and that teacher would STAY fired, too.

  15. Z,
    Don't get me starting on sloppy teachers and slopping teaching? I'll have a meltdown!

  16. Real Men,
    Joe Biden has brain issues -- anatomical/neurological ones following the aneurysms he suffered. I don't understand why he is a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

  17. Hi, Warren!

    I'm curious to know if Ms. Dixon-Neely, (the teacher,) is simply militantly ignorant or spreading falsehoods in the name of ideology.

    Both, IMO.

    Our education system descended into indoctrination a long time ago. However, the indoctrination is no longer subtle. Why aren't parents up in arms?

  18. Odie,
    I don't have a problem with teachers not being neutral -- at the high school level and above (Earlier is problematic). What I DO have a problem with is teachers who bully and penalize students who have opposing views.

  19. Sam,
    This is but the tip of a very large, very dangerous iceberg.

    So true.

    Are parents ignorant of what is going on? Surely, the administrators are not.

  20. Conservatives On Fire,
    One has to wonder how often this type idealogical drivel is perpatrated on our young people every day

    A lot, I think. Perhaps not so aggressively.

  21. Edge,
    It's nice to know that students feel free to speak up.

    Teachers hold "the power of the grade book," you know. That power is a squelcher, particularly in the last few years of high school as students begin to focus on college admissions.

  22. Debbie,
    a raving lunatic (or should I say a typical Obama supporter???)

    A neighbor with whom I've been friends for some 35 years has always been a liberal. But he has been foaming at the mouth in his support of BHO since Obama got elected! I can't believe the things I hear coming out of my neighbor's mouth about how he HATES conservatives! My neighbor is 70 years old and used to be such a mild-mannered fellow! If Obama loses in November, I hate to think what vile vituperations will spew from my neighbor. Sheesh.

    And his wife is a conservative! I wonder how she lives with him these days.

  23. Always On Watch said...

    "Latitude for a teacher is one thing. Allowing a teacher to penalize students for having different views is another.

    "Furthermore, are conservative teachers given latitude to promote THEIR views in the classroom? Can you imagine if a teacher said in the classroom, "Obama is sh_itty" if a liberal student were voicing support for Obama. All the force of the administration would come down on that teacher's head -- and that teacher would STAY fired, too."

    And THAT, of course, is the crux of the entire matter.

    That plus the abysmally low standards foisted on our school systems by the false, fabricated, bogus "standards" invented and promoted in the now-all-powerful Education Mills.

    A degree in Education isn't worth using in an outhouse after the old Sears Catalogue and all the corncobs have finally been used up, yet all "teachers" must have one in order to get hired.

    The field of "Education" is a RACKET, folks, -- an inimical, self-serving, farcical system designed by pushy, mouthy socialists whom parents were too busy to pay any attention to, until it was too late -- if then.

    With EDUCATION as FARCE, the enjoyment of liberty, independence and self-reliance has been rendered over and done with.

    ~ FreeThinke

  24. FT,
    You mentioned the now-all-powerful Education Mills.

    At the university commencement which I recently attended, there were more graduates in "Curriculum Development" than in any other category. They will soon be unleashed on society. **sigh**

    A degree in Education isn't worth using in an outhouse after the old Sears Catalogue and all the corncobs have finally been used up...

    As Mr. AOW says, "True dat!"

    PS: I don't have a degree in education. My degree is in Spanish with teacher certification added later. I let my certification lapse long ago because I couldn't sit through the CRAPPY courses for renewal.

  25. Latitude....

    Sorry Ron Russell I can not agree. All but one or two teachers I have met are petty dictators. The ones that are not are like AOW either in Private systems or homeschoolers.

    As to Latitude, I wish my job to remain secret but I can tell in my line of work we are strictly forbidden to even vocalize anything that resembles a political opinion while I am representing my employer. This is (cough cough BS cough) that some people we pay with tax payers dollars get to voice their opinions not only in the classroom but they did paid to travel and give speechs on their moronic and sophoric views.

    I will concede this much that I too am paid by the government and my latitude is about zero.

    How about the soldier who posted something negative on FB....yeah he had lots of latitude.....and lots of free time now...

    BTW I also have zero freedom to express any other beliefs religions, moral, etc.

    I am not complaining as I knew when I applied these were the rules, I am just tied of the double standards of the left....

    cough cough cough---B.S.

    and yes she will be back to indoctrinate your children next week

  26. Blogginator,
    IMO, social studies is the subject area most plagued by teachers' espousing their own views. I didn't do so in the traditional classroom in the public education system, but I clearly did in private Christian education (strong push for patriotism) and do now in any social-studies related subject I teach. Of course, in those latter venues, the student, parent, and faculty body are "on the same page" almost all the time.

    When I taught Spanish in public high school (1973-1977), I was allowed to say that Catholic Spain believed this or that, but NEVER to say that I personally believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In fact, we teachers in the public sector back then were SPECIFICALLY COACHED about those matters.

  27. Meanwhile in government run schools children are being forced to learn arabic, sharia, and islam...

    Recently Upstate New York second language education for 2nd to 5th graders....but there are other stories probably chronicled here

    but thats ok because it is diversity to shun Christianity while promoting Islam....

    I wish one of these liberal womens group who join us on the threat of Islam. Maybe after they lose their right to own property, travel unescorted, vote, and they are fited for their burkhas but once the shackles are on its a little late to fight back.

    In Kansas...Islamist plan to sue against a new law banning the use of sharia in courts..of courts they have no intention of having sharia creep into our courts its just that a law banning it is well rude...

  28. I have not been COACHED as you were. In my world, there are written rules and violating such rules can carry differing punishments of course treatment varies by supervisor. Some our tolerant and some are liberal. Even putting a bumper sticker on your car although technically within policy would likely result in a change in your post or assignmen. IE if certain supervisors saw it. In other words, no way I could put a conservative bumper sticker on my car.

    So you can understand my laothing for teachers who dispense liberal tripe as though it were Prime Rib and they get to do it on taxpayer funding retreats, trips to give presentations compensated by free meals lodging, and doctoral thesis....excuse me while I vomit......

  29. I have not been COACHED as you were. In my world, there are written rules and violating such rules can carry differing punishments of course treatment varies by supervisor. Some our tolerant and some are liberal. Even putting a bumper sticker on your car although technically within policy would likely result in a change in your post or assignmen. IE if certain supervisors saw it. In other words, no way I could put a conservative bumper sticker on my car.

    So you can understand my laothing for teachers who dispense liberal tripe as though it were Prime Rib and they get to do it on taxpayer funding retreats, trips to give presentations compensated by free meals lodging, and doctoral thesis....excuse me while I vomit......


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