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Monday, May 21, 2012


The following audio of a statement that Obama made early this century disappeared from the web for a while, but I recently found the audio again (hat tip to Conservative Hideout):

Did you notice the phrase "redistributive change" toward the end of the audio? What Obama meant all along by his mantra 2008 election slogan of "Change!" and what Obama means by "Forward!" now.


  1. Just what you would expect from a Marxist, isn't it?

  2. Right from the horse's Marxist mouth! That Obama was elected after that audio is unreal... Of course, he has a Dem owned MSM to hide it and propagandize on his behalf.

    Someone had better stockpile this info. I have a feeling that "when" (as Obama said) he gets re-elected all sorts of information is going to 'disappear.'

  3. Face it, this deep-voiced fraud with the bland persuasive manner is nothing but a f-ckin; COMMUNIST.

    God knows he's dropped enough clues. It's strictly OUR fault that few of us never paid any attention to anything other than the enemedia-generated HOOPLA.

    ALL the Communists should have been rounded up and DEPORTED decades ago.

    (Yes, Finntann, that IS exactly what should have happened. "An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.")

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. As usual, you got it wrong. He said the tragedy was that the Civil Rights movement didn't focus enough on political and grass roots activities (Kind of Like the Tea Party) to push for more redistributive policies to redress the economic disparities caused by political dispossession of Slavery and Jim Crow. He said the Warren Court was not as radical as some would suggest because they didn't change the constitution, but he never said that was a tragedy or even a problem.

  5. I wouldn't mind if a couple $million were redistributed to me but I'm white so there's not much chance of that. That was a joke, since I think this redistribution stuff is a smokescreen. All his noise about taxing millionaires pretty much amounts to nothing, since taking all their money still wouldn't make a dent in our budget. That leaves looting the big corporations, the very people he bails out, so that makes no sense either. At the same time he's doing a lot to generally impoverish us all, black, white and chartreuse. What it looks like to me is a dictatorial takeover by any means available and one step of that is creating lots of poor people.

    Yes, I'm back, moved into my new home in California. Oh, stop, stop, please, hold the applause.

  6. The actions of this fellow in the last 3 years are more than enough to show Americans that him and his ideology are poison to your country.

    How many trillions are you in debt now, how many jobs have been lost, how much has been wasted. Send him and his wretched democrats over the edge by themselves.

  7. Black Sheep,

    I applauded despite your pleas for stopping the accolades. **wink**

    What it looks like to me is a dictatorial takeover by any means available and one step of that is creating lots of poor people.

    That's what redistribution of wealth leads to. Every time. We have plenty of examples from the 20th Century. Sadly, the electorate doesn't have the education to understand what history teaches. Never mind all the degrees after people's names.

  8. Brooke,
    Someone had better stockpile this info. I have a feeling that "when" (as Obama said) he gets re-elected all sorts of information is going to 'disappear.'

    He hasn't been elected, and already much of this information has disappeared (as I mentioned in my post).

  9. Liberalmann,
    Are you redistributing your own wealth, or do you possessively clutch everything you own, particularly your iPhone, your iPad, etc.?

  10. Thanks for the welcome back!

    In the admirable spirit, which I have, of confounding the minds of my fellow Americans, I would now like to take the Devil's Advocate view to my former Devil's Advocate expounding, to wit: Do Vote! Provided it's against Obama. Vote early and vote often, just like the illegal aliens and community organizers do. Vote as Mickey Mouse repeatedly, as a hat tip to Acorn, and don't forget Captain Marvel even though he's dead as a toon.

    You may even vote Barney Rubble, Mutt and Jeff, and Charlie Chaplin (who was actually real). Vote against Obama with all available gusto. Vote your dog Fang, your horse Minnie, your cat, Fluffy.

    I know. I gave hard reasons why voting is a crock, but the truth is that if an overwhelming number of us vote against Obama, even the Electoral College would need protection from the National Guard if they tried to overrule the people. Which I am expecting.

  11. Anonymous Black Sheep said...

    "... I think this redistribution stuff is a smokescreen. All his noise about taxing millionaires pretty much amounts to nothing."

    Another lapdog of our corporatocracy. Sorry, you're wrong:

    "Repealing Tax Cuts Would Meet $4 Trillion Savings Goal:"

    "Chart of the Day: Where the Debt Comes From:"

  12. I always find the liberal logic on taxes interesting...

    Question do you buy less gas when the prices goes up? Well duh.

    Only a moron would suggest raising taxes has no effect on human behaviour at all income levels as the increased taxes also affect the cost of goods and services...

    I have not looked at this piece of fiction but I know liberals and first the chart will fail to account for human behaviour. Historical evidence proves raising taxes causes changes in habits. Secondly liberally baised charts always predict higher than normal growth for the economy as though the economy was going to grow as people stop spending disposable income and send it to the government....

    The current piece of fiction produced by Mr. Obama predicts what a sudden 4% growth rate in the economy. Ignorant folks buy this nonsense but the growth rate published is more like 1.2-1.5% or not even enough to cover the expanding population ie...we are all losing economic freedom as we speak....and what is Mr. Obama doing sealing his past records and taking a vacation while his obamatons like Liberalmann push fairy tales....


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