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Monday, August 26, 2019

Today's Political Landscape

From Powerline Blog...


  1. Whatever will the DemnRats DOwhen they run out of R-tags?

    Russian Agent!

    The more I see of the would-be D'Rat candidates the more confident I feel that President Trump can't HELP but win re-elecion.

    But then we must remember that many decades ago Mencken said, "No one has been able to underestimate the intelligence of the American electorate" –– or something very like it.

    What's a greedy, lazy, badly-misinformed, hopelessly ignorant, deliberately dumbed down populace going to do?

    VOTE for SOCJALISM, course!


    1. Of your ultimate conclusion, I have no doubt... as the National Debts rises (to the tune of $1 trillion/year), and nothing is done to address it, there will be no other options.

  2. The dem candidates are playing electoral poker, but they keep raising the ante with other people's money.

  3. Russia Racism Recession.......the new 3 R's!

    Love PILLAGE PEOPLE...our response to their insults to us of being DEPLORABLES.

  4. Question for the class: If recession hits and the Fed has lowered rates what tools do they have to stimulate spending beside negative interest rates (rampant in Europe)?

    1. Glad to see you acknowledge there is a hard rock bottom to quantitative easing.

    2. Well Ducky... maybe we could borrow $$$ on zero interest and put folks to work rebuilding our roads, bridges, infrastructure, etc.

      If there is no cost to borrowing, why not? We're gonna have to do the work someday anyways. Why not at zero interest?

    3. Dave, that's what I'd hoped Obama would do..remember he promised to work big time on infrastructure.....we really need it.

    4. Why not default like everyone else does.

  5. If negative rates hir, ir will take a lot more than a childish cartoon to get you laughing.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-denies-that-he-suggested-nuking-hurricanes-but-the-government-once-studied-the-idea/ar-AAGlI3B?li=BBnbfcN

    2. There is no fool like those who won't get informed before spewing, IS THERE? Good try, though. And I'm not even a huge Trump fan, I just hate silly accusations...

    3. Thanks, Z. A blog administrator didn't get to the quick deletion of "this one."

    4. Sorry I engaged at all, AOW. xxx

  7. Beamish the Thought CriminalAugust 26, 2019 at 3:09:00 PM CDT

    Trump knows how to file bankruptcy. He's quite good at it.

  8. So it finally happened, Creepy Joe Biden has fallen below
    Pocahontas, and Crazy Uncle Bernie.
    Well neither of those 2 moronic Socialist are going to even get the nomination from the DNC. Even the DNC isn't that nuts!
    So who will be the new Face of the Party?
    And will it be a Flaming Liberal, another self-acclaimed Socialist? or one of the other Clowns from the bottom of the barrel?
    There's still about 18- or 19 of those NUT-Jobs left, so have fun with those, while President keeps knocking the Ball out of the Park!.


    Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
    As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
    Are melted into air, into thin air:
    And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
    The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
    The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
    Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
    And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
    Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
    As dreams are made on; and our little life
    Is rounded with a sleep.

    ~ Shakespeare - The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, 148–158

    1. Has it ever occurred to you that our ENTIRE SOLAR SYStEM may be nothing more than a SINGLE A_T_O_M in the infinitely vast expance of the Cosmos?

      Contemplating our relative INSIGNIFICANCE in the Great Scheme ought to have a humbling, yet liberating effect.

      Do WE matter at ALL? If you think we do, WHY do you think so?

      Getting as far away as possible from the PERSONAL and the PARTICULAR should be very helpful in gaini[ng a better sense of PERSEPCtIvE.

      I have found much wisdom –– and much solace –– in these words from the author of Walden:

      "Love your life, poor as it is. You may, perhaps, have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours even in a poorhouse. The setting sun is reflected as brightly from the windows of an almshouse as from a rich man's abode."

      ~ Thoreau (1817-1862)

    2. "Has it ever occurred to you that our ENTIRE SOLAR SYStEM may be nothing more than a SINGLE A_T_O_M in the infinitely vast expance of the Cosmos?"

      Yes, it did. The superficial similarities are striking, but I recommend pondering some of the differences between an atom and a solar system. There's no need to embark on any esoteric physics -- although I recommend that as well ;) -- just consider something simple like scale: an atom is not a scaled down solar system, it is far more "empty" than that -- an atom is many times larger relative to its nucleus than a planetary system is relative to its star.
      On the other hand, neighbouring atoms can be close enough to directly influence each other profoundly (we call this "chemistry"), whereas star systems are separated by light-years -- too much distance for any pair of individual systems to measurably affect one another. The distance to our nearest star is around 7000 times the radius of the solar system. Scaled to the radius of a hydrogen atom, I reckon that works out to around 2e-7 atmospheres of pressure at room temperature, which is comparable with atmospheric pressure at the Karman line -- the boundary between Earth and outer space!


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