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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Name Calling Madness

To this we have come:

One of the latest absurdities:

Related reading: Soap Star Nancy Lee Grahn Smears Ivanka Trump as a Nazi for Getting a Dog.

Stop the world, I want to get off!

In the meantime, I will exercise this option:


  1. If it would have been a black Lab, it would have been anything from pandering to subjugating a 'canine of color'......

    1. It's Ivanka, or better yet, a Trump.
      Nothing could be appropriate.

    2. That's right, Ed, and Never-Trumpers are by far the WORST in this regard.

      Boneheaded imbeciles with atrophied brains such as the late never-great John McVain, –– dry-veined columnist "Dinosaur George" Will, always a dreary, dour dead-eyed stuffed shirt even in the best of times, –– the stiff, irredeemably uninspiring, deliberately-failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, –– and the mewling, namby pamby, bland, sickeningly self-effacing, covertly self-righteous, overly modest, pseudo-conservative pantywaist Pete Wehner, are in fact far WOrSE than the out and out MARXISTS now vying for the DemonRat presidential nomination.

    3. Wow...who knew those folks were the topic of this post....

    4. Magnan Imus, the Wise, said

      "Woe unto them unable to draw intelligent inferences from verifiable data presented."

      Without a fertile imagination sparked by curiosity, human beings would never have evolved, and would doubtless still be swinging from tree to tree in the jungle or huddled in caves shivering in the cold eating raw meat.

    5. And woe unto them who confuse emotion-driven opinion with verifiable data.

  2. Godwin's Law trophies have been on backorder since President Trump decided to run for President.

    1. Business has picked up everywhere since Trump became president, but the tariffs on Godwin's Law Trophies from China has crimped their availability.

    2. I remember Godwin's own remarks regarding the 2017 Charlottesville alt-right rally "By all means, compare these ____heads to the Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you."

      IMO Trump doesn't compare well with Hitler, I think he's more like Berlusconi.

    3. Agreed, only came to mind because we were recently talking about Charlottesville.

    4. "Charlottesville" was a typical Monster MYTH slyly designed by the jackals in the ENEMEDIA workng hand-i-glove wh the DemonRats, of course, to weaken and hopefully destroy publc confidence in Gonald Trump.

      If you want to give ny credence at all to the out-and-out CALUMNY dished up daily by the fanatically biased, anti-Trump, anti-AMERICAN ENEMEDIA, then you are every bit as BIGOTED, DECEITFUL, and frankly IDIOTIC as they.

      AND –– I might add, –– those who hm and haw out of DEFERENCE to possilbe OFFENDEES fail to call a spade a spade when they know perfectly well what a "spade" IS and is NOT, are simply PUSILLANIMOUS.


      Now I just can't wait till some leftist-apologist buffoon tries to tell me that "spade" is an "offensive" overtly RACISTIC term, that must be dropped from the vocabulary out of deference t 'people pf color" and simple decency.

      What next? Will we be told never to refer to our ancestral sets of fine bone CHINA as such again, because it conjures up negative stereotypical images about the little yellow people with straight black hair and slanty eyes?


    5. Unfortunately he won't be Gone soon enough.

    6. AOW's Official B.S. Detector said

      Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum!
      I smell the gas
      From Les Carpenter's bum!


  3. The overwhelming number of people who don't give a warm fart in hell what color the dog is should easily cancel one anecdotal celebrity tweet.


    1. ...but only after Trump finishes opening up the Overton Window. Until then, Kim Kardashian and Oprah's opinions will remain the mainstream.

  4. Well, I have to wonder what is wrong with being Racist. Let's say Hans from Germany doesn't like any Arab anywhere. Who cares? Who is Hans hurting if he is not in a position to discriminate against Arabs, such as in an HR position. Hans is sitting in his house watching TV and unknown to anyone, Hans does not like Arabs. So what. Who cares.

    Now let's look a LaShawn, a welfare recipient that lives on Vine Street in Cincinnati. He hates white people - every single on of them. Who cares ! As a white person, I couldn't care less ! If LaShawn ends up on a jury in a trial where I am a defendant who was set up for a crime I may care that LaShawn hates me for the getgo, but honestly, he probably wouldn't make it through the prosecutor/defender questioning.

    I think the number of people who hate someone based on their skin color purely based on their skin color without any other evaluation factor are even more sparse than people like bruce jenner. Except older democrats of course. Over the last 300 years they have displayed their pure hatred for black folks, even fighting tooth and nail to not pass the civil rights act of 1964.

    1. Racism is a crime against open/free market capitalism. Can't have any "nationalist" hermit kingdoms who'd rather "fight" to preserve their ways of life than assimilate into the trade-loving Corporate Dominated McWorld economy.

  5. The ironic part is most righturds don't even know it when they are being racist. Then the blame the left for pointing it out.

    1. Racism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. So if you're beholding it, you know what you are putting into it.


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