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Monday, July 29, 2019

Mueller On The Hill (With Addendum)

Hat tip to Powerline for the graphics below....

On Sunday, the Washington Post, in effect an arm of the Democrat Party, offered this interpretation of Mueller's testimony.  From this opinion piece by Nicole Hemmer, assistant professor at the University of Virginia and co-editor of the newspaper's daily historical analysis section:
...The GOP’s laserlike focus on Simpson, Fusion GPS, former FBI agent Peter Strzok and other bits of right-wing lore probably played well in conservative media (and, as a consequence, in the Oval Office). But it was almost certainly inscrutable to any American who is not dialed into Fox News, right-wing talk radio or conservative-leaning Facebook feeds....
Along those same lines, a Democrat at the swimming pool where I go for r&r every summer must have nodded her head in agreement if she read the above essay at the Washington Post. Last week, this woman opined to me that Mueller's testimony clearly demonstrated to America that President Trump is "a terrible man."


According to Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, "Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor." Excerpt:
...The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed....
You can't make up this stuff!


  1. I share an office with a liberal.
    I thought the least we could agree on was the failure of Mueller.
    I wouldn't gravitate to friendship with this guy, normally, but he is a friend. He is brilliant also.
    He thinks the Republican congresspeople embarrassed themselves with their questioning. Orange man bad.

    1. I blame our totally-unhinged Infotainment Media Complex. They have dropped all pretense of being unbiased. They are unable to play it straight.

    2. Ed,
      His cognitive bias is on display, huh?

  2. Foreign interference in our elections? Hillary's campaign used a British ex-spy to dig up dirt outside the US on Donald Trump.

    Russian collusion? Hillary's campaign sought and used a dossier full of Russian disinformation from Russian Intel agencies.

    Granted she used cutouts and buffers: Her campaign went to Perkins Coie, who went to Fusion GPS, who went to Christopher Steele...

    I wonder if that would still be legal under the grandstanding legislation the Democrats were floating?

    1. Perkins Coie... where Eric Holder hangs his shingle.

  3. Replies
    1. Thersites,
      Excellent find! Thank you.

    2. It's plain to see: Mifsud is an informal source to US and other western Intel agencies.

      Clintonites in the Obama admin used him to plant the seed.

      That's what the "revealing sources and methods" argument was all about that the swamp used to stall Congressional inquiries.

    3. @sf: no doubt. The IG Horowicz and John Durham have both interviewed Joseph Misfud.

  4. One of the comments from the essay mentioned in this blog post (emphasis mine to highlight what I perceive to be what's going on with the publication of this opinion piece):

    Where did the Republicans get their questions for Mueller? From the under-oath testimony of Page, McCabe and Strzok before the House Judiciary committee.

    There will be more of the same from the DOJ Inspector General's report due out in September, and the Durham DOJ investigation which has supoena'd the "bogeyman" Mifsud.

    This article is yet another WOPO [sic] effort to get ahead of bad news that will be too big to ignore.

    1. September AOW? You are optimistic.

    2. Bunkerville,
      That's what the commenter offered.

      We shall see.

    3. The classified document releases begin Wednesday, per Joe Dejonova.

    4. James Comey might be getting a all-expenses paid retirement in a federal facility, also... :)

    5. Thersites,

      So much is going on that I can't keep up with it all.

  5. Spin and propaganda IS the expertise of BOTH parties. The media (specifically cable "news"), in general reports the facts HEAVILY influenced by whatever the network's/reporter's bias happens to be.

    There's LOTS of Infotainment Media to go around. And you can bet the conservative and progressive political junkies of America eat it up as voraciously as they can.

    It's a real "delight" sifting through the BS as one works at finding the truth. Meanwhile the political parties and Infotainment Media work overtime to keep America at each others throats. It's all about the lust for power. The strategy is to divide and conquer. With the ultimate goal being TOTAL control of the governed.

    Fact IS the vast majority of folks are BIASED. So, here we are. While certain forces are at work manipulating our biases.



    2. Wishing you a delightful, fulfilling, and productive day Anonymous.

  6. Yes Trump colluded with the Russians, but collusion is not illegal. The only thing curious about this is why Trump is having trouble selling his base on the idea that colluding with the Russians is awesome.

  7. Collusion is not illegal, but under certain conditions it IS unethical.

    Obstruction is ILLEGAL. So, here America is AGAIN. Divided and being manipulated.

    It is what it is.

    1. Of course, but whatever it is, it is not what you think it is.

    2. Ethics schmethics. At least he snot Hillary.

  8. I just added the following to the body of the blog post:

    According to Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post, Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor.


    ...The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed....

    1. Parker sold her soul to the loony left Ding Dong Land years ago. I wonder if she gets invited to more DC cocktail parties now?

    2. Nothing particularly ingratiating to the left there, either the Democrat left or the Trumpista left. Spineless, morally bankrupt Trump supporters (i.e. all of them without single exception) wanted Mueller's report to not show Trump to be a scumbag. Mueller didn't oblige them.

      Are we really going to have this thin-skinned pussy serve as the voice of the right for 6 more years?

    3. Hey everybody! Look at me! I'm insulting all of you! PLEEEEEEEEEEZE validate my tantrums!!!

    4. Isn't it cute how thin-skinned Trump supporters can't help but personify the barbs tossed their way. Every President since ink was invented has been castigated and lampooned by the press but Trump and his supporters really take crying about it to the next level.

    5. Thought Criminal, Would you like a little cheese with that whine, madame?

  9. Here's the rub ... as we focus almost exclusively on the corruption of the DNC in 2016, the dirty-tricks operatives are busy preparing the way for 2020. We Americans ought to wake up and realize that NOT ONE of the swamp denizens can be trusted to do the right thing for America. In a perfect world, not a single American would vote in the next federal election.

    1. In a perfect world, not a single American would vote in the next federal election.

      Money shot. or barring abstaining from voting, I'd at least welcome an opportunity to select "None of the Above" - or like Nevada has - "None of These Candidates".

      The duopoly and its media enablers would never stand for that though.

    2. Sam,
      NOT ONE of the swamp denizens can be trusted to do the right thing for America.

      Our Founders' biggest mistake was in not establishing term limits for members of Congress.

    3. In a PERFECT world, –– given the ugly reality of the unsavory choices we have ––, ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT of the American electorate would vote for DONALD J. TRUMP.

    4. In a PERFECT world - we wouldn't have unsavory choices...on any side.

    5. In a perfect world, FHA fraud would have been cracked down upon in the 1980s and Donald Trump would be managing a Taco Bell.

  10. Are you sure you're not quoting from the Onion? Unglaublich!

    1. Baysider,
      Much reality today seems to be coming from the Onion or the Babylon Bee!

      Glad that my parents aren't alive to see all this!

  11. I was joking Mueller looked like a ventriloquist dummy. Now he looks like a car crash dummy.

    OT I wrote the longer view. Immigrants aren’t angels. ICE aren’t Nazis. Lefties like Ducky are prostitutes.

    Economic migrants taking dangerous journeys to commit fraud have no right to complain about accommodations within reason. They have zero reason to demand anything from us.

    Has anyone seen Mr Beamish. Is he writing Trumps Twitter feeds.

    1. Beak,
      I see that you have an excellent post at your blog today.

    2. World wide the question of what is immigration is a common issue. If you still had the show Beakerkin vs the Duck. Maybe I can convince him to do a blog interview by me. Just a discussion on a different level. Global and American.

      We are in a new era. Globalist vs Nationalist. I have always been a Nationalist
      and respect legal immigration. I have a low tolerance for people who come here and are arrogant Respect others, get a job and obey the laws

  12. I started out that way. He has done wonderful things.
    The Democrats destroyed themselves

    Thanks for the compliment AOW. It is a wider look at the big picture. I still think we should have a round table discussion. Is immigration a right or privilege.

  13. Same as Anti Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    Given the above Republicans whining about TDS is more than just a bit rich.


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