We spend much time discussing jihadists. What of their victims, particularly their surviving victims?
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Image credit: Candice Hedge, from Brisbane, was viciously attacked in the city's centre on Saturday night while having a drink after work. She has described the horrifying moment her throat was slashed. |
What kind of man looks a woman in the eye, then stabs her in the throat?
Candice Hedge, survivor of the London Bridge jihad attack, appears to have a "Panda tube" coming out of her nose. The Panda tube is a weighted feeding tube. Ms. Hedge probably sustained a tear in her esophagus. Thank God it was not her trachea!
From London attack: Australian woman Candice Hedge stabbed in neck (dated June 4, 2017):
An Australian woman has been left unable to speak after she was stabbed in the throat during the terror attacks in London, her family says.Read the rest HERE.
Candice Hedge, 34, from Brisbane, is recovering at St Thomas Hospital following emergency surgery for a knife wound to her neck.
"She can't talk. She's been stabbed around her neck, her throat. She's all bandaged up." her mother, Kim Del Toro, told Fairfax Media.
"She went into surgery, but she's going to be fine, thank goodness."
Ms Hedge has been living in London for the past year and she was working with her boyfriend, Luke, at a bar and restaurant in the Borough Market when one of the terrorists stormed the building on Saturday night.
"He heard some commotion out the front and went out to see what was going on," Ms Hedge's mother said.
"He saw some men with knives coming toward them, and he ran back inside to see where Candice was."
In the chaos, he couldn't find her and police yelled for everyone to stay down.
Then, she came running toward him, holding her bleeding neck.
He grabbed her and the two of them took an ambulance to hospital....
What will Ms. Hedge's life be like from this point on? The Panda tube is typically a long-term medical device, and such a device typically requires daily or every-other-day maintenance as long as the device remains in place.
And after the Panda tube is removed, will Ms. Hedge's throat still hurt every time she swallows? A slash into any part of the body typically causes nerve damage, damage which can persist lifelong.
Survivors of jihad attacks may persevere in spirit, but their bodies may still suffer for the rest of the survivors' lives.
If we had the good sense –– and the moral COURAGE –– to implement DIDADIN!, this terrible thing would not have happened, and we wouldn't have to deal with Islamaniacs at ALL now, would we?
DeleteOne of the regular readers of this blog has requested that you again spell out DIDADIN.
Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."
"Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
ReplyDeleteNo we would not, "If we had the good sense". Sadly though, "good sense" and Liberalism are mutually exclusive!
A nice "New Normal" greeting card signed by London Grand Mufti Saddiqi Khan should make it all better.
ReplyDeleteSatire noted and appreciated.
DeleteWhat kind of man looks a woman in the eye, then stabs her in the throat?
ReplyDeleteThe answer is that it's not a man. It's an animal.
DeleteYes, an animal.
NOT an "animal" –– a BARBARIAN.
DeleteAnimals don't kill for cheap thrills, or out of sheer spite. They leave that to us.
Your assessment likening Islamaniacs to animals is unfair and defamatory to the entire animal kingdom.
There's evil in the world and we are as much a part of it.....
DeleteBleating sheep who would destroy the Republic from within, are certainly as much a part of the evil you cite.
It always amuses me when people like ducky make such pontifical false equivalencies from the comfy confines of the United States.
DeleteDang, Jon, you beat me to it. Islam kills. Yes
ReplyDeleteThey grieve for the dead...stacks of flowers, balloons, group hugs, etc...
ReplyDeleteFor the terribly wounded victims, some of whom will never be the same, physically or emotionally, the news proceeds to the next story and they're essentially forgotten. Not much the world can do for them, and who knows how to properly mourn in cases like this? I hope the survivors get the help they need, flowers, sympathy... it's all so sad.
Deletethe news proceeds to the next story and they're essentially forgotten
And that is one aspect of all this that frustrates me!
About 1.5 years ago, when I told an open-borders neocon acquaintance of mine about what how an illegal ruined my back in that car accident I sustained in 2005, I heard, "Oh, I'm sorry." Then he moved right on to talk about something else. He continues to advocate for open borders. I wonder how he would feel if the same thing had happened to him, to his wife, or to one of his children. An "I'm sorry" followed by a shrug? Really?
Because I'm still dealing with that back injury -- and will till the day I die -- I greatly empathize with those terrorism victims who have life-changing injuries THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN PLACE!
Yes, these survivors need flowers and sympathy -- and financial help, too. I can't imagine that they will ever be able to work the hours they used to work. I know that I certainly can't -- and the root cause of my inability to work is that back injury I sustained 12 years ago.
DeleteYes, sadly, you have actually LIVED what it's like to be hurt by illegals....so sad. I'm sorry you so closely associate with such hurt.
I also wanted to tell you something hilarious I just heard on CNN, from an ex FBI assistant to Mueller, obviously a liberal "obstruction must be proven like it was with NIXON AND (get this, AOW), what was ALLEGED against Clinton"
Don't you love it? ALLEGED against the Dem but NO ALLEGATION TO NIXON! :-)
Any comment on the British election, Z ?
DeleteLooks like Theresa Thatcher is so far up the junction she can't form a government without an ultra religious party with terrorist ties to the Ulster Defense League.
Can't wait till she negotiates Brexit. Angie will eat her lunch.
Ducky is a bot a poorly written one at that.
DeleteOr he has ties to the deep state!
He does not know that which he speaks. Only parrots the last memo he is given.
Or is he a relative of...
The Sneering Socialist Smee has a point: Brexit caught young voters napping. This vote was them waking up and getting their asses to the polls.
DeleteThe tide, my friends, is still towards globalism, progressivism and outright unabashed worship of the world citizen high-tech billionaire robber barons who mouth the right platitudes and fund the trendy causes.
We are ushering in a brave new world.
DeleteWe are ushering in a brave new world.
In a dystopian sense -- although the napping young voters you mentioned don't see that. Yet. Or, maybe they'll never realize it.
BTW, it isn't only the young voters who oppose Brexit.
FT, Just calling 'em like I see 'em, even as I lament the hellbound train we are on...
DeleteAOW, Yes, I meant it in the dystopian sense. Whole generations of people believe the world will be a better place with no borders and oppressive governments to keep society on the path of "progress."
The victim is extremely fortunate to be alive. So many vital structures in the neck. Her life never to be the same.... yet there is no let up in bringing the barbarians in by the thousands.
DeleteSo many vital structures in the neck.
She's lucky that her carotids weren't damaged. She could have ended up having a stroke!
Her life never to be the same.
Yet, the West wishes to believe that she will get past what happened. That might not be the case, but believing that she will is comforting.
there is no let up in bringing the barbarians in by the thousands
The West's state of denial!
Say it loud it's like music playing.
Say it soft, and it's almost like praying.
DIDADIN! I'll never stop saying DIDADIN!
The most practical thing we could do.
ReplyDeleteGet THEM our of OUR world, before we no longer HAVE a world of our own.
What kind of man? First off it is not a man. It's not even an animal.
ReplyDeletePM Theresa May is in a caretaker government role for (maybe?) a few months. She did it to herself.
ReplyDeleteAOW wrote, "Jon, I have my doubts that she'll speak out against this scourge that Western Europe is inflicting upon itself; other survivors of the London Bridge Jihad Attack have been saying [paraphrases], "Don't blame Islam" and "Don't be anti-Muslim."
ReplyDeleteThere you have it. Thanks to incessant leftist brainwashing, we now have victims of Islamic murder campaigns willing to accept responsibility for what happened to them. It is nothing short of extraordinary. We have to conclude from this that thanks to the duckyists of the world, the Islamists are winning the war. There are only three possible solutions: completely destroy Islam, rely on the moderates to change Islam, or convert to the will of camel humpers. The world would be a far greater place without Islam.
Deletewe now have victims of Islamic murder campaigns willing to accept responsibility for what happened to them. It is nothing short of extraordinary
Depressing, isn't it?
According to Sharia law:
Delete• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (evidence: graphic).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (compulsion in religion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Errors in Quran).
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal".
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
• The list goes on (see Sharia law in America, Canada, UK, Europe & Saudi Arabia).
I just heard that there are protests going on against this nonsense as well as counter protesters, apparently, in favor of it. I like Mustang's 1st solution to the Muslim problem; perhaps we could start with those counter protesters.
Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand
DeleteIf a hungry man steals bread is his hand amputated?
Id this punishment used for all theft.
Not condoning the practice but I'm curious about your knowledge.
A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah
DeleteOnly practiced by our ally, Saudi Arabia.
Girls' clitoris should be cut
DeleteA cultural practice. Very common in Egypt including Copts.
Common among Ethiopian Jews.
One example of European "justice" today:
ReplyDeleteFather who smacks Afghan harassing his daughter, is now the criminal.
Well, at least the two asylum seekers have also been charged.
I'm not sure that we'll ever hear about the outcome of these cases.
German law has a very low tolerance for aggression of any form.
DeleteYou can be fined for insulting gestures aimed at others like turning a crank on your head (signaling that you think someone is crazy) or looking at another driver and pointing at your own head (meaning, "You're stupid!").
Post WWII do-gooders have turned the continent into a meadow of sheep, and we all know what unprotected sheep attract...
having a heck of a time posting...have to select an identity and it's not accepting things..ugh! Just testing..thanks