I think we are making too much over this. Mistakes are often made, and Obama, despite his own narcissistic belief in himself, is still only human, and makes mistakes, too.
That said, what could possibly have been on his mind that caused him to forget the last three years?
I'm guessing his mind is on his re-election campaign. I think he's worried, and rightfully so.
The election that resulted in his presidency was in 2008. Perhaps he's regressing in his mind to a happier time, eh?
Wow, I don't recall the posting from December and your speculation at that time, AOW, but there is something very fishy going on. You could be on to something...
Obama is a raw rook who never should have become President. He is unqualified and even on the job training has failed to improve him. He has abandoned Israel, allowed dictators to run rampant, and instituted changes that smack of Marxism and fascism domestically. He has had wars with the Chamber of Commerce and with Fox News and is now at war with the Boston Globe. Class act that one.
With previous gaffes by him (the 57 states of the union being one) I am not surprised that he wrote 2008 on the guest book.
Some day someone will write a tell all book I'm sure. Whether it is drugs or some kind of mental disorder, I don't know. But something is not right with this guy.
I think Mark has it with that 2008 caused by Hussein's thoughts being focused on the past. He is looking greyer, I've noticed. That "common heritage" bit is an odd choice of words as well. Clearly no one advised him (was pulling his strings) on what to say here.
As far as something being wrong with him, I knew that back in 2006.
It is strange behavior, especially considering his age. I forget stuff time and mis-speak more frequently than I did several years ago, but I'm quite a bit older than Obama. However, I almost always catch and correct myself before the conversation is over.
Maybe I'm digressing a bit here. Never forget folks, Obama is just the tip of the iceberg. He was supported and nurtured by a network that includes people like George Soros, terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, union thugs like Trumka and Stearn and a pantheon of Democrats and leftist celebrities. Even when he is out of office, the network is pretty much still up. They are like the Borg, they have assimilated a significant part of the American network into their "hive."
Just seeing how Obama handles himself in office tells me that he is not really in charge, not in the way Reagan or even Bush was. His general inexperience in life hasn't prepared him to make decisions himself. Indecision and hesitation is the trademark of his presidency, sometimes even in liberal ones. When's the last time you heard him speak with real conviction or passion for any position he took? When has he ever articulated a position so that you could say, "I understand what he is saying, but I disagree with it." I disagree with him all the time, but I can never understand his explanations. They're like cotton candy; they have a lot sugary language, but there is no substance to them. Nothing you could put in bullet points, or charts or graphs to make sense of.
But this makes it all the easier for his "advisers" and "mentors" to mold and shape policy through him. He won't get out ahead of them this way. I think it was Beck who played an interview of George Soros who as much said that if Obama doesn't get the job done they'll get someone else. I'm not saying Obama is a total puppet, he is part and parcel part of the Leftist machine. But I also think he is more dependent and controlled by "policy handlers" than any previous president.
If you are narcissistic, thin skinned and suffer egomania, then start to realize you really aren't the big fish in the pond, you might be inclined to stop holding press conferences, spend more time on the links and utter and write some really strange things.
I'm not a conspiracy person. To a degree politics has always been about networks and powers behind the scenes. I just think it is amplified beyond anything we've seen or possibly can imagine with this bunch. And by their own words and actions, they are the antithesis of every America ideal we have tried to follow the last 200 years.
When Mr. AOW was in the hospital following his brain hemorrhage of September 15, 2009, one of the neurological-assessment tools was his ability to discern the date. Just sayin'.
My mom had lots of trouble remembering the year, too, after her stroke. Well, Obama didn't have a brain hemorrhage or a stroke, but his brain sure ain't working right.
I think we should pull a page out of the Dumbacrat hand book and claim Obama is using drugs again. I mean look at the facts, he does not know what year it is, how many States there are, when the music starts, or what he is supposed to say next unless he has a teleprompter. And look how old he looks after just 2 years. He admitted to using drugs in his book didnt he. Yup, he is back on the drugs. See I could work ABC,NBC,CNN...all you have to do is throw together a bunch of crap and just claim it is true and it is....
Madoff should be acquitted. At least Madoff was using real money in his Ponzi scheme. The US Government is currently printing IOUs and issuing them to itself. We are paying our bills with monopoly money...no wait monopoly money actually exists. What we are doing is economic suicide. Its Enron economics on steriods and yet we the people sit here like frogs in slowly warming water.....and those of us that point to the flame are labelled lunatics.....
And the Obama team response ....raise taxes. Ok how about GE kicking in a buck to more than the Obama Campaign War Chest
Wow, he's fixated on 2008, the year of his election. No wonder he spends more time campaigning than he does governing. I wonder if he's still celebrating his inauguration.
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His comment "Our common heritage" is even more absurd.
ReplyDeleteWell in all fairness, his teleprompter was malfunctioning.
ReplyDeleteI think we are making too much over this. Mistakes are often made, and Obama, despite his own narcissistic belief in himself, is still only human, and makes mistakes, too.
ReplyDeleteThat said, what could possibly have been on his mind that caused him to forget the last three years?
I'm guessing his mind is on his re-election campaign. I think he's worried, and rightfully so.
The election that resulted in his presidency was in 2008. Perhaps he's regressing in his mind to a happier time, eh?
I think he was still recovering from the humiliation of the toast and what debacle he made of himself?
ReplyDeleteOr teleprompter on malfunction? Who knows? I can see messing up the month or year if you were typing it out, it has happened to me.
But to forget the day and year while visiting the Queen of England?? Who does that?
Wow, I don't recall the posting from December and your speculation at that time, AOW, but there is something very fishy going on. You could be on to something...
ReplyDeleteI could see him goofing and signing it as "2010", if it were back in January or February. But... 2008?
ReplyDeleteAn unconscious wish back to that year, perhaps?
Obama is a raw rook who never should have become President. He is unqualified and even on the job training has failed to improve him. He has abandoned Israel, allowed dictators to run rampant, and instituted changes that smack of Marxism and fascism domestically. He has had wars with the Chamber of Commerce and with Fox News and is now at war with the Boston Globe. Class act that one.
ReplyDeleteWith previous gaffes by him (the 57 states of the union being one) I am not surprised that he wrote 2008 on the guest book.
Some day someone will write a tell all book I'm sure. Whether it is drugs or some kind of mental disorder, I don't know. But something is not right with this guy.
ReplyDeleteI think Mark has it with that 2008 caused by Hussein's thoughts being focused on the past. He is looking greyer, I've noticed. That "common heritage" bit is an odd choice of words as well. Clearly no one advised him (was pulling his strings) on what to say here.
ReplyDeleteAs far as something being wrong with him, I knew that back in 2006.
The pressures of the presidency are getting to him. Maybe he's finally starting to realize that "community organizer" wasn't much training....
ReplyDeleteWell, he is in campaign mode, just like in 2008.
ReplyDeleteIt is strange behavior, especially considering his age. I forget stuff time and mis-speak more frequently than I did several years ago, but I'm quite a bit older than Obama. However, I almost always catch and correct myself before the conversation is over.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm digressing a bit here. Never forget folks, Obama is just the tip of the iceberg. He was supported and nurtured by a network that includes people like George Soros, terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, union thugs like Trumka and Stearn and a pantheon of Democrats and leftist celebrities. Even when he is out of office, the network is pretty much still up. They are like the Borg, they have assimilated a significant part of the American network into their "hive."
Just seeing how Obama handles himself in office tells me that he is not really in charge, not in the way Reagan or even Bush was. His general inexperience in life hasn't prepared him to make decisions himself. Indecision and hesitation is the trademark of his presidency, sometimes even in liberal ones. When's the last time you heard him speak with real conviction or passion for any position he took? When has he ever articulated a position so that you could say, "I understand what he is saying, but I disagree with it." I disagree with him all the time, but I can never understand his explanations. They're like cotton candy; they have a lot sugary language, but there is no substance to them. Nothing you could put in bullet points, or charts or graphs to make sense of.
But this makes it all the easier for his "advisers" and "mentors" to mold and shape policy through him. He won't get out ahead of them this way. I think it was Beck who played an interview of George Soros who as much said that if Obama doesn't get the job done they'll get someone else. I'm not saying Obama is a total puppet, he is part and parcel part of the Leftist machine. But I also think he is more dependent and controlled by "policy handlers" than any previous president.
If you are narcissistic, thin skinned and suffer egomania, then start to realize you really aren't the big fish in the pond, you might be inclined to stop holding press conferences, spend more time on the links and utter and write some really strange things.
I'm not a conspiracy person. To a degree politics has always been about networks and powers behind the scenes. I just think it is amplified beyond anything we've seen or possibly can imagine with this bunch. And by their own words and actions, they are the antithesis of every America ideal we have tried to follow the last 200 years.
"Our common heritage" is such a catch phrase, a cliche even.
ReplyDeleteBrooke makes an important point:
ReplyDeleteImagine if Reagan had done this; the left would be screeching about him having dementia!
Indeed, wouldn't this mistake made by Obama at Westminster Abbey have been all over the news if any Republican President had made it?
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading the post I did back in December. I stand by what I said, too.
Commenters here have mentioned that the date in error may relate to Obama's constantly being in campaign mode.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
Also, I think that he's wanting to live in better days -- days when he was actually perceived by so many as "The One." That bubble has burst!
When Mr. AOW was in the hospital following his brain hemorrhage of September 15, 2009, one of the neurological-assessment tools was his ability to discern the date. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteMy mom had lots of trouble remembering the year, too, after her stroke. Well, Obama didn't have a brain hemorrhage or a stroke, but his brain sure ain't working right.
ReplyDeleteSome are wondering if Obama has had brain surgery. Have you noticed what could be a scar on his head?
I think we should pull a page out of the Dumbacrat hand book and claim Obama is using drugs again. I mean look at the facts, he does not know what year it is, how many States there are, when the music starts, or what he is supposed to say next unless he has a teleprompter. And look how old he looks after just 2 years. He admitted to using drugs in his book didnt he. Yup, he is back on the drugs. See I could work ABC,NBC,CNN...all you have to do is throw together a bunch of crap and just claim it is true and it is....
ReplyDeleteBO gets a free pass for committing what would be an unpardonable offense had it been a republican.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is it is stress related. But a three year gap? Yowsa!
Madoff should be acquitted. At least Madoff was using real money in his Ponzi scheme. The US Government is currently printing IOUs and issuing them to itself. We are paying our bills with monopoly money...no wait monopoly money actually exists. What we are doing is economic suicide. Its Enron economics on steriods and yet we the people sit here like frogs in slowly warming water.....and those of us that point to the flame are labelled lunatics.....
ReplyDeleteAnd the Obama team response ....raise taxes. Ok how about GE kicking in a buck to more than the Obama Campaign War Chest
Wow, he's fixated on 2008, the year of his election. No wonder he spends more time campaigning than he does governing. I wonder if he's still celebrating his inauguration.