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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The McCloskeys At The 2020 RNC

Worth a few moments of your time....


  1. I'll admit, they were better than I thought they were gonna be. But after last night, I'm struggling with the following...

    What are the conservative policies the GOP is supporting these days? Policywise, what does the party stand for?

    1. ...as opposed to NOT burning down Portland or Kenosha.

    2. The platform has been declared a restatement of the 2016 platform.
      Lower regulation, reduced taxes, continue the wall, America first.
      Do a search on Joe's platform. I'll wait.

    3. Well Ed... that's one way to avoid an answer... but here's something I found in the 2016 Platform...

      "Our national debt is a burden on our economy
      and families. The huge increase in the national
      debt demanded by and incurred during the current
      Administration has placed a significant burden on
      future generations. We must impose firm caps on
      future debt, accelerate the repayment of the trillions
      we now owe in order to reaffirm our principles of
      responsible and limited government, and remove
      the burdens we are placing on future generations.
      A strong economy is one key to debt reduction,
      but spending restraint is a necessary component
      that must be vigorously pursued. "

      In the President's own words, we had, up until Covid, the strongest economy ever in history. Somehow the deficit grew, there's been no spending controls, in spite of GOP control of all three branches of government for the first 2 years of Trump's term and the "burdens on future generations" has grown.

      Is it fair to say that part of the 2016 platform is not important to Pres Trump or the GOP?

    4. JEEPERS! The very idea tht a LEFTIST would dare to express concern over the natinal debt and spending by Republicans is ludicrous and hysterically funny, Dave, in light of the DirtyRat's stated intention to add at least FOUR TRILLION Dollars to the nqtional debt with their insane GREEN NEW DEAL, ANTI-BUSINESS, ANTI-ENERGY-INDEPENDENCE, ANTI-PROSPERITY, PRO-AUTHORITARIAN AGENDA that promises OPEN BORDES and FREE EVERTHING for EVERYBODY.

      If the DirtyRats succeed in winning this election, God forbid! we will soon be headed towards the same hellish place occupied by Cuba, Venezuela and the former Soviet Union.

    5. Repubs are useless but the Dems are evil. Is what it is. Meanwhile DJ Trump has accomplished much without a lot of help.

    6. Just because you don't like my reply, doesn't mean I didn't answer.
      What's Joe's platform again?

    7. Well Franco, perhaps that's the issue. I'm not a leftist. I've been very concerned about the debt for years. I written about it, commented about, spoke publicly about and been very critical about the Dems essentially non response.

      I think we can argue about whether it is THE central issue for the US, but everyone, left/right, Dem/GOP, conservative/progressive should realize no entity can forever spend beyond their means and continue to pay the bills.

      Ed... I'll give you essentially the same answer, the Dems believe, and Joe affirms mostly the official platform. Within that, his big items are...

      More healthcare access for more Americans.
      Comprehensive immigration reform.
      Restore international alliances damaged during the Trump Admin.
      Budgetary reform, meaning more taxes on some.

      And like every president before, America First.

    8. Dave,
      And like every president before, America First.


      You're way off base there.

  2. Politics has turned in 100% mudslinging today. The language is vile on both sides, each accusing the other of terrorism and worse. There is a reason that neither side is practicing "advocacy," that neither side is saying "here's what we stand for" or "here's what we will do for the working class."

    That reason is that both sides stand for nothing but the accrual and retention of power. Neither side will do anything for the working class. Whichever side wins will spend its entire term in office working to extend that term.

    1. Obviously, you didn't listen to the speakers at last night's RNC Convention, Jayhawk.

      Too bad! You'd feel better if you had.

  3. Good selection AOW..It will be hard to match the good energy over the next couple of nights. C-Span from here on out after the fiasco yesterday. Donna Brazille should be finished with Fox after her meltdown with Tammy Bruce on Fox and Friends this am. Done with her nonsense.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Donna Brazille should be finished with Fox after her meltdown with Tammy Bruce on Fox and Friends this am. Done with her nonsense.

      I didn't see it. Maybe I can find it on replay.

    2. Its been trending on Twitter Donna Brazille - clips out there

    3. Bunkerville,
      I found it. Perpetually aggrieved Donna Brazile rants and raves, and off topic. Sheesh.

  4. Every single one of the numerous speakers at yesterdays' RNC convention were wholesome, attractive, beautifully spoken, obviously sincere, and heartening with possible exception of Kimberley Guilfoyle whose strident, overly-theatrical presentation struck the only questionble note in the proceedings, and even there I couldn't disagree with WHAT she said so muh as as I do the MANNER in hich she said it.

    1. Franco,
      She has always been strident and overly-theatrical.

      I notice that one anti-Trumper on Twitter said that Guilfoyle's voice (rant?)last night scared their pets.

      Ah, well....

    2. I'd never noticed a latina accent in her before.

    3. Her MOTHER is Puerto Rican. Her fatherFATHER was born in Ireland, I believe.

      She used to be married to gruesome GAVIN NEWSOM. Then she got on FOX's The Five, but was fired for being obnoxious, which I always felt she was.

      Now, unfortunately she's sleeping with Donald Trump, Jr. whom I like very much, but shopworn Kimberly G. AIN'T the right girl for him. Bet she's fun in bed, though. ];^D>

      Oh well Boys WILL be Boys.

  5. It's a shame Tucker talked over the latter part of it.
    And Charlie Kirk, and Gaetz.

    1. Tucker is like Hannity and Laura in that regard. Every one of them is too much of a YAPPER. Their gusts, many of wom ar worthwhile people, have a tough time getting a war in edgewise.

      Whenever they all start yapping at once, I immedately SWITCH to the Home & Garden Channel.

      Msrk Levin is far and away THE best interviewer FOX has. He's calm, thoughtful, very smart, and always let's his GUESTS do most of then talking.

      Steve Hilton, he bald fellow with the bautiful Britsh accent who claims he's really HUNGRIAN, is very good too.


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