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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Musical Interlude

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Enjoy this palate cleanser...

String Quartet No. 1 in E Flat Major by Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842):

  [about the above piece @ Musical Musings]

I. Adagio - Allegro moderato 

II. Larghetto sans lenteur 11:59 

III. Scherzo: Allegretto moderato 20:53 

IV. Finale: Allegro assai 27:30

From Musical Musings:

"Among all the composers alive Cherubini is the most worthy of respect." So said Beethoven when asked who, aside from himself, he considered the best of his contemporary composers.


  1. How good to get a chance to hear music fwritten by one of Beethoven's contemporaries! Luigi Cherubini is a new experience for me.

    At first hearing the basic sonorities sound a great deal like Beethoven, but the sense of proportion between the various sections of each movement and the motivic development reveal a different musical character.

    This is an exceptionally fine performance of a little-known work that deserves greater attention than it has received.

    There are many such by so-called "minor" composers who would command greater audiences if only our culture hadn't been hijacked and forced off the rails, by increasingly cheap, shallow, vulgar and inane "popular music" pushed on us by amoral moguls who've only had eyes for "The Buck."

    1. Franco,
      This piece really is marvelous, isn't it?

      I discovered it at Musical Musings. I highly recommend that site.


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