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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Cuteness Break From Politics

(For politics, please scroll down)

Both cute and clever, although I'm not sure of the dog breed:

 Have a good weekend.


  1. I think it should be illegal to advertise anything that requires a doctor's (or veternarian's) prescription. "Ask your doctor about..." are words that should never be spoken on television, and that long list of "side effects" (that the doctor will have to tell you about in any case, so why do you have to listen to them on the stupid commercial>) should be limited to the doctor's office and/or pharmacy.

  2. Well that's an adorable pug!

    Forgive the long radio silence.

    1. LSP,
      No worries about the long radio silence. I was fighting computer trouble. What a miserable few weeks!

      Now, thanks to Warren's excellent advice, my laptop is again running properly.

  3. All Pug's can talk of course. You must just be someone they want to talk to. Same with cats btw.

  4. I'd like to know what happened to the post made yesterday to this item?

    I assure you it was neither controversial or offensive,

    'Puterville has gone absolutely NUTZ lately, and I think it's the result of DELIBERATE MANIPULATION by the higher ups, –– TYRANNISTS ALL who obviously HATE OUR GUTS.

    Just look at what the dirty bastards have done to our ability to post on our own blogs, if you don't beiieve me. If THAT isn't ENEMY ACTION, I can't imagine what would be.

    I won't play teir filthy games, so I've given up posting at my blog –– not that anyone ever bothered to read it anyway.


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