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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Same Old, Same Old

With a hat tip to Bocopro (Click on the image to enlarge it):

There is no genuine or lasting outrage — even when children are slaughtered in the name of Allah.

Neither is there a change in policy on the part of the West's feckless leaders.

I am so sick of the West's dhimmitudinal cycle.

Related reading at the blog site Bunkerville: Every Nine days, a terrorist attack is attempted in Europe in 2017.


  1. Sums it up pretty good, but it left out a few things:

    * Piles of teddy bears by the candles

    * Vapid phrases like "Germany (or London) stands shoulder to shoulder with Manchester, " or "We are all (fill in the blank) now. How about "We are all cowed dhimmis spouting abused-spouse banalities after being culturally raped now"?

    * Deaf and blind fools blaming white people, cultural alienation, organized religion, racism, islamophobia (nominee for stupidest coined term of the last 100 years), George Bush, etc...

  2. Thanks for the link... just to let you know at both places they are incorrect.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Blogger has been misbehaving all day and will not let me in to edit the post. **sigh**

    2. Bunkerville,
      Blogger quit burping, and the links are fixed.

      Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Britain is already a near security-state, and arguments proffered by some here fall apart when confronted with the Constitution or simple logistics.

    While the above mentioned acts are meaningless virtue signaling, there's no good answer, though we can certainly decline nation building follies and close off immigration.

    1. Knee-jerk conservatives (not pointing any fingers at any of the thinking conservatives here) don't want to hear it, but this is primarily an intel and law enforcement operation.

      If you have to flood your streets with troops, you've already lost.

    2. SF,
      If you have to flood your streets with troops, you've already lost.

      That's the sorry truth.

    3. CI,
      decline nation building follies and close off immigration

      Can we get the Congress critters to agree to either of those?

    4. Why won't a reporter, or a congressperson or senator, get up and ask why we are still in Afghanistan?

      What do we think we will accomplish?

      What does victory look like?

      I keep seeing polls saying the Afghanis reject the Taliban, but that is a lie, looking at facts on the ground.

      We should have abandoned that failed project long ago.

    5. SF,
      Why won't a reporter, or a congressperson or senator, get up and ask why we are still in Afghanistan?

      Great question! What's the answer?

    6. It's like the never-ending war(s) in Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.

    7. SF - Sadly, questions such as those, posed with reasoned intentions, would be met in some quarters with faux-macho allusions of 'surrendering' and 'soft on Islam/terror/whatever'.....

      But they should be asked - and asked repeatedly, nonetheless.

      - CI

    8. "faux-macho allusions of 'surrendering' and 'soft on Islam/terror/whatever'"

      Reminds me of the old George Carlin routine on the Vietnam war, where he mocked the same kind of thing you mention: "Pull out? Doesn't sound manly to me, Bill."

    9. Hah Damn.......what would Carlin be saying today?

    10. I don't know, but it would be unprintable in this forum.

  4. Same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.

    They are splitting their sides in the ME.

  5. Tucker Carlson: “Why is Violent Terrorism an Inevitability in Europe Now? The Demographics Changed, A Lot More Muslims In Europe.”

    Entire video HERE.

  6. Islamists also receive unwavering support from victim populations; I think if you review old articles and comments, you will discover that Ducky gave tacit support to the Boston Bomber ...

    1. Yeah, I gave tacit support to the Marathon Bomber.

      Tie a can on it, Bircher.

      I will say this, the Manchester bombing indicates there are no limits. Children were purposely targeted. This is nihilism and not religion.

      The right in its support for Trump is also descending into nihilism unwilling to call out a man who supports the likes of Duterte and the house of Saud.
      We finance a war in Yemen that destroys a nations health delivery and unleashes a cholera epidemic but somehow justify it or worse, avoid looking at our own nihilism.

      It's not the left that is morally bankrupt in this nation.

    2. Hey there Ducky, your Grand Imam Barack Hussein lit the fuse on Yemen, not President Trump, and the rebels there-backed by your heroes the Iranians-are busting thing up pretty good themselves. What's everybody to do, just sit back and let them destroy everything?

      You just don't think things through.

      Islamic terror carried out by muslims in the name of islam may not be "religion" if you want to make that ridiculous claim, but it is religiously-inspired, and the religion that inspires it is ISLAM.

    3. Duck,
      If you again tell my dear friend Mustang Tie a can on it, you are gone from this blog. You know full well that Mustang and I have been friends since June 2005.

    4. But it's okay for mustang to say I supported the marathon bomber.

      Double standard.

    5. This is nihilism and not religion.

      Why Ducky, you almost sound like one of those mental midgets that try and claim Islam isn't a religion.....

      And you're right, you get far more vile and immature epithets than you give.

    6. Duck,
      Say what you want about Double standard.

      My blog, my rules.

      You are perfectly capable of phrasing comments without being silly.

      Besides, it's the tie a can on it that is unacceptable.

      Over and out.

    7. CI @ Duck,
      And you're right, you get far more vile and immature epithets than you give.

      Only here. Elsewhere other things happen.

    8. What in tarnation does "tie a can on it" mean, anyway?

    9. "This is nihilism and not religion."
      Tell that to the guy who set off the bomb.

    10. Why Ducky, you almost sound like one of those mental midgets that try and claim Islam isn't a religion.....
      I try to stay away from sweeping generalizations where religion and its dogma is concerned. I also believe the general American understanding of Islam is best described as abject ignorance (ask an American to define sharia).

      ISIS is not representative and they have crossed into a pretty dangerous region where there are absolutely no limits. They aren't looking to recruit fighters, they just don't care.
      They may well die out but there will be more attacks before that happens.

      Meanwhile, in the West we absolutely refuse to accept our significant part in creating the environment that allows this pathology to grow.

    11. Nostradumbass said:
      "Meanwhile, in the West we absolutely refuse to accept our significant part in creating the environment that allows this pathology to grow. "

      BS, Islam itself has created "the environment that allows this pathology to grow". Or have you never actually read a real history book?

      ISIS, et al, has one overriding objective, to create a worldwide Caliphate, and they do it in the traditional Islamic fashion, terror and subjugation. Jews and Christian become dhimmi, all others must convert or are just killed outright. Blaming the West is just sickening!

    12. Ducky is totally AVERSE to doing ANYTHING that would reduce "our Western contribution" to Islam's pathologies. He is, after all, a GLOBALIST, and fightng GLOBALISM (not just global capitalism) is the REAL issue. Global COMMUNISM would simply exacerbate the terrorism problem (ie- Chechnya and the Islamic Russian spinoffs).

    13. Islamism and terrorism is the Middle Eastern "response" to the failure of communism and the collapse of the USSR (ending in 1989).

    14. FJ,
      If I understand what you said in your comment of May 26, 2017 at 7:27:00 AM EDT, I agree.

      It seems to me that Duck elevates Islam's "contributions" to Western civilization over the West's overall accomplishments to Western civilization.

    15. Warren,
      Islam itself has created "the environment that allows this pathology to grow".


      It's time to quit blaming the West for the inherent problems of Islam and its various sects.

  7. Related Question:

    Why can't the apparatchiks in the bowels of our Global Police State Surveillance Ministry keep their damn mouths shut?

    "British police stopped sharing information about the suicide bombing with the United States, a British counter-terrorism source told Reuters after police chiefs said the leaks to media risked hindering their investigation."


    Our feral government is dangerous, unaccountable, irresponsible, and out of control.

    1. SF,
      British police stopped sharing information about the suicide bombing with the United States

      Good Gawd Awmighty!

      "What's happening?

    2. "Why can't the apparatchiks in the bowels of our Global Police State Surveillance Ministry keep their damn mouths shut?"

      In true leftist fashion, they seek to destabilize the country so they can take what's left and create their "Utopia".

  8. England has to be sacked (or do the English just surrender David's Throne)?
    The Throne of David will be returned to the Temple Mount, some day.
    Regulis and Jupiter align again around 2050.
    They aligned at Jesus birth-The Kings Star and The Kings Planet.

  9. Terrorism is much more than the arena.
    Mothers at home were going out of their wits worrying about their daughters until late in the morning.
    Some daughters have not been heard from since getting into the Taxis.
    The Taxi drivers were Muslim.
    Sex trade?



    Republican wins Montana election one night after being charged with assault!


    1. FT,
      I saw that!

      I haven't been following the story of the "body slam."

      In fact, I haven't been following many news stories at all. Too many doctors' appointments! The most recent doctor's appointment lasted over 1.5 hours!

    2. From the WaPo:

      ...“I made a mistake,” said Gianforte.

      “Not in our minds!” yelled a supporter....

      Montana is not the Northeast. :^)

  11. Rational Nation USA Said:
    Sad but true. Today's right wing is nothing more than a diseased maladjusted gang of thugs.
    A comment on FT's site by commenter AOW says it all. Two guys pushing each other, no big deal.

    Either the commenter is ill informed (even FOX reporters who witnessed the event were shocked), or willfully ignorant. Both should be considered unacceptable behaviors.

    1. I also said: "Montana is not the wussified Northeast."

  12. Surely one has to take into consideration, that "negative in tone" can be rather subjective. Trump deserves his share on this issue, for his infantile actions towards the media...as much as the media deserves scorn when they're biased.

    - CI

  13. SF,
    As you said at FT's site:

    "They don't realize how despised they are."

    And, yes, The left has set a very violent tone in this country.

    I also recall that papparazzi (sp?) and their hounding of Lady Diana. No way that Trump can be blamed for that tragedy, huh?

  14. Received via email:

    "Rob O’Neill (who is from Montana) said the Guardian fool was FORTUNATE, that essentially it was ‘just Montana being Montana’ – and then started laughing ..and told his co-hosts on Bolling’s new show, he was serious and laughed harder."

    Again, I say: Montana is not the wussified Northeast.

  15. CI,
    I do not condone what Gianforte, but at the same time, I don't see it as a big deal. The big deal is Gianforte's political platform (whatever that is -- I know nothing about Montana's politics).

    Gianforte lost his temper and apologized, didn't he? I expect that he will pay for new glasses for the reporter. That's what I would do if something similar had happened with me and a pushy somebody.

    I find it amusing, though, that so many who previously advocated for early voting are now warning about the dangers of early voting. MSNBC this morning, for example.

  16. "Every Nine days, a terrorist attack is attempted in Europe in 2017."

    And STILL the God-damned fools reject the very idea of DIDADIN.

    In that case DEATH is what they –– and everyone else who rejects it –– richly DESERVES.

    You all should hear yourselves trying to TALK this evil thing to death.

    JIBBER JABBER will NOT save us.

    ACTION might.


    1. What do YOU do, beside copy/paste the same jibber jabber.......over and over again?

  17. What exactly does your word vomit have to do with Gianforte?

  18. Never mind, I see that it's just Tourette's turds your leaving all over AOWs blog.

  19. Regarding Gianforte, having raised boys - what he did is a real yawner. He shoved the guy into the wall, cussed him out, and that was the end of it. He did not hit him in the face with a closed fist. He shoved, and I assume that is an open palm maneuver. No real harm done, except perhaps a few body aches and a bit of contemplation on why it is rude to interrupt people who have told you to leave them alone.

    Civilized man does not mean emasculated man. I consider what Gianforte did the act of a civilize man. Sure. He lost his temper. But he could have completely leveled the man and rearranged his nose to the top of his forehead. It was not a beat down. It was a little reminder to the reporter that respect should be afforded the interviewee.

  20. Get in someones face and then demand some BS question be answered, or demand anything at all, and you'll get the same reaction from me. Do it again and you will get a damn sight worse!

    It may be uncivilized, uncouth or whatever but at least it's a real natural reaction. Real men except responsibility for their actions, "journalists" whine and bitch about it.(How dare he lay hands on the anointed!)

  21. From Townhall: Fewer Tears, Fewer Lies, And More Righteous Anger.


    Enough of changing your Facebook photo to the flag of the abattoir du jour, enough of the candlelight vigils, and enough of the #_____Strong hashtags. No more pleas for unity and pretending not to understand.

    We’re not unified, and we all understand, even if we refuse to admit it because of some bizarre suicide pact Western culture decided to join when no one was looking.

    Grieving doesn’t work.

    Hugging doesn’t work.

    Cowardice masquerading as enlightened passivity in the face of our enemies doesn’t work.

    Just ask the little girls blown apart in Manchester. Say it. Say it, damn you. Then I’ll say it, for those of you too weak and dishonest to. Radical Islamic Terrorists.

    That’s our enemy. Our enemy, not just a bunch of misguided potential pals who would love us if they only understood how sorry we are for whatever sin we committed, or that some Crusader committed 800 years ago back when the men of the West were actually men and not the whimpering Ken dolls we watch pretending to be the best and brightest of our elites.

    There is only one appropriate reaction to the kind of people who strap on bomb vests packed with nails and wait for smiling, laughing tweens to come along before hitting the detonator and ripping their limbs off and tearing their guts out.

    The only appropriate reaction is righteous fury that turns into a grim determination to exact a retribution upon the bomber’s bros so thorough and so comprehensive that in a thousand years the few descendants of the survivors will still terrify their children with the story of the vengeance exacted by the avengers of the West.

    And then our enemies would fear us.

    Read it all HERE.

  22. Nope. Gianforte had no control over his reactions, no restraint. That is weakness...no matter how badly you want to piss and moan about journalists (how dare they press the anointed!).

  23. CI,
    Gianforte had no control over his reactions, no restraint.

    A history of that? If so, I haven't seen the links so indicating.

  24. CI,
    Well, if it's a one off, I don't worry about it too much. That's why I asked if Gianforte had a history fo doing such things.

  25. Perhaps you're right. I'll worry more about our President's history of pathological lying.

  26. Europe has Lilliputian-class leadership. Thank God, we elected Donald J. Trump.


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