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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Glib Liar

Hillary Clinton's proclamation upon Donald Trump's being named the presumptive GOP nominee: HILLARY CLINTON SAYS THE WHOLE WORLD IS COUNTING ON HER.

Reality check:

All this yapping about emails — when the significant issue is HillaryBeast's private server. Previous secretaries of state did not have private servers. She's using smoke and mirrors to avoid that larger issue.

A few weeks ago, I asked one of my Democrat high school students this question when she parroted much of what HillaryBeast said in the above video. The exchange went something like this....

AOW: "Do you know what a proxy server is?

J: "Yes."

AOW: "Have you ever used a proxy server?"

J: "Yes."

AOW: "Why?" [long pause, student blushes] "To hide something from your parents?"

Discussion over.


  1. Well it's in Trump's hands to hold her accountable publicly. I don't know of any of the others that would or could take her on as she needs to be taken on.

    1. If that's true, what do we need a DOJ or FBI for? Those organizations must be a HUGE WASTE of taxpayer $

    2. Even during the Clinton years, the DOJ was independent. Janice Reno brought hell to pay on the Clintons as I recall. Behind a number of investigations. Correct me if I am wrong. This politcizing the Dept to this extent is a creation of our present administration..

    3. There was no war against State's Attorneys undertaken during W's term? How soon we forget...


    4. Hey, Red, in case you hadn't noticed the USA has become a DICTOCRACY. Congress has rendered itself irrelevant. "We the People" have been transformed into subjects. We are not citizens anymore, and all because of the innate stupidity, gullibility, essential selfishness, and unbridled greed of basic, ill-informed, miseducated human nature.

      The president issues EDICTS now and everybody just bows scrapes and falls into line. Surely you noticed?

      If and when another leftist is elected, SCOTUS will quickly be transformed into nothing more than a RUBBER STAMP for the DICTATOR'S demands.


      Many say they are "fearful" of what he might do. Many are convinced he's a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, a homophobe, a rapist, a Nazi, who is on a mammoth "Ego Trip," and determined to use all the resources of government to line his pockets with even more gold. Blah blah blah!

      Well I say THIS: If we're going to be forced to elect a DICTATOR, I prefer to have one who at least pretends to support:

      1. American Sovereignty,

      2. American Hegemony,

      3. American Exceptionalism,

      4. Restoration of American Industry within her Borders,

      5. Cut off and shut off the flow of MUSLIMS, and put those already here under CLOSE, STRICT SURVEILLANCE.

      6. Restore control of Educational Policies to LOCAL COMMUNITIES

      7. Neutralize the dominance of stinking REDS in the academic, legal, and News and Information communities

      8. Support policies that favor "RESPONSIBILITY" over "RIGHTS." The only "RIGHTS" we have are those of Life, Liberty and the Opportunity to Develop Our Talents and Fulfill Ourselves as Individuals as best we can.

      Paradoxical as it surely is it may just be that only the RIGHT KIND of DICTATOR could restore our Liberty, return us to ourselves, and revivify our Spirit as a People.

    5. RED-- I said during the Clinton years and Janet Reno.

    6. No you didn't.

      This politcizing the Dept to this extent is a creation of our present administration..

    7. @ FT,

      There's nothing wrong with a monarchy so long as the King isn't an idiot like George III. Plato thought it the "best" form of government.

  2. Hillary Clinton mad misstatement. What she really mean: The whole world is counting out the money it will have to pay her and Bill via the Clinton Foundation if they want any favors from the US!

  3. Hellary is still trapped in the old way of thinking and she does not understand the mood of the country that Sanders and Trump have tapped into. In this new age of anger at the establishment, having "world leaders" on your side (who have racked up crushing debts, crashed economies and wrecked whole societies) is a negative.

    So, my prediction: Hellary will continue to tout endorsements, credentials, etc, and the tongue-clucking leg crossers in the DC punditocracy will dilate approvingly over it all, and the more they do it, the more they turn voters off and drive them to Trump.

    The Establishment is a formerly moneyed and respected esquire about town now reduced to a staggering, embarrassing drunk who routinely craps his pants at dinner parties.

    His fellow credentialed class fail to see it, but ordinary people do, and they are repulsed.

    1. Spot on SF. What she also fails to realize is all those statement and lies she told are now available via the internet for anyone who has the stamina and interest to ferret them out. Prime example was her comment of the need to bring the super predators to heel. All out there on You tube. She can't hide this time.

    2. I think she understands the mood very well, SF and he purpose is to say what ever it takes to make the suckers believe she isn't a corporate war monger.

      As long as the media depends on the corporate elite for its cushy life style you'll have the likes of Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, Joe Scarborough etc. powering our collective arse.

      Now, just how far Her Nibs can deviate without steaming off her handlers remains to be seen. I predict that her statements against TPP will vanish as soon as its ready for her signature.

      Until we have a responsible media (responsible to the people) they'll get away with this crap.
      You can blame it on immigrants, the dirty hippies and Muslims for a lot longer.

    3. If H. Rodham Clinton understood the "mood" that has fostered the fractious discontent and raw fury that now dominates the the conscious electorate, she would take a revolver, point it at her temple and gladly fire the shot that would take her Out of the Game once and for all.

      Lady Macbeth was an ol' sweetie puss compared to the Clinton virago.

      She has the eyes of a bird of prey –– or a SERPENT.

  4. Calling her "glib" gives her far too much credit. She is a horrible, plodding, soviet-style liar, dependent upon the official state media to prop up her lies. All she needs is the large furry hat with the state symbol upon it!

  5. Let us not forget that Hillary might be changing from one of her Pantsuits into an Orange Jumpsuit. BTW when, if ever, was Hillary last seen wearing an actual dress ? I can't find a photo in the last 25 years that shows her in a dress. Why? Are her Cankle's Too big ?

  6. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was also counting on SecState Hillary Clinton....

    We must never for get what happened to our U.S. Ambassador on 9/11.

    To forget means not to call to account.

  7. AOW: "Do you know what a proxy server is?

    J: "Yes."

    AOW: "Have you ever used a proxy server?"

    J: "Yes."

    AOW: "Why?" [long pause, student blushes] "To hide something from your parents?"

    There are other reasons for proxy servers. Osama bin Laden avoided Richard Clarke's war on Metallica downloaders for years ;)


    I tend to vote for people based on their issues, what they strive to accomplish when in office. Bernie, I was one of the first to have his bumper sticker on my car, has the best issues, but he never explains where he is going to get the money and most people aren’t ready for these changes so I’m switching to Hillary. Could people who seem to detest her as much as Trump explain to me what is wrong with her issues and what was wrong with her husband’s issues. I’m fairly tolerant about sexual behavior (I always thought that was one of the benefits of religious training) except for hypocritical, homosexual politicians who publically work hard to demonized homosexuals and restrict their rights. So, from an issues perspective, what’s not to like. Enlighten me.


    Thing about issues is, they change. Either because of unforeseen circumstances, or because of candidates saying what was needed to get elected, they rarely seem to actually do what they say they are intending to. That’s why I vote for character, figuring whatever crisis arises to throw a monkey wrench into a candidate’s objectives, at least I can trust the person to act along lines that I would find intelligent and honorable. At least so I’d like to believe.

    First example that comes to mind is that while Obama was running for office, his goal of reforming our flawed medical system made sense. By the time he was in office, an unprecedented financial crisis had occurred. I give him high marks for sticking to his objectives and beginning to change our medical/insurance system, even though his priorities had to shift because of economic issues beyond his control. Flawed as Obamacare may be, at least he had the courage of his convictions to get the ball rolling. So, I guess that speaks of both issues, AND character.


    I’m not a big fan of Hillary, but I’m putting her bumper sticker over my current Bernie one as soon as I get one. I haven’t heard too many criticisms of her issues so far, so my next question is, what are her character flaws besides the following: (1) Benghazi – After 3 or 4 years of Republicans trying to nail her unsuccessfully and given the fact that trying to secure an outpost in a horribly complex and hostile environment, what exactly did she do that was so bad, (2) personal cell phone use – it seems that several of her predecessors and current diplomats have relied on a personal cell phone and the fact that she admits that, in hindsight, this was not a good idea, what’s so horrible? (3) personality wise – she’s a politician. This is both good and bad. Politicians know how to use the system to get things done. If she has the right issues/goals, this quality isn’t so bad (4) a Democrat who gets money from big business - This is the quality that Bernie rightly attacks and given that America seems enamored of big business and the capitalistic laissez-faire system with no government controls, she’s no different than everyone else. What else am I missing?


    Well said! Could you produce a TV commercial to that effect? She has the personality of a shark, as do most politicians—but some just hide it better. I just read a piece about Jimmy Carter, and several pundits said he was one of the most cold, calculating individuals they’d ever met. Who’d a thunk it?


    I honestly don't know of ANY accomplishments that Hillary has on her resume. I think from Whitewater, tolerating Bill's peccadillos, her utter failure as Bill's Health Czar, Bengazhi and the worst, the use of a personal email server for Classified info. Our son-in-law has been informed that the use of personal email server

    for his classified work is a federal felony. He knows it and Hillary knows it, but she also knows she is above the law. Who in the this administration's Justice Dept. is going to file charges against her?

    They are the only entity with the authority to indict her and of course, they will sweep it under the rug.

    She utterly lacks charisma. The only thing she has going for her is Trump. She knew that, playing to his Olympian ego, strongly encouraged him to run, which he did. What appalls me is the base of fanatic supporters who have enabled him to secure the nomination. Hillary is clever, but completely devoid of any moral compass and will be in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave instead of Federal Prison where she belongs.


    So it’s Hillary’s fault that Trump ran for President? I think it’s seven years of Republicans determined to torpedo everything that Obama and the government tried to do, that made people fed up enough with our political system that they would even seek our someone like Trump.


    I happen not to be a fan of Obama's agenda. A Nanny State is not my cup of tea. Greece has tried to be a Santa Claus for everyone and it just doesn't work. But that's not either here nor there.

    I find Hillary despicable as a person and, of course, Trump for that matter. The fault lay with the fanatic base of evangelicals and Tea Partiers who do not approve of Obama and where he has taken our country. They are swept up in Trump's demagoguery. There are enough of them to secure the nomination, but only that. Hillary should win in a landslide and perhaps take Congress in with her.

    Trump has succeeded in destroying the Republican Party in my viewpoint.

    The Tea Partiers will then have to look into the mirror and ask "How did this happen?"

    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."


    I agree that the evangelicals and Tea Party supporters are the cause of most of our woes. I will be curious to see, if this election pans out the way both of us think, what these two groups will do next. I think they wouldn’t change one iota.

  16. I find it quite amazing that there are, routinely, those on this blog, besides the typical garden variety liberals that come here to annoy people, who are so Hell-Bent on getting her elected, vicariously. Her only accomplishment is that she's as as evil as she is incompetent! It boggles my mind how [anyone] could even stand the thought of putting that POS in the White House again. Especially just to spite the Republican Party. We have become a nation barely on life-support!

  17. Pssst. The Republican Party has located "worse than Hillary" and is currently preparing it for your throat.

    1. these comical posts. very funny haha. no human being better than devil woman hillary, but I understand. you democrat you vote democrat coandidate

    2. No.

      Trump is "self-funding" and "doesn't need to unify Republicans."

      Given that he's "never sinned" and "doesn't need God's forgiveness," I'm sure he and his child molester pal can figure out how to win without 70% of the Republican Party and 89% of America. He's a smart guy. Didn't you hear?

    3. what repulicans need is party and man who know how to win. too many failures! Republican losers again!

    4. There is no way Hillary can win unless she's faced with a Republican.

    5. Well looky there, a trifecta. Team Trump's Dr. Ben Carson, who doesn't mind if you call him a child molester, is floating the idea of naming a Democrat to be Trump's running mate.

      And Team Trump's campaign finance guy seeking donations (because self-funders have finance guys seeking donations...) is a George Soros stooge hedge fund manager for Goldman Sachs. Probably not the same Goldman Sachs the ugly Heidi Cruz worked for. ;)

      "Vote for Trump anyway. It's not like you have any principles to set aside."

    6. Beamish,
      Dr. Carson is politically naive in the extreme.

      There is no way that any candidate is going to fund the fund the run for the White House. The run for the nomination, yes; but not the "final leg." That is political reality.

      Trump is the GOP nominee at this point. We don't vote until November. So, for me, it's wait-and-see mode.

    7. Beamish,
      There is no way Hillary can win unless she's faced with a Republican.


    8. HA HA HA! That gas mask fellow makes me laugh!

      "Principles?" in politics? HA HA HA!

      Ah... The naive innocence of children. Let's talk next of morality in brothels, my dear boy.

      Perhaps we can elect Santa Claus!

    9. 40% of 25% is 11%

      That's Trump's ceiling. He's not going to do as well as Ross Perot in the general election. Hillary Clinton will be the first President with 535 electoral college votes.

    10. "Perhaps we can elect Santa Claus!"

      At least Santa proudly wears red. Bernie Sanders, maybe? He'll give you everything Dillary Clintrump will, any you don't even have to be naughty or nice.

    11. We shall see what happens.

      I'm in my wait-and-see mode right now.

      It's 6 months until the election.

      Besides, we haven't had a decent GOP candidate since 1984. The GOP has done this, however one interprets "this," to itself.

      If Trump hadn't entered the race, we'd be seeing Jeb Bush as the candidate. I couldn't have voted for him ("illegal immigration is an act of love" -- which I take to favor amnesty and who knows what else).

    12. I'm not opposed to "amnesty," per se. America's GDP doubled because of / in spite of Reagan's amnesty. And as a hardened enemy of the welfare state, all the talk of illegal immigrants breaking the welfare system just makes me advocate clearing out Mexico City at gunpoint and dumping them in Cleveland with Chevy trucks and cases of Dos Equis for each of them.

    13. Beamish,
      I have no crystal ball, and I have no favorite in this race. I simply had to respond when your comment about principles in politics gave me such a wonderful belly laugh. Perhaps that is the source of your choleric dyspepsia. You are looking for love in all the wrong places. That is always bound to end in tears.

      Best of luck to you!

    14. Beamish,
      The Reagan Era and that time is long gone.

      The matter of immigration today is a much more critical issue than it was 30 years ago. The costs! I'm referring to the education system and having to make so many materials available in so many languages. All of this at taxpayers' expense.

    15. Randall,
      I agree with you about principles in politics. It's an oxymoron!

    16. I was speaking to principles IN VOTING. If you want a steak and the diner only serves turd sandwiches, do you still chow down?

    17. Principles in voting? HA HA HA!!!

      The principled person could never punch a ballot. We are a society of imperfect men, not angels.

    18. Can't win if you don't play...

      I don't know what's worse. A Democrat Party with pre-committed "super delegates" that render voting a waste of time, or a Republican Party that allows non-Republicans to choose their loser.

    19. Beamish,
      I get where you're coming from on the Trump nomination. You didn't back Romneh, so not backing Trump is consistent.

      Those who backed Romney have much less squirm room when it comes to whether or not to back Trump.

  18. On Fox & Friends just now, Trump emphatically stated that he will not be putting a Democrat on the ticket.

    Let's see if he keeps his word.

  19. I head that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. will not endorse Trump, and Ryan isn't supporting him now either. Who's supporting him? Mike Tyson, Ted Nugent, and Donald Duck?

    1. The American people. Isn't that enough?

    2. Joe,
      For a long time, haven't people been saying, "Neither party represents me"? Well, now many have gotten behind an individual who broke ranks with what the GOP does with regard to three particular issues (Never mind what they SAY):

      1. Seal the border.

      2. Limit Muslim immigration.

      3. Revise free trade so as to bring some American businesses back to our soil.

    3. Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are globalists. Donald Trump: "Globalism is a failed doctrine."

      Bush Sr. advocated a new world order -- in so many words. That's when he lost my vote.

    4. And the Obama administration has been pushing a new world order -- called "the reset."

    5. If you ask me, the only thing missing from the Trump agenda is:

      4. Put government in a box and bury it.

    6. "Put government in a box and bury it."

      Trump believes the government should provide health care. Why not compromise and have the government provide mass graves?

    7. Trump believes the government should provide health care.

      And housing.

    8. All good if we can get a government job in a death camp that pays well.

    9. Joe,
      Has The Bastille been breached?

    10. @ AoW- The tumbrel is pulling up for Romney's VP right now....

  20. The two Bush presidents and Paul Ryan won't go near the jackass. No endorsement for Trump.

  21. A bit off topic, but don't you think that Barack Obama's talking about the importance of fiscal responsibility for the sake of America's future is laughable. You know, considering the facts...

    1. IMHO,
      Yes. More of Obama's hypocrisy on display.

      Lame duck.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. If you think you have embarrassed me by posting this here, you are sadly mistaken.

      HOWEVER, it was written to another blog –– a blog that sets an entirely different tone and works with an entirely different set of standards. You in your ceaseless quest to try to SHAME or FORCE everyone to adopt RIGID, UNIFORM STANDARDS of SPEECH, STYLE and CONTENT –– as defined by YOU –– have no respect whatsoever for the inherent right of individuals, groups or organizations to set their OWN standards in tone, style, content and purpose.

      That is why I frequently denounce you and all your rancid kind as TYRANNISTS, because THAT is EXACTLY what YOU ARE.

      I, would not have posted this here, myself, not because I am "ashamed" of it, but because it clashes with the standards AOW has set for HER blog –– standards YOU ––– in your obsessive-compulsive drive to hector, badger, denigrate, defame and despoil everything in places where you are not welcome and do not belong ––– obviously don't respect.

      I WISH YOU ILL, you miserable, self-righteous, troublemaking PRIG, because you DESERVE to FAIL.

      YOU are ANATHEMA.

    2. §;^D=

      I hope you realize that while I admit to writing that, it was not I who posted it here, AOW. I'm a bit surprised you let it stand.

      I hope you realize i was burlesquing a bit?

    3. FT,
      I allowed the comment to post because there are a lot of distractions here at the moment.

      As for what commenters post at other sites, well, that is their business. No worries that you actually did post that comment at another blog.

  23. Trump needs to hide that hideous part of himself that has made him one of the most detested candidates for the presidency in modern times. But it's too late for that, the cat is already out of the bag, and everyone already knows what an idiot he is, as are his supporters. Hillary is liked more than Trump is! The TeaPublicans are going to have as their candidate a guy who women, Hispanics, Latinos, minorities, and the disabled detest.

    1. Spam, spam, spam, spam...

      Hispanics love Hillary... Hillary fuera de East LA...

    2. Speedy,
      Look at what all the Balkanization and victimology have unleashed.

      Poetic justice!

    3. After this election, the Democrats should think twice before returning to "identity politics".

  24. I just read that In the event that Bernie Sanders does not get the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential race, the Democratic party has a huge problem on their hands. Many of Sanders’ supporters are making it clear that they are “Bernie or Bust,” meaning that if he doesn’t get the nomination, they still won’t vote for Hillary Clinton.

  25. I just heard that Shrillary is starting some kind of movement called "Republicans for Hillary". That sounds like it should attract, at least, a couple of frequent commenters who appear here!


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