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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Recommended Reading

See Homeland Security Committee Chairman: Radical Islamist Extremism “Spreading like Wildfire” (dated February 16, 2015).  Belies Obama's statements about Al Qaeda and ISIL being on the run, huh?

Earlier today, before I saw the above article, I said this at Freethinke's blog:
We live in the Digital Age. Therefore, both those born Muslim and those not born Muslim and living in the West, are joining ISIS and the like -- if not physically, then ideologically. If those who have sided with Islamic terrorist ideologically get the call, then a jihad attack of some sort (current terminology = "lone wolf," which is somewhat inaccurate in the Digital Age) is perpetrated.
Then, I saw this in the article:
“Extremists do not need to travel overseas in order to become a threat to our homeland. Through Hollywood-like propaganda videos and social media, Islamist terror groups are inciting their followers and potential recruits to wage war at home.”
And that is the ugly reality.

What a century so far!


  1. Replies
    1. Can ricin be weaponized? I don't believe so.
      Anyway, I'm beginning to wish Britain would build a "supermax" for these guys and introduce them to extended solitary since they present a proselytizing danger.

      The concern about social media is well founded. Easy way to recruit these dead enders.
      The upside is that these thugs can be identified and tracked.
      The downside is that the tracking is going to be much more extensive.

      Choose our dictatorship?

    2. The jihadis play right into the Big Progressive state's insistence on more intrusion into our lives, don't they?

  2. I will point out that this paper comes out just at the time when DHS is up for funding.

    1. I will point out there's barely a day that goes by without some other islamist terror's report. It would have been difficult to pick a time to release this information when Western Society wasn't on edge.
      Who's "on the run," Mr. Obama? How's your summit working out?
      ISIS must be laughing itself sick over that.

    2. Z,
      I will point out there's barely a day that goes by without some other islamist terror's report.


      And the Islamic State releases horrific video after horrific video. The West appears to continue to sleep.

    3. Duck,
      I will point out that this paper comes out just at the time when DHS is up for funding.




      It is my understanding that the DHS has already received the essential operational funding. What is is up for debate if funding the execution of Obama's fiat regarding illegal immigrants.

    4. and now that immigration situation is in the courts....they said NO so far.
      NOW can we get down to business?

    5. and now that immigration situation is in the courts....they said NO so far.
      NOW can we get down to business?

  3. Evidently Mr. Ali was extradicted to the U.S. and may get a taste of the supermax after all.

  4. “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” –Ronny Raygun

    “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘Republicans in control of all three branches of government.’”

    1. So how would Republicans gain control of the judiciary, dingbat?

  5. Replies
    1. Duck,
      I abandoned Nincompoopery posts because of a lack of time to sort through links.

      But, hey, I can use that link for a comic relief post. Thanks.

  6. Sadly, the generation that lived in relative peace at the end of WWII after seeing what the Bomb could do, is coming to an end. Perhaps a "gentle" reminder is in order. I cannot believe they all want to see Allah right now. The only solution I see, and a reminder of what Iran has in mind for us if we allow it.

    1. Jenna Seidel said

      The only thing to do is for the western countries to outlaw the practice of Islam and unite in opposition to the spread of Islam, then do to Islam's adherents what the Allied Forces did to the Japanese. The threat of complete annihilation is the only "language" these savages could understand. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to achieve this very necessary objective.

      I hope it soon gets to the point where all defenders and apologists for Islam are treated like the traitors they are to western ideals and the security of their respective western nations.

    2. Our carpet bombing wasn't what defeated Germany.

      The Red Army did and they have the 18 million graves to prove it.

      ... but indiscriminate bombing will help spread the ISIS influence and ensure the growth necessary for their survival.

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      1. Any use of profanity or abusive language.


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    6. The Red Army defeated Germany? Ever heard of a little organization called the US Army?

      That Communist Party USA propaganda won't fly here, son.

      The Ruskies did some hard slogging in the East, but the Allied powers secured the victory, son, and you KIA numbers are wrong.

      Perhaps you are including civilian deaths, which included 6 million who starved to death because the communist government could not feed its own people.

      You've slapped every World War II veteran in the face with your gross ignorance and disrespectful omission. If you were one of my soldiers I would slap you silly with my leather gloves, but the whole idea of a pusillanimous red tail like you serving in the greatest military in the world is a bit ridiculous, isn't it?

      Carry On.

    7. The Iron Curtain is gone, but, alas, the Bolshies live on.

    8. General Patton, I assume you know that the U.S. suffered the lowest casualties per capita of all major participants in the war.

      By the way, the Holodorma was an ethnic genocide.
      If you are interested in famines, study the British induced Bengali famine.
      It's not well known in the West even by obviously accomplished "history students" like yourself.

    9. Are you saying our men didn't fight? Yellow bellies like you are a disgrace to this great nation and it brave heroes.

      In World War II, we had better equipment, better leadership and tactics, and quite frankly, better men than the Soviet communists.

      It's no mark of honor to point out how many of your men died, but rather, how many of the enemy you killed.

      It's also just like a red communist to redirect the conversation when mother Russia and her genocidal politburo is criticized. I suggest you go study your history, boy, and you will see that the circumstances between the two famines were quite different.

      Now run along son and study up!

  7. Bunkerville...we could NEVER bomb one city at a time! The collateral damage would be awful. Now, what we have to put aside in this kind, lovely thinking I just displayed by saying it would be AWFUL, is that ISIS and Al Qaeda and other islamist terror groups LIVE for collateral damage...the more Americans or other Westerners dead, the better.
    How do we survive that?
    We need to buck up; we need to hope more and more muslim countries step up, like JOrdan and Egypt...BIG TIME.
    And yes, I was kidding about not bombing cities....I hate to say it, but I think that's the only way...it'll be taken TERRIBLY in the muslim world at first (and at the NY Times), then MAYBE, the muslim world will say "ISIS, this is ENOUGH....STOP it because we can't take the backlash"
    We need people who can SPEAK HONESTLY and CLEARLY and warn the Arab world...NOW.

    1. It was terrible in Japan. But would it have been better to lose thousands of American lives and perhaps lose the war? In fact, Germany was only a few months or so from having a bomb it appears. So it is now or never. But we will never do it. 9/11 is long ago and far away.

  8. Bunkerville...we could NEVER bomb one city at a time! The collateral damage would be awful. Now, what we have to put aside in this kind, lovely thinking I just displayed by saying it would be AWFUL, is that ISIS and Al Qaeda and other islamist terror groups LIVE for collateral damage...the more Americans or other Westerners dead, the better.
    How do we survive that?
    We need to buck up; we need to hope more and more muslim countries step up, like JOrdan and Egypt...BIG TIME.
    And yes, I was kidding about not bombing cities....I hate to say it, but I think that's the only way...it'll be taken TERRIBLY in the muslim world at first (and at the NY Times), then MAYBE, the muslim world will say "ISIS, this is ENOUGH....STOP it because we can't take the backlash"
    We need people who can SPEAK HONESTLY and CLEARLY and warn the Arab world...NOW.

    1. You don't think they know that ISIS is a threat?

    2. People of YOUR despicable political ilk are a much GREATER threat, Canardo.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. The fifth column of red ants is destroying our nation's moral fiber.

  9. If you listen to our government, these 'marginalized' youths' just need jobs. If you ask me, they're barbarians who need a powerful smack down because that's all they understand.

  10. The real culprits in denial here are the mainstream media who propagate the lies from Obama to the point of absurdity. It is first class ignorance to label Islamic terrorism by any other name, as long as it never refers to Islam.

  11. What to say to this?

    U.S. State Department Is Going to Tweet ISIS to Death

    The Islamic State sends out some 90,000 Tweets a day, BTW.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I heartily endorse this and the other statement above by Jenna Seidel.

    Jenna Seidel said

    The only thing to do is for the western countries to outlaw the practice of Islam and unite in opposition to the spread of Islam, then do to Islam's adherents what the Allied Forces did to the Japanese. The threat of complete annihilation is the only "language" these savages could understand. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to achieve this very necessary objective.

    I hope it soon gets to the point where all defenders and apologists for Islam are treated like the traitors they are to western ideals and the security of their respective western nations.

    Right, Jenna, the UN-American American traitors should be muzzled, deprived of their "Civil Rights," stripped of their US citizenship, and thrown into jail for who-knows how long. UN-Amerians should have no right to be TREATED as though they WERE Americans.

    Saint Stinkin Lincoln would have done it -- as well he did during another conflict.

  13. I hate to call women out. But let's talk about the latest deliberate jab taken against Christians by a State Department drone. Her last name rhymes with "Barf" and her first name rhymes with "Trainee".

    Anyway, Trainee Barf with the Pasadena, Texas hair opines that there ARE Christian militant groups like Kony's "Lord Resistance Army". Pfft

    Do we even want to waste our time listening to anything the current administration puts out there? A culture of counterfeit political currency prevails.

    The Last English Prince

  14. Didn't the Dept. of Homeland Security just come up with a new report saying Right Wing Extremists were the real threat? You know, the Tea Party? And let's not forget that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a front for hard left groups, declared Dr. Ben Carson a right wing extremist. Since Carson is black does that make the SPLC racists?

    1. Mike,
      Yes, the report was just released -- although the "research" was "done" some time ago. Anything to avoiding naming the real enemy!


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