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Monday, February 16, 2015

Paris, Then Copenhagen


Paris, France, (January 7, 2015): The offices of Charlie Hebdo, noted for satiric cartoons lampooning Islam, were attacked.  Two days later, an Islamic terrorist attack was perpetrated upon a Jewish deli. Sixteen killed, twenty-two wounded in these attacks.

Copenhagen, Denmark (February 14, 2015): A café hosting "Freedom of Expression and Art Blasphemy," a free-speech seminar, was attacked. At this seminar, cartoonist Lars Vilks was scheduled to speak; he may have been the primary target of the Islamic terrorist, who fired as many as 200 rounds. A few hours later, a Jewish cultural center (a synagogue) was attacked.  See the Daily Mail for more information. The suspect, on a watch list, apparently lived in the Nørrebro District of Copenhagen. The Nørrebro District is poly-cultural; a significant portion of those living there are Arabs, Turks, Pakistanis, Bosnians, Somalians, and Albanians. Two dead, five wounded in these attacks.

Following the attacks in Copenhagen, Infidel Knight, a commenter at Weasel Zippers, made the following comment (lightly edited):
Hey, America!  Take a real close look at what's going on. Europe rolled out the red carpet and encouraged Muslim immigration. Um, we've been doing the same. Vastly accelerated since 2009.  Imagine that!  Our borders are wide open. Good thing Muslims are so law abiding; otherwise, they might cross through. We're actually allowing American citizens who've gone and trained with these rabid animals to come back into America as if they had been on a trip to Disneyland. Where I come from, you go train with the enemy in a time of war,  you are the enemy and a traitor!

Islam's history is utterly irrefutable.  What we see from afar now, soon we'll see and feel here. It's simply unavoidable. Islam was conceived and born for one purpose: conquest and submission. What we face is the ultimate "death match." Either we or they will die, they've decided this. We get no voice or vote in this matter.  Mohammed and Allah have decreed it so.
Infidel Knight then posted the following excellent video — an important reality check:

The 2008 version of the film Fitna:

Islam is the trigger for these "random" attacks upon freedom.


  1. Because this is an incremental war against the values of the West there are individuals who refuse to believe it is possible.

    In less than four months we have observed:

    An attack on the Canadian parliament with flanks of intentiona vehicular manslaughter.

    An attack on a Sydney cafe.

    An attack on journalists and Jews in Paris.

    An attack on journalists and Jews in Copenhagen.

    Desecration of a Jewish cemetery with approximately 200 graves vandalised.

    Twenty-one Christians rounded up and beheaded as "cross worshippers". On a personal note, I first found the aforementioned term used in an AQ magazine.

    How do we whitewash the Islamic violence when terror events begin to happen on a weekly level? And do you feel safe living in a modern European or American capitol?

    Europe and America have entered the game too late on the various domestic fronts.

    The Last English Prince

    1. Thank you for adding that list. Very important!

      How long will the blind to the reality we're facing remain blind?

  2. Germany II. Our own Chamberlain sits in the WH. Or is he that Naive? Or does that Rasputin Iranian born Jarrett pull the string? Add Kerry whose child is married to a Muslim and has family living in Iran.

  3. An important element of this war against the west are the traitors sapping our foundations from the inside.

    1. The biggest element, in my opinion...well said, SF.
      It's WE who are dropping the ball, unable to even name the terror...
      Imagine if Reagan was in charge now?

    2. The biggest element, in my opinion...well said, SF.
      It's WE who are dropping the ball, unable to even name the terror...
      Imagine if Reagan was in charge now?

    3. DIDADIN



      Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

      "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

      ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


    4. What if Saint Ronnie Raygun were in charge?

      He'd probably cut and run like he did at the Beirut airport.
      Or deal arms for hostages? Just the thing t manage ISIS.

      Yeah, he's the one to manage this.

    5. Duck,
      It wasn't exactly cut and run. Congress and the American people would not have allowed any such engagement back when the Beirut atrocity occurred. Vietnam was not a distant memory at that time. Furthermore, at the time, the focus was the Communist threat. Islam was barely a blip on the screen -- except for the Iranian Revolution.

      As for arms for hostages, Reagan himself didn't broker any such deal. And you know that.

    6. Ducky's just smearing crap on the walls. Again.

      Reagan put troops in Beirut hoping to calm a volatile situation, but our military and intelligence did not yet realize Ducky's friends the Iranian Mullah's and their Hezbo murderers had changed the global equation.

      When the bombing happened, Reagan admitted his mistake and did the right thing by bringing them home. Such gunboat diplomacy and show of American force were no longer effective tools in that part of the world. You would think dedicated America-hating communists like Ducky would appreciate Reagan waking up to new facts and adjusting our imperialism accordingly.

    7. "Arms for Hostages" is another buzz phrase that makes gets the leftwing hottentots and mental midgets all hooting and slobbering, but they rarely go beyond the Pavlovian phrase.

      Reagan's men armed Iran and Iraq, keeping the war going between the two countries, and got Iran to fund the anti-communist Nicaraguan Contras, leading to pedophile Danny Ortega's defeat and a restoral of Freedom to the people of Nicaragua. That peace spread to all of Central America, as the people of that region, with our help defeated Ducky's friends the Soviet-backed communist insurgents.

      I share Ollie North's perspective of Iran-Contra: I thought it was a "neat idea."

      I've schooled Ducky on this countless times before, but like an old hippie, he keeps singing those old Joan Baez protest songs when their relevance is long past.

  4. Islam IS the "trigger" indeed!

    They say that the vast majority of Muslim's are peaceful... that they don't "believe" in jihad. That "Islam" is not the "carrier/container" for this radicalism.

    But conscious "belief" has nothing to do with it. Those who follow the rituals don't "need" to consciously "believe" for the will of the radicals to be materialized, for them, the truth about Islam is repressed. They cannot see the greater "pattern".

    What does it mean, more precisely, to say that ideological fantasy structures reality itself? Let us explain by starting from the fundamental Lacanian thesis that in the opposition between dream and reality, fantasy is on the side of reality: it is, as Lacan once said, the support that gives consistency to what we call 'reality'.


    Herein lies the difference from Marxism: in the predominant Marxist perspective the ideological gaze is a partial gaze overlooking the totality of social relations, whereas in the Lacanian perspective ideology rather designates a totality set on effacing the traces of its own impossibility. This difference corresponds to the one which distinguishes the Freudian from the Marxian notion of fetishism: in Marxism a fetish conceals the positive network of social relations, whereas in Freud a fetish conceals the lack ("castration") around which the symbolic network is articulated.

    - Slavoj Zizek, "The Sublime Object of Ideology"

    1. The externality of the symbolic machine ('automaton') is therefore not simply external: it is at the same time the place where the fate of our internal, most 'sincere' and 'intimate' beliefs is in advance staged and decided. When we subject ourselves to the machine of a religious ritual, we already believe without knowing it; our belief is already materialized in the external ritual; in other words, we already believe unconsciously, because it is from this external character of the symbolic machine that we can explain the status of the unconscious as radically external - that of a dead letter. Belief is an affair of obedience to the dead, uncomprehended letter. It is this short-circuit between the intimate belief and the external 'machine' which is the most subversive kernel of Pascalian theology.

      -Slavoj Zizek, "The Sublime Object of Ideology"

  5. Thersites,
    Thank you so much for weighing in. I was hoping that you'd come along to add some erudition.

    1. IMO, the progressive Left's entire raison d'etre is to combat this greater pattern. It's the ONLY "pattern" they can see, and yett they NEVER see it "within" Islam, either. They can only see it in "us". :(

  6. I wonder how different things might be if a preponderance of these LICE were actually engaged in meaningful, productive work?

  7. The latest shooter follows a profile:

    1. Native born

    2. Violent criminal history

    3. Recently released from prison.

    My question is how much social media contributes to these thugs selecting a target and whether it is possible to completely stop them any more than it is possible to stop the gun loon archetype who shot the three Muslims in North Carolina.

    What to do when there is so much hate rhetoric and such a large marginalized class.

    1. Duck,
      According to the wife and other, the gun loon in North Carolina didn't shoot the Muslims because they were Muslim. Parking lot rage was the issue.

      I won't argue with your three points in the profile. But you left out Islam! He was a Muslim. It's a factor -- and as uncomfortable as that fact it, it is there.

    2. Duck,
      BTW, how is Boston these days?

      We may get slammed here tonight, and I can't dig out all by myself. But we will not get as slammed as Boston, I'm sure.

    3. Duck,
      Good grief! I just saw this photo that you took. Will a snow blower blow high enough to add to those huge piles of snow?

    4. Those are temples to the great lord, Toro.

      It's unlikely we can take another one.

      Guy in the white house next door has never seen anything like this and he's from Alaska ! He had to get out his little boy's sledge and use it to move snow to the back yard.

      It's sad in a way. The neighborhood has really pulled together and kept things moving but that spirit might dissipate with improved weather.

      Only 3 inches tomorrow. They're getting smaller.

    5. Duck,
      We had our share of Snowmageddon in 2010. Thank God that TMW was here at the time. We had to dig our areas around the downspouts, too. TMW did that while I shoveled like a madwoman on the ramp. Can't use a snow blower on a wooden ramp that is sloped the way that this one is.

      We ran out of places to put the snow! And not having a driveway at the time made things worse.

      Our neighborhood pulled together, too. But Mr. AOW and I are in the last house on the street, and our neighbors had to dig to get here. We didn't see a snowplow for many days.

      Being 5 years older now and with the retinal restrictions I have, snow shoveling is a problem for me. Not to mention my back problems and the fall that I took on black ice on January 24th.

      Some of the homeschoolers will come to shovel me out if all else fails. The students want to have their classes! The students! Go figure.

    6. Do you mean The Rachel Madcow worshipping Atheist, ducky? :)

    7. Thersites,
      I'm sure that Duck means that guy.

    8. Yes, He's the one.

      Was it a dispute over a parking space or a dispute with Muslims over a space.

      This guy has a long record of conflict with his neighbors but we don't knw what finally drove him to murder.

    9. Maybe he thought that they were Republicans?

      Or worse, "Mormons"?

    10. Duck,
      Was it a dispute over a parking space or a dispute with Muslims over a space.

      Good question.

      Here's my understanding....

      The Muslim man got married, then his wife arrived to the apartment complex. Her arrival meant that another parking space was being used. Over and over again, sometimes with a gun on his hip, he confronted the Muslim man and his wife. There is some discussion on the boards as to the Muslims' taunting him, but I don't kow if that aspect has been confirmed. In any case, in my own personal experience, some Muslims are polite, others arrogant -- I observe this with regularity at our local convenience market, where several of the regular customers are Muslims (Saudis, in fact).

      I've seen a lot of fights over parking spaces at apartment complexes and even in shopping centers. Not gunfights, you understand, but verbal assault and physical violence.

      Hicks does seem to have had anger management problems.

    11. Republicans? What was I thinking. There would be no "news" if it was just another "Democrat on Republican" act of violence.

      ...but there's little news in Democrats with "anger management" issues, either, unless the victim of the crime were usually the 'perp'.

    12. There had been at least one meeting at the building by owners talking about how to deal with Hicks.
      He was definitely a trouble maker.

    13. Z,
      Yes, a trouble maker.

      Thanks for providing that information, about which I'd forgotten.

  8. Copenhagen needs to batten down the hatches: Muslim youths screaming “Allahu akbar” say they’re “brothers” to jihad murderer. Excerpt:

    Hooded young people have removed the lights and flowers from the terror-suspect’s murder site on Svanevej in Copenhagen.

    Young people have removed the flowers while explaining that they were “brothers” to the 22-year-old killer Omar El-Hussein. The young people said that it was not Muslim tradition to lay flowers for the dead....

  9. More about Craig Hicks, the murdered whom Duck mentioned in a comment above:

    Police are now saying it may have been because of a long term dispute over a parking space.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. JMJ,
      Review the guidelines for commenting at this blog -- particularly Number 1 and Number 3.

      And so some reading.

    2. JMJ,
      Not with a four-letter word. Or don't you remember what you typed in?


      You said: "It [Muslim immigration] has not vastly accelerated. That's simply not true at all. Idiocy."

      Offer the stats, please. The burden of proof belongs to you.




    Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


  12. The video with the battle maps is EXCELLENT. Well, not the video, but getting the maps. I don't know where you found it, but I'm copying it into my collection. What we're seeing is no more random than the greenie movement.

    1. Baysider,
      I'm receiving updates from the YouTube feed for Bill Warner, whom WC and I have interviewed numerous times.

      I hope that more who visit this blog post will watch both videos embedded. You are the only one to mention the videos so far. I think. I'm barely keeping up with comments right now: snowstorm preparations, tax figures to tend to, papers to grade.

  13. Nothing to do with Islam AOW, State Dept’s Marie Harf: We Cannot Win Against ISIS By Killing Them, Need To Find Out ‘Root Causes’ Like Lack Of Jobs ...

    1. Debbie,
      I just read bout that tosh spouted by Marie Hart....

      HARF: We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…

      Along with Obama's approved terminology "violent extremism."

      And Chris Mathews pushed back? At least some.

      As for root cause, it is Islam. Sheesh.

  14. Sorry to be so persistently repetitive, but ever since 911 -- coming up on its FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY!!! -- I have had -- and WILL CONTINUE to have -- nothing to say on the subject of Islam but:




    Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


  15. We cannot win against ISIS by killing them? Until the threat is eradicated, stability cannot be established. Stability is the precursor to jobs and a strong economy.

    Please! Send the State Department's Marie Harf straight into the waiting arms of ISIS in Libya. Then challenge her to say "I cannot kill you" as they place the knife at her neck. Speaking from the confines of a sterile intellectual environment does not work for me.

    Remember the beach. Remember the number 21. Remember the words "cross worshippers".

    Ms. Harf is suffering from a delusion. It is the same delusion harboured by a small child who believes that if they pet the rabid dog, they will remain safe. Let her pet the dog. That is the only way some children learn.

    Kill 'em all and let God sort it out. Widow maker.

    The Last English Prince

    1. The Last English Prince,
      Ms. Harf is suffering from a delusion.

      Indeed she is!

      But the real problem is that we have policy makers suffering from that same delusion.

      I feel doom.

  16. As KT McFarland said this morning "If jobs and poverty were behind terrorism, why isn't INDIA one big terrorist stronghold?" (I paraphrase, but...) She acknowledged that this is a component, but to say what the State Dept did is absolutely astonishing.
    "I think I'll behead 21 Christians because I don't have a job"? They HAVE very well paid jobs with ISIS.

    1. Z,
      Thank for making those points.

      The Islamic State beheads Christians because it's Quranic to do so. Please see
      ISIS Upset with Obama, Kerry, ‘Heretics’ for ‘Slogan’ That Islam Is Religion of Peace
      , which doesn't specifically address beheadings, but still pertains.

      And where so these air-headed State Department spokespersons come from? They must believe in unicorns!

    2. Jon,
      Great comment! Some truth there!

      Your comment isn't really funny, but I could stop myself from guffawing.

  17. ISLAM is NOT a RELIGION, it is an INVASION.

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