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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Amnesty Bonuses

From the Weekly Standard: ‘Amnesty Bonuses’ in Tax Code: Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit: Could cost ‘more than $24,000 to those who receive deferred action’.

Excerpt below the fold (emphases mine).

President Barack Obama has promoted his recent executive action on immigration by arguing that he’s only deferring action – holding off on enforcement of the current immigration laws until an immigration reform he approves of passes Congress. But that's not really true; in fact there’s a way for illegal immigrants immediately to receive “amnesty bonuses,” as Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska terms it.

Here’s how. A recent Homeland Security Committee hearing on immigration revealed an alarming consequence of President Obama’s executive amnesty—that illegal immigrants with deferred status may be able to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Moreover, this person, who is here in the U.S. unlawfully, could be able to file an amended tax return for up to the last three tax years, possibly receiving upwards of $24,000 in tax credits....


Senator Sasse, who along with Senator Ron Johnson has written a letter addressed to the inspector general of the U.S. Treasury Department, has released a statement commenting on the “amnesty bonuses.”

“By offering illegal aliens new payments under the Earned Income Tax Credit, the IRS may encourage fraud from those claiming children living in other countries. The Administration may have blown open the doors for fraud with amnesty bonuses of more than $24,000 to those who receive deferred action,” Sasse says in the statement.

“This is basic economics: if you want more of something, you subsidize it.
By subsidizing illegal entry with four years’ worth of new tax credits, the IRS would promote lawlessness. This program severely undermines the White House’s lip-service to enforcing the law and would increase the burden on law-abiding taxpayers.”

In his own statement, Senator Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, seconds Sasse’s concerns. “Non-U.S. citizens who qualify for President Obama’s temporary deferred actions will now be eligible to receive permanent Social Security numbers. A Social Security number is the key that opens a whole treasure chest of benefits, including significant tax credits,” Johnson’s statement reads....
Read it all HERE.

What about we the citizens, i.e., we the taxpayers, the ones who ultimately fund this?


  1. EITC has been theft committed upon the American taxpayer, since it's inception....but at least the illicit proceeds had been going to American citizens.

    This is a criminal act.

  2. I'm thinking of those American Citizens whose jobs were outsourced to India citizens who live in the USA!

    1. Mark Suckerturd and his Billionaire Boys Club can never have enough money.

      Arrogant Americans want too much for their labor? Then they will just use the US Government App to bust the market and import cheap labor.

      Mark Suckerturd and the Silicon Valley Robber Barons, the US Chamber of Crony Commerce, and the Wall Street Pirates own our government and are dictating policy.

      We're being colonized from within.

    2. SF,
      We're being colonized from within.


      Nevertheless, many Americans resist seeing the reality -- including certain neocons. I saw such a column just a short while ago.

  3. Bankrupting the country has always been the Left's ultimate goal.

    1. Why would the Left have such a ridiculous goal?

    2. Bring down capitalism, of course. Hasn't that ALWAYS been the Left's goal?

      It's EVIL, remember? And until capitalism is eradicated, we can never enjoy the world-wide dictatorship of the proletariate... less the capitalist horde and re-sell all our goods, as they do in Venezuela. :)

    3. In Solidarnos with the New Greek government against the EU! Huzzah for SYRIZA!

    4. So admit it, ducky, America's collapse would allow the Grexit to succeed, Without it, the Greeks are doomed to suffer Maduro's shame AGAIN... and AGAIN!

    5. ...and we all know that no self-respecting worker should have to pay $52 for a BigMac happy meal when the capitalist only pays $1.80!

  4. I've resisted thinking the worst of President Obama and his merry gang of mischief makers, but Can't help but suspect this is all part of a larger plan to "Transform America."

    I know, I'm late to the show...

    1. Wait till the Trans Pacific Partnership passes. You ain't seen nothing yet.

      But in the mean time the right will probably chatter about Brian Williams and dish on Liz Warren as she tries to put up resistance.

    2. Warren's hits the bullseye when she identifies the problem, but I'm not hip to her 'solutions.'

    3. SF,
      I, too, resisted thinking the worst of President Obama and his merry gang of mischief makers, but Can't help but suspect this is all part of a larger plan to "Transform America."

      But I'm a bit earlier than you in my realization as to what is going on.

    4. I'm with Ducky on the TPP. But the end of "democratic" capitalism cannot be completed with it. Authoritarian capitalism is the real "final stage" of capitalism. Democracies are far too wishy-washy. I mean, how can you outlaw carbon in a democracy where people have actually taken "economics" courses? Impossible!

    5. What Speedy said.

      Cass Sunstein tried to warn us in his book, but apparently too many of us refuse to be Nudged.

      Hayek spoke of this in The Constitution of Liberty. At some point, a big, intrusive government will have no choice but to force you do do its will at gunpoint.

      I came to this realization a few years back. Progressives of all parties are not trying to impose 1948. They are ushering in a Brave New World. Independent people exercising sovereignty over their own lives is just so messy and inefficient.

      They are herding us into the hive. It's for our own good.

    6. You're a sensible man, Kurt. As such why would you -- and how COULD you -- resist thinking the worst of Obama?

      Conceived in ESS AITCH EYE TEA,
      Born in ESS AITCH EYE TEA.
      Raised in ESS AITCH EYE TEA.
      Educated by ESS AITCH EYE TEA
      Worshipped ESS AITCH EYE TEA
      Loved and worked for the sake of promoting and spreading ESS AITCH EYE TEA all his life.

      There was absolutely NO earthly reason even to HOPE that he wouldn't GOVERN like a piece of ESS AITCH EYE TEA.

      Obama never could pass the ANUS test, therefore anyone who supported him, or even wanted to think well of him, is a moral, spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic ANUS.

      Sorry, but them's the FAX. ;-)

    7. SF,
      They are herding us into the hive. It's for our own good.

      Utopians! They are ever up on their high horses saving us from ourselves. Pfffft.

  5. Never underestimate the desire of corrupt liberal politicians to buy votes. Even if it's only a downpayment on what is expected to be future Democrat voters. This is just the first sip of a very bitter cup.

    1. Mike,
      Yes, it is buying votes -- and only a downpayment.


  6. I agree with CI, a criminal act. And consider that the left slathers after global equality. Not a bad goal when it's earned. Unearned 'equality' is anything but. And that's what these otherwise ridiculous transfers of wealth are after. Make us all poor enough to depend on the nanny state's handouts. And destroy the eleemosynary spirit so we step aside and let the nanny state do it. Transfer the money or the power to control it to the self-annointed oligarchs.

    1. I asked Jonah Goldberg about Congress giving up it's authority.
      He explained how he thought the path to Fascism might be more Brave New World than 1984

    2. Thanks for sharing that. He said it much better than I.

  7. I understand tax law a little, and with only a cursory glance (it's hard to dig too much into these kinda mean-spirited concerns) the only reason this would (has, is, and will be) happen is because we don't have a functional employee verification system. It's supposed to be SS, but with the suspense files in the 10's of billions, it's hard to see how they'd fix this without a major effort, and I don't see any political impetus to do so. Think I'm wrong? Well, there's the ITIN, which operates like a SS number, but does not necessarily convey any legality, benefits, or rights, but is rather a blatant collection of revenues from illegal immigrants who, yes, could receive the EITC, because of the expansion of EITC refund-ability since 2009.

    Just the same, silly, stupid, inane, frothing-at-the-mouth, retarded, made-up-bullshit, wrong Obama hating should be aside, as this has been in the law for twenty years now. There just weren't as many eligible then, and take a wild guess who was on watch when most of the last wave came...


    1. You make no sense (which is normal for you). First you blame it on SS and ITINs, and then later you say it is made-up.

      The one salient factor you fail to mention, is that Obama has virtually suspended internal immigration enforcement. Even 10 years ago, illegals really were living in the shadows, afraid to file taxes or anything else.

      Now, they march down the streets shouting through bullhorns demanding their rights. The attend government hearings, speak before congress, and even ask the President questions at press events, so spare us you latte leftist propaganda, Jersey McMoonbat.

  8. Back just before the last presidential election, Obama told La Raza that "the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that's not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written." So you can't say this was done in ignorance. Yet now the con law scholar has done precisely that, executive amnesty, both by adding to and expanding existing rules. It's impossible to imagine how any fair minded person could call concerns over this 'mean spirited' except in jest.

    Those of us who don't benefit from this insane transfer of wealth are right to examine the economic and social follies that punch holes in our ship of state, regardless of 'who started it.'

    1. Baysider,
      We're watching the destruction of the middle class. **sigh**

  9. The government has the least amount of capability to deal with electronic tax fraud.
    These situations cannot be handled via the IRS, They must be handled (If they must) through state agencies who deal with physical persons.

  10. Replies
    1. From the above link:

      ...Congress authorized an estimated 5 million green cards and 3.5 million guest worker permits during the 2009-2014 period, in addition to the 5.5 million issued by administration action, a Senate staffer said Wednesday....


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