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Monday, February 9, 2015

Islamic Terrorism And Denial

One of my Facebook finds and, sadly for America and the rest of the West, accurate (Click directly on the image to enlarge it):

And one that I found last week at Z's site (Click directly on the image to enlarge it):

Bobby Jindal is a refreshing reality check for the above....Jindal: “The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President”:
“We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. The Medieval Christian threat is under control Mr. President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today.”


The Inquisition over four centuries killed fewer people than the radical Muslims killed in one day on 9/11


  1. The graphic memes are entertaining, but they would carry more weight if the Administrations opposition didn't engage in the similar wordplay, or get the vapors over terminology that doesn't elicit the appropriate emotional response.

    The reference to the crusades was an asinine injection in what was otherwise a decent prayer breakfast speech.....as far as prayer breakfast speeches go anyway.

    1. CI,
      I posted those graphic memes because so many people's attention spans (not speaking of my usual commenters here) are so short that they adjust their views according to sound and sight bytes.

      For nearly 10 years now, I have certainly typed my fingers off with reasoned arguments -- only to have some people stay in the dark. See my two archived sites: one and two.

      The reference to the crusades was an asinine injection in what was otherwise a decent prayer breakfast speech.

      I agree. So, why did BHO inject that -- particularly at a prayer breakfast?

    2. AOW....beats me what goes on in Obama's head. Maybe he's sort of a Godfrey of Bouillon fanboy?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This One,
      You're done here -- and blog administrators don't even bother reading your comments before deleting them.

    6. Dang it....I came too late to see idiocy-in-action.

    7. CI,
      I have all the comments saved in email files. Gotta love comment notification!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jindal's quote and the last picture really puts things in perspective. Pray we can survive two more years of obama's lunacy.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Fox Snooze,
      Try putting Jesse Washington, 1916 into google..

      In 1916 -- not in the 21st Century

      Where is an example of a black burned alive in the United States in the 21st Century?

    2. I have removed the copy-and-paste "spam," but for now I'll let my own comment stand. The idiot who calls itself "Fox Snooze" is on the prowl.

    3. AOW,

      It's a favorite response of the brain-addled left. They have a catalog of arcana and rare events that damn their enemies.

      In a population as large as ours, you can scour history and find an example of almost anything. They mine the statistically insignificant.

      What they fail at is proportion. If you have to dig that deep for it, then it's not an example that proves your point, but rather an exception that actually argues against the point you're trying to make.

      Also, I challenge any of these brain diseased leftards to explain how Christianity encouraged this.

      Indeed, W.E.B. Dubois said "any talk of the triumph of Christianity, or the spread of human culture, is idle twaddle as long as the Waco lynching is possible in the United States."

      It was plainly an un-Christian act, and Christians all over the US were outraged by it.

      Finally, progressives ignore human nature. It is sickening to contemplate a crowd of several hundred Americans enjoying the public torture and murder of someone, but human beings have deep animalistic forces writhing beneath the surface, and mob mentality takes over. This was in response to an alleged murder and rape, after all, not just some Sunday spectacle in the park.

      But the larger point is, we haven't seen such barbarities here in over 100 years.

      From Wikipedia:

      "The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites being lynched between 1882 and 1968, with the annual peak occurring in the 1890s, at a time of economic stress in the South and political suppression."


      Let's compare those lynching numbers with Iraqi suicide bomber attacks, which were motivated by Islamic sectarianism, Muslim Iraqis attacking fellow Muslim Iraqis, and often Christians and other minorities:

      "The study reveals that at least 1003 suicide bombings caused civilian casualties in Iraq from 2003 to 2010.

      They found that that the disparity between the numbers killed has been vastly different between the two cases, with 60 times as many civilians killed as soldiers (12,284 vs. 200)

      Suicide bombs have injured no fewer than 30,644 Iraqi civilians.


      So, 4,600 lynchings in the entire history of the US, 1/4 of them killing whites, versus over 12,000 people killed in a seven year span by Islamic butchers in one country alone.

      Obama's statement at the prayer breakfast was stupid. Christian hate preachers are so rare that we can name him: Fred Phelps. And his is reviled and detested by Christians.

      Meanwhile Islam has hate preachers on every continent, poisoning the minds of young Muslims.

      There is no comparison, and it is sickening to see Obama and his worshipers try to find equivalency where there is none.

      Dr. Michael Savage is right:

      Liberalism is as Mental Distorder

    4. SF,
      It's a favorite response of the brain-addled left.

      And laughable and pathetic.

      I don't know how many times a day I guffaw and say, "Look at that!" and/or "Cut that out!"

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It is only going to get worse with this regime over the next year. He has nothing to lose, and whatever destructive plans he has in mind will surely be revealed. Just hope we make it.

    1. The second term of a POTUS typically reveals the real ideology to which that POTUS adheres.

    2. I hope I didn't hear what I thought I heard this morning; that Obama told Merkel he feels Iran is coming around and weakening on its nuclear hopes. I walked thru the room and thought "OH, if we could believe anything he says"

      AOW, thanks for the mention; your cartoon is fantastic.
      Very interesting stats on the number of those killed in the Inquisition....I'm still waiting for where it says in the Bible "If they're not Christian in the Twentieth Century (Or any time , really), Kill them"...so far, nobody can come up with it. Moral equivalency??? :=-)

    3. I hope I didn't hear what I thought I heard this morning; that Obama told Merkel he feels Iran is coming around and weakening on its nuclear hopes. I walked thru the room and thought "OH, if we could believe anything he says"

      AOW, thanks for the mention; your cartoon is fantastic.
      Very interesting stats on the number of those killed in the Inquisition....I'm still waiting for where it says in the Bible "If they're not Christian in the Twentieth Century (Or any time , really), Kill them"...so far, nobody can come up with it. Moral equivalency??? :=-)

  5. I love Jindal's reply. It is spot on and should be broadcast everywhere, but we all know it won't be because our enemedia (your term, which is a perfect descriptor) doesn't agree.

  6. "What's in a a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...."

    RIGHT! An a turd by any other name still stinks o high Heaven, and our president is definitely a TURD.

    Gather ye doo doo, while ye may ..."

    PHEW! Lemme outta here!

  7. Man, you guys have no idea how all this "Say it's Islam!" schtick makes you look. (hint: stupid and helping the terrorists)

    I mean, man, it is sooooo stupid. You're like little nasty children about it. And you really seem just too stupid to see why people don't say that. Like you have no idea in the world why someone would think calling it that is a bad idea. The vast majority of the worlds Muslims have NOTHING to do with this. This is an Arab conflict. You guys are just so oblivious and stupid.


  8. Look, when some crazy awful person or group does something horrific in what they say is in the name of Christianity, there isn't a Christian around who would say that what that person did was "Christian Mass Murder" or was "Christian Rape" - with the exception of that awful person. When you guys associate Islam with these scumbags you are helping and reinforcing them with exactly what they want - to be associated with Islam. It's racist, is scummy, it's just itching for war like deranged dogs, - and in the end really is just helping them along.



    1. Jersey,
      You might have an argument if you could point to contemporary examples of similar violent behavior of Christians doing it in the name of Christ.

      You would also have to show that there are a similar amount of Christian hate preachers. Additionally, you would need to uncover whole communities of people who support the hateful acts, or who at least stand silent as they happen.

      but you can't, so you don't have a leg to stand on.

      Now go back to the beach, there's a hole in the sand missing a fat melon head.

    2. Stupid is President Obama and the other government spokesmouths constantly telling us Islam is a religion of peace, the 7th century butchers aren't really muslim, bla bla bla.

      Who are Obama and our government bureaucrats to make any pronouncements on any religion, let alone a foreign one like Islam?

      It's not their place. I understand Obama wanting to avoid casting blame over an entire religion and all its adherents, but if he were as smart as his worshipers think he is, he could find a way to do it without jabbing a finger in the eye of Christianity.

  9. We don't associate Islam with those scumbags, those scumbags associate Islam with those scumbags. The point is, the Presidents comment was "Stuuuuuuuuuupid", as you put it. As SF pointed out these self-professed Islamic Jihadists and Martyrs killed 12,284 people in a seven year span in one country... how many people were killed by self-professed Christians in the name of Jesus world-wide in that same time frame. Denying there isn't a problem in Islam doesn't make it go away.

    1. Well, after the Reformation Europe was pretty accomplished at wiping out Christians.

      A St. Batholomew's Day here, a Thirty Years War there ... it mounted up.

      And it was the Enlightenment that helped end it. Without secularism Europe would still be going at it.

      The question is whether secularism can come to the Muslim world. As long as they can't free the political system from religion they will remain backward.
      The Abrahamic religions are violent by nature and must be subdued by secular reason and science.

    2. Canardo, mon cher,

      Aren't you conveniently forgetting that HUNDREDS of MILLIONS were killed and countless others maimed, blinded, chronically ill, driven insane, widowed, orphaned, and made homeless in the 20th-century by COMMUNIST INSURGENCIES and The AXIS POWERS -- viciously aggressive movements not only entirely SECULAR in nature but in the case of Communism militantly ATHEISTIC?

    3. FY: The St, Bartholomew's Day Massacre took place in the year of our Lord 1572. Approximately FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. JMJ,
      An insulting and pointless comment. Deleted.

      Look. I have no problem with dissension. In fact, I run a forum that many bloggers don't. And I take a lot of criticism for running my blog the way that I do.

      But even I run out of patience. Furthermore, I do delete comments that are pointless and consume bandwidth for which I pay.

    2. "insulting and pointless: sums up Jersey perfectlly


    From Obama's interview with Vox:

    “It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” Obama said.


    Video at the above link.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. https://realdemocrathistory.wordpress.com/category/kkk/

      It's important to remember the liberal beginnings of the KKK...very important. Truth is important.
      The KKK could have been started by non informed Christians....but they weren't REpublican...please read the link. Won't someone show some Christian scripture which says to kill all non Christians violently, while screaming Jesus is the only God?

  13. https://realdemocrathistory.wordpress.com/category/kkk/

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 1. That's Old Testament.
      2. Consider the context of the time period. You might want to look up on the web what the Canaanites were doing at the time. Evil!

      The Lord Jesus Christ did not preach any such tenets. Now show us where Jesus Christ preached the extermination of all who didn't follow His teachings.

    2. I might also add that Judeo-Christianity has evolved.

      Has Islam?

      Not the Islamic State, the Taliban, Boko Haram. etc. -- that's certain.

      Meanwhile, Karak, Jordan: Where one pilot is mourned and another is praised for joining ISIL
      In Karak, Jordan, residents are mourning a pilot burned to death by the Islamic State, but another family is celebrating a son who defected to join the Islamic State

      First portion from the above link:

      The Jordanian Air Force pilot burned alive in a steel cage by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant jihadists gave his life to protect his hometown of Karak, Jordan.

      But many in Moaz al-Kasaesbeh's town, 90 miles south of the capital Amman, are siding with his murderers.

      Read the rest at the link.

    3. Also from the above link:

      "Isil's enemies are afraid because they see that they are implementing the correct system."

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. "Drive out all inhabitants of the land". DRIVE OUT.
      That's Old Testament and I ask for a reference of Jesus suggesting anybody kills in his name.

      And, by the way, WHY do people like you constantly suggest anybody blames ALL FOLLOWERS of ISLAM for the actions of SOME? We've got our hands full enough with that SOME who, we hear today, also killed Kayla Mueller.
      That SOME is dangerous enough. They don't DRIVE OUT, they MURDER.

    6. Ema,
      Is AlwaysOnWatch trying to make excuse for the criminal actions because it was done years ago?

      Are YOU making excuses for what is being done NOW?

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Ema,
      Buzz off.

      You will not come into my home (i.e., my blog) and insult me.

      I will now backtrack and delete every single comment you've made to this thread.

    9. Leftwing progs turn nasty when their illogic and stupidity collapse and leave them neck-deep in a stinking heap of incoherence...

  15. No one who ever committed an atrocity in the name of Christianity can claim to have acted according to any teachings of Jesus nor can they point to one scripture or verse in the New Testiment to justify their acts. Muslims on the other hand.....

    1. Jim, you said in 3 1/2 lines what I tried to say above and you did it better. Thanks for that. I don't know how we can teach the truth when people don't want to know it.

  16. Agree with Jim. I challenge anyone to take the teaching of Jesus and use them to showcase a man with a propensity toward violent and bigoted actions against others. The anomalous scourging off the money changers in the temple was done with a quickly made whip, not a professional whip made to inflict maximum damage to muscle tissue. Probably hurt feelings and a sense of shame, but no real physical harm.

    Ema lacks depth perception. Observant Muslims would be extremely offended by her remarks regarding "outdated writings" written by men for backward desert tribes. The Qur'an and Sunnah are considered Divine revelation. She undoubtedly is unaware of ahadith Qudsi and what differentiates it from other ahadith.

    The Last English Prince

  17. I am still confused that some think there is denial that Islamist terrorism exists.
    Do people really believe that or do they believe there is a magic wand that will make it all go away and Obama refuses to wave it.

    Through it all what I see is a nation that has invested far too much faith in its military prowess and are simply mystified when it is demonstrated over and over again that it is often ineffective.
    And if you feel we can neuter ISIS without the assistance of Muslim nations then good luck.

    Better to figure out how to deal with the Iran/Saudi Arabia conflict and decide how we can extricate ourselves from the relationship with the Saudis.

  18. Julie Rosemont said

    Rage on, rage on with hate in your heart, and you'll never rage alone.

    Hate and the world hates with you. Love and you love alone.

  19. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Ema is not a liar. She is an IDEOLOGUE.

      Ideologues are deaf, dumb and blind to any presentation of factual evidence, or logical perceptions resulting from inductive reasoning incongruent with their own ideological point of view.

      "Ideologue" is a synonym for "Bigot."

      Being an Ideologue is not a Left v. Right thing. It works both ways.

    3. FT,
      You know that I don't delete ideologues just because they are ideologues. Nor do I delete those comments with which I disagree merely because I disagree with them.

      Ema crossed the line into rudeness several times in this thread.

      Insulting the blog owner of this blog results in eviction here.

  20. Replies
    1. One million?
      That's so fantastic it has to have some confirmation to be considered.
      Frontage doesn't have much of a track record in these matters.

    2. Duck,
      I haven't watched the video. Just making a few blog rounds in a bit of my spare time.

      One million does seem like a way-to-high stat. However, note that the blog post does include a question mark.

      PS: Not just FPM as a source, BTW.

    3. The article in the Mirror says nothing about Muslims. My reading has it quoting that one million figure as countrywide.

      It seems that FrontpageMag has added the Muslim angle.

      Your mileage may vary.

  21. Replies
    1. For once we agree.

      Inexcusable not to call that attack by its name.

    2. Duck,
      Why won't Obama call that attack by its name?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. What were the crusaders defending?

    You seem to have resolved a rather sticky historical question.

    You're also apparently too ignorant to know that clitorectomy is a cultural rather than religious practice. Ethiopian Jews practice it as do other non Arab Africans.

    You really are ignorant of the history and anthropology involved. Not that any of us here have a clear picture but the Teabags prefer to be virulent in their ignorant hatred.

    Fantastic irony that you would tell someone to stfu.

    By the way, your ignorance of the O.T. is matched only by your ignorance of the Quran. Ignorance just seems to hover over you like a black cloud.

  24. _________ TO CANARDO _________

    If you have something constructive to say
    Please stay with us here, and fire away.
    But if you persist with these animadversions,
    You'll get nothing back but our heartfelt aspersions.

  25. http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/29/nbc-news-reporter-chris-kyle-went-on-killing-sprees-in-iraq-video/

    AOW, here's the name of the guy who said Kyle was on a KILLING SPREE, as you asked for at GeeeZ

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Ducky asks WHAT WERE THE CRUSADES DEFENDING?" and then goes on to accuse you of ignorance.
    Gad, I love blogging; what a hoot.
    Clitorectomy is considered by most around the world as allowed by the Koran because so many muslims in so many countries do it. One has no trouble believing that...it's just what's considered true. Actually, one might say it's rather frowned on as the Koran even suggests women not being satisfied by their husbands should divorce him. Sadly, even some of the Koran is overlooked as, probably, "too modern", dare I say "Too reformed?" by the ignorance of most Arab Muslims. Just another justifiable mistake by Westerners and another act of cruelty perpetrated on their own by Arab Muslims.

  27. http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/29/nbc-news-reporter-chris-kyle-went-on-killing-sprees-in-iraq-video/

    AOW, here's the name of the guy who said Kyle was on a KILLING SPREE, as you asked for at GeeeZ

    1. Z,
      Thank you.

      Ayman Mohyeldin:

      Ayman Mohyeldin (Arabic: أيمن محيى الدين‎, IPA: [ˈʔæjmæn ˈmoħj edˈdiːn]; born April 18, 1979) is an Egyptian-American journalist based in Los Angeles for NBC News. He previously worked for Al Jazeera and CNN. Ayman was one of the first Western journalists allowed to enter and report on the handing over and trial of the deposed President of Iraq Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi Interim Government for crimes against humanity. More recently, Ayman has covered the Gaza War as well as the Arab Spring....

      Not a surprise, then.

    2. oh, gosh, no...I forgot to mention HE IS A MUSLIM. Not a surprise. No.
      But you DID see Scarborough say "Wait a minute there...KILLING SPREEE?? You're saying Kyle went on KILLING SPREES!" I was kind of proud of Joe, for a change.

    3. oh, gosh, no...I forgot to mention HE IS A MUSLIM. Not a surprise. No.
      But you DID see Scarborough say "Wait a minute there...KILLING SPREEE?? You're saying Kyle went on KILLING SPREES!" I was kind of proud of Joe, for a change.

  28. I'm tired and so sorry my comments are doubling up again.
    Honestly, it's like I'm ECHOING!!! HELLO, HELLOOOO, HELLOOOO


  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Z,
    Gad, I love blogging; what a hoot.

    No kidding!

    I know that I blog on certain themes -- no need to list them. And I also know that I have a particular worldview, which I espouse. Like any writer, I tell what forwards "the story."

    But that doesn't mean that I don't see and consider the other sides of my arguments.

  31. I wonder if ISIS is paying Pookie Toot-Toot 30 pieces of silver for each ridiculous rude retort he spews on conservative blogs. But on a serious note, we need to keep our eyes open for any signs of Sharia law being shoved down our throats. With everything we've observed and fought against, we need to keep up the good fight. Great post Always On Watch!

    Mystere (mystere's moonbat slayer club, mystere's moonbat spanker, Cleveland Foxers, Liberalmann Is A Dingbat)

    1. Mystere,
      we need to keep our eyes open for any signs of Sharia law being shoved down our throats

      See the web site Creeping Sharia. That web site keeps good track of the stealth jihad.


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