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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Despicable Union Protesters

Watch the video the fold, and observe the Left's behavior toward the Special Olympics:

The Left's version of civil discourse.


  1. It's all about them. The left doesn't care about minorities or womens rights, or "the children."

    Those are all just props to advance the long march.

  2. I’m not surprised. These same dishonest people took children out of their classrooms predicated on a lie; telling parents and students that they were taking students on a field trip. During the demonstrations, teachers left their students to their own devices; many weren’t sure why they were at the State Capital.

    I am not at all surprised at this zombie demonstration. I think it would be far easier to understand this shoddy behavior if we remove the progressive veil and begin to refer to them according to what they honestly stand for: communism.

  3. What a despicable display. The left doesn't care about anything but the consolidation of their power. I remember when Obama made a joke about the Special Olympics and he got what? Yet another pass. A republican wouldn't live down a remark like that.

  4. These people are utterly deplorable, almost as much so as the Westboro 'Baptist Church' cult members.

    There is a time and a place for everything. A Special Olympics event is clearly not the time for this.

  5. Disgusting! These 'people' are just sick in the head, heart and forget the soul as they have none.

    I am not sure whether or not (I pray the latter) the kids were aware of these despicable actions but know their parents were and hope these miscreants are proud to ruin this moment for them?

  6. I am always amazed that the union thugs are so stupid that they can see this behavior works against them.

  7. The Left are deplorable and classless. No one is safe around them. And to be so blatantly disrespectful and hateful to those precious,innocent children is abhorrent.

    They make me sick.

  8. I don't know how any honorable person could allow themselves to be associated with these communist swine--Obama's kind of folk.

  9. Silverfiddle said it: "It's all about them."

    The left's own sense of moral superiority is SOOOO GREAT that they feel the license, even the compulsion to trample on the rights of others.

    After all, in their minds they are fighting evil and Gov. Walker is Hitler to them.

    Of course none of these fools would dare to stand up to REAL evil like crazed jihadis.

  10. The left is amoral. They really have no values, philosophy or belief system. They are opportunists looking to accumulate power. This is the core of communism and is what the progressive left is all about.

  11. As one who has done some work in special education, I am APPALLED by this recent display of inhumanity on the part of these union protesters (Leftists)!

    Any political demonstration should never interfere with human compassion toward those stricken with disabilities.

  12. Mustang,
    These same dishonest people took children out of their classrooms predicated on a lie; telling parents and students that they were taking students on a field trip. During the demonstrations, teachers left their students to their own devices; many weren’t sure why they were at the State Capital.

    It seems to me that the parents of those children should file suit on the grounds of educational malpractice.

  13. Stupid, classless, soul-less, demonic leftists.

    I've changed my approach to them. I am now calling them names just the same way they call me names, and it's getting to them. A Leftist commenter on my blog called me a Nazi last night. I laughed in his face, in text, of course.

    Two can play that game, and now, I am. I don't know why I didn't think of this before now.

  14. Anyone who demostrates even a modicum of hope that a leftist can be rational is setting themselves up for disappointment.

    It's just downright absurd to believe anything good can come from pretending leftists aren't idiots.

  15. Maybe they were demonstrating in favor of voting rights for dead democrats.

  16. Our favorite leftist is noticeably absent from this discussion.

    The double standard is so large it is like braille so that even a blind person can "see" the media is "in bed" with the leftists.

    The media is drowning in thousands of emails from Sarah "i am not a candidate" Palin and yet Wiener who is a creiton gets a pass.

  17. Blogginator,
    Is it any wonder that Duck hasn't shown up for this thread?

  18. the union members are the mindless drones of the leftists party. These same thugs were out terrorizing neighborhoods of executives while Obama was authorizing huge checks from the Bank of the taxpayers....

  19. AOW

    Hard to defend the mindless actions of thugery by Union members. But then again the UNions do support a political party that gave Balck Panther party members a pass for intimidation at polling places.

    I guess the end justifies the means in the mind of a liberal.

  20. That's the left for you, both selfish and shameless.


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