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Friday, June 15, 2018

The OIG Report Released On June 14, 2018

Feel free to discuss the 500-page report released yesterday. One related screenshot, from Ace of Spades HQ (Click directly on the graphic to enlarge it):

Read the entire post at Ace of Spades HQ HERE.


  1. FYI:

    I didn't add any links to the body of the blog post because I'm short on time this morning.

    1. I have now added a screenshot and a link to the body of the blog post.

  2. Found on blog rounds just now:

    IG Report: “We do not have confidence that Strzok’s decision was free from bias”…

    1. ...and therein lies the weakness of the OIG Report. Nothing will change. The Deep State rolls/rules on.

    2. Interestingly, they made the distinction of Partisan bias, versus personal bias.
      I guess personal bias is okay. :(

  3. Hang on... We don't know if the summary/conclusion was written by Horowitz and how many changes were made. Let's wait until we hear from him next week. Clearly, the summary doesn't match with the body of his work.

    1. Bunkerville,
      Good point about the validity of the summary.

  4. AOW, in ALL the news I caught yesterday, radio and TV, and I think you know how 'plugged in' I am, I never saw the point that they DID say they had no confidence Strzok was biased. Everything I saw/read said they didn't see bias. Finally, some truth emerges, thanks, and I updated my blog post to reflect this.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. First reaction is that the report has little, if any, relevance to the Mueller investigation. If focuses on the Clinton e-mail investigation and vindicates her.
      The report slams Comey for going public in 2016 and confirms that Clinton committed no crime. She is justifiably the aggrieved party (well, and Bernie Sanders but that's a different discussion).

      In 500 pages there is no indication that tRump's campaign was harmed in any way no matter how loudly Trey "The Mayor of Benghazi" Gowdy may howl at the moon.

      Again, it vindicates Clinton in the e-mail matter.

    3. Yep, and that's why the entire "report" is a self-serving sham, a farce, a hoax, and an outrageous insult to our intelligence.

    4. So we're going to debate "you're wrong, I'm right"? Try again. I'd get "rubbish" back.
      I'm sick of this whole thing...the whole hatred toward this administration no matter what it does, the lies....I loved how pictures of immigrant children in CAGES !!! (??) were blamed on Trump except the pics were taken in 2014....that kind of thing is rampant and must stop. And trust me, I'm no Trump adorer by a long shot...very long shot. I just know I never saw as much hate toward anybody maybe ever and it's unhealthy and sick and destroying our country. I'm done here. take care.

    5. The picture is misleading but it WAS taken in 2018 and it has nothing to do with the IG report which I maintain does vindicate Clinton.

    6. Duck,
      the IG report which I maintain does vindicate Clinton

      The IG report may so state, but that "vindication" ain't playin' in Peoria. See time marker 1:10

      As for the photo that Z mention, it most certainly does have to do with the topic at hand. Nuance! Think about what I mean.

    7. Ducky is wrong about the kids in cages photo... those were in fact do document the internment process under Obama, during a massive wave of refugees from Central American violence. Ducky is also wrong to overlook that the Obama administration used these refugees to inflate his bogus increased deportation figures.

      I'll give Ducky a gentleman's C on pointing out that anti-Hillary fantasy vs. anti-Hillary reality is still a draw in regards to coming up with a reason to prosecute Hillary for anything. Now everyone that can't find the four-sided triangle that solves this jigsaw puzzle is in on the conspiracy.

      For what it's worth, Hillary would have been an equally bad President as the guy saluting North Korean generals that executed people with anti-aircraft cannons.

    8. http://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5

      DUCKY: I get tired of teaching you! :-)

      As for a picture of an Asian child looking like he's in a cage, he isn't....https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/toddler-cage-photo/

      SNOPES, so typical...they say it's just MISCAPTIONED :-) Not FALSE, never FALSE, because it reflects badly on the Left. I'd be bugged if I were you that the biggest fact checker (only because people know it well since it was one of the first) was as biased as Snopes is every single day.
      tsk tsk tsk

  5. Meanwhile, after signing a surrender to North Korea including a pledge to prop up Kim il Un with billions of dollars, Trump begins saluting communist generals.

  6. What would be the purpose of swimming through this oceans of urine, vomitus ad bile to try to reach, then climb this Mountain of Manure?

    We don't need no stinkin' details, because the whole rotten mess STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN –– even from afar. It threatens to render the entire planet a TOXIC WASTE DUMP.

    Can NO ONE rid us of the FILTH that now RULES US?

    1. FT,
      I understand your point that We don't need no stinkin' details. The problem, of course, is that this whole damn town is packed full of lawyers, and they require details.

      Can NO ONE rid us of the FILTH that now RULES US?

      That, sir, will require scaling and digging through high mounds of manure.


    2. We don't need no stinkin' details

      Facts don't carw about your feelings.

    3. Feelings are what drive political theater. Facts just obstruct the narrative.

    4. "... First we kill all the lawyers ..."

      ~ Shakespeare - Tom the Butcher, Henry VI, Part One


    5. When REASON fails, VIOLENCE may be the only possible alternative to subjugation, oppression, exploitation and enslavement.

    6. Remember please the country was FOUNDED on bloodly rebellion, enormous suffering, privation and endless sacrifice.

      Remember too that SLAVERY was abolished through horrendous violence, widespread destruction, and unbelievable cruelty.

      Very LITTLE of value gets accomplished through mere CONTEMPLATION. Talk is cheap.

    7. Some of us are definitely ready to take up arms, we simply don’t have a leader to rally behind.

    8. CI. That's also been my point for a while.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes and yes..... I am in an alternate universe... E.T...call home..

  8. No political bias, huh?

    From FBI Agent Who Questioned Hillary for Email Probe Called Her ‘the President’—4 Months Before Election:

    One of the four FBI case agents working on the Hillary Clinton email investigation—who was also one of the two FBI agents who interviewed her at the conclusion of that investigation—triumphantly referred to Clinton as “the President” four days after that interview—and four months before the election.

    Later, on election day, in an instant message exchange with another FBI agent who had also worked on the Clinton investigation, this FBI agent declared: “screw you trump.”

    The other agent said in the same instant-message exchange: “You should know…that I’m…with her.”...

    More at the above link.

  9. The OIG report is a mixed bag, benefiting neither party except in how they'll continue to skew implication in support of the narrative.

    Strzok illustrated utterly unprofessional bias against politicians while carrying out duties of investigating at least one of them.....and it was again shown that Comey's actions benefited Trump far more than Clinton.

    Not that nay of this will really matter.

    1. In other words, Comey acted to benefit Trump and Strzok said some naughty things.

      I see a difference.

  10. Here's a good one...

    An FBI agent joked about how a witness who lied in the Hillary Clinton email investigation would never be charged, according to a Justice Department inspector general report released Thursday.

    The witness had obviously lied to the FBI about handling sensitive information, the agent told one of his colleagues, but it didn’t matter, because regardless of what the Clinton associate said, the FBI wasn’t going to do “sh-t” about it.


  11. Funny how people like Ducky were hippies in the 60's telling us not to trust the government. Now they are aging boomer progs laughing off government corruption.

    1. :-) "Funny," yes ! Amazing link about the FBI agent you found there. And the Left doesn't care that we've got this kind of corruption within the institution of the FBI which we rely on? Do politics carry this far? WOW. I know it's depressing for Leftists, I don't feel good when I see bad Conservative actions (particularly since this media highlights and emphasizes and mischaracterizes so SO much of it), but the FBI?

    2. Those FBI agents were just engaging in locker room talk.

    3. Something to keep in mind when the imperfect is made the enemy of the good. NeverTrump represent!


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