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Monday, June 4, 2018

The Meaning Of "Allahu Akbar!"

From this 2015 essay by Robert Spencer and a good reminder during Ramadan 2018...
‘Allahu Akbar’: It Means Almost Everything — Except What The Establishment Media Says

Media outlets routinely mangle the true meaning of “Allahu akbar,” the ubiquitous battle cry of Islamic jihadists as they commit mass murder.

The war-cry is mistranslated in the Western media as “God is great.” But the actual meaning is “Allah is greater,” meaning Allah Is Greater Than Your God or Government.

It is the aggressive declaration that Allah and Islam are dominant over every other form of government, religion, law or ethic, which is why Islamic jihadists in the midst of killing infidels so often shout it....
Read the rest HERE.

Ramadan 2018 in the UK (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance)

Islam and the West are incompatible. Period. Full stop.

Related reading...

1) Rape Gangs: A Story Set in Leafy Oxfordshire

2) California: Public high school yearbook has lavish two-page Islam presentation entitled “ALLAH AKBAR”


  1. If you've ever been fortnate enough to read –– and UNDERSTAND –– Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Ste. Exupery, you'd be sure to remember the BAOBABS.

    Islamaniacs are the BAOBABS in OUR Western World.

    1. FT,
      Your comparison of Islamomaniacs with the BAOBABS is perfect!

      From this link about the Baobabs:

      According to some literary critics, the baobabs have another, darker meaning, too: they can be interpreted as “visual metaphor[s] for Nazism” (source). This comparison makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider that Saint-Exupéry fought in World War II against the Nazis, and that the Nazis were still rising to power when The Little Prince was written.

      Sometimes, you know, Islamomaniacs are called Islamofascists. That label fits!

  2. The BAOBABS were NOT good.

    They were the BANE of the small planet that belonged to the Little Prince.

    He considered keeping the BAOBABS at bay his first, and most important duty as ruler of his tiny domain.

    It was a neverending job.

  3. Remember too The Day of the Trifids, John Wyndam's terrifying Science fiction novel from the 1940's.

    Trifids = Baobabs = Islamaniacs –– i.e. symbols or emblems of a UNIVERSAL THREAT

  4. ISLAM is a CANCER.

    Like any form of the dread disease it must be treated with AGGRESSIVE ATTACKS ––








Anyone who does not believe this is an IMBECILE.

CANCER cannot be dealt with DIPLOMATICALLY.


    The morons who do not believe this, and would self-righteously defend the indefensible sit IMMERSED, HAMSTRUNG, and DROWNING in MYRIAD bits of DATA, as always, instead of getting to the ROOT, DIGGING it OUT, and BURNING it.


Any attempt to be "REASONABLE" about the dire THREAT ISLAM poses to DECENT PEOPLE everywhere in the WORLD is a complete WASTE of TIME and ENERGY.


    1. The police were a cancer in this case.

      The girls were lower class and the cops couldn't be bothered prosecuting the cases until there was pressure from the press and a muslim prosecutor started a string of convictions.

      But carry on howling at the moon.

    2. Duck,
      the cops couldn't be bothered prosecuting the cases until there was pressure from the press

      Not only from the press.

      a muslim prosecutor started a string of convictions

      Go ahead. Keep being Islamophilic. Your Islamophilia prevents you from seeing another aspect about the Moslem prosecutor.

  5. When it is clearly a KILL or BE KILLED situation, only a FOOL would FAIL to mount as strong and vicious a COUNTERATTACK as may be mustered.


If the WEST is to SURVIVE, __ I-S-L-A-M __ M-U-S-T __ D-I-E.

    And the mush-brained APOLOGISTS for ISLAM must be OSTRACIZED and EXILED.


  6. Tommy Robinson is the 21st-Century's Answer to JESUS CHRIST.

    1. Isn't that extreme?

      Maybe you mean your hero Kipling?

    2. Canardo, you have proven yourself over twenty years of repeated taunts, jibes, and snipings to lack the mental capacity to have even the faintest notion of who I am, what I stand for, and what I mean.

      Author Daniel J. Flynn defined you perfectly when he wrote his book Intellectual Morons.




    "Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

    ~ Anonymous

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


    Don't like it? Then I wish YOU a speedy DEMISE, because YOU are a MORON and a blight to Western Civilization, and therefore, unfit to live.

  8. It is why it is so important that we get our house in order. Europe will fall and only a matter of time. All these wonderful trade deals that have given away our very means to sustain ourselves. Why it is so important that we maintain our basic manufacturing industries such as steel.
    When was the last time you saw an American car in Europe, China or anywhere else?

  9. ???????????????????????????????

  10. FT,
    Blogger has "updated" and ruined some features. Email comment notification is one the features now absent.

  11. I've heard it said that peaceful Islam is much like unicorns; everyone knows they exist, but no one has ever seen one. Meanwhile, the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind continues to receive accolades in the media and among other idiots. I have nothing good to say about Islam or any of its adherents. Allah Akbar my ass.

  12. I think most people who believe in a particular religion believe theirs is the best. For Christians many clearly interpret the call "to have no others before me" to mean that the God of the Old Testament is to be, for the believer, the greatest God, above all others.

    Chris Tomlin has a contemporary song out with these lyrics...

    "Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
    Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
    Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.
    Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
    And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
    And if our God is with us, then what could stand against?
    And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
    And if our God is with us, then what could stand against?
    Then what could stand against?"

    What is the effective difference between these quotations, from a Christian perspective, and the one you quoted from Spencer that says...

    “ 'Allah is greater,' meaning Allah Is Greater Than Your God"

    1. I wouldn't disagree Sam. So maybe, the problem is not with the text, it is with how people choose to interpret the text and live it out. Spencer seems to be condemning the religion because of the interpretation, not because of the actions of some deranged followers.

    2. Dave,
      How much have you studied the Quran and the Haditha (s)? Notice that I said studied, not read (which is often cursory).

      I got my copy of the Quran courtesy of CAIR.

      Spencer seems to be condemning the religion because of the interpretation

      Not exactly correct. The problem is with the text(s)!

      Many Moslems interpret the Quran peacefully by being selective -- and intellectually dishonest.

    3. Sam,
      The difference is that Christians and Jews don't run around cutting off the heads of people who believe differently than they do while proclaiming that their deity is superior to all others ...

      How often in the 21st Century do we hear of someone shouting as they are beginning a slaughter, "I do this in the Name of Jesus Christ!"?

    4. I've given this some thought since someone told me the implied meaning of the battle cry.
      I think the distinction is that one group exalts it's God for all the good He's done, and the other exultation is a justification for the action they are performing.

    5. No Sam, we get proxies to due it for us in Yemen and cheer while Israeli snipers slaughter clearly marked medics at the Gaza border.

      And the evangelicals cheer the loudest.

    6. AOW... I really haven't studied the text much. I was just commenting off of how a layman might interpret the words of Spencer.

    7. Ed,
      that one group exalts it's God for all the good He's done, and the other exultation is a justification for the action they are performing

      Certainly one facet of "Allahu Akbar."

    8. Warren,
      Nostradumbass's cognitive bias prevents his doing so.

    9. I no longer talk to Nostradumbass. I'm convinced he's just an OCONUS lure.

    10. Why is one greater? it's about Christ

    11. There could be no valid comparison among various "gods," because in TRUTH there is only ONE God –– Yaweh, Jehovah, Elohim –– the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the trine God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit combined.

      If you don't want to believe that, you have no right to think of yourself as a Christian.

      That said we could –– and probably SHOULD –– sped the rest of our lives making every effort to understand WHO and WHAT God really IS.

      Also, if GOD really IS "All-in-All," everything and every ONE opposed to Him is, perforce UNREAL.

      The Bible says so right in Psalm One"

      ... The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away ...

  13. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/03/politics/trump-white-house-ramadan-iftar-dinner/index.html

  14. TC,
    I saw that!

    Last year, no Iftar dinner.

    I wonder if Ivanka and Jared will attend. LOL.

    I doubt that Melania will attend. Too ill, IMO.

  15. Still, its Muslims welcome, Super Bowl winners, not so much.

  16. Z,
    They will not police themselves to any extent.

  17. To be brutally frank:

    BLOGGER really SUCKS!

    Too bad it's all we have! Never mind DISCUS and WordPress, et al. They stink too.

    The Internet in general is a great marvel that grows more unsatisfactory every day.

    I get the feeling more and more that those who control the Levers of Power in this fractious domain have effectively attached "strings" to all of us, and get a large charge out of yanking us around at will.

    I sense a tyrannical ambition, –– as letter writing fades more and more into non-existence, and printed books, periodicals and newspapers continue to bite the dust each day ––, to exert TOTAL MIND CONTROL over every one of us.

    There is a considerable body of evidence that this indisdious, increasingly evil process is now well underway.

  18. FT,
    I don't complain too much about Blogger. It's free!

    And, overall, Blogger doesn't censor what we Bloggers choose to publish.

    That said, I think the day is coming so that we can no longer use pseudonyms.

  19. TC,
    Still, its Muslims welcome, Super Bowl winners, not so much.

    To a point.

    The Eagles were being snarky.


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