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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How Insane! Both Across The Pond And Here (Updated At The Bottom Of The Blog Post)

From Infidel Bloggers Alliance (June 13, 2018):
Europe's Population Replacement Agenda

This is the true size of Italy compared with Africa:

The UN says that Italy must take any & all migrants who come from Africa by boat.

The agenda of population replacement couldn't be any clearer at this point. Italy is not only right to turn the migrants away, it's essential that they do or risk losing Italian culture in less than a decade.
If you are unfamiliar with this situation, read HERE (June 11, 2018). But beware the slant of open-borders propaganda and tear-jerking details!

Also note THIS from Reuters (June 11, 2018):
...The tiny island nation [of Malta] with fewer than a half a million inhabitants says it already accepts more refugees per capita than Italy, which has taken in more than 600,000 boat migrants since 2014.

Related?...White House defends immigration policy as outrage grows over children:
“The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. It won’t be,” he said at the White House.


Get a load of THIS about the photo that "went around the world":

The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother, father says, WaPo 6/22/18/!

And the propaganda war rages on.


  1. Yesterday, at Z's site, Mustang made an excellent comment about the sob stories regarding the immigrant children at our southern border:

    The issue of children being separated from their illegal alien parents is an emotional smoke-screen. If we are honest, then we can admit that these illegal persons aren’t victims; they are perpetrators. The victims are the American people, who by virtue of their birth or other status, are being raped by failed federal and state policies that encourage illegal immigration. For a good understanding of the costs of illegal immigration, see Spencer Morrison’s discussion (https://nationaleconomicseditorial.com/2017/10/01/economics-illegal-immigration-everything-need-know/) and follow the money. In summary, in terms of real money, the cost breakdown is as follows: federal expenditures on illegal immigration, $46 billion; State and local costs, $89 billion. Do illegal aliens pay taxes? Yes, totaling $19 billion … which leaves a shortfall (out of pocket to the US taxpayer) of $115 billion annually.

    There are other costs, as well … such as the costs associated with decreased wages and increased unemployment. Added to this, we should consider opportunity costs. What could we be spending money on instead of illegal immigration? We might begin with improvements to infrastructure, which in two years from now will amount to a deficit of $3.6 trillion. If these numbers are too big to get your head around, then consider the costs of illegal immigration to the states: In California, illegal immigration costs the taxpayer $30.3 billion each year, which is just under 20% of California’s annual budget. In Texas, expenditures on illegal aliens is roughly 10% of the state budget. New Yorkers are spending in excess of $7 billion annually to pay for people who reside in that state illegally. Finally, how much money do illegal aliens send to their families back home each year? $38 billion. Money leaving the USA amounts to money that we can’t use here at home to pay people an honest wage—it’s a hidden tax.

    So, if we are worried about victims (and children are always a favorite topic to roll out), then why aren’t we worried about the real victims of illegal immigration?

  2. Olde Italia is dying, as is the rest of Europe. They are dying faster than they are having babies. It's prime real estate, and burgeoning populations who are still abundantly procreating aren't going to just let it sit there empty.

    1. Won't it be lovely when the Islamaniacs firebomb all the cathdrals, sack St. Peters, bomb the dome to rubble, blast Michaelangelo's sculptures to gravel and set fire to the SISTINE CH.APEL, then kill everyone who mans the Vatican, tortures all the priests, monks and nuns unmercifully before decapitating them, turns all the great paintings and smashes all the sculpture in the museums, ransacks the libraries and burns all the historic manuscripts extant, and as many printed copies of Western literature they can get ther filthy hands on?.

      I'm sure your wife and daughter are looking forward to being repeatedly raped, beaten, and possily maimed, blinded, or locked in an incinerator and buirned alive, or drowned in a cage after being bound and gagged. Slowly lowering evil infidel females like them nto vats of boiling oil is yet another delightful possibility.

      And people mock me and cluck their tongues in stern disapproval when I advocate DIDADIN!

      Such people richly DESERVE the horrible fate that awaits them.

    2. FT,
      And people mock me and cluck their tongues in stern disapproval when I advocate DIDADIN!

      They are ostriches!

    3. FT, Face it. The West is clapped out, decaying and ashamed of itself. Western nations are not procreating, so we have no one else to blame but ourselves. Yes, there is collective guilt and collective punishment; it is inherent in a society.

      Your appeal to religious emotion doesn't work, either. My religion is not of brick and stone, and Christianity has been dead in Europe for over half a century. The great cathedrals are whitewashed tombs with foreign gawkers wandering through them.

      We have mocked God, abandoned our faith and our morals, and our debased "culture" long ago ceased being a shared space everyone could rally to and conduct coherent discussions. "Border enforcement" is perfunctory and we are in a demographic death-spiral.

      Study the sweep of human history. None of this is unprecedented. Indeed, many would conclude it is inevitable.

    4. I understand where you're coming from, Silver, but you mustn't forget that the a cient temples, great cathedrals and fine old municipal buildings are immense works of art in and of themselves, as are the contenst of the museums, the palaces, stately homes, and masterfully landscaped gardens.

      Our cultural heritage is not only worth preserving, it is our only means of identifying where we've come from and who we are.

    5. Enemies of the west could decapitate every statue and burn every painting off the walls. So what? Someday they will be nothing but odd curiosities to whatever supplants the defunct Europeans.

      The west is fat, decadent and stupid

    6. Then why not kill your pets, shoot your wife and kids to death, then shoot yourself in the mouth or the temple?

      We're all dead anyway, we just haven't been buried yet, isn't that right

    7. Of course not. Life goes on here, and in Europe. You've posited a non-sequitur. Just because those people over there choose death doesn't mean I have to.

      I'm not going to cry tears over once-great nations making the choice to slowly die and be subsumed in their own home by immigrants. They obviously don't care, so why should I care about them?

    8. "Our cultural heritage is not only worth preserving, it is our only means of identifying where we've come from and who we are."

      I agree that the heritage is worth preserving, but I disagree that it is our only means of identifying ourselves. The culture is living, by definition. Our identity is bound up in our stories, music, customs, jokes etc. And may I add, these things can be passed down lines that are not necessarily ancestral. It's not as bad as you and SF think.

    9. You're right, Jez, but I didn't say our identity is wrapped up primarily in our bloodlines.It's hardly "ancestral," –– especially not for us Americans., I, myself, am a tyical American "mutt." My father's people are British –– more specifically Cornish and Scottish ––m but those ancestors came over in 1630, so we've been geographically detached from our Anglo-Celtic roots for nearly four-hundred years –– rather a long time. ;-)

      My maternal grandparents came over in the Great Migration of the late nineteentg-century from Italy My paternal grandfather was bitterly opposed to my father's marrying my mother. His in.sufferable attitude cast a long shadow over our family life that persists to a certain extent to this very day. Highly ironic since recent beneralogical reserach in the part of one of my cousin's children has shown that we have Indian blood in our family. };^)>

      Racial prejudice when my parents were young far more severe, irrational and frankly brutal than it has been for quite some time. The difference between Then and Now, of course is that it was ACCEPTED. People didn't waste their energies complaining bitterly about the unfair treatment they received. They didn't like it, of course, but they took their lumps, lived through it, and rose high above the fray through a rigorous canpaign of self-improvement led by my wise and laudably ambitous grandmother, instead of making strident demands for special privlleges through protective legislation.

      I'm very proud of my mother's people. They did extrardinarly well, on their own, despite a social climate rife with insults, naked hostility and unwarranted, institutionalized suspicion. They overcame all that by dint of faith, hard work and perseverance.

      At any rate the heritage I'm trying to talk about is familial more than ancestral, and of course the result of education, natural preferences, and many acquired tastes.

      I suspect you tend to think I believe we ought to live exactly as our forbears did, and that all progress is somehow evil. I assure you that's not the case, but I most fervently do believe in respecting the past and building on it, instead of what-seems-to-be-the-tendency today of denigrating the past, stupidly dsmissing it as 'irrelevant," then discarding it, labeling it a bad job, and opting for a haphazard journey over uncharted territory in the hope of somehow stumbling onto a Better Way.

      I have far more faith in Pericles, Sophocles, Plato, Andrea Palladio, Will Shakespeare, Johann Sebastian Bach. Semmelweiss, Christopher Wren, Newton, Leibniz, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, and Thomas Edison than I do any of the cockamamie "theorists" and philsophical malcontents who mucked up Civilzation for a fare-thee-well in the late-nineteeth and into the twentieth century.

    10. I mentioned ancestry because this thread is all about immigrants and demographics.

      "I suspect you tend to think I believe we ought to live exactly as our forbears did ... instead of what-seems-to-be-the-tendency today of denigrating the past, stupidly dsmissing it..."

      Maybe you err towards the former while modern culture errs towards the latter, although only in some respects. The establishment remains pretty firmly in control over most discourse.
      I'm not so hard on the 19th and 20th centuries. The art and culture of this period are responsible for a large fraction of my joy, and while I refuse to concede that I admire Newton or Leibniz less than you, it is the type of science that began in the 20th century (modern physics and its off-shoots) that is the most productive / edifying.
      Which theory or philosophy destroyed civilisation the most in the modern era? I suggest it was Nationalism.

    11. Jez,
      Please define modern era -- using specific dates.

    12. Picking up on FT's "late-nineteeth and into the twentieth century," I guess from the Boer war onwards.

    13. Jez,
      The advent of Marxism and Progressivism, then.

      I rather image that is what FT would say.

    14. Would he be overlooking two world wars?

    15. As always we learn more about X from what he says about Y than we learn abut Y.

  3. It defies comprehension why any nation would willingly surrender their sovereignty to an international organization, run largely by career globalists and staffed with representatives of despots and megalomaniacs.

    1. I don't understand it either, but a vast majority of western sheeple appear to be cheering it on. I have pretty much come to the conclusion we are not worthy of the great sacrifices and achievements of our forbears. We are coasting on past glories that are not our own.

      It's an iron law of nature: If you're going to be soft and juicy on the inside, you need to be hard and prickly on the outside. We are a society of fools who thinks all this advancement and luxury will just naturally go on forever.

    2. SUICIDE is all the rage these days.

      You're just not with it, unless you express a strong desire for self annihilation, and the dissolution of your own heritage.

      These insane ideas have been systematically PLANTED in our consciousness for several generatons by the diabolcally clever sophists who comprised The Frankfurt School. The TRUE motivation of these fiends has always been been to DESTROY CHRISTIANITY and all the good that Christianity induced in otherwise wayward human nature.

      Don't believe it?

      TOO BAD, because in that case you become PART of it!

    3. We are a society of fools who thinks all this advancement and luxury will just naturally go on forever.

      Exactly. This is why our species needs a cleansing. Burn it down like last seasons fields.......and replant.

    4. It is a morbid, depressing thought which I do not enjoy thinking or sharing, but yeah, an EMP burst or some mass extinction event would quickly remove the weaklings and idiots from the gene pool...

    5. Have you no FAITH n the power of ALMIGHTY God? If you HAVE faith, you will be all right –– no matter what.

      If you do NOT have faith, you will be DAMNED to HELL for Eternity. Everyone has doubts. No one's faith is perfect, but to DENY and DENIGRATE Faith, while delliberately CULTIVATING DOUBT is tremendously WICKED, and sure to bring nothing but Misery, Grief and Misfortune –– a perfect description of DAMNATION.

      it really is just that simple.

      BELIEVE it ––– or NOT. It's entirely up to you.

      FAITH always has come about as a determined exercise of the WILL. It doesn't come automatically, except, perhaps, to the simple-hearted – and simple MINDED. That's why we are told, "Ye must be become as little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

      " ...and thus abidith these three things: Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity."

      ~ St.Paul, Corinthians 13

      "If with all your hearts you truly seek me, ye shall ever surely find me, thus saith our God ..."

      ~ Elijah

    6. I don't know what that has to do with the discussion at hand.

    7. There are none so blind as those who steadfastly refuse to see.

    8. We're discussing demographics. Of course, God being all, everything can relate back to him, but I don't understand your comment in the context of this thread.

    9. I'M trying to indicate that "Demographics" cannot be separated from all other considerations in any rational discussion.

      ALL things are INTERCONNECTED, Silver.

      That may be confounding if you want to see everything as neatly pigeonholed or squirreled away in separate drawers in some a enormous Cabinet of Human Knowledge, but things don't work that way.

      REALITY cannot be cut, dried, neatly laid out in rows, boxed, bagged, and put in drawers in ways that might comprise patterns logical to us that we would like to impose on it.

      Faith is as much a part of the moral and attitudinal crises generated by shifting demographics much more than all the statistics on the subject seem to indicate.

    10. I never said things were not connected, so I still don't understand your sudden interjection on "FAITH n the power of ALMIGHTY God."

      Of course I have faith in him. Nothing I've said here would indicate otherwise. All kinds of horrible things happen all over the globe all the time. Civilizations rise and fall across the sweep of human history, and none of it shakes my faith in God.

    11. Perhaps FreeThinke is worried that a shift in demographics will contribute to the decline of faith (specifically, faith in protestant Christianity) from the defining core of western culture.

    12. Jez,

      A decline of faith has already happened, and it has nothing to do with immigration or demographics. Christianity is dead in Europe. Christianity is still a force here in America, but Christian morals no longer hold sway in any public arguments.

    13. Yes, I agree that religious faith as a shared community attribute is declining regardless (although I hesitate to infer that there are fewer devout individuals than there used to be, it's very hard to judge the true devotion of previous generations.) Just trying to work out what point FT might be trying to make.

    14. Nero FIDDLED.

      You guys CARP.

      "Men will lie on their backs, talking about the fall of man, and never make an effort to get up."

      ~ Thoreau (1817-1862)

    15. carp:

      verb: carp; 3rd person present: carps; past tense: carped; past participle: carped; gerund or present participle: carping
      complain or find fault continually, typically about trivial matters.
      "I don't want to carp about the way you did it"
      synonyms: complain, cavil, grumble, grouse, whine, bleat, nag; More
      antonyms: praise


      Pretty funny coming from a man who spends his days CARPing in these threads.

      I have served my country, sometimes in humanitarian efforts, I stay engaged politically, and my wife and I have joyously produced more than the statistical 2.1 children need to replace us, and we have trained them well, so stuff it.

      What are you doing besides CARPING?

    16. P_____L_____E_____N_____T_____Y____!

      And What's More YOU Know It. Others, of course, have little or no idea of who I am and what I do, you've been taken into my confidence for a long time.

      What made you assume I was referring to YOU anyway? A guilty conscience, perhaps? ];^}>

      I certainly don't want to "enemize" YOU of all people, but I am heartily SICK and VERY TIRED of the incessant drumbeat of sour, depressing negativity and defeatist rhetoric that some would like to believe ought to pass for "serious discussion."

      It's unhelpful, unwholesoe, ungodly and frankly destructive of any semblance we mght have left of

    17. ...but yet you join in it.

      your comment was addressed to "you guys," and I am one of the guys in the thread.

      I don't speak in rhetoric, and I am not defeatist. Things changes, societies evolve, or devolve, but nothing stays the same and nothing lasts forever except God Almighty himself.

      The west is shriveling, refusing to propagate itself. It is only natural that burgeoning populations would migrate to lands where the inhabitants are de-peopling themselves.

      That is not defeatist or sour; it is a fact-based observation.

    18. Actually, I don't see all that much complaint or fault-finding in this thread (apart from FT's own contributions, obviously!)

    19. I guess Bobby Burns' wry, oft-quoted observation really is true.

      I doubt if ANY of us sees hmself as others see him –– including myself, of course. };^)>

      Vifrtually all of us are blind and often delusional, though most would rather DIE than admit it.

      I've always believed there was such a thing as objective Reality, but it looks more and more as though each person who thinks at all (not many!) lives inside a carapace fashioned from the secretions supplied by his doubts, fears, pet peeves, and fondest wishes.

      ...Ah, love, let us be true 

      To one another! for the world, which seems 

      To lie before us like a land of dreams, 

      So various, so beautiful, so new, 

      Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, 

      Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; 

      And we are here as on a darkling plain 

      Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, 

      Where ignorant armies clash by night.

      ~ Matthew Arnold - Dover Beach (1867)

      As Thornton Wilder's Stage Manager observed in Our Town, "Only the saints and poets" have any real understanding of the world and how wonderful and beautiful it truly is.

    20. Jez,
      Oh, I dunno. I hand out my fair share of criticism -- particularly of government policy and dhimmitude.

      When does criticism and sounding the alarm tip over? Like beauty, that perception is in the eye of the beholder, IMO.

    21. FT,
      I doubt if ANY of us sees hmself as others see him –– including myself, of course.

      RS -- my mentor, God bless her -- specifically taught me how to see myself as others see me (1979-1996). I'm not sure how she taught me that, but she did indeed. This blessing from her has served me well. And I'm a redhead, too, with the temper to match.

      How often do I let my temper show here on the blogs? Rarely, but here, in this thread, you see one of my outbursts of temper.

    22. FT: "each person who thinks at all (not many!) lives inside a carapace fashioned from the secretions supplied by his doubts, fears, pet peeves, and fondest wishes."

      Surely his analytical powers have some contribution to make?

  4. "Who us ITALIANS? (Germany? France? England?) we can't say 'no' to migrants...!!! We'd look unkind, we'd look unloving, we can't look like that...the UN will condemn us!!! Better to lose our culture for our children than to deny nice people into our country!"

    Sound familiar?


  5. The Department of Health and Human Services hosted a tour for select journalists on Friday of a facility in El Cajon, California, where illegal alien children separated from their parents are being held.

    Video of the visit to the Southwest Key facility captures a scene far different from the cages being portrayed on social media and by some anti-Trump media outlets.

    1. Potemkin Village and you fell for it.

      Well Il Duce and his little weasel fascist advisor, Carter Page, seem ready to reverse this disgusting policy which seems to have failed to ignite all but the most hard line of the "base".

    2. Correction, his little weasel advisor, Stephen Miller.


      The unstated purpose of those who deride
      Is to maim decency then confound and divide.

      They always twist logic in the ugliest way
      To portray their critics as criminal prey

      Even when cornered they'll never comply
      But simply cry "Foul!" then loudly deny.

      Their obvious guilt in the War of Attrition
      They started then waged with ruthless ambition.

      Relentessness is their primary ploy
      In hopes of depriving the world of all joy.

      To say they are vile is a vast understatement
      Their quest to destroy will see no abatement.

      ~ Adiosa Tudalulu

  6. Replies
    1. reminds me of that fox pundit who had water thrown on her at a restaurant. The next step for the leftist rabble is violence, sure as night follows day. Where are the Auntie Faux fascists?

  7. If our government were smart, they would work out a deal with the Mexican government--bribe them--to work with us keeping people on the Mexican side of the border and allowing us quick transfer back to Mexico of people caught, if they indeed entered from Mexico.

    Europeans are essentially looking at similar deals with North African nations.

    If the Trump government were smart, it would also publish the list of US Consulates in Mexico and tell people to apply at one of those for asylum and they can wait safely in Mexico.


    1. What Mexican, or Nicaraguan, or whatever (except Guatemalan, things are HIDEOUS there) wouldn't rather stay in their own country? I've been wishing for years we'd take the money we spend here on school, healthcare, money sent back without taxing here, etc., and help Central Americans. Is it possible that their leadership would release the money?, is the question. But if we had observers there...? Why not? I agree........this is the best solution. And then have permits to work here for a year at a time, reviewed every year to see if that individual has committed serious crime (not parking tickets, etc.), and act on that.............!!

    2. Things are just swell in Honduras and Salvador?

      We "help" Central America by buying drugs, funding the war on drugs and overturning elected governments as Her Nibs did in Honduras.

      I don't understand why you believe America's hands are clean or why you believe we have been benevolent.

    3. Ducky has one point....end the “war on drugs” and neuter the cartels.

    4. Bada BING! Bada BOOM! Bada BING! Bada BOOM!
      Bada BING! Bada BOOM! Bada BING! Bada BOOM!

      Bada BING! Bada BOOM! Bada BING! Bada BOOM!
      Bada BING! Bada BOOM! Bada BING! Bada BOOM!




      ~ Ancient Cistercian Folk Song, freely translated

      JEEZE! I never knew the MOCKINGBIRD was really a DUCK before, did you?

    5. Duck,
      Your reaction to how we have helped Latin American makes me want to scream, "TO HELL WITH THEM ALL DOWN THERE!"

    6. I have no problem with decriminalizing personal drug use and possession. I have a big problem with people shouting about ending the war on drugs without defining their terms.

      So, we just allow tons of drugs to pour across the border?

      You don't think, with every drug being legal, militarized criminal cartels won't still be destroying each other and all in their path to move the now-legal product to eager, stupid Americans?

      Here in Cali-rado we legalized weed, and we are swarmed with potheads from all over doing everything from stinking up parks to illegally growing weed.

      Mexican drug gangs have moved in to muscle in on the legal grows, and illicit dealing is still rampant since some poor dump dope-heads can't afford the state-taxed stuff.

      Drug "legalization" like this by a progressive state with a tax stamp in not libertarian.

      It is the most powerful crime syndicate (the state) telling all other dealers to back off or they'll get blasted.

      I would love for AOW to give each of you a platform to explain how your "end the drug war" scheme would work.

    7. SF - That would be pretty cool....so long as a proponent of the current drug 'war' [or even more prohibition] would be able to have their say as well.

      Because what we've been doing.....ain't working.

    8. "Because what we've been doing.....ain't working."

      The same could be said for criminal law and policing. We have laws, we have police, but people still commit crimes.

      Interdict drugs coming into the US? I'm for it.

      Criminal penalties for dealers and cartels? Hell yeah

      We're not going far enough. We need to declare gangs in this country domestic terrorists and hunt them down and kill them accordingly.

      We also need to treat gangs at our southern border as the terror/military threat they are, cooperate with Mexico and government to the south to eradicate them.

      I understand all too well our fraught history with our neighbors, so there would be many hurdles--but on the other hand, they cooperate with us now to varying degrees.

      Drugs, poverty, criminal gangs, etc are all pieces of a whole, and we play a part in it all as well.

    9. We have laws, we have police, but people still commit crimes.

      True, but there's not quite the same corollary between drug penalization and most victim-producing crimes. We are also 'free' to rent our bodies to medical science [or quackery] and to imbibe mind altering substances that are backed by moneyed lobbies....but not others.

      Violent gangs should absolutely be designated domestic terrorists - and treated accordingly. But working to eliminate even some of their means of profit and drivers of violence......should be explored by rational Citizens.


      Yep. Why are we providing foreign aid to these countries in the first place?

    11. We don't spend much in foreign aid to Central America and the bulk of it goes to the police and military because they've done such a swell job containing the drug gangs.

      Plus, it's just money given to munitions manufacturers. No real difference than private citizens buying high end pop guns.

    12. ........and the bulk of it goes to the police and military because they've done such a swell job containing the drug gangs.

      Thank you for making my case.

    13. Pot doesn't come across the border much, because so many states here have legalized it. So what have the Mexican drug gangs done?

      $ Recoup monetary losses by gain total, brutal control of access to the US border from the Mexican side. Try to cross without paying them, you'll end up dead

      $ Switch over to meth, cocaine and opioids

      $ control illegal and legal grows here in the US to cut in on the legalized market

      Almost two decades of endless war has given us a lot of experience at following rat trails, using technology to make connections, identify people, etc. Time to bring the GWOT home and use it here in the North and Central America.

    14. Well, that's one technique. While I agree with your position on violent gangs.....I trust in the inherent natural right to do what we will with our own bodies. I won't be a party to visiting a 'war on terror' on our nation or it's Citizens. We've both seen what it can do.

  8. Spotted elsewhere on the web:

    In March of 1993, while Bill Clinton was President, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in Reno v Flores. in Flores the Court decided that minors could not be incarcerated with the adults accompanying them across the United States border illegally. The decision was the result of a long dispute in how to best care for these children while the adults were detained for criminal proceedings.

    The Flores case drew a line in the sand. Children could not be incarcerated with their parents or accompanying adult while being held for illegal immigration violations. And a subsequent 1997 agreement stipulated that children must be placed in a safer environment where they could enjoy certain privileges, including education, a clean, safe environment and other normal life cycle amenities that incarcerated individuals do not enjoy. It was considered a “victory” for human rights. By separating adult and child, we protected the children, reducing any harm done to them for their parent’s or accompanying adult’s decisions.

    A lot has happened since then. However; bottom line, these juvenile, shelters have been operating in accordance with the law, and overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services to protect those children from the hazards of parental incarceration since 1997. Trump and his administration had nothing to do with establishing this ‘Rule of Law’ which dates back to 1993 Today, he simply enforces it.

    Don’t be fooled by the hateful, lying Leftists and their obedient Media lap dogs.

    Accurate, or not?

    1. It is accurate. The President's order also directs Justice to try to overturn that ruling or get relief from it.

      Say what you will about President Trump, he is delivering the crushing reality of consequences. Congress passed the laws, he is enforcing them.

  9. News blast just now on my iPhone:

    "Trump signs executive order to stop family separations at border."

    Also in the news blast:

    "The measure would allow children to stay in detentiowith parents for an extended period of time."

  10. Kid,
    America will eventually go sharia. I'll be gone by then but it is damn sad to see.

    It is some consolation that I, too, shall be long gone (or medically unaware, which is the same thing as dead).

  11. ISLAM is a CANCER.

    Like any form of the dread disease it must be treated with AGGRESSIVE ATTACKS ––








Anyone who does not believe this is an IMBECILE.

CANCER cannot be dealt with DIPLOMATICALLY.


    The morons who do not believe this, and would self-righteously defend the indefensible sit IMMERSED, HAMSTRUNG, and DROWNING in MYRIAD bits of DATA, as always, instead of getting to the ROOT, DIGGING it OUT, and BURN ING it.


Any attempt to be "REASONABLE" about the dire THREAT ISLAM poses to DECENT PEOPLE everywhere in the WORLD is a complete WASTE of TIME and ENERGY.


When it is clearly a KILL or BE KILLED situation, only a FOOL would FAIL to mount as strong and vicious a COUNTERATTACK as may be mustered.


If the WEST is to SURVIVE, __ I-S-L-A-M __ M-U-S-T __ D-I-E.

    And the mush-brained APOLOGISTS for ISLAM must be OSTRACIZED and EXILED.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Why did you delete your comments, Z? I was looking forward to rereading them after I'd gained a bit more perspective.

    3. FT,
      What Z typed in there was a personal request and had nothing to do with the topic of this blog post. Z was merely trying to reach me in a hurry.

    4. Whatever happened to email? I thought that was the fastest most direct way to contact friends.

      I wasnt CRITICIZING, I was just curious. ;-)

  13. They, didn't listen to us, did they, Warren? ;-)

  14. Get a load of THIS about the photo that "went around the world":

    The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother, father says, WaPo 6/22/18/!

    And the propaganda war rages on.

    1. The above has been added as an update to the body of the blog post.

  15. In case you missed Rush's opening monologue yesterday, here it is. He's not exaggerating about the dangers being whipped up by the lunatic leftist media and politicians with their psychotic screeching and wailing about this FAKE issue of illegal alien children and "parents." In part, Rush says:

    "It’s a manufactured crisis — that is one of many — after Donald Trump committed an unpardonable sin — and that was winning the presidential election. This today is not about kids and the way they’re being treated anywhere. This is about Donald Trump winning and these people not being able to do anything about it. Look at everything they’ve thrown at Trump. They’ve had full-blown intelligence community FBI, CIA, DOJ, special counsel investigations all happening simultaneously designed to drive Donald Trump from office in six months. Failed."

  16. In a new Quinnipiac University Poll, 33% named Obama the worst president since World War II, and 28% put Bush at the bottom of post-war presidents.

    "Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.


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