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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Video: Obama On Religion

(with a hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance)

Introduction to the video below:
Does Obama speak about Islam differently than how he speaks on Christianity?

This is not about the truth or falsity of his claims. This is about whether or not the manner in which he speaks about these two subjects reveals an underlying set of feelings or beliefs or values on these two religions. Does he speak about Christianity differently than he does about Islam? If so, in what way?

More information HERE at the Vlad Tepes blog.


  1. Anyone who still wonders where is faith lies has buried his head in the sand. I recall back in 2009 when he was asked whether he exchanged gifts with his family at Christmas time, he said no. A Christian that does not share gifts with their children? Give me a break. Recall:

    President Obama and the First Family were planning a “non-religious
    Christmas,” according to Social Secretary Desiree Rogers. Ms. Rogers reportedly told a gathering of former social secretaries that the Obamas did not intend on putting the Nativity scene on display – a longtime East Room tradition.

    Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) tells People magazine in the issue out Friday that he and his wife, Michelle, do not give Christmas or birthday presents to their two young daughters.

    1. I'd never heard this stuff...how sad.
      I'm thinking the 'no birthday presents' is a foil for 'no Christmas presents'...makes sense if you just don't do presents in general.
      Heck, maybe they're Jehovah's Witnesses? :-)
      And no Nativity scene at the White House...well, that might offend people who come here to live OFF of America, not IN America.
      That's really sad. Seems like he always either wants to diss or insult approx. 80% of Americans.

      I'm wondering if he attends any churches which aren't what our media likes to call "historically Black churches". I think they went to the National Cathedral once, but the few times he attends a church, it's always a black church...which is absolutely FINE unless you're representing all of America. I think it'd be wonderful if he visited Christian churches of all Americans; Korean Protestants, German Lutheran, any Orthodox, etc etc...what a great message that would send, but.............nope.

      He sure does seem to get a sanctimonious kick of smacking strong believing Christians down; if we're talking "how's he sound?" that's pretty obvious.

  2. Part of this stems from the President having to use diplomatic speak when mentioning Islam, since many of it's adherents live in a 24/7 cauldron of hatred, superstition and persecution complex, even as that religion produces more death, violence, bombings, burnings, beheadings and wars than any other ideology on the planet.

    1. You go to a country like India with a lot of friction between the Muslim and Hindu population and it's pretty clear that you have to be diplomatic in your answer.

      As far as violence goes, we've held up our end in the middle east.

    2. I don't have the numbers, but I believe the multi-headed hydra of MARXISM has in the aggregate been responsible for more death –– well into the hundreds of millions –– than Islam, but the extreme barbarism of the most publicized forms of ritual torture-murder in Mohammedanism are more gruesomely savage than even the Death Camps, and mass slaughter by machine gun fire, hand grenade, napalm and even the atomic bomb.

    3. Aha! RIght On Time The Ardent Defender of the Indefensible rushes in yet again to splatter confusion, disinformation, pernicious fabrication and corruptive conjecture from the odious orifice that lies near the base of his tail feathers.

    4. Thumbs up to FreeThinke's comments!

  3. Does Obama speak about Islam differently than how he speaks on Christianity?

    Not as far as I can tell, unless the standard by which to measure is never criticizing the less than rosy aspects of Christianity. I hear the usual politically tendered platitudes about both faiths. A logical follow up question could be "do people hear Obama speaking differently about Islam than Christianity?"

    1. "Less than rosy aspects of Christianity"
      If we are going to posit that "radical" islamists are merely true to their base document (the Koran), let's inspect whether the "Less than rosy aspects" committed by "christians" follow THEIR base document.
      And they don't.
      That covers inquisitions and witch trials.
      As for the Crusades, different story. Morally defensible political acts of defense.

    2. Ed, you're correct...most Christians don't follow Levitical law...though they pine for one particular tenet. Obama's crusades remark was ridiculous, but bot really more so than much of the religiously inspired vitriolic rhetoric levied against him.

    3. Which particular tenet?
      Would "religiously inspired vitriolic rhetoric" mean derision of his pro-islam statements?
      I suspect you're referring to same-sex issues though. Just guessing.

    4. Good guess, but I was referring the panoply of rhetorical flourishes that have Obama heralding some diving judgement, fire and brimstone, cats and dogs sleeping together, etc, etc, etc.....

    5. "cats and dogs sleeping together", One of Bill's best lines.

  4. Never trust an atheist. Godlessness is ruthless heartlessness.

  5. Unfortunately, we will probably never know what Obama's religious beliefs are. He used Trinity United as a vehicle to accumulate power and discarded them without any difficulty. Obama may be Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim or Christian. We will probably never know thanks to is total lack of honesty...

  6. "Does Obama speak about Islam differently than how he speaks on Christianity?"

    Like any two-bit politician it probably depends upon the audience.

  7. Freedomnow: He worships at the altar of Obama. Obaminism also includes the tenets of all the "great religions", Taqiyya, abortion, idolatry.

    1. You forgot homosexuality.

      I'm curious, are you one who thinks that Catholics are guilty of idolatry?
      What about people who reject your dogma?

    2. Here's my "Dogma":
      All have sinned.
      Jesus died on the cross for all sins.
      Rejection of that gift is a rejection of God.
      Consequences follow. I'll leave that to God.
      I don't shove this down anyone's throat or hope to, since God doesn't.

      I don't think all Catholics are guilty of idolatry.
      I don't know all Catholics so some might be.
      I know many who follow the "dogma" I follow.

    3. Actually, Obama was against gay marriage before he became President and had to conform to his liberal base. Regardless, he has no convictions except the greed for power.

      But honestly, I dont know what to think of Obama on this issue. He could have been against gay marriage only because he wanted to appeal to his African American base, which he didnt need as much on a national level after becoming President.

      He can ditch any platform or group in a heartbeat if he can profit. Obama's total lack of conviction is the only thing you can count on... he's just a "typical" politician...

  8. Now while I did try and preserve the context of each speech, I likely didn’t. But that is not the issue.

    That's a quote from the source of the video.
    Context doesn't matter. Utter rubbish.

  9. I doubt Obama is religious. He's a very bright guy.


    1. And your proof of that brightness would be...what?

    2. You think it's ludicrous that I have an invisible friend?


    Instead of praying to our God
    They form a Circular Firing Squad.

    ~ An FT Original

  11. While I can't say exactly how Mr. Obama's tone would hold up if every single public reference to Christianity or islam were examined, it is quite easy to discern "a remarkable difference in tone and delivery" when you compare remarks he makes. I've noticed this for a long time, long before I saw this video - the unbalanced critical tone toward Christianity and the positive build-up of islam. He's smart enough to couch it in a lot of political blarney.

    How could anyone marinate in the hatred Jeremiah Wright spewed from his pulpit for 20 years and not acquire some kind of reflexive curdling at things Christian or American?

  12. I do not like seeing him. Even more, hearing his voice tainted with a liar's poison makes me want to puke. Even to me, it is clear his delivery and tone of voice differ when he talks about the two religions.

    1. P47koji,
      Hello! Good to see you here.

      His voice is indeed tainted with a liar's poison. I don't understand why so many people admire him. They admire him -- no matter what he says or does. Cultism, I suppose.

      As you pointed out, his delivery and tone of voice differ when he talks about the two religions. That is no accident!


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