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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Open Thread

So, what's on your mind?

A link to get this thread started: California Easter egg hunt for kids ruined when parents start pushing, cursing.

Here is your chance to opine within the parameters listed below:

We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective

Note: comments consisting of blog gossip will be deleted as soon as an administrator of this blog becomes aware of such comments.


  1. What came first, the chicken, the egg, or the ugly parents?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sometimes I worry for our country more about the way kids are being raised than I do terrorism. I'd not heard about this Easter egg hunt situation, but we all have heard about Little League games where fathers have to be removed for fighting, etc...where kids are believed over their teachers, etc etc.
    I once shared a story where many parents whose children were going to summer camp and asked not to bring cell phones packed TWO cell phones so the children, if caught for having ONE, would still have the other hidden one by which to contact their parents...God forbid they were left to their own (pardon the unintended pun) devices for a month or so. Parents are babying their kids so badly that we're raising wusses.....Considering how we're treating soldiers and law enforcement these days, nobody'd join up for either if they had a right mind; but the kids we're raising won't have the guts or stamina (to say nothing of patriotism) anyway, so....it works. Perfect match.
    Except not for America as we knew her...strong, good, effective.
    And yes, I know some cops are bad cops and some soldiers are bad soldiers...please, lefties, let's not negate what I said with more red herrings. thanks.

    1. Z,
      Great comment!

      Don't get me started on soccer games and Little League games! The behavior of the parents on the sidelines is often reprehensible.

      Parents are babying their kids so badly that we're raising wusses.

      Yes, many parents are doing just that. How are these kids ever going to survive in the real world?

      PS: One reason that my classes are so small is that I absolutely refuse to be intimidated in giving any student a higher grade than he merits.

  4. We're harvesting the fruit of an entitled generation. The next will be worse, and those of us who run against this grain will be the social outcasts....if not worse.

    1. CI,
      The other day, I mentioned this Easter-egg-hunt fiasco to a friend of mine. Her response: "Well, sometimes the parents get caught up in the heat of the moment." At a Easter egg hunt? Such an occasion is for the kids -- not the adults.

      But this friend of mine -- a conservative about age 50 -- really didn't get my point about the melee to which I linked in the body of today's blog post.

  5. Now the Associated Press is asking for Jindal emails.......Apparently, any Republican with even a scent emitted that they MIGHT be a White House contender is going to be under scrutiny like we've never seen before.
    Imagine what Hillary did deleting all those emails after having been asked for them by the senate, and having her own server, and denying access to personal emails, and the AP hasn't much cared....that's a dead story (again)...but they can request emails from a governor with impunity?
    And his denial will cause ALL SORTS of negative speculation aimed at keeping his name associated with negativity/secrets, etc. Apparently, privacy in America is OVER. Particularly for Republicans.

  6. I wonder what this Nation will look like when these mollycoddled kids are finally confronted with the debt and un-funded liabilities they will inherit? I just hope that I'm not around to see it.

    1. Jon,
      Will anarchy ensue? Totalitarianism?

      I'm so glad that I'm as old as I am!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. FT,
      I hope that somebody's reading your rhymes!

      Perhaps they read but don't comment.

    2. I do think there is 'wit' here on the blogospheres when it's called for, don't you? Who's dull and weary, FT!?
      Very good rhyme, very good sentiment, and oftentimes, you're right... it's the news that's DISMAL every single day...
      We can't allow the dreariness and we are witty! :-)

  8. Gawd, I hope AP doesn't want the emails between AOW and me. Worse yet, if our daily post-scratching meowing on the telly were made public. wink

    Long live bloviating opinions.


  9. I don't know what gets into parents at youth events.
    The kids aren't an issue. It's the parents who lose control.

    Little league incidents have actually been rare here but hockey got so bad that there were a couple of manslaughter cases and parents have been banned from several events.
    Just what the pathology is behind this, don't have an idea.

  10. If this is an "open" thread, then why the topic stipulation

    1. It wasn't a stipulation. The lady said "A link to get this thread started"

      What part of that don't you understand, moron. And why are you sucking good air from thinking peoples?


We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective