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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who is Abu Khattala?

by Sam Huntington

Khattala is a scab. He’s one of the bandits that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on the night of 11 September 2012. This was the night that Hillary Clinton’s red phone rang at 3 a.m. and she didn’t have one single notion about what to do —so she concocted a story about a video offensive to Moslems living under a rock since 632 A.D. Apparently, Madam Secretary was unaware that Moslems regard all videos as objectionable —including Disney’s animated film entitled Bambi.

In any case, unless you’ve been vacationing on another planet over the past month, you know that Barack Osama recently ordered the arrest of Khattala, who for the past two years has been hiding in plain sight at a juice bar one block over from Benghazi Star Bucks (where no one is allowed to enter with a concealed firearm). Osama’s order to “take him down” went out at about the same time the administration announced a program designed to reduce waiting times at VA Hospitals by killing off veterans. Extraordinarily, on that very same day, Lois Lerner’s computer hard drive crashed, along with the hard drives of six other IRS employees. (See endnotes). In the same hour that John Koskinen announced that he has no idea where all Lois Lerner’s emails are, the Osama Administration released to the press information concerning Khattala transfer to a US Navy vessel for return to New York City where Khattala will get a fair trail and a shower. Maybe also a haircut and a manicure.

What you did not hear in the recent press is that the other 19 Moslem murderers of Ambassador Stevens continue to live the life of luxury in Libya, unfettered by any moves by the Moslem Brotherhood in Chief to arrest them. Fox News’ Adam Housley recently reported:

“Despite President Obama's promise to stay focused on hunting down those responsible for the 2012 Benghazi attack -- and despite a recent arrest touted as a major takedown -- sources say little has been done to nab the other suspects.”

“According to multiple sources on the ground, including some with direct knowledge of the operations to identify and hunt the Benghazi suspects, intelligence that could have been acted upon at times has been ignored or put on hold. Further, they say, the recent capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala -- now on a ship bound for the U.S., expected to arrive this weekend -- was an easy one.”

Housley reported that US sources told him that US special operations assets have targeted four groups that targeted Stevens and the Benghazi consulate. These include Ansar al-Sharia and its leader, a jerk-off by the name of Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Oumu (See endnote). The New York Times tells us that Oumu was once a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (See endnote). Khattala was in the group headed by Oumu, but he was so low in the pecking order that his arrest elicited only ribald twitter jokes among the other 19 terrorists.

Housley also reported that others on the official Osama target list included members of Al Qaeda and Libyan militants. Personally, I don’t believe that for one minute. This is obviously another example of Fox News lying about stuff.

1. This is called reflexive sympathetic data collapse (RSDC) in the IT industry
2. Arabs adopt very long names for no other reason than to irritate western writers
3. Oumu’s release and transfer back to Libya was ordered by the Bush administration because at that time, the State Department had far too many ambassadors: our government needed to find a way to reduce their number.


  1. I think that this SOB should be put to death so that Obama could not use him as trading bait .

  2. There is so much smoke and mirrors engineered by the Obama administration and their minions that I can't keep up with all that's going on.

    Abu Khattala clearly did not act on his own. But now that gullible Americans see one of the 20 "brought to justice," they have moved on to other things -- like, you know, updating their apps.

  3. Apparently, Madam Secretary was unaware that Moslems regard all videos as objectionable ...

    Whatever else you think of "Bollywood", many of it's biggest stars are Muslim and Muslims are a big part of the audience in India.

    Iran has a thriving film industry and was central in the film industry during the 90's especially. I would recommend Kiarostami's A Taste of Cherry or The Wind Will Carry Us as something much more thoughtful than your average Hollywood comic book pulp.

    Also try the Egyptian cinema during the New Wave movements of the 60's. Try Chahine's Cairo Station.

    It's a small matter but it goes to your abject ignorance of the larger issue.

  4. I think that since you have been deleting comments made by Liberals, you have had a decrease in your amount of commenters

    1. .

      "I think that since you have been deleting comments made by Liberals, you have had a decrease in your amount of commenters"

      Not only amount, but quality, insight-fulness, and thoughtfulness too.

      Ema Nymton

    2. FT,
      Administrators of this blog don't remove every one of the comments that falls into those types.

      Sometimes certain comments are allowed to remain for particular reasons -- most often to illustrate the devolution of civil and thoughtful dialogue. ;^)

      Besides, we have lives other than virtual lives.

    3. ema, we've all had 'liberal thoughts' when we were children, We grew out of them decades ago and as a result see no value in revisiting that point in our lives. We can all write liberal all day long, but it's both boring and without value. Dig?

    4. Ema is right, of course. There is hardly anyone on the left who is more insightful than liberal man. I personally value everything he says, almost as much as a colonoscopy.

    5. Mustang,
      Or the prep for a colonoscopy.

  5. You are right, this was to deflect from the VA and other stories in the news. They could have captured him immediately after the Benghazi attack.

    Right Truth

  6. The comic bookish way conservatives see the universe will never cease to disappoint me.


    1. All the while they are being fed Behghazi, brown people, welfare cheats, IRS, fast a furious and Bergdahl crap, the 1% who have bought their Democracy have robbing us blind.

    2. They are the sycophants of the 1%. They admire wealth and power. Some of them now say Jesus widened the Eye of the Needle to fit giant donkeys with sacks of tons of gold - and concealed handguns!

      It's sad.


  7. Hmmmm! Looks like Pa Bergdahl or one of his younger brothers if you ask me.

  8. "Hillary Clinton’s red phone rang at 3 a.m. and she didn’t have one single notion about what to do"

    Could this lying pig actually become our next President?

  9. Ah, the world according to Fixed News. It must be a comfortable blanket. I'll bet it's black and white too!

  10. “According to multiple sources on the ground, including some with direct knowledge of the operations to identify and hunt the Benghazi suspects, intelligence that could have been acted upon at times has been ignored or put on hold. Further, they say, the recent capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala -- now on a ship bound for the U.S., expected to arrive this weekend -- was an easy one.”

    Let me guess, Lara Logan?

  11. Pure Poetry Sam. I love your humor. It's Dennis Miller-ish, Very intelligent, informed and cordial, especially for a subject that if libtards actually knew what you were talking about, would cause them to go postal on everything around them. (Like 3 yr olds ya know?. That your prose gets under the skin of libtards speaks volumes about the libtard lack of maturity and understanding of reality - to say the least

  12. "A soft answer turneth away wrath."


  13. “According to multiple sources on the ground, including some with direct knowledge of the operations to identify and hunt the Benghazi suspects, intelligence that could have been acted upon at times has been ignored or put on hold. Further, they say, the recent capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala -- now on a ship bound for the U.S., expected to arrive this weekend -- was an easy one.”

    An easy on, so hat's bad?
    I suppose Sam and kid, his cabana boy, would have preferred a hot snatch with numerous casualties.

    Lord forbid we wait, get credible intel and make an easy arrest.

  14. Mike,
    Obama yaps on and on.

    But he doesn't follow through even though he has sworn to bring the killers to justice.

  15. Isn't it interesting how democrats get a pass on everything?

    1. Many Americans now have their brains wired to "think" that way.


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