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Friday, July 4, 2014

Faces of the American Revolution

An history lesson for this Independence Day Weekend as we study the faces and stories of brave patriots whose names are typically unfamiliar to most Americans today.  For example:

Rev. Daniel Waldo was drafted in 1778 for a month of service in New London. After that, he enlisted for an additional eight months, and in March 1779 was taken prisoner by the British at Horseneck. After he was released, he returned to his home in Windham and took up work on his farm again.
See the entire slide show HERE.


  1. Where's Waldo, indeed.

    According to this page, the average lifespan in 1776 was 35 years. This man's lifespan was 300% of this.

    1. There have always been a small percentage of individuals who've lived very long lives in every society in recorded history. We put too much stock in modern medicine, and too little in good genes and good fortune. Please don't forget that John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin lived into great old age and remained active, as far as I know to the very end of their lives. Antonio Stradivari, the renowned maker of violins, in seventeenth century Italy lived into his 89th year. Both of my grandfathers, who were born shortly after the Civil War,led humble lives with no spectacular advantages each lived to age ninety.

      Oddly enough, many of my relatives and their friends, all born and raised before the advent even of penicillin, lived well into their nineties and beyond. All eight of my maternal grandmother's children were born at home an delivered with the help of a midwife.

      Members of the younger generation, despite all the supposed advances and advantages, have not fared nearly so well.

      Attitude and Genetics seem to be the determining factors.

  2. Our very right to Free Speech is under attack. Conservative’s are now facing threats against themselves, and their livelihoods merely because they've funded organizations and groups that the radical liberals are opposed to.

    It's very scary. To think there are that many Obama idiots out there who would sign away their right to free speech is pretty unsettling.

    1. Yes, but what precisely does that have to do with the remarkable Mr. Waldo, and those other unsung heroes of our Revolution?

    2. Free: I suppose the answer to your question lies in the riddle of the presence of the unexpected possessive Conservative's (instead of the expected plural version) in Truthseeker's nugget of wisdom. I can't figure this out, It must be above my pay grade.

  3. So many have so much to thank for so few.

  4. I had never heard of him and I'm glad that I have been enlightened by yet another wonderful patriot.

  5. Quite honestly, when I look back at the "dark days" of Bush being President, between 2003 and 2006, I am a little embarrassed by how I acted.

    I had all kinds of books on him, and how rotten he was. I ate them up like candy. I knew all the dirt on the man and went to Left wing sites to amp up my outrage.

    In 2007 I started to come to a sober realization, this was a fundamentally decent man who just happened to disagree with me politically. He had some rotten advisors, to be sure, but he was a very nice and funny fellow.

    So when Barack Husein Obama became President I sort of understood what a lot of folks on the Right were going through back then and I sympathized. I was that way, albeit not to this extreme that I see. But to tell you the truth, once he is gone I hope that we will never see an American president as bad as he is ever again. America has not been a pleasant place to be in since he became President.!

    1. "I had all kinds of books on him, and how rotten he was. I ate them up like candy. I knew all the dirt on the man and went to Left wing sites to amp up my outrage."

      I'm reminded of the "dissident" Michael Moore, who made a lot of money during the Bush yeas producing such books and movies. Apparently the real Bush wasn't so bad, because Moore had to resort to making stuff up about Bush in his works. Moore rode this to multi-millionnaire elite status.

      That is how dissidents suffered under the reign of the supposed dictator George W. Bush.

      Michael Moore... imprisoned in the gulag of "The Top 1%" membership status, and having to suffer the hardships of his Siberia of living in lakeside mansions.

  6. Dreamy: "Quite honestly, when I look back at the "dark days" of Bush being President"

    Dark days with much lower unemployment, and a much larger work force. A national debt almost half the size (with much lower annual deficits)...

  7. I find the lack of libs here unsurprising. They're not doubt scrambling to see if he ever put his dog on the roof of his horse.

  8. History will not be kind to GWB. Rightly so.

    1. Mae Hemme said

      If Dubya was the frying pan, Obama is the fire.

      Dubya's reign was like a tightrope walk over a bottomless pit. Obama is that pit.

      If Dubya was an anus, Obama is the product that emanated from it.

      If Dubya was forest fire, Obama is a nuclear holocaust.

    2. By the way, Happy Birthday, President Bush,

    3. Don't be an idiot Rational Nation USA, you really sound like one! Obama is a POS from the start, as are the sheeple who voted for him both times, shame on you. He's trying his damnest to destroy the country
      In MY opinion there isn’t any comparison between Bush and Obama, first of all George Bush LOVED this country and I can not honestly say that about Barack Obama OR his wife either. First of all if Obama had any character he would support and uphold the Constitution like a true American should. Then he should step down from the Presidency and admit he is nothing but a phoney poser.
      I have no respect for tat man or his wife at all!!! Say what you want to bit for one Obama is not even American!!! He should never been in office!!! Too me that is enough too be said!!! People can demand respect for the office all they want, but they wont get it!!! I respect our military but does he!!! Respect is a 2 way street he shows 0 for our country so why should we do the same!!! Anyone that actually likes this man as their president is ludicrous! Andwhen you elect a Muslim sympathizer to the Presidency You should expect a Muslim philosophy in the administration, and that’s exactly what we have. .
      I am strictly Conservative because being a Liberal or Democrat and especially a Progressive is just retarded! If you are to be the president then abiding by our Constitution is necessary! Obama is a liar, a hypocrite or a treasonous snake!
      God bless the United States and God bless Conservatism!

    4. Idiots deny the truth and the obvious. Apprently your deep seated hatred for Obama has caused you to do both. A pity really.

    5. Kenosha said: "In MY opinion there isn’t any comparison between Bush and Obama, first of all George Bush LOVED this country and I can not honestly say that about Barack Obama OR his wife either"

      There is objective evidence of this, in Michelle's awful statement that she was never proud to become an American until her husband ran for President.

      Yeah, I guess America sucks unless your husband is the most powerful man on the planet.

      Racists on the left defend this statement, giving her a free pass on it, due to her skin color.

  9. Imagine if the Brits had won. If it wasn't for other world powers intervening, we may have lost the revolution, and today we'd be something quite different. We'd be CANADA!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    Come to think of it.... hmmm...


    1. LMAO...... Jersey McJones is a perfect example of a Retarded Hypocritical-Loon

    2. It wouldn't have mattered either way, Jersey. It's the same with the Civil War. ALL our efforts to win worthy objectives through violence always have been and always will be doomed. Even our triumph over the evil that was The Axis Powers was short-lived and led, -- because of FDR's blind adoration of and unholy alliance with Uncle Joe Stalin -- immediately to the Cold War, and the travesty that was Nuremberg and the subsequent adoption of the UN Charter.

      Our accursed Human Nature makes it inevitable that we will forever mock, scorn, avoid or wage war against the very things that would be best for us.

      ... And we are here as on a darkling plain
      Swept by confused alarums of struggle and flight
      Where ignorant armies clash by night.

      ~ Matthew Arnold , Dover Beach

      Nineteenth-century British poet Matthew Arnold evoked a terrible sense of pathos in his brooding, elegiac masterpiece written before the turn of the last century. The poets have always seemed best equipped to understand human nature and often have a gift of prophecy rarely given to more eartyhy, merely practical men and women.

      As we should have learned in the terrible tragedy that was the twentieth century, the villains just get bigger and more powerful, the conflicts larger and more deadly.

      Rare men of vision, passion, faith and great courage spend their lives trying to prove that life is worth living through their production of Art, Music, Literature, Drama, Poetry, great feats of Engineering, advances in Medicine, Science and Technology, BUT in the main Mankind is cursed with a very powerful Death Wish, and that is why the stupidest, most dishonest, most cynical, most depressing, most discouraging, most corrupt, most vicious, and most destructive impulses never fail to predominate.

      Mankind as a whole, HATES Truth, Love, Principle and Intelligence.

      What we see every day here in the blogosphere alone proves that conclusively. The hideous facts of history confirm it undeniably.

      "... And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
      The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
      Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
      Who struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
      And then is heard no more. It is a tale
      Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
      Signifying nothing."

      ~ Macbeth

    3. You're right, of course, FT, though I hate to admit it. You do have a knack for phrasing the most dreadful thoughts so well it's a pleasure to read them, despite th discouraging tone. I guess Truth is still beautiful, even when it's disturbing. What else could it be?

      -----------------> Katharne Heartburn

  10. K. Marge,

    "People can demand respect for the office all they want, but they wont get it!!!"

    Well now, think about that. I submit that >50% of the electorate have no respect for the "office", whatsoever. Otherwise he would never have been there to begin with.

  11. Stupid is as Stupid Does
    Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists .. And these unfortunate people wonder why they're perceived as not too bright? This "protest" they're engaging in does no harm to President Obama whatsoever nor the environmental "libtards" they love to hate.
    People who ride around with their trucks belching noxious fumes in the air for their families and neighbors to breath in and who those actions hurt environmentalists who live in states that respect laws that protect and promote clean-air policies are, by anyone's definition, STUPID.
    The spiteful spewing of noxious fumes will, in fact, affect their babies, children, the elderly and others who have breathing problems. That'll show Obama!

    Their way of protesting? Hurting themselves, while acting like demented fools.

    Shaw Kenawe

  12. The cost of destructive policies enacted due to non-existent man-made global warming, "climate change" is much worse than any damage this protest would do.

    Still, there are better ways to protest Obama's regime than this. I urge them all to drive these cars to gun shows and buy as many guns as possible... before the Dems implement their planned confiscation *cough* background checks. And then go home, park their cars, and get on the phone and tell all their friends to refuse to enroll in Obamacare... and help it collapse.

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  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Jason said: "Last week I (Shaw Kenawe ) "

    Though Shaw lacks integrity by supporting bloggers impersonating others, I still oppose this with anyone, even her. When someone who is not Shaw starts out saying they are Shaw, I know it is bullpucky.

    1. Dmarks,
      I don't babysit my blog, but often remove irrelevant commenters made by obvious imposters, most of whom are trolls.

      A few sock puppets don't really matter to me.

    2. Addendum:

      I often do not remove words that other blogs have posted -- even if an imposter posted those words. After all, blogs are published in a public forum.

  18. This one was practically spamming :)

    1. Indeed.

      I removed them a few minutes ago. Refresh the page.

  19. I also saw that post, and playing the Devil's Advocate, that clearly was not an impersonation, the poster clearly stated his name and was coping another post most likely written by Shaw over at her own blog..

    That's the way I saw it and read it.

  20. I looked for such a post there, and could not find it. It was clearly an impersonation. There are several Shaw-impersonators. Usually their monikers are closer to Shaw's though.

  21. The person used his OWN screen name, and a avatar of himself so how can that be interpreted as an impersonator?

    Clue me in, am I missing something?

    1. A. Reader,
      I understand what you're saying.

      But, frankly, I'm uninterested in blog gossip. I really do not care what is posted at certain blog sites, many of which I used to frequent and post comments to -- only to be disregarded. lampooned, insulted, etc. Never mind what evidence I produced.

      The principle of cognitive bias applies.

      The principle of cognitive dissonance also comes into play as follows:

      Ignore/Deny any information that conflicts with existing beliefs.

  22. We are missing the spamming faker, now.

  23. OK, I agree, July 6th DOES have the name Shaw Kenawe but the one in question today did not. It had the persons own name.... I read it..

  24. It's hardly the end of the world. If it is really important, the deleted person will re post it, without saying "I Shaw Kenawe" and with some proper attribution and links.

    Though it is clear that this person has a grudge, axe to grind against Shaw, and nothing to do with this post itself.

    1. Dmarks,
      You mentioned: nothing to do with this post itself.

      I don't mind a few tangents, but hijacking a thread is a different matter entirely.

    2. I'm sure the fake Shaw's will be back.

  25. By the way, I checked out the person in Question's (" Shaw Kenawe") blog, and I found that those things that were posted here DOES indeed exist there.

  26. A Conservative Vermont VetJuly 7, 2014 at 10:18:00 AM CDT

    As found on another blog. And so very true.
    The liberal policy is to not help the communities but to blame someone else and create bitterness. That is the democrat policy. They don't want to lift people up and inspire them, they want them to remain right where they are so an can continue their politics of divisiveness and phony wars on women,blacks and Hispanics.”

    If you live here in America, this certainly shouldn’t surprise you.

    Slavery existed in just about every part of the world and many societies , but it’s only here in America where after so many years and so many generation we still find the Blacks bitching and Moaning about being the descendant’s of slaves! Some of these people don’t even know who their Farther’s are let alone know who their ancestors were.
    The oppression of Black people is long gone, and but a memory. But the entitlement crowd won’t let it go. Why? Because if there is ANY Case for Reparations, the Blacks they will be the first in line to grab it.

    Anyway, I an sick and tired of the constant divisiveness, and I thought it was coming to an end, but then came Barack Hussein Obama.... and so it continues. “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of being an American” Sound familia?

  27. AOW, I've not been here much for a while. Is your blog now infested with nameless, generic spammers who pretty much machine-gun the same sort of thing into every post, regardless of the topic?

    As in, post a great pumpkin pie recipe, and soon about 6 or 7 interchangable comment-spammers show up and cut and paste the same stuff about Obama?

    1. Dmarks,

      I often delete those comments, but I refuse to be a slave to such rants nor to what appears to be the promotion of blog feuds.

  28. dmarks, Get a Grip. This is not a Trial, we don't need to get so damn technical.

    1. Maybe demarks should Moon-Light as a fill in for Colombo....LMAO

    2. It's not a trial. If it were, these frauds would be convicted.

      It appears they were. They act guilty by coming back under "Anonymous" when busted under their fake names.

  29. There STILL are some Blogger who are STILL BLAMING BUSH” Why Are We Not Surprised?

    1. Spamming machine drone #576 says: "There STILL are some Blogger who are STILL BLAMING BUSH” Why Are We Not Surprised?"

      I thank you for your pithy and relevant comment which added to the discussion honoring the faceless heroes of the American Revolution.

  30. These are the same Progressives Dolts, (Dolt= A mental retard who is clueless not only about current events, but also has the IQ level of a rock) .who will delete your comments if it don’t suit their agenda. Why Are We Not Surprised?

    Some Progressive bloggers certainly do have Obama’s back, right or wrong, their love for Obama does not waver.

    1. Spamming Machine #577 said a lot of stuff about rocks, agendas, and Obama.

      I am sure that all of these related to the American Revolution. There's no way a mindless spamming machine would post a comment without even considering the post it is under, right? Never happens..

    2. Shaw Kenawe, The brainwashed Queen of anti-American Marxist’s Progressive’s Socialist’s, Fascist’s, and Communist’s, Beehive said...

      Of course the south has many nice tourist spots and vacation getaways, and good food, but who would want to live there?
      There is no lack of insults when it came to labeling Massachusetts as "Assachusetts" and "Taxachusetts," and maligning my particular liberal state, but say something critical about the south and everyone gets touchy.

      And yet my liberal Massachusetts consistently comes out on top where quality of life policies and services matter. It is the best educated state, the state with the lowest out-of-wedlock births, the lowest number of divorces, the first state to recognize marriage equality, the state with the lowest number of uninsured citizens, among many other pluses. It also has its share of problems, and I recognize that.

      The point of this post and a previous one from last week is this:

      If conservative/libertarian policies are so good for the country, why, then, are the states that are run by conservative governors and/or legislatures consistently among the poorest, least educated, and lowest on the quality of life index?

      And liberal states like Massachusetts do very well to fairly well on these indices.
      Another interesting fact is that the U.S. county that has the highest use of food stamps is both Republican and white.

      West Virginia, which is among the poorest of the poor states has only 3-4% African-American population.

      PS..There is little in this world I truly hate. But I honestly hate Conservatives. If they all dropped dead tomorrow, I would shed a single tear.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. demarks said ", I am sure that all of these related to the American Revolution. There's no way a mindless spamming machine would post a comment without even considering the post it is under, right? Never happens."

    .Maybe, but You Did, & I Did!

    And pardon my stupidity, but what is "Spamming Machine #577"?


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