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Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Steak Knife and the Cupcake

I don’t know what John Kerry was thinking when he gave Sergei Lavrov a sack of potatoes recently, but I have a pretty good idea what Lavrov was thinking when he gave John Kerry a pink hat.

What an embarrassment this administration is ...


  1. **snicker** Except for that last line in this blog post, of course.


  2. If you think Marxism/socialism works so well, why did the USSR collapse? What happened to Greece? But our Big Brave Secretary of State John “I was in Vietnam” Kerry condemns Russia's act of aggression and is going to impose even “MORE” sanctions! Sorry John but we have no moral authority to say a thing on this one, besides, you can impose all the sanctions you want to, it’s not going to mean a thing to Putin! . Look what we've been doing around the world for years and years, and I’ve yest to see any sanctions work anywhere. In fact these Russians are laughing and mocking you and Barry and your sanctions. In fact they are ridiculing the Community Organizer in Chief!
    Comrade Obama and his administration are way out of their league when dealing with Putin.. The Russian’s are laughing their butts off.
    That's the way Johnny boy, you and Barry, will really show them. They'll probably pul lright out of Crimea tonight after that threat.

  3. Replies
    1. AoW? I think you entered the wrong link...

      Did you mean this? http://astuteblogger.blogspot.com/2014/03/whats-need-is-not-specific-move-on.html

    2. Wildstar,
      Duh! I don't know what I was thinking! I guess that I was in a hurry to get out the door to work.

    3. Thanks for that link. I left this comment at that site:

      I think it was House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) who said something like: Putin is playing Chess, Obama is playing checkers. Or maybe it was marbles.

      Obama can't help himself. he was raised in that "blame America first" school of the left that just cannot accept our unique role in maintaining global peace and security.

      When Putin said that the U.S. ran foreign policy at the point of a gun and bragged about our exceptionalism (as if that's a bad thing) it's exactly the kind of stuff I could hear Obama saying when Bush was President.

  4. This is what we get when we elect an untested, unserious lightweight rockstar who believes his own hype and BS.

    Add in that he's surrounded himself with clueless amateurs, and we have the makings of a disaster.

    1. Amen to that, and thank you for a great analysis

  5. The saddest aspect of all this is how few "pundits" (LMAO) like Mitt Romney are asking what is best for Ukraine.
    The country is on of a long line from Greece to Turkey to Thailand plundered by banks and oligarchs and the country is in deep trouble.

    So in comes the EU and makes noises about defense agreements embedded in some austerity proposals and Putin reacts predictably.
    Putin is not going to allow it and having been a critical part of the largest killing field the world has ever seen in WW II, the Ukrainians aren't supporting it either. Certainly not Eastern Ukraine.

    So throw in a big dose of ethnic strife agitated by the failed economy and off we go. The government is overthrown in favor of ... not clear. What do you think Woodster, does this give Svoboda a chance to play a critical role in the government? Wait till Romney catches their act.

    Is Ukraine better off ceding Crimea? The region has never been completely committed to Ukraine and their role in trying to form a reform government would likely just cause serious friction.

    So other than exercising the Huntington Doctrine and trying to send a carrier group through the Bosporus I wonder what was to be done here.

    Again, can we answer in terms of what is best for Ukraine or are we only interested in empty displays of useless power? At least useless from the point of view of average people.

    Of course Fred Baron thinks all would be well if Auntie Condo were in the saddle and we managed another Iraq.

    1. Ducky's Here:
      You're quite the wag, aren't you?

      Sure, let's let the Russian banksters and oligarchs have their turn at looting Ukraine. It's only fair.

    2. They already looted it. You been asleep like the rest of the fringe right?

    3. ...oh and don't forget that London is taking a huge portion of the swag. Don't be a fool and believe the West is innocent in this despoiling.

    4. Duck

      As far empty displays of useless power, we have lead from behind in charge of that.
      We should just seal our borders and quit trying to make the world in our likeness. Of course our likeness is changing more to their likeness every day we have the worthless wonder in office.

    5. I wonder what Putin would think if he woke up tomorrow and there were 100 stealth drones circling the Kremlin...

    6. A bit late to the party. I'm with Ducky on this issue. I was born and raised in east Ukraine, btw. Jewish. It was always a heavily Russian-leaning area. Galicia, on the other hand, was long a Nazi hotbed.
      East Ukraine is economically tied to Russia.
      Ukraine's failings are homegrown. It's one of those failed states that could had been a wealthy country, which is what they were all hoping for in the 90s.
      The United States and Europe will not endlessly prop up a failed state, and didn't have to recognize a government that seized power through a revolution that half the country didn't support.
      We will not go that far east in Europe because we lack the resources, but Russia will, although it barely has the resources for that, too. Let them.
      Sitting on the Edge of the Sandbox, Biting My Tongue

  6. First of all, they stole my CRIMEA RIVER title from yesterday, or the day before :-) HA! (I know, I probably wasn't the first :)

    Second, I wonder how many countries were more assured of protection when Republicans were in charge? At this point, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic....they're all giving signs that they're very worried. Must be very weird not to have the US stalwartly by your side. Not that I'm hot on our going to war, that is FOR SURE (yes, libs, there ARE perfectly acceptable gray areas, one needn't be called a war monger for even discussion it :-)........
    I know Israel's feeling nervous without our protection as well.
    The new America where the world knows we've driven ourselves into bankruptcy through goodies the Dems have promised (yes, I know, Libs..not ONLY that), and it knows our military's being weakened in sheer numbers... and our talks are going nowhere, and Obama's "flexible," (sure not positive what that meant, huh?)...
    what now? Who knows? Let the EU decide; they have to be good for SOMETHING, and they'll be HORRIBLY hit when there's big trouble because, don't forget, the morons decided they don't need passports between EU countries! WHAT a mess.

  7. Unfortunately, it's been building for years. You project peace through mighty power, and that includes choosing one's fights very carefully. There exist nation-states whose mindset includes "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine unless you possess the power to stop me."

    Just like criminals. Imagine that.


  8. So, Mr. Ducky, what is your solution? Revert back to the old Soviet Union, where everyone was equal? (LMAO)

  9. "Hello George?" "Yes?" "George Bush?" "Yes?" "It's Barak." "Howdy" "George, what did you do when Putin invaded Georgia?" "...erm...nothing"

    1. Liberalmann,
      GWB imposed sanctions; Obama lifted them shortly after taking officein 2009. What kind of signal did that give to Putin?

    2. Right. 'Slam.' Except it's not true. Where do you get your information? Newsbusters? Lol!

    3. Nice try...

      Fmr. Bush national security adviser: We should have sanctioned Russia after Georgia invasion


    4. Hey, Lester Dimwit, the context was economic sanctions. Bush sent arms, Russia retreated back to two regions on the fringes, and Bush also kept in place military armament sanctions, which Obama lifted in 2010. Try again, dingus.

    5. Nope, sorry. You're wrong. Bush let it happen.

    6. Since Obama lifted GWB's military armament sanctions, Putin has made had: he has strengthened Russia's military might. Might Putin have done so anyway? Perhaps. But certainly some 4 years of "go ahead" has worked to Russia's advantage. Russia today is certainly much stronger than "the motherland" has been in decades.

    7. Poor Lester, standing there in his short pants crying over a melted ice cream cone.

      You won't embarrass yourself quite so badly if you do some research. The people who feed you this ridiculous propaganda should be ashamed of themselves.

      Georgia and Ukraine have some similarities, but there are also some stark difference, including how the crises were precipitated.

      But keep it up, Lester, your entertaining. Watching you try to go up against AOW's intellect is like watching a 98 pound weakling try to take on Mike Tyson.

    8. Thank you, Silverfiddle.

      Are you saying that I'm like this. **grin**

    9. Oh, my.

      I don't know you well enough to comment. Suffice it to say I think you're an intellectual heavyweight, and I love seeing you slap Lester around!

    10. Mr. AOW says that I can be like "Joan Crawford" in that video.
      I rarely lose my temper, however. I'm not sure that "Joan" had lost her temper; she knew how to go for dramatic effect.

    11. On second thought, I must say that I do get a bit impatient if I lay out the facts and no learning is even attempted.

  10. Does Liberalmann ever do his home work?

    1. Homework is constant against the ridiculous lies from tebaggers.

    2. Apparently, the answer is 'NO'


    Putin took the opening that Obama created for him.

    At best, Obama created it as a naive act of goodwill. (In 2009, Obama canceled the tougher course Bush had put in place as a result of Putin's take-over of Ossetia and Abkhazia.)...

    A bit more at the above link.

    1. The problem isn't who the president doofus. The problem is the logic that who the President is has ANY IMPACT WHATSOEVER on what Putin is doing.

    2. Spam comment from a faithful Democrat Party stooge.

  12. Gah:

    [Obama has] charged that Vladimir Putin “acted out of weakness when he sent troops into Crimea...

    You can't make this stuff up!

  13. World to Liberalmann,!.............. George Bush isn't President anymore!

    And lets not forget Bill Clinton ignoring Al Qaeda and pulling out of Mogadishu because he didn't have the political stomach for either - which was the dog whistle signal for our enemies to go on the offensive and eventually lead to 9/11.

    1. Rottweiler,
      Liberalmann isn't reachable. He's drowned in the Kool Aid.

  14. The People's Cube had a new album of Obama's Greatest Hits:


    "Crimea River" is number one.


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