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Monday, November 18, 2013

Mind-Boggling Stupidity

Proof positive from this November 16, 2013 article in the Washington Post:
...[A former Democratic Party Chairperson has stated that] she thinks HealthCare.gov will be functioning well by the Nov. 30 deadline because that’s what the president said....
This statement was apparently made after Obama's announcement last Thursday, November 14, 2013.  The words denial of reality don't begin to cover this absurd statement.

Read the article for more details.

This information was released on November 15, 2013:
The team doing 24/7 repair work on HealthCare.gov has its priorities set.

About 50 of them.

Jeff Zients, the Obama administration’s point man in the repair mission, joined the daily update for reporters Friday and said there is a top priority punch list – with “50 priority fixes as we enter this week.”

And that doesn’t count the lower priority fixes in what Zients called an “iterative process.”...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi babbling yesterday on Meet the Press:

Leadership in America today:
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17-28)


  1. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is no Christianity. Without Barack Hussain Obama, there would be no The Messiah!
    Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the law of our God, You people of Gomorrah: "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?" says the Lord. "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats.
    Since there’s been no rebuttal to an Obama presented as Jesus Christ, some of us assume that the new mantra for the next four years must be making way for the Messiah.

    This means that those in the blogosphere should stop calling Michelle Obama, Moochelle’ and re-christen her ‘Mrs. Messiah

    The world cannot miss the change that is taking place not just in America, but throughout the word reaching into all nations. This is much more than a change in the United States political system. This is a spiritual change taking place. God is doing something through his people. You Barack Obama are God's choice for this time to change the world from the New World Order of creating an elite society where only the elite are allowed to prosper. Barack don't think of your self as some great man because this is not going to be done through you Barack Obama but will be done by the Lord and his Holy Spirit working through you as his vessels on earth.

    George W. Bush Is OUT! FINALLY! President Obama Will Make History!
    After eight years of the most corrupt government in U.S. History, George W. Bush and his criminal regime is gone.
    President Obama offers us new hope that some of the injustices perpetrated by the Bush criminal syndicate can be redressed under his tenure as President.

    Barack Obama deserves the chance to make this country a better place for all Americans; not just the wealthy elite who've enjoyed these benefits all along.

    1. WOW ... are really watching the same events?

    2. PHEW! I detect the odor of freshly made pasture pies wafting from your posterior, Lulu.

  2. The interesting thing about the DC Madam is that she has absolutely no shame about her part in this fiasco; none. I'm pretty sure that if you look up the word despicable, you'll find a picture of Nancy Pelosi.

  3. I'm speechless every time I hear that woman babble...

  4. Good old Nan had a bit more work done, don't you say? Every year a new face.

  5. Give it up, Nancy! ADMIT that you lied.

    1. She doesn't know how to do anything ELSE, Thersites. To Madam Pelosi -- ands all her wretched kind -- what-we-call "lying" is merely a justifiable set of means needed to accomplish a noble end.

      As we all should known long ago, Marxian-Socialist-Fabian-Liberal-Progressive-Statist-Coercionists are ALL would-be DICTATORS, because in their sick minds only THEY know what is right and good for everybody, and it is THEIR sacred mission to ENSLAVE us to THEIR WILL in order to SAVE US from OURSELVES.

      To achieve this glorious, oh-so noble purpose they are ready, willing, able and EAGER to lie, cheat, steal and KILL -- in the hundreds of millions, if they deem it necessary.

      The left always has been and always will be completely unhinged -- disconnected from Reality -- so madly in love with their delusive visions they willingly commit SUICIDE in order to achieve their goal of EQUALITY and FAIRNESS for ALL -- even if it mens we are all equally poor, equally wretched, and equally DEAD.

    2. Zizek has often noted that:

      "Religious ideologists usually claim that, true or not, religion makes some otherwise bad people to do some good things. From today's experience, however, one should rather stick to Steven Weinberg's claim: while, without religion, good people would have been doing good things and bad people bad things, only religion can make good people do bad things."

      Zizek has never met Nancy Pelosi. For what he says is true of ALL ideologies, and not just "religious" ones.

  6. That’s it, I’ve had it, I am no longer affiliated with the Republican party. It has become increasingly difficult to support or defend a Party who fails to represent my fiscal & social concerns. Over the past several years, this party has chosen to walk a line of 'moderation' rather than stand for fiscal responsibility & social decency. It has proven itself, over time, to be the party of luke-warm status quo instead of goal directed passion.
    I can no longer stand it when i see my party concede to a bunch of Communist wacky Progressive fools, Fools who hate this wonderful country.
    When they elect and then re-elect a president so anti America that I can’t even stand to look at him or his vicious, and angry wife. A President who would rather take the advice of a Russian Pig like Putin than his own advisers.
    A president who makes promises about ending the war and then expands the wars in Afghanistan and had spent more in his first term than Bush Jr. did in his 2 terms. And to add to that comes to the brink of 3 more wars in Egypt, Lybia, and in Syria. Lying to the public, one lie after another lie. And STILL his supporters go bunkers over him as if he was indeed obama the messiah! The shame of him Bowing to Kings and groveling, grieving apologies for America all over the world. Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave. Sure Ronald Reagan had to eat crow over the Iran-Contra affair. But there has never, ever, been a more pitiful appearance of an American President than the one conducted last week by President Obama on a late night TV Talk show! . For 5 years now he has bee crowing and complaining, and bitching, and blaming how he inherited problems, totally refusing to take any responsibility on his own..
    Even Bill Clinton would not have had to apologize for anything except maybe for marrying Hillary..
    You see, friends, our nation has been in the jaws of a ravenous Socialist beast for some time, & my republican party has failed to rise courageous against it. While my nation is being eaten alive by the left, my republican friends have wrung their hands, gnashed their teeth & done essentially nothing. Our nation is desperate for someone with pluck & prowess to stand up to the leftist Kill Machine, a pervasive leftist media & tepid public opinion. Republicans have failed to summon such courage, to make use of available strategic machinery, & to truly engage in battle. It is a battle to the death, see? Yet they still don’t get it: appeasement will never placate that Aggressor's appetite.
    In their never-say-die efforts to defeat Obamacare, Tea Party Republicans brought the federal government a giant step closer to gaining my respect and then made a 190 degree turn and blew it.
    I’m tired of trying to hold them accountable, as ‘one of them.’ My heart is weary of hoping they'll get it right, then having hopes dashed, time and again. Therefore, I am detaching myself for my own good, & probably for theirs. And there’s freedom in my decision. At least now, I can cease gritting my teeth over egregious policy errors. I'm no longer vulnerable to being disappointed over the flaccid efforts of those I supported with my cash & my votes. It’s a relief, frankly. And now, I’m free to just be American -- for as long as it lasts. Until my party can grow a set and wake up and smell the coffee

  7. Everything is going according to plan, America. If you don't like it, then you had better decide to do something about it! It won't fix itself!

  8. Holy Moly ... the sheeples are in office now too.


  9. Well, the statement above "I'd like to help you but I just can't fix stupid" sums it up. Unless and until people (sheeple) wake-up to the fact that we are on a socialistic path to Hell, things will not change. Detaching ourselves from reality will not help our party to "grow a set"! I agree with my friends that "in theory" we probably need a 3rd party but I also fear that things will need to get a lot worse in order for such to gain enough support to be effective. If and when people wake-up to the absurdity of socialism I pray it won't be too late!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous.............

    " there are fewer and fewer of Conservatives who show any respect for the leaders of our country any more." That's because we have fewer and fewer, so called, leaders who deserve any respect. Further, I've read FT's comments regarding today's post and unless you think that Madame Botoxi (Pelosi) is the First Lady your comment has no relevance here. If you are referring to some other blog site, go whine there!!!

    1. Jon,
      When I arrived home, I deleted the comment as soon as I saw it in comment notification.

      It is pathetic that commenters stop by here to try to draw more into "the blog war" that is going on. Sheesh.

  12. Oh, this is rich!

    I just learned that Jeff Zients, of BAIN CAPITAL, has been called in to fix the ObamaCare web site.

  13. AOW.............


    Well there we go. We should have just elected Romney in the first place. I tried!

  14. AOW,

    Do you know why the scandal that you speak of has, apparently, been kept under wraps? I've been trying to get an answer for some time now.


  15. So....we should drop Obamacare and continue to let people die when insurance companies drop them when they've reached their lifetime caps? Or should we continue to let insurance companies deny coverage based on a pre existing condition? Or should we let kids die becasue their parents couldn't afford quality coverage? Or should we continue to drop kids from their parents coverage when they reach 21? Or should we continue to let people go into bankruptcy and sell their houses to pay for treatments? Or should we continue to have to have fundraisers at the local Fire Hall to help some a family pay for their kid's surgery?

    So it's OK with you to pay higher taxes and strain our economy to pay for those who have no health care or sub-par polices which make your own policy skyrocket at the rate it has been for the past decade?

    Get real, people.

  16. So....we should drop Obamacare and continue to let people die when insurance companies drop them when they've reached their lifetime caps? Or should we continue to let insurance companies deny coverage based on a pre existing condition? Or should we let kids die becasue their parents couldn't afford quality coverage? Or should we continue to drop kids from their parents coverage when they reach 21? Or should we continue to let people go into bankruptcy and sell their houses to pay for treatments? Or should we continue to have to have fundraisers at the local Fire Hall to help some a family pay for their kid's surgery?

    So it's OK with you to pay higher taxes and strain our economy to pay for those who have no health care or sub-par polices which make your own policy skyrocket at the rate it has been for the past decade?

    Absolutely , you idiot!

  17. At age 21, I was going to be automatically dropped from my parents' policy. So guess what? I got my own health insurance. Most the same age as I did the same thing; as a result, a lot of healthy people entered the insurance pool.

  18. Replies
    1. I know -- and they used to talk about NIXON "cracking up" while Watergate was being foisted on the nation by the enemedia.

      Wanna make a bet, the enemedia never says a WORD about this, if they can manage to avoid admitting it was ever said.

      The dyed-in-the-wool libloons will NEVER admit their is ANYTHING wrong with ANY fellow leftist -- EVER.

  19. After reading the Leftist/Progressive blog, I almost had to PUKE! It seems as if these flakes are still after George Zimmerman's hide..

    Sp the Harassment of George Zimmerman continues, that wife-beating thing was exposed as a lie when the wife refused to press charges. And now they are setting him up once again. When you make Obozo mad, he orders the govt to get you somehow.
    Let’s look at the record....
    Sep. 26, 2013
    George Zimmerman was pulled over by police in Florida for having excessive tint on his windows, according to local media.

    The stop happened last month but was not revealed until Thursday.

    Zimmerman told the Florida Highway Patrol he put the tinting on his windows because of death threats he has received since a jury acquitted him of second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, WKMG-TV reported. He also reportedly had tags that were improperly displayed.

    The Aug. 19 stop in Brevard County marks the third known time Zimmerman has been pulled over by police since his acquittal: It took place after he was pulled over for speeding in Texas but before another speeding incident in Lake Mary, Fla.

    Earlier this month, police were called after Zimmerman’s estranged wife claimed he threatened her and her father. Shellie Zimmerman, who recently filed for divorce, and her father both opted not to press charges in the incident.
    You can’t yell me that he is not being “Set-Up” Oh yes, he shot a negro while defending himself... I almost forgot!!!
    I wish Zimmerman would sue every one of these liberal bastards.

  20. In defense of Zimmerman. The liberal authorities of Florida wont stop persecuting this good citizen.
    Until they get him doing something so bad that they get the chance
    to shoot him.


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