Vivaldi's Four Seasons "Summer Sand" animation film by Ferenc Cakó, a unique presentation to feed the soul on this Labor Day weekend, traditionally the last weekend of summer:
I took a break too yesterday. It is not good for us to sit with our heads in our computers all the time, politics is dirty business, we need a break to clean off the dirt.
Debbie Right Truth
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May the cycles of live never end. Thaks for the pleasant thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI love Vivaldi's Four Seasons, but I hate seeing summer go.
ReplyDeleteHunting season, Christmas and Skiing are about all winter is good for.
Ciao Persephone.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen that before. That was awesomely cool. Thanks for sharing AOW.
ReplyDeleteI took a break too yesterday. It is not good for us to sit with our heads in our computers all the time, politics is dirty business, we need a break to clean off the dirt.
Right Truth