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Friday, February 2, 2018

"The Memo"? Updated

Could this be true? If so, the federal bureaucracy has become rogue agencies and, possible, traitors in that they broke their oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance for the short video below):

The minute that any member of any branch of our gubmint doesn't want WE THE PEOPLE to have access to something, WE THE PEOPLE should demand to have access to that something. After all, all of our elected gubmint officials are supposed to be the elected public servants of WE THE PEOPLE.


The memo's text is HERE. So far, that site hasn't crashed. HERE is the Scribd link, which stays up or goes down according to how busy the traffic is.


  1. The Dems are SO scared one actually is threatening to release other highly confidential information if this memo is released. I wish I'd written down his name because that story lasted 13 seconds. It's interesting to see how many are coming up with reasons to make the Reps look wrong/bad for releasing it. They can give it but they sure can't take it...

  2. Careful what you wish for. Given that Nunes has a reputation for being a sniveling partisan hack you may go in looking for The Pentagon Papers and end up with Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

    One theory that rings true is that, since a direct attack on Mueller has been ruled out, this is a strategy to control Mueller by ginning up a reason to fire Rosenstein (Mueller's boss) and replace him with someone who can sidetrack the investigation.

    After all, we wouldn't want we the people to find out that the great businessman (LMAO) who couldn't stay solvent without Russian money launders came with considerable strings attached.

    1. Ad Hominem topped off with Marxists Snorting Nothing But Crap Fever Swamp.

      They used campaign dirt to get a FISA warrant. If verified, people will be fired and, I hope, some will be prosecuted.

  3. Fruit of the tainted tree. All three FISA applications for surveillance of Carter Page were bogus. Muellers entire investigation is based upon prosecutorial misconduct.

    1. from the SF Examiner:

      * The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.
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      * Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

      * The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

      * DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

    2. Lock 'em Up!

      For the good of the rank and file.

    3. I'm sick of the BRITS meddling in our electoral system!

  4. Political hacks in the corporate suites of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies have brought shame and opprobrium on their organizations.

    Clean house, Mr. President, for the good of the good men and women in the rank and file.

    1. Well said....this must happen. It has to be beyond partisanship...and who can blame any president for being attacked so badly and then trying to show the truth? Only a Democrat, I guess. Nothing anti-FBI here...nothing that jeopardizes our security, as the Left tried to say many times. Watching CNN is so revealing...

  5. IF Nunes and President Trump are as smart as they seem to be, this is devastating.

    Consider: President Trump and Nunes are privy to EVERYTHING, including documents supporting the memo, and the FISA warrants themselves.

    The ball is now in the FBI's court, and they know what President Trump and Nunes knows, so they can't continue bullshitting everybody.

    1. Now,

      It's time to go after Schumer and Pelosi for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

    2. Chuck and Nancy should be easy to catch; they looked cadaverous at the SOTU.

    3. Farmer, I am praying Nunes has this all gamed out and that this first bombshell was just to get the rats and cockroaches scurrying around and issuing statements that can later be used against them.

    4. The Hillary Deep State Club has been planning this coup since Bush v. Gore. He'd better have a plan.

  6. Detail in this Twitter feed...


  7. Thersites,

    Scribd is down for maintenance.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be back shortly.

  8. I read it. It was there. Must be a billion hits on it.

  9. The Twitter feed cuts and pastes it into Tweets.

    1. Try linking to it from the Twitter feed. It works when you go direct from Twitter.

  10. The original Carter Page FISA application was NOT sought under Title VII. Does that mean that it was sought under Title I, DOMESTIC surveillance? So where do the Russians come in unless Russia-Russia's a BS coverup for a politically motivated spy job?

  11. The Russians come in via Manafort, Flynn, and Donnie Jr.

    1. Doesn't explain "why" they were wire-tapping Carter Page INSIDE the US. The FISA applications would only be needed if he left the country and they wanted to continue spying on him. Where are all the domestic wire-tapping orders?

    2. His Bio has "spook" stamped ALL over it. USNA grad, CFR intern...

    3. His PhD thesis is simply icing on the cake. The guy's no "academic".

    4. Also Carter Page had been under FISA surveillance since 2014, the dossier may have served the cause of renewing an already extant FISA investigation into Page's contacts with the Russians.

      Robbed of Republican spin, we have a dirtbag under surveillance for Russian contacts since two years before Trump was ever a candidate, and the continued investigation caught up Trump's people making contacts to the Russians.

      And two of those are going to jail for it.

      This memo is a bombshell?

    5. someone's not paying close enough attention...and watching way too much CNN. tsk tsk tsk

    6. Must be the CERN lab causing time travel paradoxes.

    7. Dems be like "oh noes don't throws us in the briar patch" ho ho hee hee

      And thus Robert Mueller's job just got easier.

  12. “The latest attacks against the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests ― no party’s, no President’s, only Putin’s,” McCain added. “The American people deserve to know all the facts surrounding Russia’s ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the lens of politics and manufacturing political sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.” John McCain, this morning.

    What attacks? Telling the truth is an ATTACK? Cleaning up our government is partisan? Mr. McCain...please...Stop.

    Yahoo, by the way, is indicated in this memo, and anybody who doubts Yahoos collaboration with the far Left doesn't use it as their homepage and see, every single day, the ugliness; it's like Mad Magazine these days. Trump is vindicated on these points and people like McCain can't stand it....

    1. McCain's p*ssed because his Annapolis "ring-knocking buddy," Carter Page's cover's about to be blown.

    2. I like your theory that Page is a spook. The FBI outing a CIA agent... What a hoot that would be.

  13. YAHOO HOMEPAGE: NO MENTION OF THE MEMO...IT'S TOP HEADLINE IS STILL 'SHOULD WE STOP SMOKING EVERYWHERE?'. Yes, YAHOO homepage, which NEVER misses a chance to print the tiniest nasty hate Republican HEADLINE!
    They're in the memo, they're in disarray....great fun!

    1. Here's the memo's condensed contents:

      Christopher Steele doesn't like Trump therefore the inclusion of his investigation along with other material should invalidate the FISA warrant against Carter Page.

      That weak sauce is what you thing has the left shaking.
      Take a deep breath.

    2. The question is, how did they characterize it to the FISA judge?

      Here's a good article on the subject, written before the memo was released.


      Ducky will quack all over it because its Andrew McCarthy writing in NRO, but McCarthy has been giving us good, straight analysis of this from his expertise and has avoided propagandizing and cheerleading.

    3. Pitch till you win, Silverfiddle.

      Doesn't even register aa a dud.

    4. I remember when liberals cared about investigation alleged government corruption.

    5. SF,
      The question is, how did they characterize it to the FISA judge?

      From the little I know about the memo -- I was working, then at the doctor's office for much of the day -- SF's question is the crux of the matter.

    6. Oh, and Mr. AOW just piped up to say, "It wasn't the same judge each time the matter came before the FISA court, so the matter had to be re-explained."

    7. Nunes has already admitted that his memo is a summary of materials he hasn't read, including the FISA warrant applications.

      Anybody not beginning with the premise that Nunes' memo is 100% bullshit is a partisan hack.

    8. Trey Gowdy and two committee investigators read the FISA warrants and took notes.

    9. Taco Bell has always sold fries. You juat never bothered to ask.

  14. YAHOO is only now mentioning the MEMO....but only leading in a huge headline about MCCAIN'S "SHARP REBUKE!"....they're so obvious it makes me laugh. Good McCain's doing the work of the DNC, huh?

    1. AH, the great King of the Red Herrings does it again!
      YAHOO...homepage...WIDELY read, widely believed...nothing but Leftwing hocus, but most Americans don't care to 'look it up'! :-)
      Nice try, Ducky.....you are THE KING.

    2. By the way, my own comment just now may appear also to be a red herring if you don't see clearly what I'd previously written.

      Think; If Breitbart hadn't mentioned some piece the leftwing actually got right on the Republicans and didn't mention it? I'd love to hear the leftwing outcry! :-)

    3. Z,

      He never fails to shut up.

  15. IF Nunes and Trump are playing it like I think they are... This is one pincer designed to drive the perps into the field of fire, and then the other pincer closes and traps them.

    There will be more to come... after the Justice and FBI perps issue their rebuttals. It won't happen this soon. Gotta let the perps and their apologists spill it all out on the Sunday talk shows.

    Also, I hope we eventually find out Atty General Sessions had convened a grand jury sometime last year.

    Anybody remember that female partisan hack yapping and bragging on MSNBC about how they rang all the alarm bells at all the agencies when they thought Donald Trump could win?

    What happened to her? She dummied up in a hurry. Has Sessions' Justice already deposed her?

    This is going to get fun...

    1. The Right has already said there is much more coming. They've also just announced the WH will totally cooperate with getting a Dem memo out, if they go through the rings the Right had to to thru to get this to us.

    2. There better be more, for their sake.

      This has them looking like utter fools.

    3. This just leaked:

      Cigarette Smoking Man was behind that Carter Page warrant.

    4. I think ducky LIKES the fact that the FBI can fake the requisite legal premises for a FISA warrant whenever they need one.

    5. All strawmen with him. ignore..

    6. "We are in the middle of what I call phase two of our investigation, which involves other departments, specifically the State Department and some of the involvement that they had in this," Nunes said.

      "That investigation is ongoing and we continue work towards finding answers and asking the right questions to try to get to the bottom of what exactly the State Department was up to in terms of this Russia investigation."

    7. the FBI can fake the requisite legal premises for a FISA warrant whenever they need one.

      Oh those tricksy FBI people, setting up Trump with FISA warrants on Carter Page back in 2013...

    8. Those were based on the Trump dossier, too! Brilliant planning!

    9. It's a shame that AG Lynch didn't have a fake dossier to back up her 2016 FISA requests to spy on Trump.

  16. At the risk of boring repetition, I ask the Trump haters out there to consider the reaction if this had played out in 2008, with Barack Hussein Obama as the target.

    Democrats would be screaming bloody murder, and I go out on a limb to say, I think Republicans would be calling for heads to roll as well, rather than engaging in the embarrassing partisan fig leaf knitting Dems are doing now.

    We are in police state territory.

    1. Ducky, Studied ignorance doesn't become you. I realize progs are plonkish and humorless, but for Gaia's sake, try to expand that narrow mind of yours and use a little imagination.

    2. Nunes has admitted he has not read the materials his memo "summarizes.

      This is worse than a 2nd grader trying to bullshit his way through a college literature essay test on the Brothers Karamazov.

    3. That's okay beamish. His staff prepared some Cliff notes for him.

    4. See comment above. Rep Gowdy and two committee investigations pored over the FISA requests and made extensive notes.

    5. LOL!

      So when do we get a summary of Soros-funded CERN lab time travel experiments to get intel agencies to begin surveilling Carter Page in 2013?

      Oh wait, they have time travel tech. They will make the past what it is in the future.

      Or, crazy idea, the Nunes memo is full of shit.

    6. What we REALLY need is a Congressional investigation into why the FBI is using time travel technology to mess with Donald Trump rather than stopping 9/11.

    7. The first is a counter-intel investigation. The memo deals with the FISA request, which happened in 2016.

      Page had already been interviewed once by the FBI, he knew they were "on to him," so the normal procedure would have been for the FBI or some government agency to provide a counter-intel briefing to Trump and his top campaign people and warn them off of Page.

      That is what the did for Hillary's campaign when they got too chummy with people known by federal law enforcement to be Russian agents.

      Funny enough, all this really points to is that Donald Trump was never the target.

      Anyway, we're only seeing a few of the pieces right now. Plenty more to come, and I say the more sunshine the better. This is a serious civil liberties issue.

    8. He was "warned off" by wise DC insiders. I'm not defending his poor staffing choices. I am pointing out how Obama officials handled insider threats in the two campaigns differently.

      Inside Trump communications now part of the record show top officials rejecting Page's suggestions Trump go to Russia. After Page himself went, the campaign let him go. Also, Page never met with Trump himself.

      We'll be able to fill the picture in better as more details come out. Stay tuned.

    9. It's more believable to me that Trump rejected reality and substituted his own. Look how long he clung to that weird idea that Obama was born in Kenya he picked up at Hillary fundraisers.

      Ockham's razor whittles this down to Trump is just really, really, really window-slurping stupid.

    10. TC: You really do yourself a disservice when you say it is an absurd premise that Rump isn't an idiot.
      I do not think you know the meaning of that word.

    11. Hi Ed,
      TC entered mumbling bum soiling himself on the sidewalk long ago. Just go with it.

  17. ⦁ The FBI relied heavily on Democratic Party dossier to obtain three surveillance warrants before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The FBI did not tell the court the information came from a Democratic Party-financed opposition research. FBI knew source.

    ⦁ In one application to judges, FBI cited two sources, the dossier and a story by Yahoo News. But the Yahoo story was based on the dossier. Not really two sources.

    ⦁ Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe said warrants on Trump volunteer Carter Page could not have been obtained without dossier.

    ⦁ Dossier writer Christopher Steele lied to FBI when he said he did not speak with media. He has said in libel case that he spoke to reporters repeatedly.

    ⦁ FBI fired Mr. Steele. He then continued to funnel information to the agency through former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr. Bruce Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition research that paid Mr. Steele. She passed Fusion research to the FBI, which never disclosed source to FISA court.

    ⦁ Mr. Steele said he wanted to destroy Trump’s presidency with a dossier that remains discredited.

    ⦁ Former FBI director James Comey signed three surveillance warrants on Trump campaign aid Carter Page at the same time he told President-elect Trump that the dossier was “salacious and unverified.”


  18. Now Yahoo's about FINALLY the memo...but it's how the Republicans are being criticized over the memo? BY WHOM? All the leftwing venues!? And why? Nothing was revealed that jeopardizes anybody...just important to let Americans know all that we thought of Obama and Comey was RIGHT> Comey's REALLY showing his true colors now, by the way

  19. Muddy Waters ... (and not the musician)

    Right now, it looks like politically-motivated leakers used the Carter Page investigation/surveillance to throw mud on Donald Trump and discredit him in the public eye.

    Is Mueller investigating alleged crimes? Or is it a counter-intelligence investigation?

    Whoever gamed all this out did so to discredit candidate Trump, and when against all odds he was elected, to hamstring and booby-trap his administration at every turn. Getting Sessions to recuse, and then appointing Mueller assured President Trump and his administration would be back on their heels and under a cloud of suspicion.

    The conspirators who cooked that up and executed it are brilliant, and they should all be hanged by the neck until dead for their treason.

  20. No, they goaded him. It was brilliant. Having McCabe and Comey both tell Trump and Preibus Trump was under no cloud of suspicion and then refusing to say that publicly was like waving a red flag at a bull. Brilliant. That was just good strategery, not criminal.

  21. Dumb animal easily tricked into running into a sword? Geeting warmer with that dumb animal part, but how did "they" trick Trump into hiring Page, Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos, and all the other Russian inel assets by telling Trump they are Russian intel assets?

    Hint: It's either / or. Either Trump is a Russian intel asset, or he's severely mentally retarded. These are not mutually exclusive.

  22. I'll give you that "we're too stupid to be criminal" defense worked for Bill Clinton...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. No Body Asked Me But......February 3, 2018 at 4:48:00 PM CST

    When then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton set-up and then President Obama approved and announced the sale of 20% of our uranium stocks to Russia, that sale itself dictated that said 20% had to be replenished in order to bring our country’s uranium stocks back up to 100%. And where would that uranium come from…some might just come from the up-to-this-point unmined uranium deposits in Alabama…maybe even from under the ground Jeff Sessions owns the mineral rights to. Possibly then making Sessions one very rich man no matter his department’s recusal from drilling and mining issues, this could be yet another reason why he will not take sides on G.O.P. demands to probe “years-old matters” connecting Hillary Clinton to Russia.

    1. Wow. You're on to them... And Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley are supervising a captured crew of Roswell alien who are slaves in Sessions' uranium mine. LOL

    2. The "20%" never left the country. Why does it have to be replenished?

      Did you see that due to the world wide glut of uranium ore that Kazakhstan(world's largest producer) announced at the beginning of the year it would cut production 20%( equivalent to a worldwide cut of ~10%).

  25. Fallacy of the excluded middle. Trump ran the campaign on a shoestring, he was not well-connected to DC, his campaign was a joke to all the serious kids, so he was unable to attract serious heavyweights.

    None of the people you mentioned have so-far been shown to be "Russian intel assets." Careful don't get too far over your skis. I know how thin-skinned you are about people laughing at you.

  26. No middle excluded. I generally find exploiting retards to be appalling. I also think it's cleverly cynical, or cynically clever, for Trump's current exploiters to have stolen him first from the Clintons and then from the Russians.

  27. There is only one question to ask . Why are we on this costly, and timely Witch Hunt, and this obvious Wild Goose Chase when we always knew, and that we now positively know and we have people who are intentionally Ignoring the obvious fact that there are treasonous forces within our own country and our own Government who have allied together, and have financed an operation and plotted a seam to not only fix the election of Donald Trump, but to try and over turn the election with Russian agents using Russian Propaganda, and people within the opposing party !

    The only crime we have seen here is Collusion with an agent of the Kremlin Christopher Steele and others, and those who Colluded with him and paid him for aiding them in disrupting The Democratic Process on behalf of Hillary Clinton, and the entire Democratic National Committee!

  28. After losing what should have been a pretty winnable election, it would make sense for Hillary Clinton to sit down with her team and assess what happened and why they lost. It would be useful information for anybody that wants to challenge Trump in 2020. However, that kind of self-reflection would be grounds for accepting responsibility for something and Hillary Clinton does not do that.

    Instead, Hillary chose to blame James Comey. In revealing what is either a stunning lack of self-awareness or just her innate penchant for blaming others for her troubles, she decided to attempt to make the case to donors the reason she lost states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio was due to letters sent by FBI Director James Comey to members of Congress about her emails.


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