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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Worth 1000 Words

With a hat tip to Geeez:

My lightly edited comment to Z's post:

We are living in AmeriKa. Yes, we are.

I don’t expect Congress to do a single thing to rein in Obama on this. NOT ONE THING!

We’ll soon find out if my prediction is correct.

I’d like to be wrong — but I don’t have any evidence that I'm wrong.

How has this Congress reined in Obama? By that measure, the 2014 Election did not matter!


  1. I propose two alternatives. Call it the Beamish Plan.

    1) We give Iran nuclear bombs, one in every Iranian city, express delivered via ICBM, until they don't want any more.


    2) We modify the Obama deal to read that inspectors are to have 24 / 7 unfettered access to anywhere they want to inspect, delays or refusal to grant access to any site lasting more than a Planck second will result in the immediate bombing of all nuclear sites in Iran, and the first place we want to inspect is Ayatolah Ali Khameini's ass.

  2. SF,
    Remind me of how many billions in reparations we're going to be shelling out to Iran?

  3. From what I understand, negotiating for the release of the four Americans languishing in Iranian prisons was not even part of the deal which was struck.

    Whatever happened to the standard of "no man left behind" -- a standard applied to trading five Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl?

    1. Obama's new stategy for ISIS in the ME is, "No Taliban left behind!"

    2. FJ,
      That's his strategy, all right. It's all about "fundamental change."

  4. Iranians are celebrating on the streets. Americans who are hearing the details of this deal aren't. 'nuff said.

    1. Z,
      I guess that they are celebrating. Did not Iran get basically everything that the mullahs wanted?

    2. I have only one of the many pics of their celebrating in Teheran's streest at my post....there are many more on line. Yes, they are celebrating. Of course, that's mostly having the sanctions lifted; AND PRIDE.
      What Americans will never understand that PRIDE is everything in that region. They won. They know that. They got most of what they wanted; including keeping four Americans in prison.
      How much would it have been to let them OUT? That's not about what they did to get them into prison!...that's PRIDE that's not letting them be released. It's why Mexico kept our Marine last year, remember? "We're keeping your people" Oh, yes, Iran is very happy.

      Sorry Obama was so disgusted at Major Garrett's question...Garrett was right to ask.

  5. and thanks for the mention, AOW.

  6. I don't know about reparations. Do you mean frozen assets?

    A quick Yahoogling says a total of $100 billion in Iranian assets are currently frozen. $50 billion of that held by the US.

    I'm sure President Obama will rush to get that money to his new friends, the turds in turbans.

  7. SF,
    I was using the word "reparations" as snark.

  8. SF,
    I'm sure President Obama will rush to get that money to his new friends, the turds in turbans.

    I'm of the same opinion.

    I cannot imagine that the billions will actually be used to help the people of Iran.


  9. Will this treaty lower the threat of nuclear proliferation in the region?
    As you'd expect the opinions vary but I don't see it making the situation worse.

    It's a tough road. The Israelis and the Saudis, terrific allies, one runs a prison colony and the other exports Wahhabism, are being told that they don't control our policy in the region. That alone is a benefit.

    So without sanctions maybe the middle class in Iran (they're the ones celebrating) prospers and the mullahs have to be pragmatic and loosen their grip a bit.

    I don't know and neither do any of you.
    I still don't see this as a step backward from the current state.

    1. I'm wondering if 25+ years of negative to zero population growth in Iran solves this problem itself. Pretty soon the average Iranian will either be too old to fight or too young to reach the gun shelf.

      Let ISIS exhaust them.

    2. Nice try with the 'prison colony' comment, but like the typical leftist, you're wrong and trafficking in blatant lies.

      Palestinians control their territories, not the Israelies. Palestinians keep people in refugee camps and richer muslims do nothing to help them, all to keep the propaganda going. It's sick, and its completely under the control of the Palestinians. If they wanted to make a nice country, with a little monetary help from their rich coreligionists, they could.

      Also, nowhere else in the ME besides Israel are ordinary muslims safer, freer, or richer.


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